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File: 120 KB, 1600x1271, 1_tT7nQtoW7Yap_SetzFFHOQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9137981 No.9137981 [Reply] [Original]

this is how that bitcoin cash you are shilling so hard from your poo stained hovel in mumbai came to be

1. bitcoin holders get ALL of your coins, for FREE

2. we immediately sell them to idiots like you in exchange for your bitcoin

3. we sell your bitcoin for cash or we hold it as bitcoin goes to a million while your shitcoin bcash goes to zero

so to be clear, the minute, the SECOND you bought bcash you lost to us, you literally work for BTC holders, thanks btw for the free almost whole bitcoin

>> No.9138032

Imagine paying actual money for bcash, that millions of people got for free last year!
I wonder do Roger and Craig sit there laughing at the order books? I know I do.

>> No.9138061

I doubt it, otherwise they would not spend the money to shill it aggressivly like that. Also stop giving it attention.

>> No.9138065

>being this stupid and not just day trading everything for 1-4x a day


>> No.9138151
File: 200 KB, 1146x776, Screen Shot 2018-04-28 at 10.19.09 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chain do not rejoin - ever.

Competition. One Dies. The one that scales onchain, that is cash can grow....

The system without is a dead man walking.

Cryptocurrency is capitalism.


N. Korea's economy died while the S. Korea's flourished. It wasn't a change of heart, ideology, or the threat of military force that caused N. Korea to reach out for peace. It ultimately came down to survival. Capitalism is hard to beat. The chain with the better economics wins.

>> No.9138221
File: 77 KB, 749x274, FC8F9AAD-62EC-4C51-AF0E-2533D27EE995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who only hold BTC because they think it’ll make them rich are also the reason it will fail.

Really makes you think when people don’t understand why Satoshi wrote the white paper.

>> No.9138235

>1. bitcoin holders get ALL of your coins, for FREE
You had to buy bitcoin to get bitcoin cash during the fork. Technically speaking BTC holders overpaid at the time to get BCH and if BCH was free its marketcap would still exist inside of core, but its #4 right now, dense faggot.

>2. we immediately sell them to idiots like you in exchange for your bitcoin
I sold most of my Core for Cash, stay cucked.

>3. we sell your bitcoin for cash or we hold it as bitcoin goes to a million while your shitcoin bcash goes to zero
wat? Core is never going to a mil. Fees and leadtimes are already building up again and BCH is being vindicated yet again.


>> No.9138238
File: 102 KB, 733x464, BCH=BTC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9138251

>stop giving it attention.
That's nice in theory but noobs are being tricked. Oldfags are seriously underestimating how effective the disinformation campaign is.
It's everyone's responsibility to keep the community honest, even if you don't hold bitcoin itself.
If a noob is tricked into losing $1k to the wrong wallet they won't be coming back, and they'll tell all their friends about it.

>> No.9139321
File: 62 KB, 1152x252, Screen Shot 2018-02-14 at 10.05.46 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whale pool spokes person reminding core cucks its their fault.

>> No.9139396
File: 172 KB, 992x744, RefugeesSinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody calls Bitcoin bcore or bitcoin core except cashies. Nobody except cashies call bcash bitcoin. Makes them easy to spot and laugh at.

>> No.9140093