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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 40 KB, 1254x485, sibos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9137760 No.9137760 [Reply] [Original]


>ctrl-f "chain"
>0 results
>ctrl-f "link"
>0 results
>ctrl-f "contract"
>0 results

>ctrl-f "ripple"
>1 result!
>ctrl-f "hyperledger"
>1 result!

>> No.9137966

bump. What does this mean?

>> No.9138095

It means chainlink isnt even good enough for the bathroom stall

>> No.9138109

Sergey doesn't have to shill Link anymore, we are ready for takeoff.

>> No.9138135

I’m the guy who has been telling brainlets to buy Ripple instead of Link for months.

You’re welcome for the gains faggots.

>> No.9138185

I do miss the toilet flushing noises meme. What caused that one to start again?

>> No.9138200
File: 78 KB, 474x447, 1520709106589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anybody was confused about which coin is better, XRP or LINK, they deserve poverty. Linklets on suicide watch

>> No.9138206
File: 64 KB, 1066x600, 1522270702719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we will have made it by then fren

>> No.9138312

Sibos 2017, Everyone expected Sergey to be main stage. Instead they put him in a little conference room next to the shitters and it was said you could hear the toilets flush while sergey was giving his presentation to 20-30 people

>> No.9138720
File: 70 KB, 640x634, 1522570130571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9139310
File: 61 KB, 800x450, aMtTSRF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9139323

chainlink is not at SIBOS 2018 because they already did a POC idiot. they are implementing the product for SWIFT this year.

>> No.9139333

I'm fucking sick of it. These over confident threads, the smug anons thinking they've made it already. I've been holding these ICO bags for fucking 8 months. It's not happening. It hasn't happened. It won't happen. The overconfidence is actually starting to become my biggest personal FUD. You faggots are so sure of the moon, that the inverse is going to happen. Thats how this market seems to work. I'm fucking scared boys. I can't hold these bags any longer. If I had bought literally any of my other picks instead of LINK I'd have 5x+ more money. It fucking hurts. Part of me is starting to despise Sergey. I'm starting to fuckign hate the guy. Why won't he just throw us a fucking bone? We've missed the biggest bull-run of all time holding his shitty bags and he is 100% completely unapologetic.

>> No.9139401
File: 158 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180428-130339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means you should have bought ae

>> No.9139516

3/10 fudbuddy

>> No.9139711

Same here, the overconfidence ruins it all. The guys who bought ETH, ANS, etc. were not that confident, they've probably had faith but not the "we're definitely gonna make it" faith
Also, checked

>> No.9139746

Very good, attack these fucks where they are the weakest; their masculinity. Seriously, whoever is on the FUD campaign, this is an excellent approach. Develop it further please

>> No.9139771

Doesn't change the fact on what chainlink is doing
You are implying that the behavior of holders have any influence whatsoever

>> No.9139777

Best investors are betas since you need patience.

>> No.9139793
File: 123 KB, 1024x953, abbb248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You actually fell for the "Oracle Problem" meme?

>> No.9139799

You're responding to a pasta x to the D

>> No.9139834

It had influence on overall price expectations, but it doesn't influence the project progress, sure (although who knows how Sergey reacts at some memes posted by local retards on his twitter)

>> No.9139866

Ha ha ha ha ha !!!!
Cought you fucking pasta posting pajeets redhanded !!
Read this fucking thread
and cry poo-tears !!
CL (shit on it!) is fucking worthless !
Can't bring decentralized and trustless data into the blockchain lol because the smartcontract creator has to choose APIs, thus making the whole CL (shit on it!) project worse than fucking Mobius, not to speak about Oraclize.
You fucked up skizos got literally fucked in the asses by a faggot who calls himself Assblaster and there is nothing you can do about it but circleshit in eachothers mouths !
Motherfuckers !
I'm dieing of laughter right fucking now !!

>> No.9139950

You are some kinda retard anon.
You expect Sergey to actually care to make YOU rich by buying a couple hundred bucks of his project? And in only 8 months?!? HAHAHAHA

>> No.9139999

Yes, go back to your make-believe bubble where everything is set for you to have the life you always wanted and the only thing you need to do is trust someone else to solve it all. There is nothing for you to do, just wait. It will all get better once you make it.

Your parents will be proud of you and look up to you. Your friends will respect you and want to be on your life more often. You'll find love, be sure of it. Once you've uncovered who you really are after acquiring your wealth people will agree with you: You're the best! You’re so smart! You’re so lucky! I am so lucky to have met you, I'm always going to be by your side, and I love you. I love you. Maybe she does and maybe she won't leave. Maybe your new and old friends like you all the same and do care for you. Maybe your parents do think they did a great job raising you. Or maybe you don't have anyone at all. Even better then, because once you make it none of this will matter. That's because everything you've dreamed of being depends on only one decision. Would you'd made it if it wasn't for this? Would you'd made it if you didn't risk being a fool for a year or two before whatever scam you're attached to succeeded? I don't think so and you don't think so either.

That's why you're still here, looking for yet another clue to lay back and be calm while you wait for the day when the rest of your life can truly begin. Keep waiting.

>> No.9140029

Who cares about price expectations?
Original investors of chainlink know the reasonable pricerange
All the retarded memes and EOY came with the rattail newfags
I dont see how beeing overconfident has anything to do with the project or if it will be successful at all
Especially if you see how differently the team is handling the whole situation
Basically the opposite of biz hypeboys

>> No.9140812

wow...baka...this is just sad.

>> No.9140830

has this been confirmed or is this an autistic projection?

>> No.9140880


>> No.9140949

It's speculation, but a reasonable one, multiple blockchain projects were canceled. Link is not one of them

>> No.9141041

sounds like far fetched speculation if you ask me. Swift has been kicking the tires and hasn't committed to any projects, thinking they'll partner up this year is hopeful i'd say.

>> No.9141348

Swift is on the Exhibitor List, though.
Really makes you think.

>> No.9141386

Jesus christ linkies just got blown out.

>> No.9141615


his post makes no sense though, it's gibberish

>Would you'd made it if it wasn't for this?

you could say the same thing about having been born with a very high iq, being super tall and having a shot at the nba, being incredibly good looking, or having an enormous wang. at least with link you're putting something on the line and making a decision to invest in something. the rest of the post just assumes you're a neet

>> No.9141701

Lol at not knowing the difference between a speaker and exhibitor. Exhibitors pay to attend, Sergey will probably be invited

>> No.9141775

Quads of fucking judgement. Fuck man, you shot too close to home. But I know those are your feelings too, deep down. My best fuds are the ones where I draw on my own personal feelings. We'll make it man, and we can begin our lives.