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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9137548 No.9137548 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this not out of the top 20 yet? Its centralized with a few pools taking up the hashing power, slow transactions and confirmation times, expensive fees and is the opposite of eco friendly.

Why isn't Zilliqa, ADA, EOS, Stellar, ICX and WAN above this shitcoin ETH?

>> No.9137620

you're absolutely right. you should go all in on all those coins (heaviest in EOS) and you'll basically have a lambo by 2019. better do it quick before the prices keep going up.

>> No.9137644

EOS blows E V E R Y T H I N G out of the water. If you like holding multiple cryptos spread your bets a bit I guess, but I’ve been all in EOS for almost a year now.

>> No.9137668

This has to be sarcasm

>> No.9137674
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Because it's working unlike your memecoins, faggot.

>> No.9137704

Biggest ruski scam

>> No.9137744

for real bro. who will you be voting for? I will def be voting for bitfinex and bitmain/antpool as block producing super nodes and I hope we get more high quality candidates like that.

>> No.9137751

98% of the shitcoins are built of this and couldnt exist without it

>> No.9137795

This OP. Go all in on EOS. Ethereum will fail any day now

>> No.9137805

See posts like this easily out a person that has absolutely no idea about what drives the success of a product, and really just no knowledge about the real world.

Marketing. Everybody knows Ethereum and Vitalik is a figurehead in crypto. It literally doesn't matter how good your product is if nobody knows about it, especially when something like it already exists, even if it might not be as up to snuff.

Why would you risk your project on one of those others platforms that aren't as well known, instead of developing on Ethereum which has made a name for itself and remains second to Bitcoin in market cap? Vitalik is also an autist and they're working on upgrades to the scalability issues it has.

People aren't buying your other shit because there's no demand for it, even though they're better. Simple as that.

>> No.9137819

You mean how is it not top1 yet.
Bcore as #1 is such a joke and disgrace to crypto.

>> No.9137844
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gets hacked repeatedly, no actual dapps, fees are bullshit expensive, slow, shit wallets, use case is launching ponzi scheme icos which will soon be regulated, possibly a security as per SEC, centralized and controlled by miners, might be forked again, commie vitalik in control, solidity is a shit insecure language

wew! this level of delusion

>> No.9137902

They’re not better though. Ethereum blows all that useless crap out of the water no matter how hard they FUD and how much they pay their shills

>> No.9137912

Hm idk maybe because none of the other shitcoins you mentioned would even exist without eth

>> No.9137930

these retards truly do have room temperature IQs

>> No.9137935

Wow btc must have been such a disgrace to crypto since the beginning because it has been first since it’s creation and will stay that way until a better coin, not bcash fag, comes into play

>> No.9138154
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because the technology is next level brilliant and it actually works. secondly all the so-called 'ethereum killers' literally exist on the ethereum blockchain

EOS is a fucking ERC20 token that is literally irredeemable. Enjoy getting shat on by clinton foundation scumbags and soros

>> No.9138210
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cool story bro, it literally runs on Ethereum.

Also have fun with your worthless EOS tokens, picture related

>> No.9138330

Another xrp scam

>> No.9138359
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>gets hacked repeatedly
The last time it got hacked was.......never. There were exploits in 2016.

>no actual dapps
What is Augur, Digix, Golem, BAT, 0x, Airswap, OMG, all already completely functional, used and growing. Oh yeah, and 99% of the shitcoins doing ICO's.

>fees are bullshit expensive
As per ethgasstation dot info the current fee is 0.057usd. You must be really poor.

avg confirmation time is atm 1.7 minute.

>shit wallets
Also the most choice in the whole of crypto between wallets. BTW tell me, where do you store your EOS? Oh yeah, that's right, in your ETH wallet. Because it's a fucking token running on Ethereum, you fucking mongoloid.

>use case is launching ponzi scheme icos which will soon be regulated
The whole of crypto will soon be regulated, and washtrading schemes like EOS will be the first to get hunted the fuck down. This is not an Ethereum-specific issue.

>possibly a security as per SEC
Get the fuck outta here with this stale FUD.

>centralized and controlled by miners
Sure buddy. How about the glorious amount of 21 nodes for EOS, centralized as fuck.

>might be forked again
Might? MIGHT? Ethereum WILL be forked, into PoS, and that's a good thing.
BTC has forked multiple times now and somehow it's not a problem over there, why is for ETH when it actually improves the product.

>commie vitalik in control
He has proven to be a great human being so far. Who is in control of EOS might I ask? They all look and have acted like kiddy diddlers.

>solidity is a shit insecure language
Actually more and more dev's are getting the hang of it and saying it's a well suited language for this usecase.

Now, tell me about that delusion again.

>> No.9138395

so much huffpo posting here. get the fuck out kike
>and thats a good thing
>great human, muh morals
>hacks are not exploits
>all the dapps are things that will never ever be used in real life, just like ethereum

>> No.9138434

Ethereum has already won.

>> No.9138438
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I'm just trying to educate noobs who have only been in crypto for 1 or 2 years man, please don't lose your money in the EOS scam.

I literally don't care beyond that, I've got massive bags of ETH and I'll soon be able to retire on them, for life.
These desperate retards shilling EOS on /biz/ are ruining this board, as if they can sway a multi billion industry by shitposting on a Mongolian basketweaving forum, hahah.

>> No.9138441
File: 78 KB, 900x900, 6CE72912-BD3E-4CCD-B027-FA67E1D17685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren’t as smart as you think you are.

You don’t even understand that the Ethereum foundation is more at risk of SEC fire than block.one. You don’t realize that 1.7 minutes is longer than 0.5s re: block times. You don’t realize EOS isn’t just an ERC20 but a finished product launching in June wherein all of the tokens will be frozen and transferred to the new EOS blockchain(s). You don’t realize that KRW is driving EOS and not wash trading. You don’t realize that 121* (not 21, they rotate) elected nodes are much more decentralized than Ethereum and Bitcoin. You don’t realize that solidity actually is shit, especially compared to C++.

You’re a mETH head and you will remain poor. I’ve just destroyed all of your arguments.

How does it feel to know that you are wrong?

>> No.9138669
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>You don’t even understand that the Ethereum foundation is more at risk of SEC fire than block.one.

You don't realize the whole crypto scene is lobbying as a motherfucker with legislation organs around the world (SEC is just 1 organ in 1 country). Who are major drivers behind this education of governments? Oh yeah, right, that's Coinbase and Consensys. Oh yeah, they're also coincidentally literally the biggest Ethereum supporters ever. If you don't see that Ethereum has the biggest mindshare of the whole crypto industry you're fucking blind man and no-one can help you.

>You don’t realize that 1.7 minutes is longer than 0.5s re: block times.
0.5s on what? Your imaginary blockchain that isn't even running literally millions of tx's a day yet (like Ethereum)? It's all talk man, EOS is pure air atm. Just some words on a website, this shit ain't even live yet.

>You don’t realize EOS isn’t just an ERC20 but a finished product launching in June wherein all of the tokens will be frozen and transferred to the new EOS blockchain(s).
Oh but that's actually what I'm trying to tell you. Finished project that isn't live yet, hahaha. I'm sure you would have believe Ethereum was a finished product in summer 2015 too, before it went live. That's not how anything running on code and exposed to the world wide web works. EOS will have to go through all the same growing pains, and ETH is 3 years ago.

>You don’t realize that KRW is driving EOS and not wash trading.
I simple look at CMC tells us: about 26% of EOS volume is KRW. 44% is UDST, which is perfect for washtrading since no KYC on most exchanges. So yeah, no.

>You don’t realize that 121* (not 21, they rotate) elected nodes are much more decentralized than Ethereum and Bitcoin.
I have to say I legitimately did not know about the 121, but elections are never decentralized.

>You don’t realize that solidity actually is shit, especially compared to C++.
Great argument. Might as well have said NO U.

>> No.9138793
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Just wanted to add for gloating purposes:

>You’re a mETH head and you will remain poor. I’ve just destroyed all of your arguments.
Nah brah, been in ETH since the start. I've already made it and sometimes come back to /biz/ to give back.
The early whales that used to lurk here have mostly left, the entire community here went to shit around April 2017 when all the bullshit alts started booming. When fictional roadmaps, copypasted white papers and stolen code was enough to lure in the newcomers. The uneducated newcomers who all wanted their x10000 as well, desperately looking for their own golden goose to milk dry. Fiercily shilling whatever shit they could find, ignoring dev mindshare and actual fundamentals.

>> No.9138841

>0.5s on what? Your imaginary blockchain that isn't even running literally millions of tx's a day yet (like Ethereum)? It's all talk man, EOS is pure air atm. Just some words on a website, this shit ain't even live yet.

May I direct you to blocktivity.info and then let me ask you which are the 2 most active blockchains right now.

Thats right, BTS and Steem with both around 1,000,000 transactions per day and running at less than 1% utilization. That's proof of concept right there since they are Dan's prior projects. EOS will be even better and faster as well.

>> No.9138886

you're that one guy responsible for like half the EOS posts on this forum. I can tell because you always use the same phrases like "you aren't as smart as you think you are" and "you will remain poor".

>> No.9138892
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0.057 USD is expensive as fuck compared to....wait for it....FREEEEEEEE!
an "exploit" where somebody hacked it and took the money. keep shifting goal posts.
none of those dapps are completely functional! lelel they require scaling solutions!
1.7 minutes is an eternity now!
MEW is shit, regardless of what coins i hold. keep compensating black skinned nigger
stale FUD? SEC just mentioned this last week
21 nodes is more than 5 mining pools! nigger! block producers are voted in and out, they are not permanent. nigger!
forking Ethereum is just fixing a broken product. that's basically saying it's shit you nigger!
Vitalik is a faggit commie, you're a faggit commie
Solidity is the reason why companies are moving to EOS, also the reason why they are moving to Stellar. solidity is an insecure turing complete language. it's shit


>> No.9138935

you have no idea what communism is lmfao. you just use a bunch of words you don't understand because you're not smart enough to do anything besides parrot other people. you're an embarrassment to the white race

>> No.9139421

Adoption trumps tech potential in short term valuation. Coin with widespread adoption can upgrade its tech anyway. Crypto has a shitcoin dilution problem which means coins run by teams who are good at marketing will rise, coins with bad marketing will fall regardless of their advanced tech. Perfectly good, even superior, consumer products have failed for exactly this reason.

>> No.9139458

100% correct. You should be ALL IN on EOS it's going to flip ETH this year and then they'll probably be tied for a few years. Buying EOS right now is like buying ETH at $100. Literally can not lose.

>> No.9139490

>literally advocates free transactions for everyone
>then hates on Vitalik and anon for being a 'faggit commie'

The absolute state of your brain is beyond repair mate. Not even going to start argueing with you why free TX's will never work.

>> No.9139577
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>running at less than 1% utilization
your own facts prove nobody is even using 'ol Dan's shitchains.

>> No.9139599

>all in for a year

The absolute state

>> No.9139674
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>> No.9139722

Ethereum is arguably shit-tech however it has such a large community behind it that it's almost stupid to expect nothing positive from it

>> No.9139736

ETH already won crypto. It’s too little too late for eos. Even EBET is a better investment than Eoshit and I’m not even joking

>> No.9139997


mother of most scamcoins - many which still hold eth ... thats why