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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9137449 No.9137449 [Reply] [Original]

At what point did you realize that the way to make money is to absolutely ignore everyone here. Shillers, Fudders, it's all a big joke and the only ones that make money are the people that see it like that.

I literally only use /biz/ to browse the catalog and get an idea of stuff that's getting talked about so I could look it up. Taking any advice here and actually investing or selling based on it makes you a person that others make money from, congrats.

btw LINK is a cult and REQ will be $10 EoY, check these dubs and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.9137755



>> No.9137804

>ignore everyone here.
honestly most intelligent biz posts are just people from /r/cc

>> No.9137859


>> No.9137933

your typical biztard everybody

>> No.9137949

not entirely true. anyone who took anon's advice on buying Origami a few days ago would be many times richer than if they hadn't. It's the best source of information about price movements and any news from the smallest speculation to anything significant. If you have a stack of LINK higher than 50k you'll never be able to leave this place for good until we reach singularity.

>> No.9137965

about the time i held Bean for six months and sold at and made 3000% profits

>> No.9137998

/biz is a great place to get news. The little shits sit in their basements 24/7 jerking off and creeping and crawling over the crypto sites like little shit-stained spiders.They rush to /biz to report any little bit of news... what a bunch of fuck-stains.

>> No.9138025

It depends. There's street-shitter level shilling on here which takes up most of the space, but if you hang around long enough you start to be able to differentiate between discord shillers and genuine sentiment. February and March were actually the best times for this as the discord shills were hibernating and we had some great in-depth discussion threads that really got into the meat and gristle of different coins, strengths and weaknesses, intelligent discussions and refutations, etc.

/biz/ is 100% the reason I have LINK, REQ and RLC in my folio, they would all look like pajeet trashcoins to me if I hadn't spent shitloads of time lurking /biz/ picking out intelligent arguments from powh3d and UFR threads.

>> No.9138086
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>> No.9138121

I really don't get it. Anyone that FUDs or shills here must be pretty fucking retarded and pathetic. /biz/ has 0 influence on the market what the actual fuck why would anyone invest time and effort in this place.