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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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91354 No.91354[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Serious question and in no way intended to be racist because I'm not and this isn't /pol/. But anyway...

Can anyone explain why Jews are so damn successful in business and with money in general? I don't buy into all the conspiracy crap but it amazes me the amount of Jews owning/running the worlds biggest businesses, banks, media outlets etc

It is mind boggling just how many of the worlds top business people are Jewish. Why do they excel so much?

>> No.91440

It's because they support each other, kind of like a banking mafia.

>> No.91447

One of them gets in, everybody else rides the train and shut everybody else out.

That's how Jews work.

>> No.91459


This is the basic reason.

It's like asking why are there so many harvard/yale alum in business and politics. You have one group of people with something in common and they tend to help each other out

>> No.91471

Superior brain power. The part of the brain which helps with business prowess is bigger in Jews. I'm not a neurologist but I read that somewhere

>> No.91486

If I'm half jew can I get in on the business Illuminati or am I too mixed? I want the shekels

>> No.91519

Good goy

>> No.91533

This, and they only let in the goy that sell their souls to them.
And claiming jews run everything in the West ins't a conspiracy theory, it's the truth.

>> No.91539

This, Judaism is extremely incestous and exclusive to "others"

>> No.91564

>Have a small thing going for a year
>Get contacted by guy that I know who blurts out that he's a jew
>He says he got connections if I'd like to monetize the thing
>Needless to say I stay the fuck out and never talk to him again

Once you let the jews in they will take you for all you got and never leave

>> No.91566

Jews are slaves to wealth. They sacrificed their souls to Moloch thousands of years ago, now they must worship money.

>> No.91578

Here is the real not /pol/ reason.

In the middle ages it was a sin for a Christian to give a loan that had interest to another Christian.

So the only people who ran banks were jews.

The reason so many jews are in Hollywood is because poor Jewish immigrants making films for non protestants on the East coast started stepping on Thomas Edisons turf, so he used patent lawsuits and goons to run them out of business.

This caused them to flee to the West coast where patent laws were not enforced and Edison mostly couldn't find them.

>> No.91579

100 posts too soon

>> No.91608

Yes, but why did Jews of all people open those banks?

And why did Jews of all people seek to circumvent copyright laws to make money off of someone else's invention without repercussion?

>> No.91612

Zuckerberg is the Ultimate Jew

A programming genius and an elite businessman. I love Zuck

>> No.91641

Do you really think patenting film making is a good thing? I suppose you'll want to any form of art next, and then maybe breathing next.

>> No.91636

Because there weren't any other non Christians?

and because money?

>> No.91644

You can't have a functioning economy without banks, and you can make a lot of money being a banker.

So Jews opened banks because they didn't give a fuck.

>> No.91650

>Culture with a very strong emphasis on education.
>Culture promotes inter-Jewish bonding (summer camp, Hebrew school, Jewish communities). The fact that they are a minority also strengthens their ties.
>This leads to a somewhat watered-down version of nepotism between Jews.

Combine this with previous generational success and there is your answer, OP.

P.S. I'm a Jew

>> No.91660

Their family culture pushes them to do big things. I knew a guy who knew a Jew that told his son he'd pay for his medical school, but if he wanted to do something else, he may as well go flip burgers for the rest of his life. They really beat it in to their kids heads to be successful.

As opposed to mexicans who teach their kids to work hard for pennies, or blacks who teach them whitey is keeping them down, or white trash who want the hubment to stay out of their food stamps.

>> No.91670

How are you supposed to run a business that relies heavily on R&D (which takes tons of cash to develop through testing and researchers) and expect to make a buck if any one can just take the blueprints and make an exact copy not bearing the over head costs?

Get your communist shit out of my /biz/

>> No.91683

10/10 post.

And they are in America in the first place due to the nazis right?

So that had the effect of polarizing the escaping Jews, radical left to counter what they viewed as radical left.

At least that's what a PBS special said.

>> No.91685

Edison already made a shitload of money off movie cameras.

Also he literally sent in goons to destroy Jewish theatres.

>> No.91701

Mostly nepotism and they have a historical advantage because their religion allowed them to make their wealth during Feudal times.

>> No.91705

>Edison already made a shitload of money off movie cameras.

That he developed. The amount of money someone own doesn't make it okay to steal from them.

>> No.91725
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Nepotism and ethnic networking

>> No.91738


By providing the best service and innovating you fucking monglord. Patents are a failed pro-market scheme, they were originally developed to encourage people to innovate. Now, they have the opposite effect. So please tell me how the fuck its "communist" when its a government regulation?

>> No.91752


They didn't steal from him. They made their own movie cameras. That's like saying watching someone growing a carrot, and then copying them with your own carrot is theft.

>> No.91754

>Jews are't white

>> No.91762

Both my wife and I are Jewish. I was raised nondenominational by my parents, we didn't really even speak about being Jews or anything about religion. Both my parents are deceased now, didn't get to bring up the yid ancestry with them since I didn't really care for religion. My family from both sides aren't religious, either. I should have known through the signs, that the majority of my family members are attorneys and realtors/living in NY/NJ, that this was correlation to why my peepee was snipped.

Later down the road, I eventually get married to a Russian Jew. Her mother isn't Jewish, but her father is - but anyways, I end up going to Israel (that's where she used to live) and spent some time in Tel Aviv, Haifa, Jerusalem. In my time there, I'd get smack in the face with the merchant memes in the flesh. On the other hand, the majority of the Israelis I met were pretty successful. Either they were working in R&D or IT, but they knew their shit.

>> No.91784

Have you any clue about what it means to innovate?

In a free market where a product wouldn't mean going through tons of regulation and testing or even a market analysis for a new product costs millions.

Not even to say if you want to hire Ph'D making applied research towards your business end and not even then do you know if you'll get an actual result five years into the future, even less if it is appliable towards a government regulated market.

Get your fuck head out of your ass if you think you live in a "free economy".

>> No.91773
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Genetically they are not. But they are an ethnic group and they are ridiculously over-represented in most important fields.

>> No.91797

Anyways, there are tons of perks with being a Jew. Just now, I was looking at apartments and I ended up just bagging it because the guy knew hebrew.

>> No.91873


Christians are literally the dumbest fucks ever when it comes to money. First they declare lending a "sin" despite the world evolving to the point where credit was necessary for commerce. The church gave Jews a monopoly over the banking industry because .... muh Jesus said so.

Then the Christians stayed away from the entertainment business (not because of copyright laws) because it was seen as "lower class" and not appropriate for the good WASP. So once again, the dumbass Christians hand the Jews a monopoloy over the second most lucrative industry in the world because .... muh Jesus said so.

All I have to say is ... thanks. Thanks to you, and thanks to that Jesus guy. You've made us quite rich due to own fucking stupidity.

>> No.91895

>Mother is Catholic, dad is a Jew
>Raised Christian in a 99% WASP community
>never knew Jews outside my dad's immediately family
>go to college
>end up joining a Jewish fraternity by chance
>get put into the "close enough" category, most of the time it is forgotten that I am not technically Jewish
>fit in really well with Jews (they seem smarter and have my type of humor), begin to find Jewish girls more attractive than goys
>almost all of my friends are now Jewish
>have gained countless connections and friendships because of this network

I am definitely marrying a Jewish chick. Sorry, mom, you tried.

>> No.91953


I'm going to give you a serious answer.

Jews have always been fairly intelligent and oriented around money. In the era when Christianity and Islam were dominant, Jews filled an important niche as money lenders because usury (lending at an interest rate) was considered a sin by Christians/muslims.

At the same time, Jews were not generally permitted to bear weapons or own farmland. Essentially working as merchants, doctors, lenders, rabbis, and advisors to the gentile monarchs/noblemen were the only jobs available to them. Over many generations, this selected for a higher level of general intelligence. This is because success as a farmer or soldier does not take much brainpower, while success in these white collar occupations does. So the jews who were more intelligent tended to have larger families than jews who didn't. Meanwhile the gentiles were selecting more for aspects like military success which require courage and physical strength rather than sheer brainpower.

Eventually the European gentiles economies took off and the number of white collar occupations started rising. At this point, European gentile IQs started rising as well, but they did not catch up to the Jews.

These days Jews have high intelligence which helps for business success, and they also have an insular culture which encourages them to discriminate against non-jews.

>> No.91994

Because Jewish people are the master race. It's been proven already due to the racial superiority of Ashkenazis.

>> No.91992


Warren Buffett was turned down for his first job application after Harvard because he wasn't Jewish. This was in the late 40s, early 50s.

>> No.92007

*tips fedora

>> No.92005


Oh please cut that Niall Ferguson crap.

>> No.92021
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coming from a Jewish family myself. It's a combination of intelligence and cunning behavior with no morals and values (they run the US porn industry for example.. do you see Christian groups doing that?)

Video related. It's the perfect example of how Jews are:

>> No.92014
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>> No.92029

I can't believe someone saved that

>> No.92030

Because of five thousand years of evolution in an environment of first literacy (instead of simple believing) then academia (instead of burning witches and hunting infidels).
Source: Not being racemixed.

>> No.92032

>Warren Buffett was turned down for his first job application after Harvard because he wasn't Jewish. This was in the late 40s, early 50s.

True story. He applied to be a Rabbi.

>> No.92046

This thread makes me feel sad I'm not a Jew. I could have been an atheist Jew, and would have had free license to make fun of Jews in public whenever I wanted.

>> No.92053

This is an article from a Jewish magazine that explains it


>During the 1920s and 1930s a group of hard-nosed Jewish entrepreneurs turned a patch of desert near Los Angeles into the Hollywood movie industry. Entertainment juggernaut Paramount Pictures, founded in 1919 by Adolph Zukor, was financed by an enormous loan from the Jewish Wall Street firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. — thanks to the intervention of Otto Kahn, brother of Zukor’s partner Felix Kahn. The studios were famed for their nepotism.

>> No.92058

>not just pretending you're a jew
I have jew hair so I just pretend to be a jew. No one can question whether you are actually a jew because you can just spew

>> No.92069

>hard-nosed jews
>hook-nosed jews
I laughed.

>> No.92081

I have a jewish surname so I was considering stealthjewing it up. Should I learn Hebrew or something?

>> No.92077

>be quarter jewish but look very jewy
>half jew dad abandoned me at birth
>live my first 18 years as a poorfag in the rural south
>move to a jewier place for college
>as i look stereotypically jewish am befriended by jewish kids and their parents
>every single one of them is offering me support and connections because jews take care of each other, and even as a quarter jew I'm still part of the tribe
>half the parents are professionals and don't need to be crooked, the rest have schemes that siphon money out of goyish pockets and into their own through things like corporate espionage
>no fucks given by them because they don't give a shit about anyone without the nose
>distance myself from their cult and decide hitler was mostly right about things

>> No.92080

I'm bad at lying and all that, though. And I know a few Jews who would probably see through my lies.

>> No.92089

oh god, my sides. 10/10 /biz/, 10/10.

>> No.92090

>distance myself from their cult
You could have been a millionaire right now, filthy goi.

>> No.92136

If you're not lying give (non revealing) details about the schemes m8

>> No.92158

>implying they won't make you an honorary Jew when they discover you've lied to them

>> No.92177
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I agree with this post. Why are blacks shit and Jews dominating? Education.

The nepotism is also true however. A gentile can get to the top but jews will not relinquish actual ownership to non-jews.

>> No.92191

Certain groups do differ in IQs (likely for social reasons, not biological.) Black at bottom, then mexican, then white, then asian, and jews are at the top. That's right, jews are typically smarter than asians.

>> No.92202

>be sephardi jew
>surrounded by ashkenazi jews
>"Un cerveza por favor!"
>"Si, senor!"

such is life

>> No.92216

One guy had just sold some proprietary database that he spent a couple of years smuggling out of a major hotel chain bit by bit to a rival hotelier for a million dollars.

>> No.92217

I know...
>all this bullshit over a couple odd IQ points

It's because you are PUSHED when you are a kid. EDUCATION EDUCATION EDUCATION. If you don't get good grades you will be HOMELESS.

This is the main reason.

>> No.92222

Stop talking shit.

They were too pathetic to create their own countries, so they ended up in our societies doing the work Christians didn't want to do. Too stupid to be a usurer? You perish, jew boy.

The moral and/or stupid ones were essentially culled leaving a population of intelligent, inbred degenerates.

>> No.92243

>They were too pathetic to create their own countries
Until the Brits sold them Israel

>> No.92253

>I don't understand how patent theft works

>> No.92262


>> No.92284

They were gifted a country and have to rely on German and US taxpayers for handouts.

>> No.92290

Because they are lizard people from Jewtopia who stowed aboard Jesus's spacecraft... yadda yadda yadda muh conspiracy

>> No.92330

I believe historically Jews were the only people who could bank or make loans because it was forbidden by the church for Christians to profit from lending money

>> No.92334

>And they are in America in the first place due to the nazis right?
No, jews have been in ameriburger since at least the 1900s.

>> No.92361

Usury was actually mostly illegal but jews did it anyways (and got away with it.) Gold and silver jewlery making was common too.

>> No.92373

>All these kikes ITT
Can't say I'm shocked.

>> No.92407

this is /biz/rael, git used to it.

>> No.92405
File: 371 KB, 490x616, 1387406381729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there so much anti-semitism on a business board? Sure a lot of Jews are over-represented where it's important, but don't act like you're oppressed when in fact whites have been the most oppressive race in the history of mankind. What is this, /pol/?

>> No.92417

There's actually not that much lel, a lot of logical explanations and a surprisingly low amount of /pol/ tier shitposting.

>> No.92421

If you actually read this thread, there's almost no antisemitism in it. Just people trying to figure out why Jews are so popular and cool, and wishing they could be Jews.

>> No.92435

>most oppressive race in the history of mankind

Go cry to SRS, queer.

>> No.92462

>Israel is poor

>> No.92497

Whites have historically oppressed the most people and commited the most crimes. Women have been oppressed by white men for millions of years. Get out skinhead.

>> No.92527

242 billion GDP and 3.1 billion in aid money from the US, it's a tiny fraction of their GDP.

Having the US as an ally doesn't hurt, though general US policy is to play everyone off of each other.

>> No.92531

>Whites have historically liberated the most people and created the most inventions

>> No.92560

And how much do they get from Germany? And what about all the preferential deals Israeli businesses get? The fact is, if they were as capable as some think, they'd be getting nothing.

>> No.92588

Look, I get that this is complete b8, but I still think it's worth responding to for what it says.

>Whites have historically oppressed the most people and commited the most crimes
let's narrow that down to
>Whites have historically oppressed the most people
since I have no idea what you could mean by "crimes." War crimes, maybe? Not gonna work off a guess. Crimes in general are defined by a legal system, not morals or even ethics, so holding a people historically accountable for 'crimes' seems pointless and stupid.

But for the oppression. Obviously in the past half-millennium, whites rose to prominence, and through their geopolitical advantage, colonized the world. They were in the ideal position to "oppress" everyone around them.

If we get out of that narrow scope, though, your assertion just doesn't stand. War is as old as civilization, and occupation and slavery too. The Mediterranean empires weren't white. The Chinese, the Mongols, they weren't white. And we can't forget the Africans, so accustomed to oppression that they eagerly sold their own kin to whites when there was a demand for it.

The true history of oppression is that of exploitation. Class exploitation has been at the core of every system since agriculture. The main difference in Colonialism was that technological advances meant the most exploited people didn't even have to be within the nation exploiting them. Sound familiar to the modern day, with Chinese factories? It's the same.

>> No.92626

German aid goes to individuals or to funds to support individuals. Also discounted warships.

What about the preferential deals the Saudi's get? All of the times we've trained middle eastern armies? Israel isn't an island but the role of foreign aid is way overblown.

>> No.92631

In the middle ages, jews were not allowed to own land (back then land = power and status). So the only other ways to make money was through banking, trade and jewels.

Those things ended up generating a lot more profit than owning land.

Also, they have a strong work and education ethic, unlike christians which are taught basically that the more you suffer, the closer to god you'll be when in paradise, also it's ok if you're poor, you'll get charity.

(Sidenote: protestants protested this view saying the suffering is unjust and they developed a strong work ethic too - it's OK to EARN worldly possessions if you WORK for them. Look a today's europe: strong economies in protestant countries (north) and bitchy, socialist people in the south)

Since jews became jewelers, merchants and bankers by necessity, they became quite rich a the end of the middle ages. Since they are a small group, it became easy to point and single them out.

Those are the big general lines.

>> No.92656

>Whites have historically oppressed the most people and commited the most crimes.

> Not arabs
> Not mongols
> Not turks
> it was whites


>> No.92657


>the most oppressive race in the history of mankind.

Shitty bait.

>> No.92703

>German aid goes to individuals or to funds to support individuals. Also discounted warships.

As if that makes a difference.

>What about the preferential deals the Saudi's get?

We should cut those bastards off too.

>> No.92848

>the number of jews in this thread
>the number of jews in this board

>> No.92876
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You know what I think about Jews? I don't care


>> No.92882

the modern banking system was invented in Italy some hundreds years ago. Christians at that time didn't allow lending money for interest so they made Jews do it, so the first global banking families were Jewish

>> No.92922 [DELETED] 

It's because you are like them. Chinese are exclusive, but also extremely racist.

You got all good things working for a good future.

>> No.92938

thank you based MIT, Stanford, and Princeton

>> No.92927

They're coming for you next...

>> No.92962

Still asians outperform jews academically in most ways... why do jews have top spots?

>> No.93006

because most asians hate each other


>> No.93014

Putting aside this idea you have that jews are smarter because of the jobs they do (which is wrong and hilarious and typical pop evo psych), it takes a lot more than 10/15 generations to select for something like that bud.

>> No.93036

Ivy league schools do a lot of "legacy admissions"

Also, just about any school will let your kid in if you donate enough money, and rich jews want their kids to go to the best schools just as much as anyone else

>> No.93061

>at one point jews had limited careers they were allowed to pursue. One was moneylending (e.g. Shylock in The Merchant of Venice)
>Jews were mistrusted etc, so they tended to stick to their own group
>Obviously, finance is pretty fucking profitable, so jews who were good at it got rich, and helped out their friends, who were also jews

etc etc. It's pretty logical when you think about it.

Also, Jews' average IQ is pretty high- they are, on average, pretty fucking smart

>> No.93056


What's inaccurate about it?

>> No.93077

lel every fucking school lets in more jews than any other demographic. Yes I know that their culture values education more than any other religion, but there's definitely a bias, it's pretty easy to tell that out of state jews get priority, even at the shittiest state schools.

>> No.93080

Also also, asian immigrants aren't outperforming anyone, they're cheating to inflate their grades so that they can get scholarships to U.S. universities.

>> No.93097

academical performance has little to do with intelligence, though.

>> No.93095

Up until this point, business threads have been largely restricted to /pol/.

We're only a few days into /biz/, so the /pol/ influence is still extant. Give it a few weeks, the two cultures will have separated somewhat. Look at /v/ and /vr/, for example- they couldn't be more different culture-wise

>> No.93106

It's a cultural thing, there really isn't a conspiracy to it.

>> No.93112

>there really isn't a conspiracy to it.
But there is.
In /pol/'s mind.

>> No.93126


Also is anyone having issues posting? My QR form won't open.

>> No.93130


>> No.93136


>grew up Italian/Polish catholic
>went to catholic school, kids made fun of me for looking like a jew
>education was pushed on me hard and I was naturally inquisitive
>now doing well

All I need is some of that jew-nepotism to get me to the top. I have noticed at the places I've worked that jews tend to congregate around me. Maybe I can just sneak my way into the merchant's den by rubbing my hands and looking down on the goyim. Just need a good last name to change mine to.

>> No.93145

>Also is anyone having issues posting? My QR form won't open.

Same appchan X is being retarded

>> No.93149

Choose goldstein ;)

>> No.93140

I'd also like to add to that the shitty Hanukkah presents they get as compared to the awesome Christmas presents the goys get, fosters a greater sense of delayed gratification.

>> No.93152


>> No.93161

historically, i saw just about as many business-related threads (that weren't thinly-veiled American racism/xenophobia celebration threads) on /pol/ as I saw on any other board

/pol/ is just the most visible influence on this board because they're the biggest idiots

>> No.93183

Cohen is the "leading" family of the three (israel, cohen, levi). It would put you at an advantage.

>> No.93173


>> No.93174

Just add -berg to your last name.

>> No.93233

That's pretty hilarious yet sad at the same time.

>> No.93276


Would it be easier and less shady to just marry a jewess and take on her name? I'm sure if you try to change your name from a goy name to a jew name you get flagged in some system somewhere that fucks you over forever.

P-plus jewish girls are hot, I'd let one make me her goytoy ;-;

>> No.93329

>P-plus jewish girls are hot

Don't make me post pictures of hook-nosed, inbred jewesses, son.

>> No.93344

It only takes one.

>> No.93367
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I live in Jew York, the ratio of ugly to hot is pretty standard. The hot ones are definitely worth it though, hnnnnnng.

>> No.93364

So I'll take a shot at breaking it down for you from my perspective. My mother's side of the family are Jews originally from South Africa that migrated here in the mid 90's.

My uncle runs a large chemicals, originally a steel company that he inherited from my grandfather. So there was that family business/heir type of aspect. I think he liked business anyways so he never really cared that his future was sort of pre determined if you will. But it has been a common theme I've noticed among other Jewish families, that expectation of continuing the family business if there is one. I'm also forced into constant comparison/competition vs my siblings and cousins.

>Culture of success
The caricature is always the super Jewy mom/wife talking about how *insert Stein/Berg name here* is doing so well/better than you. But it is kind of effective in that it does gives me a drive to be successful. And for what it's worth there was never a question of me or my brother getting a college degree. So it's more like high expectations but with great support.

I never actually went to Temple, so I can't really comment on this aspect too much. Most of my Jewish friends don't exactly network a bunch either, but I'm sure in some places it'd be a huge boon. Not sure how it would be a bigger boost than say attending church or something though.

>Frugal living
Pretty much every Jew I've met does this. Not to say that they aren't generous, they are. But almost without exception the concept of borrowing a shit ton of money to pay for something (car, house, etc.), or not setting money aside to invest/save is unheard of.

>> No.93376

dat jew face

>> No.93379
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>> No.93392

i went to a high school on the west coast with almost a 50% asian population. they ran that shit. i noticed that koreans, especially, have the "right stuff" to become the next finance overlords, e.g. korean-christian communities, strict as fuck social hierarchies, increasing wealth network now that s korea is just becoming modern. previous generations were chinese and japanese, who, no offense, didnt seem to give a fuck about power.

>> No.93390

>It is mind boggling just how many of the worlds top business people are Jewish. Why do they excel so much?


It's amazing society doesn't accept these facts already.

>> No.93440

I'm atheist, don't give a fuck about social hierarchies, hate math and money, don't get along with my richass banker cousins plus


>> No.93442

Christianity is more about faith, so really only the lower and middle classes actually attend church. Wealthy connected people might believe, but their belief typically won't be subjected to the approval of the Church institution.

From what I understand, Judaism is more about tradition than faith, so it would explain why even the wealthy Jews still want to be seen at temple since it's part of the tradition, also since they're probably sponsors for some nephews Bar Mitzvah or something, so it's a matter of setting a good example.

There really aren't any connections to be made at Church unless you live in an area where the wealth extends far and the church is placed in the center, which usually doesn't happen.

>> No.93452

what>>91873 said, but it goes deeper than that

Jews weren't allowed to own land in many places for a long time. They were basically forced into becoming merchants and bankers to survive. All of the persecution they faced made them a very tight knit community that looks out for each other.

>> No.93486


>> No.93479

>F- FUCK JEWS! I hate them! Hitler was right! The Holocaust was fake! Whites are master race! Jews have highest IQ!

>Why are Jews so cool? I wish I could become a Jew... I want a cute Jewish waifu. Jews sure do have a great culture!

>> No.93511

you're just the eastern jew.

>> No.93534

lel you sure those aren't 1.5 (born and raised in korea but recently came to the us for school and plan to stay for job) koreans? korean-americans like, prior to the late 90's and 00's end up in depressing slumps the same way chinese-americans and japanese-americans did. i tend to notice american raised asians become lethargic and depressed and withdrawn from society whereas koreans from korea remain "alert" because of competition in a homogeneous society.

>> No.93542

yeah you have all those orthodox jews who have like 10 children, conservative jews who stick to having a traditional nuclear family based on academics career money prestige etc, liberal hipster jews who don't choose to have kids or have kids later on and pretend their above that kind of shit, then really really liberal marxist jews who are all gay/lesbian/transgender or if they are straight women chose to fuck only shwartzes or straight men chose to go after asians

so you see where the jewry begins and the jewry ends

>> No.93557

Any race that calls themselves the "chosen people" and then want to cry about aryan race supremacy and oppression can go fuck themselves in my book

>> No.93616

>That's how people work.

>> No.93647 [DELETED] 
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>All of them get in the train, every one of them rides the train to Auschwitz

>That's how the Holocaust works.


>> No.93680
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>All of them gets in, every one of them rides the train to Auschwitz and every one of them gets incinerated.

>That's how the Holocaust works.


>> No.93695

I always wondered why there were no dogs in CEO positions.

>> No.93705

This is correct

>> No.93712

It's a doggy dog world my friend

>> No.93715

literally zero representation of asians in america and pretty much everyone shitting on them socially would make you pretty depressed

>> No.93717

lel i noticed a distinction between the "jewish theatre geeks" and the "jewish kids on debate team" i just never thought it was appropriate to ask about it. i mean i joke around with my friends about our race(s) but i just always assumed any type of white persons don't like being defined and joked about

>> No.93739
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>it's a doge eat doge warudo my friendu!


>> No.93772

A few misconceptions here. I'll answer on behalf of all religious yidden:

>Jews do usury
Well yes, but only to non-Jews. Usury is forbidden between Jews (you don't lend your brother money at an interest rate, do you?)

>Jews are genetically smart. Jews have only been around for like... 3000 years, and only in Europe for around 1500 years-ish. Not nearly enough time to evolve super brain power genes. I would like to argue that it has to do more with education, but even Jews brought up in an environment with no religious education do well. Maybe it's just the educational spirit transitioning into secular studies.

>Jews are a race
Nope, it's a religion. Some people describe it as a nationality, and that works as well.

>Jews believe they are of master race
That's not what chosen people means. It's like being chosen to do extra work.

>Jews are taught to discriminate against non-Jews
Well, yes or no. You certainly won't ask the priest about a halachic question, but a Jew isn't necessarily taught to hate gentiles. Some insular, Charedi/Chassid sects might; however, even modern Orthodox Jews love gentiles just as much as Jews.

>> No.93798
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Might just be crazy enough to work

>> No.93824

I have known a lot of Koreans in my life, and your description of yourself does not describe a single one of them. They are all religious academic fucks who fight over money like dogs fight over a scrap of meat.

>> No.93845

They carry the merchant gene. The shekels run deep into their blood.

>> No.93960

I swear to God, Koreans are the jews of Asia. We should have holocausted them all when we occupied their shithole country.

I bet they don't even have seasons.

>> No.93973

lol wut

>> No.94063

doesn't your holy book also basically state that any good Jew should make as much money as he possibly can? Serious question, not trolling

>> No.94093
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>an ethnicity

my fucking sides

get the fuck back to rabbit where you belong

>muh oppression

don't blame your race's manifest limitations on our dominion

fair skinned people have always risen to the top every culture because their prehistory forced the development of superior mental faculties

the civilized world was build by european males

everyone else just lives in it

>> No.94123

And who builds computers? Space ships? Gunpowder? High-density fabric? Aliens.

>> No.94193

Serious question to all Jews ITT: Are people who convert to Judaism welcome in the Jewish community? I swear to god I genuinely think I might have some Jewish blood in me between my nose eyes and lust for money (and my dad legit has curly kike hair).

>> No.94388

>Are people who convert to Judaism welcome in the Jewish community?
Yes, if you're a sincere convert.

> I swear to god I genuinely think I might have some Jewish blood in me between my nose eyes and lust for money (and my dad legit has curly kike hair).
That's like joining a cult for free punch. Fuck off.

>> No.94400

hehe what you gonna do about it Schlomo? You can never prove I'm not a sincere convert oy vey

>> No.94428

When you realize that you're expected to keep kosher, pray 3 times a day, go to synagogue, not work on Shabbat, et cetera, you won't be converting.

>> No.94436


This >>94400 isn't me, and the second part of my statement was a joke, by the way. I like Judaism because its the only mainstream religion that doesn't seem to shame you for wanting to be rich.

>> No.94445

let's be real though, most jews probably don't pray three times a day

>> No.94463

Yes, but most Jews aren't converts. For your conversions to be valid (in Israel and in many communities) you'll need an Orthodox conversion, which is a long, strenuous process.

>I like Judaism because its the only mainstream religion that doesn't seem to shame you for wanting to be rich.
That probably isn't the reason why you should join any religion in particular.

>> No.94479

Well I wanted to join a religion to be part of a wider community, but I disagree with Islam on many levels, and Christianity on many as well. This just leaves Judaism, so hopefully if I do more research I'll find out I like it.

>> No.94490

One of the reasons why you should convert is because you want to be apart of k'lal yisrael (the nation/people of Israel). However, you should probably believe in God as well and want to serve him in every moment of your life.

>> No.94502

well obviously I believe in god or I wouldn't be looking at Judaism, Christianity and Islam. I'd just stay a fedora tipper. What exactly does that first part mean? Would I be expected to move to Israel? That would be highly impractical.

>> No.94565

Unless they got the hat and the curls, Jews dont actually read the book beyond holidays. They're just a collection of stories and traditions.
So as a jew i have no idea what the stance is if any on cashmoney.

>> No.94581

Gunpowder was a chinese dude who was trying to make a life extending potion.

>> No.94905

My friend is in a similar position, except his mom was Jewish so he actually is "a Jew".

But he got super fucking lucky. He looks like an Aryan: white skin, blond hair, green eyes. He looks like an attractive white kid, but he's also Jewish. What a lucky fuck.

I only got the attractive white kid part.

>> No.94914

Okay, quick history lesson:
>Jews are dispersed by the Romans
>Not allowed to own land (which was the basis of wealth well into the 19th century)
>Christians are not allowed to be money lenders (I don't know if it says it in the Bible or if it was a Catholic Church thing)
>Jews are allowed to lend money
>Jews are tolerated as a "necessary evil" by Christian nations because they are allowed to act as financiers for wars, construction projects, etc
>Trades tend to pass on from father to son (because it is cheaper to inherit a business than to start your own) so the experience grows, and hence the stereotype
>Jews are good with money
That's not to say that the stereotype is true, but in a nutshell that's why there are so many Hebrews in the finance industry.

>> No.94962

>"even though it's broke I'll still buy it"
>flips it before the guy gets his money

I lol'd

>> No.95044

>I don't know if it says it in the Bible
"Neither a borrower nor a lender be" is sometimes attributed to the Bible, but was actually shakespeare. If we look at the Bible, it actually says the same thing as /pol/:
"The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender." (Proverbs 22:7)

>> No.95051

can this board not be a /pol/tier shit show

>> No.95058

but it isn't. there's almost no jew hate in this thread.

>> No.95086


Everybody who spends money is a borrower, and everyone who saves it is a lender.

>> No.95088

Probably because of all the damn Jews.

>> No.95092

>t-they're talking about jews!!
>q-quick, s-shout /pol/ and ignore everything else!!

>> No.95297


If it wasn't for the fact that /pol/'s calling card has always been their obsession with jews, I would sympathize more.

But this is like starting a thread about Japanese people on /a/. It's not really related, but you force it to be for your own weird pleasure.

>> No.95319 [DELETED] 

I think your just delusional.

>> No.95330

I think your just delusional.

>> No.95338


So much shit on tru tv is fake. This might be fake but I bet he's a good jew nonetheless.

>> No.95340

I think you're gramer neds work.

>> No.95539


#1 - tribalism is real - you don't see lutherans hooking each other up like that, it's episcopalians (but because they're new england WASP not because God) and jooz

#2 - Historically, lending with interest was considered usury and against the Bible, so Christians couldn't do it, so Jewish people did it (no prohibition in the Torah) and got entrenched

#3 - Lots of Jewish people in the "culture capitals" like NYC, so it's easier for them to try and make it in the entertainment business - think about it, how many comics can you name that aren't Jewish, Italian, or Irish (the three main ethnicities in NYC)?

#4 - Pretty much every Jew places a heavy emphasis on education, so nearly 100% get good educations, so then you're playing the odds

#5 - Higher IQ. Studies have shown that basically Jews and East Asians have higher IQs than whites and definitely higher than blacks, etc. ESPECIALLY verbal IQ, which is extremely important for both cultural professions like writer and entertainer and business professions like banking (where making personal connections is key)

Contrast that with East Asians, who have a high spatial IQ but shit verbal IQ, so they tend to be good at engineering but suck all the dicks at shmoozing and bidnaz

>> No.95571


that's where i'm sending my kids because I'M FUCKIN WASP

>> No.95572
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the jews don't blame anybody, they don't have that luxury. they make shit happen and have no scapegoat.

what about you? you blame the jews, and that prevents you from taking responsibility for your fuck ups.

>> No.95597

People were making jokes about kikes on 4chan before /pol/ even existed

>> No.95606

same, i actually thought about adding "mann" to the end of my name to make it more jewy like i'd be some jewbacca shit URRRRRRR

>> No.95627

a bunch came to the US before WWI because of derp pogroms and herp russia

>> No.95638

I'm half-Jewish and actually pretty rich, so i'm just explaining how taht shit works w/o jealousy faggot

>> No.95687

my friend can grow a great jew-fro, has a nose, and has a jewish sounding name.

He is not jewish.

he can pull it off though

>> No.95851
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being half-jewish would mean that what i said didn't apply to you there bro.

Also, most of the things you listed there could apply to other groups or tribes, but Jews are probably the only one that has consistently demonstrated all of them.

No conspiracy there, just following a path that has led them to success in the path and will continue to lead them to success in the future.

My point being, rather than follow that same path, most other groups just tend to bitch and moan instead of learning from what makes the Jewish group so successful.

>> No.95866

As much as people want to pretend they have a history in banking it's mostly a bunch of bullshit outside of like 3-4 families. Said families would probably laugh at the notion that they have anything to do with other jews, Azhkenazi or not, for that matter.
Medieval Jews who went into usury (not their only available option, as the Rhadanite Jewish slavers found) were usually the middle-men of rich Christians who had an image to maintain, very few of them grew to riches like that on their own.
It's a relatively recent invention that sprung up in America, and largely from the rise of jew-dominated NYC's financial sector.
As for the reason why they dominate that, it's 90% ethnic chauvinism. Prior to that their reputation was generally that of shady street people.

>> No.95928

>Studies have shown that basically Jews and East Asians have higher IQs than whites
That's because they're generally comparing larger swathes of groups with smaller ones.
Like American whites with American Jews.
Split up whites by ethnicity as well and you won't see as favourable results in general.

>> No.95935

Once again, a thread full of people who assume that correlation is causation.

>> No.96614

Don't you mean to say that circumcision is causation?

>> No.96637

nepotism and victimhood
3000 fucking years of it
makes them devious nyet beyond reproach

>> No.97021

>tfw my great-grandmother was a Cohen
I can still get into that sweet jew-club, right?

>> No.97099

>Half Jew
You're either Jewish or you're not. It's a religion, not an ethnicity.

>> No.97166

as unfortunate as this sounds, it is true.

>> No.97239

tfw I am the spitting image of a Jew so hard that the only way anyone can for certain is they look at my dick. Thank FUCKING god I am circumcised otherwise I would have to give up.

>> No.97433


Haredi Jews in Israel have a birthrate that rivals that of the highest national birthrates of Africa (Haredi in Israel in recent years have had birthrates of around 7 children per couple). Very many of them are much less successful in business as non-Haredi Ashekenazim and Sephardim. Even if their birth rate decreased to around four or three children per couple very soon, they could make up a major portion of Israel's population in a few decades.


Israel is home to the largest Haredi population, at approx. 700,000 (out of 6 million Israeli Jews).[65] The number of Haredi Jews in Israel is rising rapidly. In 1992, out of a total of 1,500,000 Orthodox Jews world wide, about 550,000 were Haredi (half of them in Israel).[92] The vast majority of Haredi Jews are Ashkenazi. However, some 20% of the Haredi population are thought to belong to the Sephardic Haredi stream. The Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics forecasts that the Haredi population of Israel will number 1.1 million in 2019. It is also projected that the number of Haredim in 2059 may be equal to the number of non-Haredi Israeli Jews, with a population estimated to number between 2.73 and 5.84 million.[93] Large Israeli Haredi concentrations include Jerusalem, Bnei Brak, Modi'in Illit, Beitar Illit, Beit Shemesh, Kiryat Ye'arim, Ashdod, and El'ad. Two Haredi cities, Kasif and Harish are planned.

You guys may find it interesting to read up on Mormon economic success:


>> No.97456

Read this book: http://books.google.com/books/about/The_Jewish_Century.html?id=Q2clLhco_kcC

Took a class back in college by the author. Professor Slezkine is brilliant.

>> No.97518

>Implying there hasn't been a shit tonne of Jews ITT
>Implying they haven't all admitted that they tend to get given perks and advantages over non Jews

Stay buttflustered m8

>> No.97529

Jews are an ethnoreligious group you nerd, it's passed down by the mother, if your mom is a Jew then you're a Jew. Educate yourself.

>> No.97537

Among other things. My great grandparents came over about a hundred years ago to get away from Tsar Nicholas and his pogroms.

>> No.97570

I'm Jewish, I even look sterotypically Jewish (black hair, facial structure (not nose), etc).

I think there's a strong genetic component even though Jews are mixed. People say culture or religion but I suspect these have strong genetic roots. Different dog breeds tend to act similar to one another, so do humans. As people with similar temprements interact with one another they produce what we call culture.

I personally got very excited when I saw this new /biz/ board, not many 20 year old women would. I've got family in mostly cognetivly intensive occupations and I find myself more attracted to ideas/abstract concepts than celebraties or being a dumb whore.

Ethinic neoptism comes into play of course, I'm sure my family would help me get into banking or whatever, but all ethnic groups do this! Perhaps less so white people, but I think neoptism is merely a side effect of the genetic predisposition for high G.

>> No.97597

do you have big jewish titties and ass?

>> No.97621

Not really.

>> No.97640

9/10 rustled enough to respond and question whether this is real

>> No.97643

into the oven it goes.

>> No.97661

I think she is just being modest....jewish chicks tend to have very nice racks

>> No.97664

hm. well if that's the case my skype is distance.0

captcha: furnaces edialdre

>> No.97674

Really? no one mentioned this post? It does not tell everything, but it's quite a bit of the story.

>> No.97707
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seriously, what the fucking fuck/?
>mfw you actually asked that

>> No.97712

doesn't their religion mention money?

>> No.97746 [DELETED] 

why are all jews such liberals?

>> No.97786

If you want to understand the jews, read this:


>> No.97922

את גרה בישראל?

>> No.97968

there's 'literally zero representation of [polynesians] in america'

why aren't polynesians sad like asians?

>> No.98528
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jews are taught from a young age

>> No.98534
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>> No.99287

Northern countries are mostly Lutheran, to be exact, which in today's terms is slightly different from Protestants. But it's a sub-division of it, so I get you.

>> No.99434

>you will never attend a rothschild surrealism dinner party that encourages ironic hatwear

>> No.99453

Yes, we actually follow the scriptures unlike you people.

Christians will never regret doing what is right over getting money.

>> No.99482

>you will never have your name on a building in NYC
Kill me now.

>> No.99516

>you will never live in a rothschild mansion that has been parodied in anime

>> No.99514

>tfw I will always be a goy

>> No.99570

>>Jews are a race
>Nope, it's a religion. Some people describe it as a nationality, and that works as well.

Race =/= ethnicity
Jews are an ethnic minority

You sound like a high schooler that thinks they know everything

>> No.101265

Do you feel like telling me how Yemenite Jews and Ashkenazi Jews are ethnically related at all? Seriously, did you get your Jewish knowledge form /pol/ or something? I'm actually a religious Jew, so I should know more about my religion than you.

>> No.101276

No, you basically say a blessing every 5 second? Go to the bathroom? Wash your hands and say a blessing. Eat some cheese? Say a blessing. Put on your pants, you put on the right leg first. It's shit like that which requires you to serve God in every moment of your waking life.

>> No.101766

This has to be a sketch right?

Or some Jewish tradition of touching the bottom of a pool?

Oh Lord that's just too perfect to be real

>> No.101885

>implying wealth is limited to finance

>> No.101942

I think typically they refer to themselves as a "people". It doesn't fit well into categories like "race", "ethnicity" or "religion" anyway.

>> No.101954

Did you not do that as a child?

>> No.102011



>> No.102030
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>Za Warudo


>> No.102024

Nepotism, nepotism, nepotism (networking)
They think they're God's chosen people and they will only hire, marry, talk to, and work with one of their own

If you've ever been on a college campus you'll learn that all the Jews know each other by name and they only date one another and have secret Jewish networking events that no one else is allowed to attend.

>> No.102347

>They think they're God's chosen people and they will only hire, marry, talk to, and work with one of their own

Not really. If you're a Jew that runs a company, you're not going to hire your retard cousin Murray for a management position when there's a goy whose clearly better for the job. You're going to make your retard cousin Murray a janitor and pay him a living wage while negotiating hard with the goy to minimize his salary to make up the difference.

>> No.104542
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>> No.104694

So how did Ashkenazi Jews acquire European genetics?

>> No.104714

Nice try, but no, we in the west actually believed our own bullshit about individual merit, so we are by far the least ethnocentric/nepotistic group of all

>> No.104737

This is bullshit, since Jewish banking dominance came well after the finance houses of the Italian renaissance etc. Ever heard of the Medici?

Sounds good if you're ignorant though.

>> No.104789

>implying orthodox jews (as in not fake jews) aren't still superstitious like medieval christians. White Christians invented rationalism (or academia in your inbred post)

Also, non-ashkenazis aren't particularily intelligent or successful, despite having the same literary traditions. Explain?

>> No.104811

neither blacks nor jews had much education prior to WWI.

Why were Jews able to turn it around? (hint: don't say education)

>> No.105635
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>education prior to WWI

>> No.105732

I'm not reading this whole damn thread, but I need to weigh in because I'm Jewish.

There's no fucking "Jewish conspiracy" (or if there is, I was left off the email list, and would like to know where to sign up, please). Myself, I do pretty well, but it's certainly not because of nepotism or anything (believe me, none of my interviewers were Jewish). And now I have some hiring authority at my company myself, and I definitely do not give preference to Jews. If anything, religious Jews kind of annoy me. And most of the time, unless they have a very Jewish name (which not all of us do) I wouldn't even be able to tell if they're Jewish - it's not like we have some secret code or anything.

So yes, we're disproportionally represented in certain areas, but from my perspective, I honestly don't think there's any mysterious reason behind it. It's just a cultural emphasis on education, and a concentration in areas of the U.S. with better schools and access to better jobs. There's no secret underground cabal giving us different opportunities.

>> No.105811

Networking is everything, and jews all network with each other.

They also tend to be better educated, have higher IQs, and have more money to start off with.

>> No.105839
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How jew's collect wealth is via interest. You will understand if you read the "Merchant of Venice" of William Shakespeare.

> Not all Jews are Wealthy
> Not all Jews deal with Interest but most of them does.

>> No.105870

hah! exactly the sort of lies a jew would say!

>> No.105880

>Christian to give a loan that had interest to another Christian
You do know that Jews are not Christians right?

>> No.105883
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>mfw /biz/ becomes pol 2.0

>> No.105901


I wish I was lying. If there was some sort of underground Jewish hiring network, my job search would have been a lot less stressful.

>> No.105935

I've spoken with a Jew who mentioned he got his job through a Jewish job-finding group. These things might not be relevant in your industry, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.

>> No.105937

>Can anyone explain why Jews are so damn successful in business
I'm from a Christian background but have grown up around a lot of Jews.

Most Christians are stupid. They fight with their families, they are superstitious, they respect authority, they want their kids to be star athletes instead of star scholars etc.

Jews are smart, concentrate on academics, work hard, save their money, are logical etc. It's not really rocket science.

It's not that the Jews are so smart so much as that the goy are dumb.

Jews like being friends with smart people and hanging around with smart people. Most Christians hate when someone is smart, they like stupid people better.

>> No.105938
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ofc not all Jews are the same but there is an alliance of Jews and Christian to bring about power to Israel so it can become the next ruling state in the world. That's hardly a secret the whole Zionist was based upon this.

That can include.

> Financial Terrorism
> Bring about regime change to weaken governments like we see in the Middle East
> Supporting Israel while they just wage Oppression against the Native in Palestine.

thats just to name a few.

>> No.105944

Yes they have connections. Sure people like >>105732 might not actually benefit from it, but for example if you're being interviewed by a Jew and the other candidates aren't Jewish but you are, I'd say that you'll pretty surely get in. While other races and religions don't work like that. And then the CEO is Jewish and you got yourself a position as manager, and in a few years VP. This is especially prominent in the media industry.
But part from that, their culture values education very highly. Which is why you see so many of them in academia as well.

>> No.105951

I'm sure there's plenty of us on this board.

While I'm also fairly certain there is no global Jewish conspiracy (I'd be in a much better position right now if there was), I feel it is unfair to say everything comes down solely to education. Most of the Jews I know make no secrets about their hiring practices, they absolutely prefer hiring Jews when possible. Hell, it's probably how I got my current job- there were plenty of non-Jews with credentials that were as good or better than mine, but I still got hired on... at an almost exclusively Jewish accounting firm.

Jews thing other Jews are more trustworthy or competent than goyim, although speaking from experience I can most certainly say this is not the case. The only ones who are really "equal opportunity employers" are Jews in name only... pork-eaters, essentially.

>> No.105973


Believe me, if they were relevant in ANY industry, it'd be mine. I'm in one of those stereotypically Jewish industries. But I didn't get my job through any secret Jew-connections, I got it through normal recruiting at my school, open to anyone.

I'm not saying that Jewish networking groups don't exist. They do, same as for any ethnic/religious/whatever-the-hell-we-are group. But I've never really benefitted from them. Maybe I'm just a shitty Jew, I dunno.

>> No.105986


>They do, same as for any ethnic/religious/whatever-the-hell-we-are group.

Except for whites.

>> No.105996

>same as for any ethnic/religious/whatever-the-hell-we-are group.
No, not really at all.

>> No.106002

>They do, same as for any ethnic/religious/whatever-the-hell-we-are group.
I don't think there's any such organization for any ethnicity I could claim membership in. Certainly not in my area.

>Maybe I'm just a shitty Jew, I dunno.
This is probably it.

>> No.106004

>Most Christians hate when someone is smart, they like stupid people better

Jesus Christ I cannot communicate just how truthful this is. But what they resent even more is success. Personally, I've lost a lot of friends over the years, first when going to university, then after getting a job. You can tell the sort of people who are going to drift away; they make no effort to contact you, they constantly make jokes about failing or getting fired when they're around you, and they start railing about how they'd never want to be in your position. All rationalizing poor decisions.

In fact, most of the people who have stuck with me were the Jews.

>> No.106012

Sounds like you're just a shit person to be with mate

>> No.106022


Again, as a Jew, I would never favor Jews for positions that I'm hiring for. Besides the fact that it would probably be illegal to do that, I just don't give a shit about someone's religion. There are enough Jews at my workplace... I don't need to do anything weird to keep our numbers up or whatever. I'd rather just hire whoever seems best for the job. And as I said before, I can't tell if someone's Jewish much of the time anyway.

>> No.106031

you're a shitty jew you fucking retard don't you understand that most don't think the way you do
hand me your jew card right now

>> No.106046


Meh that could be just statistics since most of the Western world is Christian hence why it seems to be so many of them doing stupid shit.

Doesn't matter that much if you are jew/christian/muslim the fact is that yes those religion teach stuff but not all who are from those background follow those teachings.

The kind of family you have and their background will surely influence your life.

> My dad is always in debt - i am not cause i don't take loans
> My mom spends a lot to fill her desires - i don't therefor more money.

these are jew few examples.

>> No.106048


Political organizations. Christian groups. Fraternities. Networking opportunities aren't restricted to Hillel or the African-American organization or whatever. Join the college Republican organization... there, you're in a networking group. It's not just ethnicity or religion, it's whatever you're interested in.

>> No.106058

Half Jew here.

I can't speak for everyone, but I dislike Jews. They are such sneaky, conviving people. Those qualities are what makes them good business (wo)men. They'll do anything to get shekels from the customer, and it usually comes at an unethical price.

Plus, I don't understand why anyone in this thread would want to marry and Jewess. I find them absolutely unattractive (even the "good looking" ones). I'd be caught dead before in a relationship with a Jewess.

>> No.106057
File: 400 KB, 1000x662, bh-photo-visite-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone here from NYC and have been inside the B & H electronic store?

first time i did i got culture shock. not using to being surrounded by so many ultra orthodox jews


>> No.106062

Oh stop trying to justify yourself Goldstein, nobody gives a fuck. Everyone with half a brain knows how Jews work, you won't fool anyone.

>> No.106066

use to*

>> No.106075

>you're a shitty jew you fucking retard don't you understand that most don't think the way you do

I'd argue that most DO think the way that I do, and it's just the few who don't who make the rest of us look bad.

>> No.106082

Except that those who don't, don't go around calling themselves Jews

>> No.106085


>It's not just ethnicity or religion, it's whatever you're interested in.

Which just proves my point, that there are no networking groups for white people qua white people, only people who merely happen to be white defined by some other context.

Over time, any group not explicitly pro-white becomes more and more anti-white.

>> No.106088


Even us non-Orthodox Jews are freaked out by those people.

>> No.106097




>> No.106106

*used to

>> No.106111


Are most Jews not white? I've always considered myself white.

>> No.106125

I don't know about that. I've met a lot of jews, because I have a genetic disorder that's disproportionately common among them, and in my experience most Jews, while not the hand-wringing be-schnozzened goblins of legend, do definitely set a lot of importance on inter-Jew connections, in a way that I haven't seen other races do.

>> No.106138


For them, it depends on who's asking.

>> No.106139

Most Jews are Ashkenazim, which are an Asiatic people.

>> No.106134

Jews are not White.

>> No.106146


Then, if I may ask, what the hell am I? Because I've spent my entire life being pretty damn sure that I'm white, and I've got to think that counts for something.

>> No.106158

But do these groups define themselves as say, WASPs-contra-jews, or WASPs-contra-hicks? If there was a conflict between lower class whites, and jews, who would they side with?

>> No.106164


That question doesn't make sense. There are lower-class Jews, middle-class Jews, and upper-class Jews. There'd be Jews on both sides.

>> No.106172


In that scenario, assume that the category of "white people" excludes jews.

>> No.106170

You're a Jew. Jews descend from Semites. Hence the term "anti-Semitic". Go read about that.

>> No.106179

I've always thought Jews were successful because of the importance they place on education from a young age.
You know having to learn hebrew and such.
Breeds a studious individual i guess.

>Then, if I may ask, what the hell am I? Because I've spent my entire life being pretty damn sure that I'm white, and I've got to think that counts for something.

Why should skin colour count for anything in this day and age?

>> No.106184

Same as anything.

You have money and a business/trade.

You force offspring to learn said trade and take on business. Repeat until you own enough land to expand. Each generation starts out with money, land, and a trade already laid out.

So combine that with religious practices and that explains it.

>> No.106187

>modern Jews
They're almost all converts from the steppes.

>> No.106182



>> No.106191

Oy vey, it's almost like a second Holocaust! We demand reparations!

>> No.106201

>Why should skin colour count for anything in this day and age?

Oh, it probably shouldn't. I'm just surprised that there are people who would think that Jews are inherently not white. My interpretation has always been that there are white Jews, Middle-Eastern Jews, (very few) black Jews, and so on.

>> No.106222

They're not white because white people can't be a minority that's discriminated against. If you call Jews white you're implying they're not victims. And that doesn't sit well with the six trillion narrative.

>> No.106225

Unless you converted to Judaism, chances are you're of middle-eastern descent (with light skin probably, like a lot of Iranians and other middle eastern people)

>> No.106215



So, you admit that WASP clannishness was basically just a form of social exclusionism and was not a group that advocated the interests of white people as white people explicitly? I rest my case.


Cry me a river. The WASPs are dinosaurs now.

>> No.106237

not the person you replied to but im a coloured american that got his foreskin chopped off at birth. technically im jewish right

>> No.106248

What the fuck does "coloured american" (note the British spelling) even mean? Are you a nigger? And no, the fact that you got your dick mutilated doesn't make you Jewish.

>> No.106258


I'm ultimately of Eastern European descent, though most of my family has been in North America for well over a century, pre-WWII. I have absolutely no connection with the middle-east that I'm aware of. I mean, I guess there necessarily was one many, many generations ago, but I certainly don't view myself as middle-eastern. More just... American.

>> No.106259
File: 746 KB, 245x180, dogeeeeee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not all Jews are Semites in fact there was a wave Jew converts during the Khazar rule. Jew means those who follow Judaism. Israelite means descend of prophet Jacob. So not all jews are Israelite. Just like not all Muslims are Arabs. And so on and so forth.

>> No.106269

>though most of my family has been in North America for well over a century,
Gee I guess that if a nigger spends over a century in America that makes him white too

>> No.106284

>constantly make jokes about failing or getting fired when they're around you

Someone who is a fuckup or doesn't plan for the future etc. - it can be cute and funny as a teenager or in the 20s, but it gets old real quick.

I guess the moment it really starts is when the guys who went to college and whatnot start making $60k and then $70k and then $80k and then more and more. Usually this is in the early to mid 20s.

By the time the fuckup is in their mid 30s, they are overweight heavy drinkers, no career prospects, a kid or two, a wife who complains how she's not living the life she thought she would etc.

It pays in the short term to goof off prior to 21, but the STEM guys with a college degree start to really pull ahead soon after that. About 15 years down the road, depressingly so.

>> No.106295

my dad is from england and his parents are jamaican, but i was born in the United States.

Also i was just making a silly joke. calm down

>> No.106307

>calm down
Someone isn't mad or heavily invested just because he bothers to capitalize properly.

>> No.106324

Are you new to this website? Because if you get offended that easily you might not want to continue browsing.

>> No.106374



>not a group that advocated the interests of white people


>The WASPs are dinosaurs now.

>> No.106371

calm down newfriend.

>typing "proper" on a chinese cartoon board

nobody is offended here m8

>> No.106390

>typing "proper" on a chinese cartoon board

>calm down newfriend
Clearly anyone who thinks you're a faggot is some angry fucker who just blew in from /v/.

>> No.106428



And most white people are not WASPs.


Are you?

>> No.106575

>being good at business = intelligence
Wot? Strange bias. Business is like a trade its a learned thing, you wouldn't say someone is intelligent just because he's a good plumber. I know we live in a capitalist world but... Not being good at business doesn't make something stupid, those christfags believe their "spiritual health" is important and being greedy is bad (supposedly), its just a different point of view. Browsing this board is strange. It is interesting though

>> No.106625

>only whites oppressed women
Pls try harder troll

>> No.106778

I've been in there quite a few times. If you ever get the chance, go in there on a Friday afternoon, right before they close. You will find it funny how they kick people out of the store and the employees are literally RUNNING OUT of the store. No joke... as soon as they shut all of the monitors/screens/electronics etc off, they start running. Not walking, not speed walking... RUNNING.

>> No.106794

Mods confirms for Jews

Other Jew thread got deleted, even though it was business related

>> No.106830

ITT we discover fb.com/justinrosslee

The self-proclaimed "JewJetter"

This guy is the male equivalent of Paris Hilton. He gets paid to make appearances at events and parties, and flies around the world in first class, seat 1A. He lives what is called a "comp'd lifestyle" (everything he does is compensated for, and he pays nothing, simply by smooth talking).

On a side note, I think Justin Ross Lee is a pretty cool guy, eh pays nothing for everything and doesnt afraid of anything

You're welcome /biz/