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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 666 KB, 2892x2948, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9135385 No.9135385 [Reply] [Original]

99.99% of people in crypto are complete idiots. Don't listen to pajeets here or retarded redditors.

This is winning portfolio for next 2 months. Copy it and you will 3-5x your stack in next 2 months. Risk free.


>> No.9135392

where is link? saged

>> No.9135394
File: 54 KB, 465x576, 1524768212941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was worried you bought every coin shilled on /biz/ till I got to the bottom

Also, pic related
guaranteed moon mission

>> No.9135401

lol amblets

>> No.9135416


AMB is your next most likely 10x, with very low risk.

EOS is what you hold instead of BTC and ETH unless you are braindead. It will keep rising until mainnet at least, and after that, limited supply and shitton of airdrops will push this shit to 100s.

>> No.9135502
File: 111 KB, 611x761, 1487722681769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No exposure in BABB/BAX?
It's kinda reassuring to see that my top bag is nowhere to be seen across these threads. Nobody there to sell, only people that have yet to discover the project.

>> No.9135846

You should be buying PFR instead of whatever crap youre holding. Their mainnet comes out on April 30th. Do you realize that Localbitcoins now has KYC? Do you understand that once PFR is out, people will all jump ship to avoid having to upload documents? People kept doubting the project but these guys deliver. Do you want to be poor forever..

>> No.9135917

>very low risk

>constant shilling and reverse shilling by the manchild ceo and his tgshillgrp for months
>frequent pnd's
>partnership with a startup they created themself to calm down bagholders
>community manager held the same position at a outright scamtoken before
>all around shady vibes
>masternodes+pos as a last pnd textbook attempt

what could go wrong

>> No.9136031

LOL no coss... and you expect to make it.


>> No.9136073
File: 630 KB, 1067x1600, Mrs.-Brightside-Rosavivi-Blogger-Hamburg-Shooting-Belvita-Kampagne-Soft-Keks-Lifestyle-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell off your EOS while the fun lasts.

>> No.9136086

hurr durr I got lucky through EOS

>> No.9136103

'lucky' keep coping

>> No.9136132
File: 2.19 MB, 1289x1717, 1524863871070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you are larping just because your folio has amb and is missing sky.

>> No.9136183
File: 3.95 MB, 2372x3044, 8797E497-51D8-42EF-B829-BFEF801001A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumbass, go all in EOS before June 2. What is the point of AMB and all the other coins? They aren’t going to 2-3x in a month, they are just dead weight on your portfolio until then. At that point go in AMB or whatever coins you like.

>> No.9136194

>winning portfolio
>entire portfolio propped up by unsustainable eos gains in the last month

>> No.9136279
File: 103 KB, 1024x577, GMSNIPER2GUNDAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

closed the entire page, on to the next thread

>> No.9136400


>> No.9136412

>no link
in to the trash it goes

>> No.9136468

Isn't eos long due for a correction? It went 3x in the last month. I feel like I'm too late to buy in now

>> No.9136489

sky is one of cryptos holy grails if synth can be successful. Top 3 easy.

>> No.9136632

You're going to crash hard buddy.

>> No.9136633

the idea is good
this will take 10 to 20 years to function properly

>> No.9136713

Lmfao at buying coin manipulated with wash trading.

OKEX has the highest EOS trading volume by far.


>> No.9136751

Lmfao for not trippling your money with the help of washtraders

>> No.9136761


Except that it's pointless, and could be accomplished more easily using an Ethereum based Dapp and a bunch of raspberry pi.......ie Substratum with a wireless mesh network attached. It'll decently rise though, because you're all fucking retards - so enjoy the bags when I dump kek

>> No.9136785


Truth. Know what's been great? Bcc. It drops - then pumped higher. Dumps back to low bb. Then pumps again. Between that and EOS I'm loving the growth in my stack of sats.

>> No.9136806

EOScel bagholder detected

have fun with those bags once the shitcoin reverts back to $0.2

>> No.9136822

Lol @ all these losers underestimating AMB

>> No.9136839

> Buy what I've already bought so I can exit

Yeah... nah.

>> No.9136858
File: 555 KB, 1125x2436, 0E426090-6F79-4015-82C0-268212E8021D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is smart

>> No.9136879

in all honesty, are you literally fucking retarded?
i ride this bitch since 3,xx dollares
i shilled it for weeks
everytime a stupid asshole like you appears and wishes me luck with my bags
so far i've been lucky
stay poor retard

>> No.9137278

naw, let him keep it. I'm saving the pic for the inevitable JUSTing.

>> No.9137386

What a shit portfolio

It was luck, just like all the retards that bought TRX and it exploded for no reason. Truly the 2 worst of the shitcoins pumped up by nothing but retard normie fomo

>> No.9137450


I can't find bigboy WTC in your portfolio.


>> No.9137464

Ok so you’re a confirmed actual retard thanks

EOS flips Bitcoin by 2020

>> No.9137508

>for no reason
look faggot, you are the normie here
eos mooning was obvious for everyone with half a brain for months
not sorry that you missed out, it was shilled for weeks here
keep coping

>> No.9137545

Have fun losing 90% of your gains when that shitcoin scam collapses.

>> No.9137562

Also I've been in crypto since 2013 so if anyone here has missed out, it is you normie

>> No.9137572

It’s a finished decentralized project launching in a month but your weird version of reality is cool too. It’s just made of saltiness and retard.

>> No.9137630

I don't care if I missed out on gains, I just hate when shit projects (Tron, EOS, XRP) keep getting pumped.

>> No.9137666

i will have sold my bags a long time before that happens
lmao, you don't believe this by yourself do you?
buying some weed on dnm's does'nt count

>> No.9137680

if you don't understand that 99% of your funnymoneytokens are completely useless shit, then there is truely no hope for you, sorry

>> No.9137684

Never used dnm's

>> No.9137733

>>constant shilling and reverse shilling by the manchild ceo and his tgshillgrp for months
biz anons on the amb tg posted biz links and talked about bearfag openly, so your head canon is wrong
>>frequent pnd's
this happens with nearly every coin, has nothing to do with viability, prove me wrong
>>partnership with a startup they created themself to calm down bagholders
This is purely made up lol, post proof
>>community manager held the same position at a outright scamtoken before
what are you talking about? post proof
>>all around shady vibes
>>masternodes+pos as a last pnd textbook attempt
>implying the majority of projects aren't moving to POS and MNs as part of their tokenomics

Sure smells like accumulating here

>> No.9137738

nigger, even if your larp was true, then we both have the same starting point, how could you miss it then?
eos was a nobrainer (like you), deal with it

>> No.9137743
File: 71 KB, 800x718, SKYDRAKE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you think ETH will still be relevant in two years? It's only purpose was to launch ICO's and there's better platforms for that now

You have to be fucking retarded to honestly believe Ethereum and Substratum will be able to do what Skycoin is trying to achieve

>> No.9137792

>>>constant shilling and reverse shilling by the manchild ceo and his tgshillgrp for months
>biz anons on the amb tg posted biz links and talked about bearfag openly, so your head canon is wrong
the swisscucktgoverlord is the bearfag, how stupid can you be?
>>>frequent pnd's
>this happens with nearly every coin, has nothing to do with viability, prove me wrong
what is volume?
>>>partnership with a startup they created themself to calm down bagholders
>This is purely made up lol, post proof
pls do my research for me
just look at the shitty website which is only amb promotion
>>>community manager held the same position at a outright scamtoken before
>what are you talking about? post proof
was already posted a dozen times, aneesh is well known
besides that, just read what fatsetti has to say about scammers, did u miss that?
>>>all around shady vibes
conclusion from all the arguments
>>>masternodes+pos as a last pnd textbook attempt
>>implying the majority of projects aren't moving to POS and MNs as part of their tokenomics
yeah, to create fomo

>> No.9137815

did say nothing about eth
think you missunderstood me
i like the sky approach very much and think mesh-networks are the future
emphasis on future, this will take longer than you think

>> No.9137862

Poorfag here, which one of these is best to hold from June to December?


>> No.9137969

>>biz anons on the amb tg posted biz links and talked about bearfag openly, so your head canon is wrong
>the swisscucktgoverlord is the bearfag, how stupid can you be?
Do you have proof of your assertion? Didn't think so.
>>this happens with nearly every coin, has nothing to do with viability, prove me wrong
>what is volume?
No shit low volume coins get PnD, does that affect their technical viability, yes or no? Also:
>implying that "high volume" coins haven't be pumped and dumped before like December itself when everything was "high volume"
>>This is purely made up lol, post proof
>pls do my research for me
>just look at the shitty website which is only amb promotion
Ahh I see so you have nothing then and you made this up. Got it.
>>what are you talking about? post proof
>was already posted a dozen times, aneesh is well known
>besides that, just read what fatsetti has to say about scammers, did u miss that?
What are you talking about, again post proof or gtfo, Christ you're pathetic
>conclusion from all the arguments
>>>implying the majority of projects aren't moving to POS and MNs as part of their tokenomics
>yeah, to create fomo
So every coin is a scam then, hurr great logic

>> No.9138131

Buy Jewish crypto goys. Seriously though why would you support a crypto that is essentially going to be manipulated exactly like fiat. You totally missed the point of this thing.

>> No.9138320

You're both fucking autistic

>> No.9138321

>60% in EOS


>> No.9138344

>eosio blockchain is a shitcoin scam


>> No.9138401

All in on ARK. 4x by the end of the year.

>> No.9138482

So triggered you had to reply 2 times. Listen, EOS is a overvalued piece of shit and I will never buy it even if went 10x from here. I want the market to reject all the shitcoins, not fucking give them multibillion market caps

>> No.9138513


Show us the year graph.

Succeeding this month doesn't mean shit

>> No.9138629

this makes two of us baxbro broax.

>> No.9138655

>still saying eos is a shitcoin erc20 and nothing else

>> No.9138858


Got lucky with EOS & now thinks he’s an expert! Cocky little twat.

My portfolio is worth $2.6 m so u have a long way to go to catch-up

>> No.9138909

HPB Iran handle X10 more TPS than EOS. HPB will rocket in value

>> No.9138945

Wtf are you still hodling for retard. That'll make you set for life in any country.

>> No.9139537

Keep holding your EOS and don't sell anything. I need that pic for my compilation

>> No.9139609

no VEN no win bru

>> No.9139874

Lmao EOS is going to get JUST'd hard. If you have any brains you would sell it now, but you won't because of your greed.

>this time it's different
>literally vaporware

>> No.9139886

>started at 300k
>tfw started with $400

How the fuck.

>> No.9139917

Not decentralized fgt

>> No.9139930

Its going to continue to pump in May. Sell before June.

>> No.9139961
File: 175 KB, 384x390, 1509275496852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9140019

lol at shitcoin parade. not even one WAU Coin, that crushed everything in 2018. Enjoy your sec securities. bitcoin is half decent tho

>> No.9140022

Larpfolios should be banned

Tracker that can't be faked when

>> No.9140305

>Winning portfolio
>2 months