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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 7 KB, 460x460, wtccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9135228 No.9135228 [Reply] [Original]

Well, nothing to say. I hope the Ven FUDbois are crying on the sidelines watching this beast going to Top10.

muh sunny said we have no competition. bwaha

>> No.9135301

those who mined 30 wtc in a day with a few gpus gonna dump this hard.

>> No.9135318

Nice dead thread kek
Pathetic Walt cucks still think they matter

>> No.9135334


Salty walties will become pink wojaks IRL after the greatest red dildo in history when literally everything wil be green in the middle of alt season.

>> No.9135335

Android wallet is really well designed.

They announced today at Chinese Q&A that they will have cold storage update to windows wallet. Nice!

>> No.9135339

I don't care what anyone says I understand that Walton has great engineers and tech but shitty marketing team. This will be huge and I hope all those who didn't believe FOMO hard.

>> No.9135357


You said the same about the 700wtc airdrops to GMN holders.
FUD more lol

>> No.9135378
File: 48 KB, 800x729, 1524900471002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>700wtc airdrops vs mining like 200 wtc per day since the 1st april

>> No.9135399


Those were around 1,4mio WTC that were airdropped.

And no one can mine 200 WTC per day since 1st april consistently throughout, rofl

>> No.9135417

I'm struggling to find you guys on the sponsor list for consensus. Oh what you're not there? Kek. Seriosuly though why would you not hold VEN it's cheap compared to ATH and with consensus coming up it's an obvious buy.

>> No.9135443


WTC is way cheaper compared to ATH. And actually delivers tech in real life, as well as business relationships irl.
VEN has nothing over WTC, and is way more expensive from an investment point of view

>> No.9135463

I'm not saying WTC is a shit coin and VEN is better I'm just saying VEN is a good hold/buy with consensus coming up and them being a sponsor. I don't care though, you do you anon.

>> No.9135470

yeah, fucking IoT insoles ahahaha

>> No.9135485


Don't get me wrong, VEN is a good hold. Just saying that WTC is the better one.

IoT in general is the go-to for hodling

>> No.9135503


Insoles are just a tiny side project, which shows how creative and broad their approach is.
But yeah, they actually do something and not only talk

>> No.9135630

How much Walton to make it? got a 1000
considering selling Ven or might sell Ven for ICX then put it into WTC

>> No.9135643
File: 88 KB, 710x328, waltoncant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9135649


This has serious Top10 potential, so you can figure

>> No.9135692

>And no one can mine 200 WTC per day since 1st april consistently throughout, rofl
One guy in the telegram group makes like 150 a day and he has 250gpu, dunno how much is amd. Lets say half.
im not fud, Im finally making 100bucks a day again, first time since jan.

also 700wtc airdrop for gm holders? holy shit what a dirty fucking bs. they already making srs bank if they have like 20-50 guys mining in thier gm. Lets say you have a gm and you have like 50 guys mining for you and you give them only 50% of your gm rewards you still making atleast 50wtc profit a day.

wtc economy is fucked. Its so uneven an unfair its not sustainable I think, but anything can happen in crypto so who knows.

>> No.9135761


Actually it is a very fair and thoughtful system to reward the most important entities for the eco-system at the highest rate.
GMNs are the backbone of the blockchain.

>> No.9135811

People still haven’t learnt that if something is attacked this much and is continuing to gain momentum and constant positive articles that it’s a solid buy. Stupid attacks trying to dig up any dirt they can only signals that they worry about the competition. Walton is a winner that has progressed and learnt from their errors at an incredible rate and will be in the top 10.

>> No.9135837


Voice of reason

>> No.9135888

why exactly is this better than VEN?

>> No.9135905

Waltonshit always dumps back to $10-12, literally no point to FOMO this garbage.

>> No.9135954


okay hehe

>> No.9136186

im totally ok with wtc going to the moon. I almost bought in at 30 but decided not to after doing some research. maybe this was the only time I did research right.

idgf about your shilling or whatever, Im open for cultured talk and exchange of opinions.

>> No.9136206


I like your attitude, it's rare in this space.

IoT for the win