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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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[ERROR] No.9134042 [Reply] [Original]

i have a feeling we're about to dump.
rally to $9.3 was a short squeeze and now we drop

>> No.9134640

Who is this attractive Jewess?

>> No.9134707

surprised they still print that cover using the picture of her holding a bic pen (they weren't invented at the time she was claimed to have lived)

>> No.9134721


Anne Frank.

>> No.9134760

The biography is fake.
The current "legal owner" had to payback a shitton of shekels tot he publishers.

Have fun finding this via google, surpressed as fuck.

>> No.9134780

Anne Frank, says so on the book ;-)

>> No.9134786

yeah i remember reading an entire PDF critiquing the book and tearing it apart logically.

fascinating read. the father who wrote it is just a money grubbing kike that made a teen love story in the holohoax setting for shekels. no one is even allowed to see the "original"

>> No.9134816


Y'all niggas is droll as fuck

>> No.9134818

Now watch with your school class the latest anne frank movie which you have to pay for.
And read the book and write an assay how evil white people are and that you have to feel ashamed for eternity! Never feel proud for beeing the monster you are ebil ebil!

>> No.9134835

Anne Frank was dead before the book was published so the jewess on the cover is not the same as the one holding the book. Anne Franks father posthumously edited a collection of musings he attributes to his daughter into the book complete with artistic license. Theres no business like shoah business

>> No.9134852

/biz/ - Antisemitism & Finance

>> No.9134898

Are you serious about the biography being fake?

>> No.9134991
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>> No.9135044

Well, while I feel like you're making a point, most of the stuff in that meme is explained pretty easily. But damn, it does make sense that he wrote most of the shit for scheckles. I definitely need to do some more research.

>> No.9135070
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Oh you actually believe in the holohoax and stuff? Fun rabbit hole to go down.

>> No.9135081

> A honest sincere person of jewish origin is doing fraudulent activities in order to gain shekels?
This can't be!

>> No.9135093
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wish i could find that fucking PDF

>> No.9135110

Also check out the Havaara agreement and check if it fits to what you are getting told everyday.
and when the agreemend ended and why
and when the camps started and why
and why all those camp inmates where starved to near death
and everything about thypus

>> No.9135135

and I'm not mad when you won't reply anymore because you are in jail for not believing the official statement which is illegal in many countries.

Oh and check out the Nurnberger trials.

>> No.9135198

They assassinated Lawrence of Arabia, a cultural hero, because he would have helped Hitler try for peace (which Hitler tried many times).

>Around the time of his death, Lawrence was aligning himself with Sir Oswald Moseley, leader of the British Union of Fascists. And when he sustained the injuries that led to his death, Lawrence had been on his way to see his good friend, Hawthornden Prize winner Henry Williamson, who was facilitating a meeting between Lawrence and Adolph Hitler. Lawrence, like other veterans of World War I, abhorred the idea of yet another war in Europe, and, like Moseley and Williamson, saw dialogue with Hitler as a necessary first step to preventing it.

>> No.9135288

When Churchill was leaving London to meet Roosevelt for a conference in Quebec late in the summer of 1943, a reporter asked if they were planning to offer peace terms to Germany.

Churchill replied: “Heavens, no. They would accept immediately.”-- 'Revisionist Viewpoints', pg.75 by James J. Martin.

>> No.9135528
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6 million dead jews aren't something you can "debunk" you stupid fucking moron don't believe everything you read on the internet wtf
can't believe people like you exist, i hope you're just trying to enable people like me

>> No.9135576

>can't believe people like you exist,

I know right? It's getting harder and harder. Like anon brought up.

>There are currently 17 countries in which it is a federal crime to investigate the Jewish holocaust (people have been imprisoned for up to 2 years for this)---no other "historical" event carries a prison sentence for simply conducting research on.

>> No.9135587
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>hitler try for peace
wtf am i even reading lmao
please go on, this is the funniest shit i've seen for days

>> No.9135641

>Poland is killing ethnic Germans
>France and uk declare war
>Send peace offer to france
>Steamroll france
>Send peace offering to uk
>Bomb the shit opt of uk, but not totally
>Peace treaty on the table the whole time
>Communists, the enemy of Europe, are preparing to take Romanian oil fields.
>Need oil for muh blitzkrieg
>Invade russia
>Worst winter in 100 years
>Grorious nippon attacks the us. instead of joint attack with germany, on russia
>Italy sucks dildo.
>Hitler tries to let the Brits off easy on Barbarossa
>Gets shit on

That awkward moment when you realize the biggest mistake of Hitler: the most evil man in history™ Was that he was too merciful.
He reached out his hand in brotherhood at every turn and was shit on for it.

>> No.9135653


>> No.9136024

>photo of a jew grooming a horse
>retards use it to debunk holocaust
Hmm I wonder why that was taken

>> No.9136080
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There are many more like this.
WW2 was a war purely for finance and power.

Guess who financed all sides in the war?
A peacefull europe not dependend on the Rothshields banks

>> No.9136149

I really really really really want to fuck this hot Jewess sloot.

>> No.9136869
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>there are still people on the website who think the holohoax was real
Holy shit I hope you guys are merely pretending.

>> No.9136983

This is new to me. And upsetting.

>> No.9137239
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>> No.9137264
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Oy vey

>> No.9137587
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