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9133984 No.9133984 [Reply] [Original]

I’m starting to think that the Microsoft/chainlink connection is totally unfounded.

>Watching Ari’s Town Crier presentation, it immediately struck me as approaching a problem we wtown crier component architectureere also trying to solve at Microsoft. Our approaches were different, but ultimately this work aligned with how we thought about some common problems in the blockchain space, trusted data feeds (often called oracles in blockchain lingo) and confidential queries via smart contracts.

>Interestingly, we had similar work going on with two projects we’ve announced that handle these two concerns in different ways. The first project is Enterprise Smart Contracts, originally announced as Cryptlets in June 2016, which addresses off chain smart contract execution or the integration with legacy data or oracles.


He’s saying that Microsoft Enterprise Smart Contracts/Cryptlets oracles are merely similar to the work being done by ic3. It sounds more like they are simply collaborating on a common problem, not necessarily using chainlink nodes.

>> No.9133992

sooner or later you're going to realize that a decentralized network for centralized oracles is significantly less interesting than it first appears.

>> No.9134008

I’m scared...

>> No.9134021
File: 51 KB, 394x453, 1524355468059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just rolled mad 3s for 1k eoy

>> No.9134040

Hey fuk u faget you dont know, what your talking about. Sergey said he was working with microsoft thats why they were on the slide at the sibos talk. You think he would get away with lying about that? They would sue his ass to the ground, lol dumbfuk how could you not know this. Link 1000 eoy checkem fag

>> No.9134063

Sergey said they were working together, as in collaborating on a similar problem. Not necessarily that Cryptlets are Chainlinks.

>> No.9134074

You have the point..
Bad APIs=bad results..
APIs are centralized..
Like being given 2 bad choises to choose from, blindfolded..
Result is corrupted.
Fuck Link, EOS here I come !

>> No.9134111

ughh, data is, like, always so centralized! the orgle prablem will never be sold!

>> No.9134185

What about the guy that first posted about Microsoft/LINK on reddit? Was he overlooking something?

>> No.9134801

Yeah, his own fucking delusion

>> No.9135180


>> No.9135215

That was tech stuff that no brainlets here will understand

>> No.9135869

This is important anons