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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 155 KB, 1439x832, Screenshot_20180428-024924_Binance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9133375 No.9133375 [Reply] [Original]

I went from 4k -> 45k ->120k within 5 months. Fuck all of you

>> No.9133389

Was it any skill or did you just luck into the growth of the whole crypto market

>> No.9133391

Cool blog, dicklick.

>> No.9133393

How ya do it?

>> No.9133395

13 btc is over 100k, blows my mind every time

>> No.9133396

sure you did buddymanfamalamdesusenpai

>> No.9133409

>thinks money makes the man.

I can tell you’re not genuinely happy.

>> No.9133445

>>9133409 this
May you find peace in your reality OP .

>> No.9133467

I say 75% luck. Got into a coin that turned my 4k to 45k. And then took that opportunity to diversify. Working well so far.

I laugh at people that say money doesn't buy happiness. Like are you fucking retarded? I'm living the best time of my life. 21 year old, graduating with a CS degree, have a girlfriend, full time trader, I have money, I have a place with my girlfriend, got a nice car, loving parents, wtf else do I need. Money is the cherry on top to me. Using the money to travel the world with my girl. Down payment for a house. Stfu faggot

>> No.9133472

how do I turn my 1.26 btc into 13 btc? thanks

>> No.9133486

You sound like a fag.


>> No.9133489
File: 126 KB, 884x1024, hehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, congrats anon

>> No.9133497

show trades or gtfo

>> No.9133505

You wanna know how everyone here can tell you're not happy?

You're sitting here typing out those huge messages to validate yourself to compelely anonymous strangers on the internet for no reason.
Nice work buddy

>> No.9133510
File: 140 KB, 462x422, 1510280426643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw turned under $100 into 1MM in 5 years

>> No.9133515
File: 24 KB, 399x388, 1524184582567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in this fucking world had a difference way to define happiness if y feel happiness when y making a lot of money then gud for y annos.

I made more than 800k last bull run and guest what I didnt feel a shit although my physical getting better but in the bottom of my heart I didnt feel any more happiness than before.

>> No.9133522

money doesn't make happyness

t. rich and can't buy back my dead mom

>> No.9133526

I'm not a weak minded depressed faggot.

Just buy some low market cap gem. Currently have 5k in tky (potential binance listing), 7k in ocn (100% binance in the future), and 5k in mwat. All of these will x3 at least. Ocn has been doing me wonders. Alot of hype behind it. Buy the dips

>> No.9133527

I got from 1300 to 7000 to 900 and now back to 1400. Since october.

FUN will make it to 1 dollar eventually right?

>> No.9133530

money isn't happiness, if anything it highlights everything money can't buy.

on the plus side it does eliminate all problems regarding money. but you'll need a few more zeros than 100k for that.

>> No.9133552
File: 8 KB, 249x243, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started last year, put in $50 bucks and up to $4k not really doing much. Will I be like you in 4 years? Or did you actively trade?

>> No.9133570
File: 635 KB, 1439x2652, Screenshot_20180428-031211_Binance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some. Tried to scroll capture but pic size was too big

Yeah you got me real good anon lmao

>> No.9133579
File: 45 KB, 1052x585, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went from last year's 8k$ initial investment to this. Nothing really changed, desu.

>> No.9133584

I do trade. Graduate next week and going fulltime since this is making me more income than any of my offers

>> No.9133588

I wish I could die with my mom and avoid this

>> No.9133603

He's right though. You're just to young to realize it. I honestly feel bad for anyone that doesn't have to face rock bottom at least a few times, you are most likely an extremely uninteresting person.

>> No.9133604

>Or did you actively trade?
In that 5 years I've only made a handful of trades.
>BTC @~$30
>ETH @~$0.90
>WAN @~$0.34
Really annoyed I missed out on NEO but i couldn't take it seriously before the rebrand.

>> No.9133605

Not bad at all. Got big plans this year to double what I have

>> No.9133615

that just means youre not rich enough to animate her corpse

>> No.9133621

i'd have that spirit reanimation money if I had went all in on antshare

>> No.9133633

Why OCN?

>> No.9133636

Thanks for proving my point, yet again. You need money for happiness, therefore, you’re not genuinely happy.

>> No.9133639

You dont hit rock bottom of you have a good mindset. I set my goals, and I meet them. School tested me for sure. Not the easiest degree to get, but I finished. More than happy. Only good things to come from what I see. And uninteresting? Lmao that's a good one

>> No.9133652

At this rate, you will have over $3 million by the end of the year! Godspeed, OP.

>> No.9133656

This, this and this.

>> No.9133657

Your point stands invalid though. Sorry you cant understand

>> No.9133663

You have literally done nothing with your life but conform to standards, and you are on 4chan bragging in an insufferable tone.

>> No.9133668

What’s understood, doesn’t need to be explained.

>> No.9133673

I too post about my awesome life on 4chan to reassure myself that I’m happy

>> No.9133678


I'm going to bed now guys. Goodluck to all of you. And fuck these 2 faggots right here. Cant seem to understand how I see things from my perspective.

>> No.9133685

Cope harder you poor fuck. What are you doing on a business board?

>> No.9133691

>I'm going to bed now guys. Goodluck to all of you. And fuck these 2 faggots right here.
You replied to yourself though fucking lmao

>> No.9133716
File: 9 KB, 258x206, nocoinersbtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didnt use his tax refund for the eth ico

lmao, i hold half that stash last year so me and my girlfriend could buy a big house

now we just need to fill the house with kids ;))))))))))))))))))

fucking comfy to know you never have to work again

>> No.9133717

I enjoyed witnessing your cognitive dissonance

>> No.9133721

which exchange?

>> No.9133719

>poor fuck

Nice projection.
If you really want to know what I’m doing on a business board, I’m here to put little faggots like you in their place. You know nothing about the real world.

t. Business owner with 2 successful Kickstarter launches *shrugs* how’s that for bragging, d-did I do g-good?

>> No.9133751

You sound like a bitter poor faggot in every post and nothing else because that's what you are. Your very first post was "B-BUT MONEY DUN MAKE U HAPPE". Shut the fuck up and leave /biz/ fag.

>> No.9133755

Congrats, anon - I have seen you post your BTC total a few times lately. I'm pleased for you!

Advice from someone who made and then lost a considerable btc fortune - it's not real until there's cash in your bank account. Here are my tips:

> Do not leave funds sitting idly in risky coins that could dump and never recover. Stay in BTC or major alts, ideally major alts with upcoming events (TRX, EOS are great examples) which are keeping them afloat.

> Organise a system of skimming profits regularly. For example, each week sell 10% of your total profit for that week. This is such a small amount that it won't feel like it's reducing your portfolio (would you notice if your gains were 10% smaller?) but you will get cold, hard cash in your hand.

> Think about targets for larger cash-outs.

> Think about a target for a total walk-away cash out, if that's your goal.

Do have a plan.

>> No.9133768

Good for you , why the hostility?

>> No.9133797

How the fuck do you deal with taxes? Literally trading shitcoins is not rocket science but accounting for taxation is a fucking nightmare, especially if you are going to start skimming shit off the top into fiat.

>> No.9133822
File: 57 KB, 561x580, 20660899-FCD3-4DE6-AB0C-69D8AC0D7728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao. Projecting again. I’m chilling while you’re losing your shit over a thread. All I stated, was facts, and many agreed. I must have struck a nerve with you. I guarantee you’re under 20 years old, you fucking betaboy.

>> No.9133848


Personally, I'd ignore it. I'm in the UK and afaik they aren't very good at checking that stuff. I have never actually cashed out a penny, though.

>> No.9133849

Why does this anonymous dude’s opinion trigger you so badly? I’m legitimately curious

>> No.9133904

Nothing what you've said had any substance you stupid nigger. You have no deep insight at all.
>money dun mak happy
>thanks 4 prof point
The dumbest thing was you backtracking and moving the goalposts
>you need monny for hapiness but iz not genuine habines

It's literally only you that sounds like you're "under 20 years old" and yeah about that... I turn 28 in just over a month.

>> No.9133936

Because "money doesn't make u happeeeh bruh!!" is what some poorfags and normies say. That's fine, but if you say it on /biz/ you're a hypocrite and an idiot who struggles to even x2 his investment.

>> No.9133947

So you are telling people to cash out when you aren't? Also good luck figuring out how to turn any of that profit into physical assets without raising eyebrows

>> No.9133966

I went from $200k to $10k

Don't ask me how

>> No.9133968


>> No.9133985

I went from 2.4k to 2.7k to 1.8k to 2.5k

>> No.9134001

Yeah but like, why get mad over it? I see tons of posts on here I find retarded but I’m not gonna bust a nut over each one, life’s too short man not worth it

>> No.9134006

>coping this hard
can't you just say "nice blogpost faggot" and move on? do you HAVE to out yourself as an envious brainlet?

>> No.9134009

Happy with your gains? Time to get bogged


>> No.9134013


haha, same here, mate. Same here.


>> No.9134014

Man you for very lucky with one coin the rest is natural market growth, please look for a real job because you are not particularly good at trading

>> No.9134050

>itt poorfags salty, calling op a failure since he has money
Can you newfags remind me on what board are we on right now?

>> No.9134142

OP, please don't think you can do this "full time" - if the market tanks again you are FUCKED. This won't last forever, maybe only a few more months or a year, who knows. You're young so train in something and get started in a good career, you don't have enough money yet to live properly without ever working, plus you will feel a lot better, psychologically, starting on a career path. It's important, socially, as well. Being a NEET sitting and gambling on internet meme money is not good for you.

Use the crypto gift to boost the rest of your life, but don't make it everything.

>> No.9134165

125k really isnt that much money man

>> No.9134183

what platform is that

>> No.9134218

>So you are telling people to cash out when you aren't?

Yes, I lose a small fortune in Jan and it has destroyed me this year that I didn't take ANY profits, like a retard. It's literally the most important thing you can do, otherwise what's the point?

>> No.9134333

>acts like this
Oh jesus christ, this is just slightly better than those people who bought 0.01 BTC and thought they were 'investors'. $125k is fuck all money.

>> No.9134366

Good for you.

Went from 120 USD to 50k in 4 months

>> No.9134419
File: 106 KB, 820x729, 1521447498269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went from 12k -> 180k -> 30k -> 100k -> 5k -> 8k in last 6 months. Selling low and buying high.

>> No.9134422

I wanted to put my 10k in nano before the huge pump
I would have had 300k but i put them in LINK instead
No i sit on my "bags" believing Larps

>> No.9134424

I am about to join a good MBA college
Although you are right that you are currently making more money in cypto right now
But the question is, how long will you keep doing so?

>> No.9134448

happy for you. I have none of that except for the gf part and im 28, 29 in a few months. I hope money will bring back my life force but it looks like my shitcoins fail me.

>> No.9134683

you sound like rodger elliot.