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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9132695 No.9132695 [Reply] [Original]

Why the FUCK did i listen to him??????

>> No.9132712

It's a scam coin that pushes heavy on marketing. It can be profitable but it's risky as fuck, its like buying verge at ath.

>> No.9132721

I know it's a scam but i still could have made a boatload of money.

>> No.9132727
File: 66 KB, 683x1024, chestahedron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> listens to advice from a comedian


> is the joke

>> No.9132758
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Why the FUCK did I listen to him???

>> No.9132786

I figured he has a team of top researchers. His show is extremely popular and on HBO. He's pretty good with all his other deep dives and what he said about EOS was all true. It's a useless shitcoin created by a pedo.

>> No.9132981


Except none of that is true. You listened to him because you’re a retard and you believe weak /biz/ FUD and hilariously enough I’m sure your portfolio is actual pajeet scamcoins

>> No.9132994

60% ETH and other solid projects but ok

>> No.9133002


>> No.9133009

I was half in. Got 20 ETH left over to go all in on when it settles.

>> No.9133130

centralized shit lol

>> No.9133567


>> No.9133606

Yup...why did they had to chose tha PUA witha hat and a pedo sotry behind him to represent EOS?

>> No.9133611

lmao fuck EOS and fuck john oliver im glad everyone lost

>> No.9133613

I actually bought this as soon as I saw his segment. Hopefully you learned a lesson anon. Always do the opposite of what the left wants.

>> No.9133631

Who is this and why is he still poor?

>> No.9133680

This was the most obvious buy signal... thought it was a scam until (((they))) tried to fud it to the normies

>> No.9133739

Where can i watch this mate? What's his name?

>> No.9133746

Anyone else just dislike this guy? I can find things I like about most people but I just do not like this one. What is it?

>> No.9133773


>Show is extremely popular
>Has a team of top researchers

Anon how old are you? Because you need to learn pretty quickly these two things do not go hand in hand like the media would have you believe.

>> No.9133784

Anyone, i just like to watch this and i don't watch this normie shit? What's his name?

>> No.9133792

same. to me it was a huge buy signal

>> No.9133799

You’re a liberal shitbag

>> No.9133802


>> No.9133814

That was a clear buy signal my nigga. A lot of us on 4chin called it at the time.

>> No.9133847
File: 924 KB, 768x768, 1523004497146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We told you anon, we told you.

Consider it a lesson learned. Put it this way, when that smug jew cunt started saying EOS was a scam I literally DOUBLED my holdings. No jew is going to give you sound financial advice for free.

Lesson learned? never forget the treachery of the Hebrew in all things money related.

>> No.9133865

Its not a scam. Google fundraised in a very similar way, Its called a Dutch auction.

>> No.9133887

If anything anon, being on T.V should make you question something twice as hard.

>> No.9133895


>> No.9133897


>> No.9133911

this. i knew right away to go all in EOS

>> No.9133912


>> No.9133939

Brock Pierce says some cool things. I don't care about his sex life.

>> No.9133949
File: 606 KB, 1416x1600, 558JEWM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was such a buy signal yet i still hesitated because of muh market and could of had an extra 2000 eos fug

>> No.9133955

Can a kind Anon answer one simple question, is this the top? Do I take profits?

I thought my target was $11, got lazy didn't sell any and it just kept going up, what do??

>> No.9133972

Build something with the platform and decide if it's a future you want to support.

>> No.9133973

>I thought my target was $11, got lazy didn't sell any and it just kept going up, what do??

are you brainlet? if yes sell. biggest hyped up mainnet event away from month. real fomo not kicked in yet. wait for may 15th -30 th runup. min 50$ by mainnet

>> No.9133981

Will depend on the actual product mate.

>> No.9134052


Yes I'm a brainlet, I hodled through the winter bullrun despite kicking myself to sell but I just didn't... I'm not trying to miss another opportunity like that considering I'm a poorfag.

Sentiment on here seems it's got room to go, good enough for me.

>> No.9134097

I could only get another 500, would've gotten more if I could.

>> No.9134106

>le current year man shits on libertarian themed project by smearing it with baseless personal attacks and making funny faces on tv while never even mentioning what said project does
>literal political propaganda applied to crypto
You're still stuck in the same liberal bubble that had everyone convinced that Donald trump would never be president, and the same bubble that thinks Russia is behind every bad thing that happens. Stop listening to liberals. They are on the wrong side of reality. Whatever the liberal establishment fuds is what you should be going long on. If they say it's a scam, its legit. If they say the team is incompetent you can bet your ass they have the best engineers in the industry. If they say these no way it will be the next Google.....

>> No.9134110

The top, most definitely not. Wait for it to go live.

>> No.9134139

I never touched EOS, and i never would have even without that guy. Catchy marketing won't work next true bull run. Only actual products

>> No.9134157

I listened to him too, and basically, good. I like to keep my belt on. Eos has a few days left.

>> No.9134191

>i missed out on the biggest bull run of the year because the tv told me to
>hurrr durrr it's just a scam Im actually smarter than all the people making money
Where am I, /r/buttcoin?

>> No.9134242

>Biggest bull run of the year
Oh sweetie...

>> No.9134285

Being an autist isn't an argument. You're going through mental gymnastics to cope with the fact that you missed out on an obvious opportunity that was being shilled to you for months. Bring up whatever low mc shitcoin pump and dump that you want, you're not half as smart as you'd like to think.

>> No.9134317

It's April, it's safe to say the biggest pump is yet to come, I'm not trying to be smart.

>> No.9134350

How much higher can eos go eoy, i feel like iv beeen neglecting it for too long, still reeks of hype

>> No.9134359
File: 42 KB, 1879x118, eosprediction3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. And you're going to miss it because you do what the Jews on your television screen tell you to do like a good little goy

>> No.9134367

take profit then retard lul

profit is profit

>> No.9134393

people here seem to claim 50$, i don't disagree

>> No.9134597


>> No.9134646

ITS 2015

>> No.9134730
File: 71 KB, 300x480, 1517769076404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got in at 0.00163 sats. Only have 240 EOS since I didn't want to go all in. Thinking about buying some TRX as well.