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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 118 KB, 1000x695, How-to-get-a-job-as-an-enterprise-software-engineer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9131487 No.9131487 [Reply] [Original]

Hi Guys

Oldfag software engineer here.
In the last week I have convinced about 4 friends (all software engineer and managers at financial companys, facebook, google and traing exchanges) to buy LINK.

I gathered up all the best info from the web reddit, 4chan (thank you assblaster) and presented it to them in consise form and they have bought in.

This project can only be understood by people with tech background who have the brains to parse all this knowledge.

Normies will only buy this coin once a partnership is announced and by then it will be to late.

>> No.9131522
File: 313 KB, 1280x720, 1524824864671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought 3 thousand dollar Chainlink bags (Chainlink bags)
I just ate a big mac, and I'm down in sats (and I'm down in sats)
Bitch, I stink as fuck, I feel like Sergey (what, what?)
I'm the biggest linky, you know who I am (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

I'm the stinkiest linky (what), I'm the stinkiest linky (ooh)
I'm the stinkiest linky (yeah), I'm the stinkiest linky
I'm the stinkiest linky, I'm the stinkiest linky (ooh)
I'm the stinkiest linky (ooh), I'm the stinkiest linky

>> No.9131546

This is probably a larp but all the same you guys can't imagine how hard it is for a normie to get a read on link.
Once you're "in" it seems so simple, but that whitepaper is fucking gibberish to 99.9999% of the world and once they see the sergey fat walrus memes it's all over

>> No.9131639

My Dad has a master's in compsci and spent 30 years as a systems analyst. He's also loves trading stocks and lost a bunch of money trying to short $SNAP last year. I've tried to get him into crypto but he thinks it's a speculative mania and isn't really interested in reading whitepapers. Anytime I try to pitch im something I come off like a brainlet because of his tech background and general autism lord status.

HOw can I shill him link? I really think it'd be cool to run a node together. I have a pretty good idea of what link does and it's potential but I can't articulate it concisely.

Any tips fellow stinkies?

>> No.9131653
File: 91 KB, 815x664, RedditLinkTrader - PSD2 post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I invested in Link without truly understanding what it all meant as a result of info on this site and Reddit. If i make it, I owe AB a check as he is likely the main reason I invested. That along with the attached. If I lose some cash, so be it, but if it does what I think it will do it is fricking LIFE CHANGING not only for me, but for others I love. I believe you get chances in life like this rarely, so to me it was/is totally worth the risk.

>> No.9131654


the weak should fear the strong.

>> No.9131676
File: 358 KB, 500x408, 708C0ACF-8B5C-4795-9763-F4522E965623.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just bought for the memes. i remember btc being shilled on 4chan when it was under 10 dollars. if link shot up past 100, i’d probably chew a bullet. throwing a few thousand at it just for peace of mind is worth it. if it never takes off, meh. if it does, i’ll have a brand new life

>> No.9131689

Unironically bought for memes too

>> No.9131699

maybe you can tell me then : Why the fuck is the utils Repro implementing a bunch of solidity contracts that essentially add a type system to Solidity? It seems beyone retarded to me that he wants to implement a type system here unless he's looking at using solidity like it's TSQL and storing a massive amount of data to the blockchain. This would be inefficient however due to a DL's distributed nature.

Give me a good reason why LINK developer/ LINK project did this and I'll buy 10k

>> No.9131710
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>> No.9131735

I would add, before being called a dumbass for investing in something I didn't understand, I am grateful for the bits and pieces of info that get passed along by those that do understand and are willing to share. Especially the ones with some patience.

>> No.9131738


>> No.9131747

Should have offered to sell 10k, now no one will help you faggot

>> No.9131751

Getting family involved is a problem lad.

>> No.9131761

That is a great explanation. A great way to explain it, and I used one of those adapters not that long ago in my car.

>> No.9131776

I'll do a backflip if you want m8. I'm not buying some shitty project with no good technicals.

>> No.9131789

Imagine being a smart contract developer and having access to a drop down of every possible data source variable to add to your smartcontract.. all financial, trading, fx, bonds, sports, weather, news, social media, IOT, sensors.. you name it and all trusted. You could pick and choose any of these variables and create an agreement which automatically pays out when the conditions are met.

For example... you could create an insurance policy that automatically pays out the second a earthquake of 5 hits a certain area.

>> No.9131790

I understand that, but I am not doing that on my end. What I am doing is buying enough that if it really delivers, my stack should be adequate enough to make a difference to others.

>> No.9131792

You should be buying PFR instead of whatever crap youre holding. Their mainnet comes out on April 30th. Do you realize that Localbitcoins now has KYC? Do you understand that once PFR is out, people will all jump ship to avoid having to upload documents? People kept doubting the project but these guys deliver. Do you want to be poor forever...

>> No.9131836


What if you can't trust the data, anon?

>> No.9131852

FFS. This is the problem chainlink solves....

>> No.9131865


It doesn't though.

>> No.9131870

Convinced an intern and coworker to buy it. Everyone else is unworthy. Also think that people who say "stinky" are as bad as people who say "delish".
Fuck unmasculine people. This coin belongs to people whose balls haven't fallen off and landed in a purse.

>> No.9131871

I would trust it if they were heavliy penalised if they provided bad data. read the whitepaper
Even for supposedly central data... if the operator has 1,000,000 euro in escow which they can lose if they fuckup then Ill trust it.

>> No.9131892


so it's a business problem, not a technology problem. it isn't LINK guaranteeing this, it's some other mechanism or legal framework.

>> No.9131915

Sergei nazarob came to my house to congratulate me on my purchase
“Wow, 100k chainlink, That’s a full 10% of the entire network, you are truly a committed investor”

“Thanks” I replied, “but mostly I just want this to pump to maybe 5 or 6 dollars so I can dump it on /biz/tards and buy a lambo with built-in robo 5000 dick sucker with detachable cum repositories. “
Sergey gave a bit of a snort. “Well...”
“You save the cum so that you have kind of a....life journal of all your accomplishments”
“I... didn’t ask,” he replied
I invited him in for coffee but his look of disgust and embarrassment told me he wasn’t interested. I suppose it’s a small matter but he seemed disgruntled when I turned the sprinklers on as he was leaving also.

>> No.9131925

its both brainlet. the technology and the condtions of the smart contract

>> No.9131959

> some other mechanism or legal framework.
ffs.. what are smart contracts?

>> No.9131981


Good. I would never let a stinky linky near any real code.

>> No.9131987


Okay, a raspberry pi is in a hurricane and is acting as an oracle for an area 50 mi wide. It gets destroyed by an animal 4 hours before the hurricane hits.

My news oracle reports a hurricane but my physical device has gone offline, as an SC developer I've written it that payouts happen only on 90% consensus. I have 1 vote for and 1 abstain. Insurance company gets dispute resolution process anyway.

How is my life any better with ChainLink?

>> No.9132005

Ride pumps untill mainnet bros.
Don't hodl like fools heavy bags.

>> No.9132016


They're glorified SQL statements to interact with a DLT database and its users.

Basically database triggers.

>> No.9132053


They just needed a catalyst.

>> No.9132080

if only Merkel was a HODLer for eth

>> No.9132362

except i am a highschool dropout with 20k link

your point is nullified

>> No.9132459

No matter what that'll always be a problem. At least with chainlink the data taken is comparedred to other sources and can be verified. Should we all just give up on smart contracts entirely just because things can break?

Or are you one of those FUDsters that thinks it should go through a centralized authoritu that can be sued?

>> No.9132508

>t. doesnt understand it

>> No.9132681

Kys code monkey, you're one step above a Starbucks mop boy.

>> No.9132794
File: 70 KB, 583x582, 0C09E9C7-8BAA-4D6F-9306-3CFBFD45EE3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oldfag software engineer
>picture with metrosexual css

>> No.9132831

This is almost as saying we should stop using and developing computers because in the event of a blackout our society is completely lost.

>> No.9132844

youre thinking too narrow here. You won't need raspberry pis all over the shop acting as oracles. The whole internet runs against API's. Any data you want you can fetch from many data sources, especially weather data like that.

>> No.9132912

this is easy. ask him what his paper was about and if it's still useful today (it isn't) and ask him if he thinks his work as a systems analyst has merit (it doesn't).

now that he realizes he's a dinosaur, ask if he'll pay attention to the advice of those smarter and younger than him if he ever wants to retire safely.

>t. someone with a dad who is an engineering professor with tenure

>> No.9132946

Send the whitepaper to him and say the you expect a brief of it by the next Monday.
In other words, present it as a challenge.

>> No.9133192

Well said

>> No.9134102

Hey OP Totally agree with you, i'm also a software engineer at Allianz, and You know, ive read the paper at took me a few reads to fully understand it.

i really respect the non devs here who bought into chainlink, without a tech background.

but just think about it guys chainlink will be the defacto smart contract solution for any corporation....this market is worth trillions of dollars.

>> No.9134451

>software engineer
I highly doubt your credibility