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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 67 KB, 287x274, 0xbitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9131123 No.9131123 [Reply] [Original]

This is Satoshi's vision

>> No.9131182
File: 67 KB, 1335x823, My God.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically, your statement is true.

>> No.9131211

Smells like curry ITT

>> No.9131242
File: 66 KB, 460x345, 1426718692229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes dear please do the needful to invest for family buy 0xbitcoins

>> No.9131516

dubs never die

>> No.9131969

delete this

>> No.9132042


I work in a financial institution. I have a very important business that will be of great benefit to you. Kindly
reply for details.

>> No.9132131
File: 60 KB, 614x525, nottodaydevil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9132159
File: 14 KB, 1042x602, definePnD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls sell more I cannot get in at this price

>> No.9132189

fuck shut up my miner

>> No.9132207
File: 248 KB, 736x1105, peepchad_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's another ICO scam thread

Hey that's a cool useless ICO token with no actual possibility to be used for the usecase displayed since ETH can't even handle cats

But here's a real coin (i.e. has a blockchain) with an actual future, a real usecase, and transparent developers: Peepcoin soon to be DAPS

thank me later

>> No.9132247

No it fucking isn't. This coin's hash power is effectively 100% wasted, as the hash power isn't actually used to create blocks, it's just the winning solution in a smart contract game.

The 0xBitcoin hashpower doesn't make the network any more secure. The currency is always as weak as Ethereum is, never stronger.

>> No.9132260

There were no ICOs, this coin is entirely mined. It is the first mined coin on Ethereum. It will become Ethereum's main currency.

>> No.9132261

Bitcoin is useless by this logic.

>> No.9132268

I'm not surprised. I always look at these obvious shitcoin scams that come out of nowhere with 5 threads and have 10 people shilling the shit out of it in every thread and shouting insane bullshit at anyone that points out the fact it is a scam.

This is minereum 2.0

>> No.9132299

It's not a scam, it's just stupid.

The fucking Solidity TUTORIAL includes instructions on how to make a mine-able token. These dipshits just followed those instructions, deployed their first smart contract ever, and said "hurrr we'll call it 0xBitcoin, the Bitcoin for ethereum!:

And thanks to that branding, this fucking tutorialcoin is getting some traction from you shitheads.

It's fucking stupid. It wastes energy for no reason. Just use a btc:eth atomic swap contract or something. Those are the future anyways,

>> No.9132365


>MUH energy usage

The only people that care about POW/mining are redditors. You gotta go back. OxBTC doesn’t have a figurehead like Vitalik and it is mineable. Deal with it normie.

>> No.9132387


Trumpwrong.jpg why the fudge

>> No.9132400

0xBTC is better than BTC because of its compatibility for all things Ethereum-related

>> No.9132419

>eth token

shitcoin scam

>> No.9132452

Remember turtlecoin? Say hello to losing your money again if you buy this shit

>> No.9132593


There's thousands of mineable coins though. Why would anyone use yours? Oh, because it's on Ethereum. Why not use Ether or DAI or DGX etc then? And why mine when it serves 0 purpose as it doesn't secure a ledger (since Ethereum mining already provides that)?

Why are you curry niggers such failures? Just....make something good and get rich, but you can't. Always with the fucking scams. Your country is a toilet, needs a damn good flushing

>> No.9132840

This. If this coin is so good and guaranteed moon why do you need to shill it 100x a day on fucking 4chan?

>> No.9132917

It's gained enough attention at this point, we have to over shill so people will think this is a "do the opposite of what biz says" type situation, I want to go back to my higher mining rewards :(

>> No.9132936

Ofc it can fail retards but your arguments are as bullshit as any other.

0xBTC is fresh in terms of being the first PoW minable coin on ethereum.

Dont fucking compare this to an ICO or saying its a scam. ICO's are a scam the same way. The difference is that for ICO's YOU need to pay. For PoW you need to mine.

Like of course im going to be honest and say maybe this wont work out, but if it does, then my god hold your horses lol.

>> No.9132978


>why mine when it serves 0 purpose as it doesn't secure a ledger (since Ethereum mining already provides that)?

Because mining 0xBTC ensures it’s fair distribution. There is no pre-sale here. No private sale. No VC buying the supply. No team of no name brainlets keeping 50% of the supply for themselves.

>> No.9132984

Fucking redditors on my board. Get the fuck out and let me mine

>> No.9133012


4chan biz doesnt understand that the fundamentals of 0xBTC is fucking ingenious. They think that companies with their Linkedin profiles and smudgy face guys who sell only a portion 30-45% of their coins for YOU for money is a legit thing. Of course there are legit projects out there, i fucking know it and im also buying, but 0xBTC truth be told is a fucking fair project. Its the same as BTC. You mine it. Each block gets more difficult to mine. Smart guys are not even selling this at the moment. When a huge portion of this will be mined then there will be a need on the market for something that is scarce. Currently it is only mine by 20% if i remember correctly. Brainlets here will say "Well a whale can just totally buy the whole sell orders". Let him do it then lol, then the price will skyrocket and more people will then not sell it, making even a huger need on the market.

>> No.9133027

It's as good of a store of value as any, based on my holding counts.

Fucking stoked.

>> No.9133034

Incorrect. I made the first thread on 0xBTC, and it's going to be fucking huge.

If you aren't gripping all you can, you are B.L.O.W.I.N.G. I.T.

>> No.9133047

eBitcoin is a first mover. This coin has no chance.

>> No.9133062

I think kek agrees that only those in the top 100 largest wallets are allowed to post.

>> No.9133103

Let me shill you some. The price for this was 0.0002 4-5 days ago. Now its at 0.0014. Thats a smooth 7x. Why? People are starting to notice it. The hashrate is already 1TH. It was 200k before that. Smart people are coming in and trying to mine as much as possible (including me). Wait and you will see.

>> No.9133133

The absolute state of biz!

>> No.9133465



>> No.9133488

There is not even enough coins to buy for a specific whale you described, because my tokens are not even gonna touch a DEX for a very very very LONG time.

A whale cannot buy (pump) and then use a discord or telegram group to sell on them (dump).

There aren't enough tokens mined for this.

>> No.9133541

You fucking losers need to stop spamming this shit your shitty grammar and improper phrases and ‘memes’ are so bad literally no one on this board would buy your coin.

>> No.9133648

eBTC is 1. a fucking meme and 2. a deliberate attempt to sabotage the ETH network.
eBTC is not mined. eBTC is minted when you send an empty transaction to the eBTC contract, and they automatically send back 50 eBTC. It's designed to clog up Ethereum with useless transactions.

>> No.9134198

Are you trolling or legit retarted?

>> No.9134294

>buying a coin because of good grammar and good memes


>buying a coin because its fairly distributed
>Not ICO'd AKA sold by a private company
>The one and only currency on Ethereum
>Is set the be the main currency on the Ethereum network
>Can be used by any dapp or smartcontract
>Upcoming LavaWallet that will be able to send without gas fees

>> No.9134349

pretty hard to mine for a poorfag - with my gtx750ti i can only reach hashes around 200Mhs so it takes several days to get paid (5 0xbtc)

>> No.9134368

I got it mixed up with electroneum, another shitty attempt at a BTC clone on ethereum. eBTC is also shit though because it is not mined, just another scam ICO. 0xBTC is the only POW mineable ERC20 token.

>> No.9134605
File: 51 KB, 717x314, 1_Q60K4RUxVPjSGgCNU06Sww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better than nothing ANON

>> No.9135149

guess you are right - patience is the key

>> No.9135249
File: 94 KB, 488x367, 0xBTC_Cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They think that companies with their Linkedin profiles and smudgy face guys who sell only a portion 30-45% of their coins for YOU for money is a legit thing.


>> No.9135453

Where to buy this shitcoin

>> No.9135462

Enclaves you fucking retard

>> No.9135894

Don't call others retard you pajeet

>> No.9136038

This coin is shit and useless.
But unironically it may reach $100 - 1k.
To people who base their valuations on some logical readoning read the theory of value in economics and water-diamond paradox.

>> No.9136225

It's better than Tron, Mobius, Cardano, EOS...

>> No.9136357

Just because you dont understand it doesnt mean its shit

>> No.9136629


>> No.9136909
File: 23 KB, 278x436, Screen Shot 2018-04-28 at 14.47.35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess shilling on biz actually works

>> No.9136936

please delet

>> No.9136952
File: 75 KB, 1304x862, asd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is selling because its the new bitcoin bro
Everyone is mining just look at the hashrate
When normies on reddit sees this it will be too late to mine

>> No.9136972
File: 12 KB, 1043x599, scroonshoot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many buys
So little sells

>> No.9137035


damn it i got half way there last week on my shitty spare laptop but the precompiled binary didn't work, spent ages compiling it and that didn't work either. I was meant to try with clang instead of gcc but never got round to it