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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9127484 No.9127484 [Reply] [Original]

i've been holding this one for a couple of months, 300k.
i've sold 100k ath yesterday, so i've still got 200k left.
is this enough left for the bull run?
i already got 4x the initial investment, but what can i expect ath? is 0.5$ per token possible? i'd be more than happy with this

>> No.9127805

oh btw i heard there's going to be a 1:1 airdrop of rlx health token next month. this might drive up the prices higher

>> No.9127870


>> No.9127885

Interested as well.

>> No.9127898

i dont know i only have 50k but since there is a lot of usecases involved this coin i better hold.

>> No.9127899

idk ive held 1.5m since late december, just waiting til it hits some other exchanges for more volume

>> No.9127910

How high do you think it'll go?

>> No.9127914

I almost bought this when I was browsing stocks.exchange for shit coins during the last bull run, is it worth it lol?

>> No.9127935

200m mcap by eoy is my guess

>> No.9128032

So you're saying the coin might be around $2 by EoY? Or is my math way off.

>> No.9128046

You would have made a killing if you bought a few days ago and sold at the right time, but this will take off again soon.

>> No.9128061

yeah ur math is trash, more like somewhere in the range of ~30-32 cents

>> No.9128069

Which coin

>> No.9128073

I'll take 30-32 cents! That would be nice.

>> No.9128089

On Ether or ForkDelta

>> No.9128129

This coin did a x40 in one week? Fuck

>> No.9128131

it should be pretty likely, the beauty of this coin is that it's not another dogshit project that promises to be some brand new technology that will pioneer web 3.0 and change the world! it's just blockchain based investing that allows you to have immutable digital ownership of real estate from all over the globe, their asset portfolio is like $750m+ and has already been independently verified to be real

>> No.9128190

The 2 billion supply turns me off, way to fight. 10 cents max

>> No.9128218


>> No.9128242

Who are their partners? Relex is partnered with Woodfine Capital, a major real estate development company worth billions. Woodfine Capital is offering Relex users a special opportunity to purchase shares in its pre-IPO by using RLX tokens. Relex also is partnered with Cocobay Danang, a tropical resort being built in Vietnam.

Both partnerships have been independently verified as legitimate by the community.

What’s this about SEC and FINRA approval? Relex is the only blockchain company to receive SEC approval at this time. Approval was granted through Relex’s parent company, Squawk Advisors. This was independently verified through copies of the documentation provided by the team. Additionally, Relex has been classified as a utility token rather than a security, so traders do not need to worry about those ramifications.

Relex is currently seeking FINRA approval. This would allow investors to “crowdfund” projects, granting even more utility to the token.

>> No.9128256

In May, Relex is launching a healthcare investment platform, partnering with Aura Inhalable Pharmaceuticals. This is the company that created inhalable Viagra. They are seeking investments to fund additional research and to license out distribution rights in certain areas. All Relex holders (wallet not exchange) will receive a 1:1 airdrop of this new investment token. In other words, if you hold RLX you’ll get an equal amount of RLX Health for free.

>> No.9128303

you need atleast 100k

>> No.9128400

I think 100k is ok but i wouldn't be happy with at least 1m at the price before the run

>> No.9128413

rofl at the fudder, it's not going back to 0.02c

>> No.9128521

Yes sir, not too late to throw in, it corrected and is cheap again.

>> No.9128674

Correction is nice, buying a bit more before next fomo run

>> No.9128688

okay so let's actually go through some of the shit scattered across their platforms instead of shilling relentlessly. i'm a nice guy, i'll write this up once but dyor

the idea behind this project is to open up a global investor pool for real estate developers and vice versa. instead of having to settle for limits/conditions of your country and the inevitable slog of finding capital, you can help fund and receive funding from a global market. aka the ICO for real estate my nigga.

here's a real world comparison between the legacy system vs what rlx proposes.
e.g. here in britain you'd have to join a ((corp)) to pool your money for a development in some soggy shithole that'll inevitably get overrun by shitskins. very fitting. yield per annum ~7%.
with relex you can throw your dirty crypto shekel at a development anywhere in the world. pick a rapidly developing dump like vietnam. check the annual increase of tourism at ~20%. well there you go, fund a resort and cash out on a booming sector. yield per annum ~15%.
>nice shitcoin bro
cheers mate, just now they've funded $200m worth of units for cocobay (the biggest real estate development in danang). $300m in retail/office units someplace canada. and add some other shit for $35m to the list.
100% of it could've been funded in crypto, it's just that nobody's picked up on this yet.
>great stuff m8 rly
that's right go fuck yourself.
this platform is not for you, it's for mr. goldstein koppelberg to pitch the 10% and pocket the 5%. this could be your chance to get in on the demand propped up by the 'institutional money meme' meme. it's the ground floor of a changing market.
once you've /made it/ tho - want to cash in on the wagecuck meatgrinder? well there you go, fund more office space in town. want to cash out your dirty drug money? let's build a fucking prison while we're at it too. your wife's son thinks we need more housing for the disadvantaged? refugees welcome, bitch.

now go fucking buy some at $0.01
thank me later

>> No.9128693

Sold me on it... how the hell is this not big already.

>> No.9128711

Not to be a dick but this project looks trash, not that you guys won't make money off it.

>> No.9128806

What about it aside from it's market cap makes it 'look trash' to you? Do you think international real estate transactions and investment pooling are worthless? Not to mention real estate ownership being blockchain verifiable.

>> No.9128933

Just gotta say i bought some thanks to this thread so thank u

>> No.9128957

Same. This shit is gonna come out of nowhere and catch everyone by surprise.

>> No.9129324

Utter shitcoin kek

>> No.9129336

wow very compelling just sold thanks

>> No.9129345

that logo screams suckass losses

>> No.9129389

That’s why I didn’t buy back in January and I missed out on a 40x

>> No.9129401
File: 2.38 MB, 320x180, 1524444983982.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy falling back to absolute depths of helm from which this coin crawled out of you pajeet. 'we made 50x backwards' is your next thread.
Bevel & Emboss coin

>> No.9129415
File: 120 KB, 3078x2564, tho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 1m the other day for 500 sats. I sold around 200k between 2500 and 3000 sats to make all that I originally put in back, and I just now picked up 450k again for about 4.5 eth.

>> No.9129480 [DELETED] 

Shill me why this thing needs a coin and I'll buy the bags

>> No.9129500

$1000 by EoY.

>> No.9129534

ur smart

>> No.9129551


>> No.9129552

>larger pool of potential investors
>therefore faster (and more) funding
>therefore faster development
>makes it much much much easier to invest in international real estate
>immutable proxy ownership of the real estate thanks to blockchain

>> No.9130004

Loved this coin a few months ago but didn't have fiat... Not missing it again

>> No.9130101

>All in on TRX and XRP

>> No.9130179

should i buy this?

>> No.9130376

This shitty logo and huge supply makes me not want to touch it and the Vietnamese staff bothers me too. There twitter looks like anatuer hour so I’ll pass

>> No.9130380

Make up your damn mind son

>> No.9130646

Time to buy before the shills continue, got it