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9127338 No.9127338 [Reply] [Original]

This is rarely brought up for whatever reason and there's been rampant FUD today so I thought I'd bring more attention to the fact that Microsoft Bletchley Cryptlets is an SDK (software development kit) which uses Chainlink. Sergey said so himself:


Check out the Bletchley github. Notice that they don't speak of smart contracts, they speak of SmartContracts:


>There are two basic types of Cryptlets; Utility and Contract. Utility Cryptlets make up the bulk of blockchain fabric providing horizontal services like encryption, time and date events, external data access and authentication services. Utility Cryptlets each have their own identification and attested signatures that are registered for use in the cloud. Developers can discover and enlist Cryptlets into their SmartContracts to create more robust and trusted transactions.

>Contract Cryptlets are full delegation engines that act as a SmartContract surrogate off the chain. These Cryptlets provide all the execution logic and securely store the data in the SmartContract. Contract Cryptlets are bound to their SmartContract and created on the fly when the SmartContract is deployed to the blockchain. Because Contract Cryptlets do not execute in the Virtual Machine they do not run on all nodes in a blockchain, they can run in parallel and execute on vertically scaled systems for greater performance.

>Contract Cryptlets can function as autonomous agents or bots, interacting with the world off the chain while maintaining the integrity of the blockchain and SmartContract itself. Contract Cryptlets are attractive to consortium blockchains where SmartContracts are signed by known counter-parties and there is no need for execution of the logic to run globally. This will allow SmartContract based blockchains to scale their computational power as well as their overall performance.

>> No.9127578
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Thank you OP. We needed some Link positivity on the board today.

>> No.9127589
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Thank you. Here's some supplemental reading.

>> No.9127601
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>> No.9127611
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Mobius has it covered. Sorry Linklets

> Mobius’ Patent Pending Proof of Stake Oracle Protocol reduces the Blockchain Oracle Problem into an oracle-arbiter consensus & coordination protocol. Our Proof of Stake Oracle Protocol is designed using a tiered federated byzantine agreement system that minimize trust and allows for the coordination of chains of events (data transfers) between multiple parties unlike current solutions which are akin to internet certification authorities and only coordinate single events between two fixed end users drastically limiting the use cases of such implementations. Mobius’ protocol allows participants to select trusted oracles from indexed listings in our market of competing oracles and then automatically builds tiered slices attaining quorum that are capable of attaining consensus while minimizing trust. Oracles compete on quality and are segmented into tiered levels in order to overcome the market for lemons problem and provide a transcendental quality differential. Consensus solutions at equilibrium exist inside the Shapley-Shubik core and limit collusion amongst oracles. The protocol is designed to protect against Sybil attacks and functions even under a coordinated 51% attack. The most important feature of the protocol is this asymptotic fault tolerance & security which guarantees ease of scaling due to Metcalfe’s law. In fact our decentralized network of oracles become safer to use, with ever lower levels of trust as we scale up.


>> No.9127614

buy mobius gentlemen

>> No.9127619
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>> No.9127638
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Pretty sure this was brought up yesterday or the day before in a very long and positive thread. No need to spread awareness though, Link will have its day, and it will be glorious
>t. 103k link holder

>> No.9127655



>Cryptlet Schema:

{ "title": "Cryptlet Schema", "type": "object", "properties": { "name": { "type": "string" }, "publicKey": { "type": "string" }, "config": { "description": "describe what Cryptlet does", "isolation": "boolean", "...": } }, "required": ["name", "publicKey"] }

>This is an exact JSON schema fit (other than title) to the Chainlink Adaptor JSON found here:


>This finding was the first thing which made me think "Man, it's actually using it"

>> No.9127658
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MSFT Linkmarine reporting

>> No.9127840


What a cuck, the host calls Sergey "Alexei" three times as he's bringing him up and Sergey didn't beat the shit out of that nigga

>> No.9127858

ive been doing a good job fudding. could you fucking stop?
i get paid tuesday

>> No.9128238

MFW I was the anon posting those today, were gonna make it fren. Heres the whole thread if you're interested in it >>9097794

>> No.9128460
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>one shot at life
>born a cryptlet

>> No.9128573


Alright. I'm sold. The interview sounded like he was alluding to deferring oracle responsibility to Chainlink, but could have just been alluding to the general idea of Chainlink. The schema sold me though. Microsoft is for sure just building Cryptlets as enterprise wrappers of Chainlink.

That's Microsoft confirmed. IBM was talking about Chainlink in their mailing list. And IMO Facebook's Director of Engineering being an advisor for Chainlink paired with Zuck's pro-blockchain EOY message makes me think Facebook is going to hack something against Chainlink as well. That leaves Google and Amazon and Chainlink will have locked down the game before they even started.

I hope nobody here sold the FUD. This is like getting to invest in the new internet for the blockchain era.

>> No.9128650
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Yep. It's all true boys.

>> No.9128686

this. its clear Chainlink is a solid enterprise solution to smart contracts and bringing real world data to it. if you don't believe in what they are doing, you have no reason to be in this thread.

>> No.9128717

>February 14
Post something recent thanks

>> No.9128816
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>> No.9128846

very comfy vid

>> No.9128964

I do believe in what they're doing. What doesn't completely sell me is.
- Timeframe for real world adoption.
- 1K, nolinkers on suicide watch.
I keep enough so that if it actually surpasses my expectations I move to having way more money than I could ever need. But fuck going all in.

>> No.9129032


>Timeframe for real world adoption.

Read up on speculative price. This isn't something to be worried about.

>> No.9129105

its not gonna be 1k. i have 100k and could care less if it even hits 100.

>> No.9129167

I strongly believe in the project but im tiring of the random shitposting. after 7 months its not even fun to fud anymore and I used to do it up until a few weeks ago. just kind of bored waiting desu.

>> No.9129222

Poor Sergey damn that's fucked up.

Let's fuck with this guy after Link moons.

>> No.9129245

Kek wills it

>> No.9129264
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is this also general LINK digging for info thread?

>> No.9129285

Kek. Underrated.

>> No.9129589

ayyy that was me in the post you linked

>> No.9130141

huge if big

>> No.9130188


listen to 25:00 and onwards. hes talking about LINK and its importance to enterprises. if they dont succeed they will go the way of blockbuster and lose relevance in banking.

>> No.9130337


interesting. marley mentions that he came up with the term "cryptlet" back in 2015 and sergey registered the domain name for cryptlet.in back in on 6/16/2016.

cryptlet.com was registered the same date 6/16/2016 but is privately owned in kirkland, washington, which is where microsoft's headquarters is located

>> No.9130354

That seems a very significant coincidence

>> No.9130400


ya i mean at this point i think there's no question that cryptlets will be using chainlink

we need to find a better salesforce connection. right now it seems like the connection is that a bunch of devs who have worked on chainlink all have some sort of highlevel c-suite connection to salesforce, but there isn't really a smoking gun like with microsoft. i might start a thread and try to get people to pool their info

>> No.9130407
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>one shot at life
>literally born a microshaft cryptlet

>> No.9130423

i give this a 11:1 chance of happening.

>> No.9130442

Sergey owns cryptlets.com. Yes it is privately registered, but like you said I did the research and posted the screenshots in the other thread a couple days ago. Sergey registered cryptlets.in in his name with “name.com” as the domain service on 6/16/2016. Cryptlets.com was also registered on 6/16/2016 with name.com but was made private. If you search for cryptlets.in now I believe it is available meaning sergey may have accidentally registered with the wrong “in” instead of .com and fixed it but made sure to do it privately or whatever. The fact is that there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that sergey owns cryptlets.com. Also if you do a google search on the Microsoft cryptlet project, the first known article of it was published on 6/16/2016.

>> No.9130474

so he registered right after he read the article
at least hes not braindead ill give you that.

>> No.9130628


i don't doubt that sergey registered cryptlets.com either, but doesn't it seem more likely that he sold it to microsoft considering it's now registered at their headquarters?

>> No.9130640

i rate this post as 1% accurate.

>> No.9130687

It's more likely you shit on the same street you were born.

>> No.9130758

Mercy.. strap in boys.

>> No.9130800

What do you mean Facebook is going to hack something against chainlink as well?

Are you saying Facebook and google/amazon will try and fuck chainlink? Or they are getting on board with chainlink..... along with Microsoft who's already on board.

Brainlet here someone respond soon so I have something good to read while I'm taking a massive shit in the street

>> No.9130808

I'm strapped as in as I can be.
I cant strap any further in.

>> No.9130820


they're going to get on board with chainlink

>> No.9130881


Dude the director of facebook engineering is a technical advisor to chainlink. They are on board as fuck. You should at least read some basic information about the project you've invested in

>> No.9131265

I am confused, sorry. I thought the OP said that Sergey publicly registered Cryplets.in and Cryplets.com was private. Also stated it was registered in Washington privately where MicroSoft is located. WIth that said, why do you think Sergey "owns" Cryplet.com? Not being a dick or fudding, just trying to better understand the moving parts.

>> No.9131344


op here. seems like sergey definitely owned cryptlets.com at some point but i agree, he probably sold it to microsoft

>> No.9131860

or better yet ... maybe partnered up with them.

>> No.9132041


They'll get on board with Chainlink. The Director of Engineering at Facebook is an advisor of Chainlink, and Zuck's EOY message was all about decentralization and blockchain technology.

In the wake of the privacy scandals and hearings before congress, if they want to avoid regulations the best thing they could do is roll out some kind of auditable blockchain to show they're capable of self regulation, and Chainlink is their ticket to do that. They've invested hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars into their Graph API so any solution will need to be able to integrate into that, and Chainlink is made specifically to connect APIs to chains.

I also suspect Zuck is pissed about the Winklevoss twins becoming the first crypto billionaires, so I anticipate a FBCoin in either 2018 or 2019 as well, and that would also be something they'd want to integrate into their APIs.