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9127068 No.9127068 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw parents don't respect my crypto gains
>tfw I made $70k in profit and dad said doesn't matter
>tfw said I need to get a job

>> No.9127089

Just move to SEA and wait for the real moon.

>> No.9127088

take 5k out and start living on your own

>> No.9127101

Having a day job helps with stability and shit. I made about 600k in the past 3 years doing crypto but I’m still working at my hospital.

>> No.9127125

70k is nothing you poorfag get a job

>> No.9127158

he is mad because your spirit is weak

>> No.9127199
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>tell dad about the 100k I made in crypto
>he tells me to be grateful to God for the success
FUCK that. This is MY success and only MINE. Just be proud of me for once.

>> No.9127219

You need to make spiritual gains anon.

>> No.9127264

he's right, $70k is fucking nothing. come back when you have at least 500k and can afford your own house and mailorder bride, maybe then daddy will be proud.

>> No.9127269

Your dad wants you to get a job to build your character. It's not about the money.

>> No.9127283

he's right, you know.

>> No.9127284

70k Is 1 years wage you fucking poorfag. 70k ain't shit.

>> No.9127288

>Tell them nothing about 563k funny internet money
>get a wire every month to help with "studies"
>parents struggle with paying mortgage payment and paying off their loans
Feels good being an asshole

>> No.9127297

>pajeet detected

>> No.9127299

If you're not capable of explaining the concepts and significance of blockchain & crypto to a layman, you probably don't know enough about this field and don't deserve the gains anyway. It was luck. Of course your parents don't respect you.

>> No.9127318


>> No.9127383

>It was luck
>don’t deserve the gains
Sounds like jealousy

>> No.9127416

You are just jealouse. They are idiots. Had a star economy and could have made millions upon millions but decided to buy shit they couldn't afford. No pity for the fools. I have a feeling they just send me money in hooe that I will take care of their mistakes one day, which will never happen.

>> No.9127758

No. OP's likely a pajeet.

It's a status thing. It doesn't matter how much he's made unless it's 'fuck you money.' OP's parent's want him to get a job as a doctor or engineer so they can brag about him to their boomer friends like he's a fucking trophy.

>> No.9127826

He's right tho

>> No.9128183

Damn you sound like a real piece of shit.