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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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912634 No.912634 [Reply] [Original]

It most of the world's richest people are either highshool or college dropouts why do poorfags get themselves in thousands of dollars of debt to get a college degree?

>> No.912642

>wow, 100 people who dropped out of high school became massively successful
>if i do the same clearly i will be too!
>not realising that the other 10,000,000 who dropped out are failures who will be stuck working in minimum wage jobs for the next 30 years

it's an exception based on motivation and drive (which you do not have) and a lot of luck (which you probably don't have either), not a rule

>study at college
>get a stroke of luck with something you were playing around with and hit it big
>realise there's no need for a college education as you have an idea worth millions so you have no need to work to get a piece of paper that shows employers that you are capable of doing a job.
>drop out so you can devote your time to making your idea work

gates, kikeberg etc. all dropped out AFTER they thought of whatever it was that made them wealthy, not before.

but 3/10 you got me to respond

>> No.912755

Because for every one millionaire who dropped out there is at least 10,000 people who are now complete failures.

Also when they dropped out it means they worked on their ideas 10+ hours a day and were innovative. Rather than sitting at home posting frog memes and masturbating to anime.

>> No.912779

You're absolutely right, OP. Drop out now before it's too late!

>> No.912855

Because most people are fucking retarded thus most advice people receive is:
>delivered by retards
>consequently, shit-tier advice

Worst of all is listening to careers advisers or teachers. These people have utterly failed in their own lives and as such probably shouldn't be trusted to give good advise to others.

>> No.912860

Evidently neither should I.

>> No.913005

Certainly not most

>> No.913007

i will openly admit i wouldnt have had the drive or focus to learn the things i am learning in college on my own

>> No.913150

just do what u love op lol money shouldn't be the main objective u should chase what u love and money will chase u in time

>> No.913164

Also I'm very guilty of masturbating to anime and posting rare pepes.

But /biz/ if I were to give it all up and work hard to have my own thrift store could it be possible? Starting on only $250.

>> No.913494

If you have a car I'd suggest starting with storage units. The unit has to look good though and not just complete shit. Be patient too, decide how much to bid before it starts and if the price goes over, stop. A lot of units have a lot of small stuff that's $10 or lower and if you have a yard sale you can make a lot of untaxed money. Bigger stuff goes on ebay or craigslist or similar.

This is how I'm working my way up now.

>> No.913609

Cause most of the richest people actually went and starting doing shit. Their mindset is different then ours. They have the will power to achieve great things.
Normal people drop outs just go into drugs.
The other normal people who don't drop out do a 9-5 job their entire life. They never achieve success.

What you do is drop out and ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING. Make a plan. You have a choice. Be a legend or be a loser. Don't drop out for the sake of it. Drop out if you think it's a waste of time and you could be earning money during the time.

>> No.913612

well OP these rich dropouts are actually 0.000001% from all the rich people
just open webpages of corporations and read biographies of CEOs, they usually have a degree
yes these guys dont have golden toilet seats, but they have more than enough, and they got there without being geniuses or having rich parents

>> No.913617
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enroll in community college to get most bang for the buck!!

>> No.913633

>most of the world's richest people are either highshool or college dropouts

Most of the world's richest people are not dropouts.

Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg did not drop out of Northeast Mississippi community college. They dropped out of Harvard. The reason they both dropped out is the businesses they had founded, Microsoft and Facebook, were taking off to the stratosphere. Both companies are worth over $250 million and they were both already taking off to that.

>> No.913635

>gates, kikeberg etc. all dropped out AFTER they thought of whatever it was that made them wealthy, not before.

Not only had they thought of it, they had founded the companies, and the userbase and revenue (or VC dollars) were taking off. Also, someone who went to an elite expensive private high school (Gates and Zuckerberg) before going off to Harvard, and who also is a computer expert, who has founded an IT company which is taking off, is in a very different situation than the average lazy, dumb 4chan user, with dumb loser, unsupportive parents, who is too lazy to go to college.

I mean - some kids want to go to college but their financial situation is such that they can't at the moment - they're motivated people, but just temporarily stuck. Then there are losers who don't want to go, who will be poor like their parents and grow old and be miserable losers.

>> No.913714

because most of the richest people in the world have rich parents, and poorfags (idiots actually) bank on the fact they think they can get a great job just by doing the degree - what they don't know is getting the degree will only help get your foot in the door

>> No.913728
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How many Lamborghinis do you have in your Lamborghini account, faggot?

>> No.913730

College is for developing minds to work in industries. It teaches things already known so you can work for the big businesses, people with new ideas or new businesses have no practical use for college. An entrepreneur is working towards the new world, not the old, and so he'll use college graduates to fulfill his dream but it will always be his idea/dream. Some people who go to college are extremely lucky and meet those rare professors who do teach unorthodox ideas. Warren Buffett went to columbia so he could study directly under Ben Graham and Soros met Popper who taught him reflexivity. In the end, billionaires would still be rich without college. Their initiative, creativity and overall mindset creates wealth.

>> No.913768


The whole legend of the high school dropout is just that, a myth. There are a few notable examples that did, but only after they had a business where investing more time in it would yield a better benefit than being in education.

In short, its just a nice bedtime story to tell the great unwashed that: don't worry that you've got no education, lots of rich people don't, so you'l be rich for sure.

>> No.913771

Because if you don't get lucky with some idea (anywhere from cancer cure to farting app), you're fucked for getting a regular job without a degree.

>> No.913786

Nailed it.

>> No.913821
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>> No.913842

>Implying most people working minimum wage are drop outs
I am currently working with an engineer grad student who couldn't get a drop, at one of the Amazon warehouses.

Actually, most people I know who work at McDonald's are students trying to pay for their debt.

One guy successful guy I know is a Highschool drop out. He has his own small plumbing business and probably makes over 200k a year, assuming with the car and house he has. He manages his own hours and has a few assistances whom he pays to work at condominiums.

It just seems like there is a correlation. But only if you actually make your own business instead of working for someone else.