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9125183 No.9125183 [Reply] [Original]

Guys im socially awkward. I don't know how to socialize. I have extremely high ego. Much wealthier than the other 19 year olds. I feel like im just too mature... i don't laugh very often, most of the time i'm just a serious person. It takes so long for me to entrust a person and share my thoughts with them. Wtf is my problem ? Btw i'm 6'0. Average lifter body.

>> No.9125210

decide youre not going to be a selfish faggot anymore and go out of your way to talk to people

>> No.9125214

Did you buy LINK?

>> No.9125218

Stop taking yourself so seriously and have some fun. Find things that make you happy/laugh and find others who share that in common and expand from thereon.

>> No.9125243

You'll be alright famalam. I was socially awkward as fuck throughout college. Didn't get laid til I was 23. Then things just easier and it snowballed from there. What really helped me was a sales job.

Even though you have money, you should still probably get jobs where you have to interact with people. Day by day you'll get better.

In terms of your ego, I have cousins that are like you. They are egotistical yet fail to realize their "wealth" is actually derived from their parents. So, have you earned your wealth?

Also, you're very entitled. You feel like you are mature and wealthier, yet can't even talk to somebody? Ground yourself.

>> No.9125253

isn't it even worse to talk to people without being sincere?

>> No.9125263

American psychologist Martin Seligman initiated research on learned helplessness in 1967 at the University of Pennsylvania as an extension of his interest in depression. This research was later expanded through experiments by Seligman and others. One of the first was an experiment by Seligman & Maier: In Part 1 of this study, three groups of dogs were placed in harnesses. Group 1 dogs were simply put in a harnesses for a period of time and were later released. Groups 2 and 3 consisted of "yoked pairs". Dogs in Group 2 were given electric shocks at random times, which the dog could end by pressing a lever. Each dog in Group 3 was paired with a Group 2 dog; whenever a Group 2 dog got a shock, its paired dog in Group 3 got a shock of the same intensity and duration, but its lever did not stop the shock. To a dog in Group 3, it seemed that the shock ended at random, because it was his paired dog in Group 2 that was causing it to stop. Thus, for Group 3 dogs, the shock was "inescapable".

In Part 2 of the experiment the same three groups of dogs were tested in a shuttle-box apparatus. All of the dogs could escape shocks on one side of the box by jumping over a low partition to the other side. The dogs in Groups 1 and 2 quickly learned this task and escaped the shock. Most of the Group 3 dogs – which had previously learned that nothing they did had any effect on shocks – simply lay down passively and whined when they were shocked. From these experiments, it was thought that there was to be only one cure for helplessness. In Seligman's hypothesis, the dogs do not try to escape because they expect that nothing they do will stop the shock.

>> No.9125277

>I got rich with crypto... i trade stocks 9-5 as well.. but idk... where does my ego even come from ?sometimes i have to act retarded to make people laugh... and i hate that i cant just do it naturally

>> No.9125356

>I have extremely high ego
>I feel like im just too mature
cool blog

>> No.9125398

This is interesting. Do you have a link to somewhere where I can read more about this, or experiments of similar nature?

>> No.9125405

Quite the paradox you have here.

People with high ego's are inferior. Ego's destroy one's image that they project on the world.

Did you ever think that you have it the other way around? Maybe you feel socially awkward because others can detect your bullshit ego, so they don't want anything to do with you?

The fact you mentioned you are more wealthy than other 19 year olds, is like saying you are more wealthy than other senior citizens when you are 70, because you waited a couple more years to file for social security to get full payments.

Grow the fuck up kid. Release yourself for the chains of your BS ego.

There is nothing in the this world that makes you better than another person, unless you are white - us white people are vastly superior to all other races.

Good luck.

>> No.9125448

Well, you're probably in the top 1% of kids in your age group then. Most don't have a dollar to their name and live check to check from working some shitty retail job. So yes, you are correct in feeling alienated.

You have two choices. Either continue to feel alienated, or learn to integrate yourself more. Do you go to college? Can you work a shit job? You're going to have to get into the mud and wrestle with the normies if you want to feel any kind of connection to them.

Hanging out with /biz/ and their weaponized autism is a feeling of validation that can be very fleeting. A lot of broken people on 4chan

>> No.9125538

This is correct. Somehow, you've created a false narrative in your head, that you've continuously reinforced. How and where, I don't know. Only you can figure that out through introspection.

But clearly, the feedback you received from your peers is signaling to you that something is wrong. You're going to have to unwind that inflated sense of ego.

>> No.9125553

>I feel like im just too mature
>Posts Frogs

>> No.9125564

memes are memes. Need some laughter to make life enjoyable :)

>> No.9125648

That’s funny op because im also socially awkward. I don't know how to socialize. I have extremely high ego. Much wealthier than the other 19 year olds. I feel like im just too mature... i don't laugh very often, most of the time i'm just a serious person. It takes so long for me to entrust a person and share my thoughts with them. Wtf is my problem ? Btw i'm 6'0. Average lifter body.

>> No.9125683
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>> No.9125694

Sounds like me at 19 except Im not a dirty whiteboi

at 29 now I've learned ego/pride is possibly the worst thing you can have in excess. Enjoy the brutal pain filled continued humblings coming your way son.

>> No.9125717

This is unironically the best advice you'll get. That sales job part is pure gold also. you won't do any of it though and you will be humbled.

>> No.9125819

>random illogical white racism

LMAO you fucking Nazi's are insane truly

>> No.9125829

Are you, perhaps, autistic?

>> No.9125860

Good advice.

This thread is about OP and not your inferiority, please stay on topic.

>> No.9125876

Exclude East Asians and show me a comparable race.

>> No.9125880 [DELETED] 

there's some weird inverse relationship where the more fucked up and inbred someone is, the more of a supremacist they are. It's never high quality whites who go on anime boards to talk about their superiority

>> No.9125894

>basement dwelling bottle pisser

Pick one

>> No.9125979

not all white people are equal.
>irish people are basically black
>australians all descend from criminals
>swedes are cucks
>germans are cold and robotic and still somehow cucks
>slavs are alcoholics

>> No.9125993


not if you can manipulate them to your influence

>> No.9126012

>still waiting for a comparable race

>> No.9126058

there's nothing impressive about whites and the entire world will be either muslim or chinese in 100 years

>> No.9126082

>non denial
>subject change

All feminine tactics..following the feminine desire to randomly pick internet fights

either you're a woman or a faggot

Either way
-10/10 superiority

>> No.9126111

What a sick fuck.

>> No.9126203

Hang out with people you like and who like you, avoid people you dislike or who dislike you.
Also, there is nothing wrong with your personality type. There are many people who also don't laugh often, are more mature, etc. You need to find them.

>> No.9126239

Releasing ego is an eastern concept. Having "high self-esteem" is western.

>> No.9126682

Fuck these faggots.
Ego is all you've got because you shouldn't let other people define your self-worth
Master your own mind so you don't have to depend on anyone

>> No.9127095

The problem is you faggot that you’re definition of ego could be wrong. I agree with the mastering your own mind so you’re not codependent, but that’s not what we’re saying.

When you interact with society, it changes your values and self worth changes. If you’re a loner that doesn’t interact with anyone, how do you know that what you feel is right is correct? You have no experience with other humans in order to reach that conclusion. You certainly can’t at 19.

But I guess you wouldn’t know that since you live in your mom’s basement.

>> No.9127148
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Da real MVP.

We are individualists, and we are lucky to live in the best time in history where the you can do exactly what you want.
99 people out of 100 you aren't going to get along. Give everyone a friendly interview and a fair hearing, but if they show no sign of being willing/able to build a mutually rewarding relationship with you, move on to the next. Find available human clay, build your tribe (HARD WORK)

>> No.9127344

look up selective mutism
consume shrooms

>> No.9127561

That’s funny op because im also socially awkward. I don't know how to socialize. I am objectively better than 99% of people I meet. Much wealthier than literally everyone I meet. I feel like no one is intelligent enough to talk to me...To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. Also, don't laugh very often, most of the time i'm just a serious person. It takes so long for me to hedgefund a person and they’re just not worthy of my enlightenment. Wtf is their problem ? Btw i'm 8’9. I was the reason Zyzz got into lifting.