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File: 443 KB, 1336x862, 1524817242370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9123948 No.9123948 [Reply] [Original]

I GET THIS QUESTion at lot. How to buy the 0xbyc.. i will share the answer go to token.store and make sure to have Metamask extension install. then watCH theis easy tutorial by DJ BOBBY HUSTLE token.store with the metamask extension --->>> here....
DJ BOBBY HUSTLE WILL throw YOU A TUTORIAL RIGHT HERE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcFfZU187V0 [Embed] [Embed]

MY GOD. LOOK AS that 0xBTC price . You can't dobut this bags!

>> No.9123976

Jesus fucking christ, can we get new mods? We need to ban all of these fucking pajeet scams asap, it's completely killing the board.

>> No.9123984


>> No.9123986

Its not a scam sweet stuff

>> No.9124021
File: 67 KB, 1335x823, 1524818531564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THis Coins will be the next top. THink abopt it some if you care. if you have a problem with 1st big coin btc and 2nd big coin eth, then we meet you in the best of both words for a mash up. THIS IS the 21M supply LOW PICE COIN! MY lookat the pric it is1 cent closr to high. 2M cap Bunga cool because the growth wehre else? that is 0xbtc . spend tim to look at this bags. it will go up and you thought it wouldn't berfore. No look in your eyes. the mirror stings. time to get

>> No.9124050


I fucking love the concept behind this token, but honestly the community shilling it on here lately is not doing it any favors. People will find out about it in due time, naturally, not by pushing it like some MLM scam.

>> No.9124294

Agreed lol, the token is great, but the shilling is retarded

>> No.9124343

go look at the githubs this is not made by idiots. That means it's either good shit or a really huge scam

>> No.9124365

Nah, the coin is as shit as the pajeet shills.

>> No.9124396
File: 69 KB, 782x547, shitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some next level shilling.

Are you aware everyone fucking knows you're all in a Discord sharing your threads? This is a worthless shitcoin you want to dump your bags of. Just fuck off. No successful coin needed Pajeets shilling it on 4chan.

>> No.9124399

In what way is it shit?

>> No.9124412

Thats a lie, no one is shilling any 4chan threads or asking to post in the discord, you are just fudding

>> No.9124426

The only Discord I've ever been a part of is a Switch group because Nintendo's online communication is shit, but nice try.

>> No.9124455
File: 83 KB, 1024x1024, 1521741173585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm literally in the fucking Discord. There's and entire section devoted to advertising.

Get lost you stinky subhuman. Your shitcoin will be forgotten about in a month. All the NEET retards in the Discord will FOMO into some other flavor on the month shitcoin. hoping to get rich by spamming everywhere.

>> No.9124495

>mmmm bait. delicious!

>> No.9125168

Get used to this punks. It will stop NEVER

>> No.9125189


>> No.9125257

OH NO, ADVERTISING IS SO HORRIBLE, advertising in the discord doesnt have anything to do with shilling on 4chan you retard

>> No.9125397

Agreed, I checked out the Discord just to be able to weigh in, and I don't see anything remotely like shilling from the majority of the board. This token was designed like Bitcoin, which also got all its advertising from its community. I think the bigger problem is those taking it upon themselves to shill this in a counterproductive manner *AHEM OP* instead of share the reason for its existence and use case with everyone.

>> No.9125531
File: 106 KB, 800x750, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9125650

Lmao kys

>> No.9125731
File: 71 KB, 620x400, Indian-Sewer-man_1375125i1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: pajeets attempt to convince us that they are, in fact, not pajeets while shilling us a shitcoin. will they be able to do it this time? will ravinder be able to argue convincingly with sandeep? will babu poo in the loo? this is an edge of your seat entertainment folks.

>> No.9125961
File: 79 KB, 500x887, 298jkh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: autists fall for an obvious ironic take on the average poster of this board, and are offended

>> No.9126778
File: 46 KB, 960x540, 1524765600934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9127100

Get your coin on.

>> No.9127450


>> No.9127530


>> No.9127621

The code is broken, there is a vulnerability that allows a malicious actor to throw the contract into a continuous feedback loop, locking it and all the tokens forever.

I imagine with the increased attention this shittoken is receiving it will be exploited soon.

Have fun holding your bags for eternity.

>> No.9127650

This, i ALREADY dumped my bags on you brainlets. See you guys at 1 sats

>> No.9127687

trtl 2.0

>> No.9127713

Sure, go ahead and do it then instead of spreading fud
>i dont know how my friend told me

>> No.9127716

This ffs

>> No.9127735

Was wondering where all the bazinga pajeets were

>> No.9127747

Lol at this “coin” and their community of dumbs who first burnt their gpus 24/7 and now shill this shit non stop to earn what $20-50.

>> No.9127776

No thanks, I'd rather help this board than hurt it. Have you even read the smart contract?

Don't say you weren't warned.

>> No.9127827

Yes I have read it and so has many others in the discord, you're fucking retarded if you think we wouldnt have found a vulnerability in it by now