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File: 833 KB, 938x863, uganda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9123750 No.9123750 [Reply] [Original]

>not moving to Uganda on your crypto gains
>$230 rent
>save shitload of money

Do you literally love being a wagecuck?

>> No.9123766

I am LMAOing at you're life from my comfy Ugandan hotel

>> No.9123784

If I make it I will probably move to a 3rd-world shithole and basicly live like a god there, feels comfy desu

>> No.9123786


>Uganda is only 3x cheaper than New York despite being 100x worse.

>> No.9123830

You can get a decent studio apartment in vietnam/thailand for $300 a month. Less if you dont mind a more "local" place. And those countries actually have fairly modern infrasturcture, good food, and you trade up savage niggers surrounding you for souless (but docile) chinks.

>> No.9123833

Too bad about the niggers that would torture/rape/kill whites on sight and the police who would join in

And too bad about the United Nations saying you had it coming for being racist

>> No.9123864

>living in the city center
>of a 3rd world shithole country
you guys are fucking retarded

>> No.9123878

>moving to a shithole 3rd world country, just to save on rent

>> No.9123879

Enjoy your Uganda knuckles

>> No.9123904

How do you live in another city if you don’t speak the language?
I live in my current city in the US and I hate the people here I can only imagine it worse in other countries I don’t share a culture with. And I’ve been here 4 damn years it took me this long to realize I hate it. All the damn manlet houses. The two streets with anything interesting.

>> No.9123915

that's still too much you dumbfuck
have you ever heard of eastern europe you fat burger?

>> No.9123925
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I was thinking of Angola actually.

Plus you get more mixed qts because of Portuguese dicking, err I mean colonialism.

>> No.9123927

I am lmaoing at you're life - I am saving tons by staying in Uganda, and have different black queens every night

>> No.9123934

This kek

>> No.9123937

Wouldn't live there for free.

>> No.9123941


>> No.9123947


>> No.9123953

ITT: /pol/ thinks all of Africa is the same.

>> No.9123954



>> No.9123970

Uganda lol. Nah, I prefer not to get stabbed, mugged and killed.

>> No.9123978

You gonna move to Uganda, bro?

>> No.9123988

I don't leave the house, so as long as I can order most things it shouldn't matter much.

>> No.9124006
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>black queens

>> No.9124011

How do you pronounce that, "fuck it"?

>> No.9124013

>and i get infected with a new kind of aids every night

>> No.9124018

yes but you have to say it in a heavy british accent so it sounds like "fook eet"

>> No.9124061

oi m8, ew got a parent locience? *kills your child*

>> No.9124085

But unironically, what is a good place to stay if you make it in crypto?


>> No.9124088

slay kang

>> No.9124107

More like fuck cuties

>> No.9124157

Serious question: How the fuck do Americans move to a different country without getting fucked by their government anyway?

>> No.9124194

i've lived in namibia and south africa. top tier mixed qts and nice place to live. i just hear bad things about angola when i was there. botswana's supposed to be a good too.

>> No.9124219


>> No.9124239


They don't actually live there. They stay as long as the Visa allows (it can be quite awhile for some countries if you can prove you got big $$$) and come back every so often so they don't lose their citizenship.

>> No.9124265

Doesn't that defeat the point? Americans who retain citizenship still get taxed all the same despite where they reside.

>> No.9124317

no the point is a higher quality of life, usually meaning the locals lust after your dick or cheap whores. plus lower cost of living and better weather if you're not already in the south/southern coasts

>> No.9124369

Yeah, but your cost of living is supposedly greatly reduced. Only problem with that is that you can also live for next to nothing in some parts of the USA that are considered undesirable but are still mostly white like New Hampshire, West Virginia, Wyoming, etc. Renting a decent apartment from where I used to live in Indiana was about $400 a month or you could just buy a starter-family home for less than $100k.

>> No.9124430

What are you saving for, you retard? Why would wageslaving be worse than living in a nog infested shithole, if your intention is to save money?
Wouldn't living in a civilized country but still saving a small part of your income be better than living in Africa and saving most of your income?

>> No.9124472

Isn't Eastern Europe objectively better? Unlike African countries, which are hotbeds for disease, war, socialism, and purging the white man, your only serious worries in Eastern Europe are shit somehow hitting the fan with Russia and economic crashes which cause a run on the banks and make you lose all of your money, both of which can be avoided by just picking the right country.

>> No.9124547

brother, you kno da weh

>> No.9124554

Besides saving on the cost of living, moving abroad is more of an adventure than moving to New Hampshire, as trite as it sounds. I’m guessing the adventure aspect doesn’t appeal to a lot of bizNEETs, which is why cheap states could work for most of them. There’s also the appeal of escaping western culture when you move somewhere in Asia. You couldn’t pay me to move to Africa though.

>> No.9124573

$230 is still expensive, you can get better prices in eastern europe

>> No.9124588

I think most African colonies don’t have any sort of mixed ethnicities

>> No.9124590

$1.10 beers tho...

>> No.9124614

enjoy your aids, and people targeting you

>> No.9124624
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Nice done ANON

>> No.9124651

Most american cities feel like third world shitholes though

>> No.9124652

Holy fuck no WAY would I go to niggerland. Very sketchy. Hungary for me. They say the asians are docile but I've heard a lot of stories of locals burying the white man to be wary. I've travelled there before but I think the vibe is different when you're a tourist with money to blow then someone living there.

>> No.9124687

You can buy a house in Detroit for $1500.

>> No.9124708
File: 162 KB, 1200x650, cities-tromostovje-ljubljana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eastern and Central Europe is best for cheap, but quality life. The countries have a few big cities, but it's mostly small towns. I live in Slovenia and the rent is around 400€, but the standard of living is comparable to America, but with a different culture.
Pic related, capital

>> No.9124709

>moving to a shithole nigger country to save a little bit of money


>> No.9124712
File: 101 KB, 1181x429, hipoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can buy a house in Detroit for $1500.
You can grab houses in detroit for 150$

>> No.9124744
File: 846 KB, 2000x3000, Miss Universe - Leila Lopes - Chinese Laundry Fashion Denim launch party at Eden-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You'd be very wrong.

>> No.9124799

>16 (you)s

>> No.9124811

You resumed in an an amazing and hilarious way the feelings of some of our population. Deserves a Rare Pepe.

>> No.9124867


If you'd ever actually BEEN to Africa you'd realise how dumb that statement is.

>> No.9124874

I like eastern europe because I'm tall and white

>> No.9125186
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you can get those vaues living in the interior rural towns of portugal. exelent internet connection and at 3 hours from any major city, including spain

>> No.9125226

I'm trying to make it to move AWAY from niggers. You propose I move into a nigger HIVE?

>> No.9125366

>not becoming king nig

>> No.9125388

And without taxes on crypto...

>> No.9125408

Dude at those prices you can be comfortable in eastern europe and not be surrounded by blacks

>> No.9125416

all of africa is full of niggers or shitskins
you're a little stupid if it surprises you /pol/ types wouldn't like that

>> No.9125473

It is not worth it. You live in shitty apartment and the furniture is shit aswell. Even expenses places are made by niggers - so it will fall apart fast. Ive been to Kenya/Uganda and Tanzania 5 times and its comfy but after 1 month I'm happy to enter the airplane and fly home to europe. If you want comfy move to Asia instead.

Also, good luck dying in an african hospital

>> No.9125652
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>> No.9125965

Eye of the storm.

>> No.9126013
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>> No.9126090

>amerimutts discover the world

>> No.9126149

Or you can move to EEurope and live even cheaper without having to dodge machete niggers

>> No.9126157

Get in, im showing you something

>> No.9126170

I love not having malaria thanks

>> No.9127120


Mexico City. It's New York at a 5th of the price

>> No.9127736

youll fit right in.

>> No.9127793

What kind of poor fag are you that can't afford $2000 A month lmao

>> No.9128339

My Ugandan mate in London went back for a holiday and got murdered because he had a successful life in London. The killer emptied a whole AK-47 clip into his car killing him and his niece and never stole anything. I'll never go to Africa, fuck that place.

>> No.9128439

>and never stole anything

>> No.9128466

>save shitload of money
But live with a bunch of niggers

>> No.9128476


>> No.9129138

Are foreclosures a better deal? also for the prices of homes in uganda like the nice homes of 4 bedroom plus its like 162k. For that u can get a nice shit shack outside of tampa and atleast not pay fed taxes.

>> No.9129201

Why the fuck would live in a city in Uganda? For like $100k you can buy a lake side mansion in tropical central America and living in an expat community that is entirely other retired americans with almost 0 crime. You can literally live an upper class lifestyle for less than $10/day in Guatemala for example.

>> No.9129249
File: 248 KB, 1200x800, gringothedangerouslifeofjohnmcafee_01.0.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poisons your dog

>> No.9129621

Crab in a bucket mentality. My friend had escaped shitty Uganda, become reasonably successful and I guess one of the locals resented him for it.

>> No.9129663


>> No.9130034

white boy white boy youre a cringe star

>> No.9130050

dumb american

>> No.9130064

I would recommend south america frend. Specifically chile

>> No.9130435

>>$230 rent
I've lived in Mexico for $35 rent. Ask me anything.

>> No.9130437

Namibia is unironically my dream destination, I heard it’s dangerous as fuck though

>> No.9130458

This. Holy shit imagine the worst nigger part of the city without any whites to keep them from getting too uppity

>> No.9130470

Where in México? I'm mexican, living in México City and not even the most shittiest, dangerous places costs 35.

>> No.9130493

I hate African niggers. It's not a good fit for me.

>> No.9130511


>> No.9130522

but dont mexico have cartel gangs that run the city?

>> No.9130532

Chiapas, indigenous town.

>> No.9130536

Never buy anything highpoint, my father has a 9m in that gun and it's only going to kill one person, you.

Seriously the lever is so fucking hard and slippery to get back, combined with the fact it feels weird and cheap plastic despite it magically weighing 2x more than anything else. just buy a 300 dollar gun you can use.

>> No.9130544

Wtf is a computer pass

>> No.9130568

not him but any particular reason why? I'm a EU/US citizen so Minister/Senator Shlomo will want his fair share of my gains, but I've heard Buenos Aires is nice (aside from an anecdote of being mugged in broad daylight)

>> No.9130584

Cartels are everywhere, but they have strong presence in the north and other cities like Acapulco, Michoacan and Cuernavaca. Capital city are nor overwhelmed by them.

>> No.9130591

I just dont like black people

>> No.9130593

Do you get to watch Ugandan Action Movies in theaters?

>> No.9130910

>Cartels are everywhere
Not in Chiapas.