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File: 14 KB, 678x381, cardano-logo-678x381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9122379 No.9122379 [Reply] [Original]

ADA just passed Stellar in market Cap

Cardano has been lagging behind for a week

Which means it has room to sling shot past Litecoin market cap, less than 1B to go

If this happens we will have heavy FOMO, EOS levels of FOMO

Buy now, you are welcome

>> No.9122430

i did some research and came to the conclusion that Cardano is like EOS but worse, and it will arrive later. Why would any educated investor invest in Cardano?


Cardano Basedboys BTFO

>> No.9122495
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Because they are diverse, multicultural and estrogen friendly, that's why. And also use a hipster language like Haskell because they are that cool.

>> No.9122535
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>slower than EOS
>still charges transaction fees
>mainnet launched but nowhere near supporting dapps

check out Dan Larimer @ 52 minutes if you want to learn about why EOS > Cardano

>> No.9122561

EOS has like 3 developers who are actually active, from a company dan outsourced development too. and they said they'll step away from it after mainnet to "ensure decentralization"

>> No.9122598

This coin is another coin based on marketing and slick videos of their idiot devs trying to look scientific and professional by talking and writing on a white board at the same time.

They don’t even have a working product all they have is “muh sparkly programming language” and “muh science guys”

No other blockchain is evidence based i guess. Like this is some novel approach. Retards.

>> No.9122599

Dan isn't launching the mainnet so (((they))) don't get involved. Dan has the experience from Bitshares and Steemit. The last time I checked, Steemit was the ONLY successful dapp. Oh yeah, and Dan Larimer created DPOS.

>> No.9122620

this is not ADA v. EOS thread, this is ADA gonna move big soon thread

EOS should be correcting soon downward

ADA should be correcting soon upward

that is all you need to worry about at this point

>> No.9122720


EOS has like 15 devs full time, the fuck are you talking about

>> No.9122768

Investing money has economic costs, which makes this thread about every cryptocurrency. wouldnt you rather focus on a coin that will move more soon? The fundamentals of cardano dont compare to EOS, and even if they did, it will be a LONG time for them to come to fruition. EOS is coming in June. Will you be on the sidelines?

>> No.9123626

Nothing triggers eos holders like cardano. Jeez. Every single thread.

>> No.9123638
File: 33 KB, 363x540, cuckdano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you bigots.

>> No.9123677

whats the top for EOS?

>> No.9123757
File: 167 KB, 2600x1200, 1523512086431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cardano is the only real chad coin
only plebs buy eos and eth

>> No.9123898


Ouroboros genesis has more than 1k upvotes on a competitor’s subreddit... Knock on the team for being liberal all you want but their work is undoubtly the best in the industry. Stay poor biz.