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File: 86 KB, 800x445, mike_tyson_uvxy_ceo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9117258 No.9117258 [Reply] [Original]

UVXY Inc. Earning Call edition.

>where's the hedge fund?
A resident tripfag, obergruppenfuhrer (Comfy), requested that it be excluded until he gets the next version up and running. Will refund those involved. Stay tuned!

Popular brokers for stock trading:
>commission free and no minimum to open

> How is it free?
Robinhood earns revenue by collecting interest on cash/securities and fees from their Robinhood Gold service

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

Interactive Brokers
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TD Ameritade
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Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)

Free in depth charts:

Premarket Movers:

Earnings Report Calendar:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

Basic rundown on Options:

Previous Thread >>9112700

>> No.9117284
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Buy Mobius, Sir.

>> No.9117715

Thank god DB shit the bed

>> No.9117778

Alright boys korea is just Korea now how do we milk this for all it's worth?

>> No.9117941

Nothing will happen unless reunification talks happen
But short term wise, go long Korea and sell the pump

>> No.9118450
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Good morning /smg/! Comfy rain today, now I don't have to get a car wash!

>> No.9118462

Shorting Samsung/LG/Kia/Hyundai
You will see why in the coming months

>> No.9118516

Spy sitting just below that line of resistance. This could get ugly.

>> No.9118555

Yeah, but the NASDAQ is ripping. Today is gonna be something.

>> No.9118617

Is lower GDP priced in?

>> No.9118625

Irrational exuberance because of the peace talk ?

As with open wars that never happen nowaday, I also believe that this piss talk is nothing but thin air. Nothing will change.

>> No.9118643

>Priced in
One of the biggest memes in investing. Nothing is ever "priced in".

>> No.9118734
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Despite the good tech earnings I still feel a dump coming.

>> No.9118757

Because they were priced in?

>> No.9118771

Don't worry
Go long UVXY
I heard they have stellar earnings which are not priced in yet

>> No.9118794

100% wrong. The efficient market hypothesis says that everything that is known is already priced in

>> No.9118846
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>Efficient market *hypothesis*

>> No.9118863
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Morning all

>> No.9118870

>Intel/MSFT/Amazon all gap up AFTER they released earnings
Tell me, we're those moves already "priced in" before they happened?

>> No.9118922
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Me lost $30 learning ropes of stock market trading but now pretty confident

Today me put $200 in account for pure SPY trades
Wish me luck! Chart cumming soon! Will take 1 additional chart request too @ first ask !

>> No.9118929

i like this idea. but i might wait till i see an indication of things going south

>> No.9118940

Where we dropping boys?

>> No.9118942

This, market is the ultimate discounting machine.

>> No.9118950

i was joking, but there would be people who would've pumped prices/taken positions before the annoucement

>> No.9118997

Amazon is almost worth 1700 a share. I believe in the bull and all that but these valuations are getting a bit out of hand.

>> No.9119011


its worth much much more

amazon is unstoppable

>> No.9119016

i dont like the whole efficient marketplace thing. at least in terms of the equity markets i think its a total sham. bonds on the other hand do seem to be much more efficient, so i guess theres something.

but with all these DIY retail investors involved, there aint no way that this is efficient at pricing things in. id say that this factor is WHAT leads us to get so overinflated all the time now

>> No.9119046


Hmmmm, I think I saw a movie by Adam Smith about how this could potentially be a good idea. If these stocks are running up because of peace talks. I don't see a large amount of additional revenue coming in because of a unified Korea. It's going to take many years for things in the north to change, it'll be similar to the situation that we can look back to of the late 80's early 90's post Berlin wall and fall of the USSR in Eastern Europe. Things took a while to develop. There still isn't even a full plan in place and most of the hype is purely based on speculation. Just because the north wants peace does not mean they're going to fully embrace capitalism.

>> No.9119057
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You know what comes next. Hopefully it takes another few year to hit bottom.

>> No.9119078

Reunification will be a burden for Worst Korea

But we can bet those Worst Gooks would be willing to pay to have their country reunited.

Buy the pump, let it run a bit then short it before the hype comes down.

>> No.9119086

I think I've seen that chart before, we're going to go into a period of optimism before another new paradigm, right?

>> No.9119093

Yeah, the bubble diagram is never wrong.

>> No.9119102

You should be buying PFR instead of whatever crap youre holding. Their mainnet comes out on April 30th. Do you realize that Localbitcoins now has KYC? Do you understand that once PFR is out, people will all jump ship to avoid having to upload documents? People kept doubting the project but these guys deliver. Do you want to be poor forever.

>> No.9119116

if your concerned about the actual quantity of cash required to buy a part of amazon, they are probably aware of that too and would likely be considering stuff like stock spits in the future (which they have done in the past)

>> No.9119126


>> No.9119132
File: 56 KB, 720x482, 1246D7FC-0DC2-444B-AA92-58D22E720C9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk /biz/bro but that chart looks oddly familiar

>> No.9119141

lel they held hands and made jokes together. if people think this will lead to a re-unified country soon (or atleast before this speculation pops), theyre dreaming. or perhaps they dont understand that kimmy is a goddamned dictator. dictators are notoriously stubborn when it comes to giving up power.

personally, methinks that kimmy just wants to play ball a little, so that theyll let him have actual power, then he can be a tuffguy and not have to LARP that he has real power.

>> No.9119202

I mispoke, I didn't mean unification, but a peaceful relationship where yes there are 2 separate Koreas, but their economies are more closely intertwined yet laws and customs still vastly different. Similar to the situation after the transfer of Hong Kong from the UK to China.

>> No.9119219
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I keep wondering what my grandpa would think of all of this.
RIP you commie killing machine

>> No.9119226

$18 by June.

>> No.9119243

>2 separate Koreas, but their economies are more closely intertwined
thats the part im calling bull on. their systems are too vastly different

your pops was a good man. that was a wretched little war and everyone forgets about it

thatll net me a cool 200-300% on my USO calls. yes please and thankyou

>> No.9119287
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>made more money in the past 24 hours in stocks than I will working all this and next weekend

I really need to quit my job

>> No.9119324

when people keep using words like "believe" and "hypothesis" you might want to consider the idea that it's all a bunch of bullshit

>> No.9119333

I concur.

You need to pay off your debts and save up a 6 month nest egg nigga.

>> No.9119359

You need to live off your salary to eventually make it. NEVER pull out money out of your trading account.

>> No.9119378
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Pls mommy

>> No.9119398
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Here plan 4 2day!
Doing USO

>> No.9119404

Let us know the details so we can help

>> No.9119409

Weed stocks

>> No.9119416

Solid advice here.

>> No.9119418
File: 103 KB, 1024x1024, B6H4FSLCEAAXF19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Debts
Don't have any, just got my first credit card last month, so my credit is ok now

Duh, that's why I still have a job

Stop chasing memes

>> No.9119419
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>Swinging cock and balls confirmed
Very well done.

>> No.9119442

USO moves pretty slow most of the time. if youre daytrading, youre likely to be disappointed

>> No.9119459

Any good 3X ETFs to jump in on this morning and ride for a few hours?

>> No.9119471

SPXS is what I would be buying at open.

>> No.9119495

I think I'm following. It'll be at a low given Amazon and Microsoft, then come back over the next few hours.

May give that a go.

>> No.9119530

HEAR just made a big jump. I have them in premarket. I bought yesterday at 4.90 Should I continue to old on or sell when the market opens?

>> No.9119532

>Ejaculating cock on the chart
This is not the first time this week I've seen this from you. Why the meme? Though the whiteboard-like writing is aesthetically pleasing.

I'm a fucking leaf. I trade out of a USD tax-free account. I ONLY pay myself 20% of a profit. If I take a loss, the boss in me says "Why the fuck should I pay someone that lost me money. Get the fuck out of my office and make me money, then we can talk about payment."

>> No.9119534

He was a beast of a manlet. It took me a while but I figured out his timeline in Korea.
>landed at Inchon in September with the 7th ID
>have a pic of him taken 2 days after
>fought up the peninsula to Seoul
>back on the ships or in the stockade, I’m not sure cause he did get in trouble a lot
>March up to Chosin in November
>40 below zero
>Chinese attack
>member of Task Force Faith (look it up)
>300 survive out of nearly 2000
>protected airfield for marines
>March to Hugnam
>get on the ship
>get coffee
>walk down ladder
>coffee frozen
>watch port blow up (he always told me how awesome that was)
>hospital in japan for a couple of months
>1951 back into combat
>various hills like old baldy, pork chop, etc before they had names
>have a pic of him on top of old baldy
>September now with the 2nd ID
>Heartbreak Ridge 1st assault
>mortar round
>shrapnel all in body and lost his eye
>hospital and surgeries
>doctors didn’t think he’d make it
>1953 all better by one eye
>volunteers to go back
>Army discharges him instead
He told me once, “the scariest thing you’ll ever experience is seeing hundreds of men running down a hill to come kill you and realizing you don’t have enough bullets for all of them.”

>> No.9119596

>zerg rush

>> No.9119612
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>> No.9119642

UUP on that Chad chart, wew lad

>> No.9119644

FCRE. Holy shit. Why did this not show up on my screen?

>> No.9119646
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Good luck dad, lots of winning

>> No.9119689


>> No.9119703

But war is over dude

>> No.9119709


>> No.9119719
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Saw this on tasty trade what you think?

>> No.9119772

Fuck...I had pulled out. Well it's ok, can't get greedy.

>> No.9119787

wise choice m8

>> No.9119798

Holy fuck, Sony bit it hard.

>> No.9119815

B-but muh video gaymen

>> No.9119861

Whats driving stuff down today? Amazons cooked books or rising inflation?

>> No.9119933

Profit taking. It's also Friday.

>> No.9119952

TVIX engaged.

>> No.9119958


>> No.9119964
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>> No.9119967

>my SYF call became useless because they baffingly dropped massively.
>even the volume dried up completely

what even happened with SYF.

>> No.9119975

You should be buying PFR instead of whatever crap youre holding. Their mainnet comes out on April 30th. Do you realize that Localbitcoins now has KYC? Do you understand that once PFR is out, people will all jump ship to avoid having to upload documents? People kept doubting the project but these guys deliver. Do you want to be poor forever..

>> No.9120107

>bought bargain-bin Saia yesterday and sold it today for +3.6%
>just now bought bargain bin sony
>already up 2%

Feels good man

>> No.9120123
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Here USO! It look like it want one more leg up! Yes daily how me haf look at it
Just thinking about penis things...
That's USO short right? Long term safe place 4 short

>> No.9120130

Pathetic volume on spy

>> No.9120145

Everyday is weak volume day...

>> No.9120152

annoying bouncing off me short/long zones -_-
Me resistance urge 4 short

>> No.9120167

>Went all in on TBBK
>Bought in at 11.53
I think I fucked up. Hold me.

>> No.9120230
File: 22 KB, 485x443, 1511812471385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat dirt on SGMO stock offering yesterday
>based company announce $8m grant today to relieve the losses

These guys are alright

>> No.9120251

If 266.1 or so comes, we drop.

>> No.9120295

Thanks sir.

>> No.9120297
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So. Whats the status

>> No.9120302
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Alright apple can't go any lower than this right. Buying a June 15 160 call

>> No.9120321
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>was +$350
>now -$100
Fuck this gay market.

>> No.9120342

Depends on earnings on Monday

>> No.9120363
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>> No.9120394

I think amazon sellings is going to pick up now. The folks who bought in at earnings call are probably hitting stop losses now.

>> No.9120395

Depends on whether China will retaliate for what we did to Huawei/ZTE
What is certain is that Apple product sales will only go lower for a couple of years until this whole thing blows over..

>> No.9120406

Bonds is going up again. Sell the rally...

>> No.9120424

why are they trying to doump et?

>> No.9120434

We going down boys

>> No.9120456

At this point I'd imagine if it did poorly it wouldn't drop much farther as opposed to doing well. Priced in their concerns and whatnot

>> No.9120470

Wonder if I should pick up more puts while they've gotten a little cheaper

>> No.9120481

That's what sell the rally means.

>> No.9120511
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Who else here comfy?

>> No.9120516

Its true, if apple meets expectations it will go up but people are already expecting failure and it might not drop that far. However, appl has been known to start worldwide selloffs in the past...

>> No.9120529

fucking crazy shit anon. i wish these people were still around to tell us what to do nowadays

>> No.9120546

after some successful shorts and some unsuccessful longs on QQQ ive decided im setting up a strangle and closing it at the end of the day.

this market is all kinds of irrational right now. so direction neutral it is

>> No.9120549

so what earnings should we wait for now guys?

>> No.9120551
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>HABT stock is finally green
Time to shill it like I did with Sunrun

>> No.9120572

i just wanna short CMG
up like 30% in one and a half days. i couldve sworn no one goes into those places because theyre covered in shit

>> No.9120577

Well yeah I'd get out the day of the earnings if it rises. Else I'd just ride it until I profit. I don't see apple going anywhere for the next year

>> No.9120598

I'm down 8% but I'm confident in my strategy so whatever

>> No.9120617
File: 124 KB, 397x355, Bear Fucking a Bull.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're not long anon

>> No.9120623

ah strangles... what in the everloving fuck would i do without you?

ill tell ya what. playing direction neutral saves me some grey hairs for sure

>> No.9120629

Short bonds and short AMD :^)

>> No.9120636

Im in the red on DFEN like 12%.

Average down or baghold?

>> No.9120651

sounds like a baghold

>> No.9120679


>> No.9120680

Down 2% cause I got greedy and didn’t take 5% before the sell off. Oh well, guess I’m holding through the weekend.

>> No.9120693
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Forgot pic

>> No.9120705

You just need to hack into the orange guy with the bad hair's twatter account and you'll be able to make that thing double over night.

>> No.9120706

market what are you doing

>> No.9120750

fuckin up my MSFT calls is what

>> No.9120752

In fact the wind changed and I'm rising from my shallow grave


>> No.9120766
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AAAAAAAAAAA!! It's only $50, but the only reason I'm in the red this week.

Kek. May do that or ship a landmine to be placed during the NK/SK armistice.

>> No.9120768
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failed to break resistance again

Also, I just realized that we could very well be shitposting with North Koreans in the next 5 years or less

>> No.9120784
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HABT burger is in a moon mission

>> No.9120792

Down 1% today and feeling fine. Lockheed and Adobe are my main losers right now so I'm not worried.

>tfw i knew i should've sold United States Steel yesterday though
>could've bought it back 14% off

>> No.9120810

Good morning with TVIX.
USO calls are still cheap.

>> No.9120821

you think its a toupee? or hair plugs? i have a tough time beleiving a 70+yo man has that much hair left

>> No.9120847

>Listening to K-ASMR while trading
Too comfy

>> No.9120871

He had that surgery where they move the follicles and his doctor gave a press conference that the nigga's on propecia

>> No.9120881

Plugs probably. Baldness isn’t from age though.

>> No.9120883
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What happened to NRZ dropping after the dividend payout? It's on a goddamned moon mission now

>> No.9120906

That feel when people cash their shorts which makes the stock price go up.

>> No.9120928

i always listen to vaporwave when im trading. idk why, it just sounds like the way it feels to trade

i guess that shit works then

no i know. but it dont help

yea i got no fucking clue. it drops everyonce in a while though. keep an eye on it in the am

>> No.9120927

I got calls on it

>> No.9120929

ER beat and anticipated dividend increase soon.

>> No.9120941

OH! Just like our based TVIX co.

>> No.9120953

Go punch a kike in the face

>> No.9120966

Fuck. I tried to buy in twice this week and it never dropped to my limit price.

>> No.9120976

Yeah, this rally right now doesnt have much steam, already overbought on the RSI. We'll be redder by lunch probably

>> No.9120977
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>> No.9121060

What are some good stocks to get exposure to IT and healthcare?

>> No.9121073

yeah i was gonna load up as well. ill wait for next week desu. not gonna buy the top. or maybe i should and just write ATM covered calls?

>> No.9121086


>> No.9121092

Just start scaling in.

>> No.9121097

Does anyone here trade commodities futures? Its like grandpappies crypto. Nearly 24/7 trading would drive me nuts.

>> No.9121110

ARK etfs.

>> No.9121140

did tyson really say that?

>> No.9121157

If you mean like electronic health records, there are not any publicly traded companies for this, nor do any of the big FANG companies have any idea how to break this market (Bezos if you troll /smg/ you're not talking to the right people).

To get peripheral exposure, you can look at companies like tableau, microsoft, Qlik, SAP. The data analytic part is probably the only exposure to wallstreet right now.

>> No.9121179

Looks like everyone is at lunch letting the algos "buy the dip" set up your portfolios accordingly. Trading will resume after tummy's full.

>> No.9121183

Steel(X) -14% today sounds like a good long call play. Calls down 80%

>> No.9121284

The only advice my grandfather gave me was "Sometimes the fucking you getting ain't worth the fucking you getting."

>> No.9121331
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Based intel, classic bart formation

>> No.9121387

>Lunchbots have decided to sell

>> No.9121473
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>finally caught the falling knife

So what's for lunch boys?
20mg Adderall and 3 cigs for me
>Work day lunch

>> No.9121496

buy OCIP if you want to be rich and buy your mom mothers day gifts.
or if your cool.

>> No.9121501

You know cigarettes are bad for you, and aderall is for tards right?

>> No.9121507
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euro is starting to show significant weakness, unable to pass 1.25. yield difference starting to explode in usa vs. european negative rates. for not muricans get in usd indecies asap

>> No.9121568

ADD, could have started it when I was 6, waited until I was 22

And cigarettes help destroy my sense of smell at work ( grocery store butcher)

>> No.9121592

We used to buy the 80 mg addys from this tard and grind it up and snort it. It was like poor mans cocaine.

>> No.9121645

When I used to do drugs I took aderall and read nearly all of Thucydides. To this day I know Thucydides better than most.

>> No.9121648
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It's time for the Lunchtime Checkup!

What're you eating how're you doing?

I'm having a buffalo chicken po boy and I'm down but confident in my strategy. Short bonds and AMD right now with calls on SLV. UUP is being Chad though but I have plenty of time.

>> No.9121682

having gyros and have it on CRC up and down today

>> No.9121752

Bull or Bear for BGFV?

>> No.9121761

this is arguably more effective than the shit people try to pass as cocaine nowadays

>> No.9121773
File: 27 KB, 953x578, 1521551503819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That thing looks delicious. I'm doing ok, these bond funds are rising which is kicking me in the balls, but I have time. Will probably close my gold long if it drops another nickle and use that to average down on these, or just buy some different contracts. USO is down a nickle, but again not too worried holding onto oil right now might average down on that too. Managed to maintain my sobriety for over a week with out even being in a rehabilitation facility. I don't know what to get for lunch but that sammich looks pretty fuckin' good. Pic related is my prediction of spy for sour hour.

>> No.9121823
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Jesus, what does he know.

>> No.9121854

Should I buy MU? I'm comfortable holding for a year.

>> No.9121858

Good on you Bagholder, glad to hear it. I'm in the same spot with bonds, it's only a matter of time really.

>> No.9121905

>Will probably close my gold long if it drops another nickle and use that to average down on these
literally what i just did

but i just daytraded away all my gains like some nig playing sratchers. serves me right.

>> No.9121920

and worse i bought AMD 11 dollar puts for today because they looked ready to fall off a cliff. now theyre just floating around. fucking cocks

>> No.9121958

I wanna gamble on earnings for Monday. Only interesting ones Monday morning are AK Steel and Mickey D's. What direction though?

>> No.9121959

Having some mapo tofu and rib eye. Only down 1% but hope aapl moons after earnings

>> No.9121977

God damnit kek
Me broke my own rules and opened shot @ 266.3

Prepare 4 for pump

>> No.9121989

I won $50 on a $30 scratch off Saturday. I was hoping for the $5 million, but I took the $50 and bought some lamb chops. Gold actually just went up another nickle instead of down so I'm still sitting in it.

>> No.9122004

Cool. Looks like with that volume you have to sell quite below the current market price

>> No.9122035

looks like i might make some back. AMD just broke 5min cloud and heading down. cmon you useless fucks, jump already

>> No.9122045

I also got $11 puts but I got time on them


>> No.9122069
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>> No.9122073

Yeah im not sure how it work for insider selling of options

>> No.9122074
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>> No.9122078
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Go back up, you son of a bitch.

>> No.9122093

yeah i shouldve but it looked so high i figured it would jump. got em right at that double top

>> No.9122120


>> No.9122125

I think you'll make it. Volume should pick up after lunch hour and we're probably going down for the rest of the day.

>> No.9122150

It's ok anon. Not as good as some of your other picks. Lack of color in this lunch.

I hope it was good though.

>> No.9122157

I've exited my straddle and gone full bear.

Fuck this gay market

>> No.9122160

i know. just fucking give up you fools. AMD will never stay above 11 and everyone knows it.

>> No.9122200

EBIO isn't so comfy today

>> No.9122202

Fucking dump already.

>> No.9122221
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>Fuck this gay market


>> No.9122220

Spooped about E. Coli still, I can't afford to get sick. I just make up for it by going twice as hard at the gym. I'll be back on the salad train next week again. And yes it was quite tasty, probably didn't need the bun though.

Half tempted to FUD it up on stock twits :^)

>> No.9122238

i know. it sucks. wasted my time and money trading a flat line for half the day, and now i gotta hop in the van and go a couple towns over to play a show, so i gotta leave BY 3oclock. im gonna miss all the fun

im gonna

>> No.9122251

I want it to tank just so I could say I’m right. Should’ve capped my posts from yesterday.

>> No.9122261

BABA earnings 7 days from now, its recovering from a recent low.

Do what you will.

>> No.9122275
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>up 8% on bargain bin USAK i bought this morning

>> No.9122283

got $2k cash left in IRA where do i put it?

>> No.9122289
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>> No.9122313

Maybe not.

>> No.9122339

MU possibly buying NLST. Get it while it's cheap.

>> No.9122341
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>> No.9122370

If I had any uninvested money left I'd be buying this steel dip (X, RS, STLD) and maybe Lockheed. Maybe Bepis too, not sure.

But that's just like, my opinion, man.

>> No.9122378

THe market cannot make up its mind today,

>> No.9122409

yeah its a fucking waste of time to try and trade this garbage

>> No.9122467

Oil is back to unchanged. Closed my gold getting more short bond shit.

>> No.9122480

Big money if fucking with us, we are not going to be above January any everyone knows it

>> No.9122497

looking for QQQ to bounce off its 5min cloud, then im laying down puts till close. i guess ill just set it to sell on the bell and check the damage tomorrow when i get back in town

>> No.9122502
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Down about 1%

>> No.9122576

I'm not sure, I've been considering buying some today. Though I'm only looking at the short term thinking that it will bounce back to around 50.

>> No.9122582 [DELETED] 

About to have a 10th fieldron, what should I make first? The Lenz or the Helios sentinel?

>> No.9122611

Wrong thread?

>> No.9122614

Helios dude! Most Chad of the sentinels.

>> No.9122619

I would say AKS will be down, because about 75% of their sale are to car manufacturers.

>> No.9122653
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FUDing AMD like mad

>> No.9122742

I understand the E. Coli bit... I ended up with Salmonella a few years back. Very rough 5 weeks.

>> No.9122783

I dont understand this pumping right now. The RSI is way oversold. Maybe people trying to drive volatility up

>> No.9122810

Is there an e coli scare in your region in particular? Why not add some fruits in there for fiber lunch bro

>> No.9122822

Why are we still here... Just to suffer. The contracts I've lost. The equities I've lost. Won't stop hurting.

You feel it too, don't you?

>> No.9122927

>tfw holding 2000 shares AMD that I bought at $9.80

I should've bought another 1000 when it was close to $9 damnit.

>> No.9122978

I think I'm the comfiest investor on /smg/

>> No.9122998
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>its a another semiconductor drop episode

Axcelis is really fucking my shit up now. Ill be down 25% soon. Only a good earnings beat can recover it now and thats not likely from all the insider selling going on.
Theres not anything even wrong with the company. Stupid cyclical bullshit, bet the Chinamen are behind this.

>> No.9123028

what are your plays?

>> No.9123095

Impossible. There's a trip fag named Comfy and I've been trading fucked up like every single day for a week now.

>> No.9123106

doubt it.

>> No.9123159

Let me guess, $8 million in VMFXX?

>> No.9123251

ugggh switched my REITs for amrs and now reits are exploding
at least i had my eyes in the right places

>> No.9123282

kek one day anon

>> No.9123289
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>Lord Shkreli’s legacy bags

If you want sucess and win, never invest in a company which partner is French

>> No.9123335
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im so sick of this low vol faggotry
bring the fucking bogs back.

>> No.9123379
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>> No.9123419

i dont even care if it goes up and i get fuking smashed. just give me SOMETHING i can trade. i was getting better gains of daytrading bonds for christsake

>> No.9123485
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>have pwns in I'd
>get pwned
Can't me just win one on intuition T_T

>> No.9123494
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does anyone know what the hell these are for?

>> No.9123524

Yes those are from when there was a r/s a while back.

>> No.9123569

thats what i thought

>> No.9123693

sometimes I wonder what the maximum gain you could have extracted from price movements in the SPY over a single day if you perfectly timed every trade. assuming no slippage.

>> No.9123721

If you took the difference in the spread on every purchase and sale you'd make fucking billions.

>> No.9123729

jesus fucking christ i need a new computer. fucking thing just sold all my puts for absolutely no reason. fuck this. im done for the week

>> No.9123769

NLST about to take off

>> No.9123828

why are you spreading lies?

>> No.9123866

[robinhood laughing]

>> No.9123882

Lol filtered

>> No.9123891

Came just to save that Mike picture.

>> No.9123936

why tho?

>> No.9123971

Holy shit. Yuri Milner, an Israeli, Russian owns 10% of Robinhood.

>Milner believes that the internet will develop into a "global brain"—which is often described as an intelligent network of individuals and machines—functioning as a nervous system for the planet Earth.

this is some Alex Jones level shit.

>> No.9124028
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/biz/ how do I buy Credit-default swaps on Deutsche Bank's senior debt?

>> No.9124057

Earnings out soon and they will be good. Also, ITC ruling has not been released yet, but the court will rle for NLST in their favor in action against sk hynix. Big time gains on the horizon.

>> No.9124058

whelp managed to get my trading platform working again. got $300 left. puts on DB?

>> No.9124072

LITTERALLY has already happened

>> No.9124094

I saw a picture of someone making a stock portfolio for past ten years that was 170,000% up, that did that with all a bunch of companies (djia and sp500 listed )

>> No.9124110


>> No.9124114

To be fair it could happen, not in your lifetime though

>> No.9124131

give me a tl;dr on PM fags

>> No.9124137

NLST is going bankrupt and they're speading rumors of a buyout to dump their bags onto stocktwits morons

>> No.9124148

so puts on NLST? got it. whats the timeframe for this supposed "buyout"?

>> No.9124160

nevermind. ill just let them get delisted in peace

>> No.9124196

Blockchain is the final part of this vision

>> No.9124212
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Almost time for sour hour. Hold on to your butts.

>> No.9124269

It sounds like madness, but I believe sites like 4chan are some scifi literature concept
Something like a collective mind of humanity

>> No.9124274

decided on some 85day out AMD puts. gimme a gapdown on monday

>> No.9124324

go on ...

>> No.9124344

what happened to the nikkei poster? I liked him

>> No.9124370

he sounded like someone who knew his stuff

>> No.9124596

Look for a deal by the end of May.

>> No.9124640

shits fucked

>> No.9124661

We revisited 267 for 6th time today

Major whale deciding if they let price fall or keep propping up fake 267
Pls whale plz

>> No.9124729

Who here /survived the sell-off/?

>> No.9124739
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Bought calls today on NRZ because someone someone told me it was good this morning


>> No.9124765


Where the fuck do you people find all of these images of cats using ATMs?

>> No.9124788
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Opening a Robin Hood Account. What's my first buy?

>> No.9124801

How much money you working with?

>> No.9124807


>> No.9124826


>> No.9124831

thoughts on TBF?

>> No.9124835

I'm still up $250 today

>> No.9124851

Saturday is Caturday anon

>> No.9124863


>> No.9124864

Good bet

Not seeing why it's a good buy


>> No.9124882


>> No.9124898

I'd agree with this. Phase 2 enrollment for their Muscular Dystrophy is starting. I've got 200 shares riding here.

>> No.9124908

buying X calls in power hour, since they're on such a deep discount today

gon' give it to me

>> No.9124911

TSX halted all trade due to technical issue? Cause has not been released. Very unusual. CSE is still trading.

Overall weed was doing its usual thing lately, very low volume puttering on tightening range. Breakout in a direction up or down is imminent. Stands to reason the break will be up given the catalysts coming this summer.

Namaste Technologies have received their approval to uplist to TSXV. Shares will start trading on TSXV on Monday. Short squeeze in progress right now. The short got really greedy this week entering positions very near the 2018 low so i expect this squeeze will be significant.

>> No.9124923


they're gonna take right off as oil prices go up

>> No.9124932

Same. Still up $260...but for how long

>> No.9124936
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Is there a name for the strategy in picrelated?

>> No.9124950

I'll dump into this

>> No.9124953

I'm only holding AMD and JD right now, I think I'll be good for another week on AMD at least, JD is more of a long term hold until it hits $50 again.

>> No.9125061

Ugh look like it going close exactly where me bought

Do me.... sell now & be safe or gamble hoping it tank this weekend like it SHOULD?

>> No.9125072

VKTX my niggas

>> No.9125081

Swing trading? Basically temporally longer day trading
Yeah nice. For Chinese stocks I'm holding BABA IQ and TCHEY but it seems like only the big boys BABA and BIDU are running strong this past month

>> No.9125104
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im ruined

>> No.9125127

Convergence Trading

>> No.9125141

Yeah, Chinese stocks have been performing pretty poorly lately. I just picked up JD a few days ago when it dipped down under $35 on open, I'm betting it'll make a decent swing back up before too long.

>> No.9125151

MCD before earnings? y/n?

>> No.9125155
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>> No.9125198
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>> No.9125242

well how'd everybody do this week?

>> No.9125271

Lost a whole bunch on Monday and Tuesday, but I think I'm well positioned for next week

Learned not to make stupid plays with options

>> No.9125284
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I am flat
REGN shat the bed
I lost on all my macro option play
But I get to invest another week

>> No.9125290

up 3.0% on my simulated portfolio because i'm poor shorting banks

>> No.9125293

My scholarship contest porfolio took a hit this week and I dropped down from Top 3. This was the last week.

Feels really fucking bad man, I was on the top consistently, then bogs happened.

>> No.9125302
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Yet another day of getting JUST'd up the ass. Thanks a lot ON and MU, you pieces of shit.

>> No.9125318

Up at the very end thanks to EBIO and ALT.

>> No.9125345
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>> No.9125373

I lost 4.43% this week. Yesterday and today's Chad bond chart kicked me in the balls.

>> No.9125383


>> No.9125399
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>> No.9125451
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>> No.9125470
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>> No.9125499
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toki yo tomare
just when MU goes lower, like a retarded crab it just dives into a darker pit for me to follow

>> No.9125562

Up 10%, thanks Mama Su

>> No.9125596
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Based Bezos ABBV and EXPO, but fuck you CRSP

>> No.9125604
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I got bamboozled by SYF and didn't jump off when I should've.

Good learning experience at least.

>> No.9125617
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The first day since I started investing in boomer coins that I am not getting absolutely JUST'ED

>> No.9125657

Shit, robinhood needs to roll out crypto everywhere already

>> No.9125685


holy shit

>> No.9125726

Predictions on next week? Monday is apples earnings day, the last of the major tech companies.

Isnt there also a fed shitpost next week?

>> No.9125733

he "invested" in a chinese company

>> No.9125821

What a shame that all the markets are closed for two days. Now how will I get my speculation fix?

>> No.9125831


Shitty week but I broke even on a last minute turnaround.

>> No.9125853

Las Vegas

>> No.9125917
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Green Monday. Dunno after that. Monday morning open on TSX will be hairy coming off the "lol technical difficulties" total market halt today.

>> No.9125927

ongoing high volatility sideways movement

>> No.9126017

What tickers are you guys shorting?

>> No.9126022

Yes FED shit post incoming. If you want some easy shekels, just set some really high sell limits on your bond options. Once the algorithms start going all wonky they'll fill and you can get some retarded low orders filled two and make fucking bank off the computer's going all fuckey mid shit post.

Religion the speculation fill for the weekend.

>> No.9126034

No good, they'll rough you up if you do TA.

>> No.9126052

LQD, TLT puts, USO calls, and cash is my portfolio right now.

>> No.9126138
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Never again will I throw money at a freaking chink company

Also how long are you all holding your NRZ calls?

>> No.9126212
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BRIC ETFs, yay or nay?

Not gonna throw my entire savings at it, of course. Maybe 10-15%?

>> No.9126255

Buy EZA. South Africa clearly is on par with the other four.

>> No.9126256

>Monday morning open on TSX will be hairy coming off the "lol technical difficulties" total market halt today.

More specifically on said hairyness, because TSX shut down without warning two hours before normal close, any short positions people wanted to close during power hour will close at open on Monday. That'll mean high volume spike, probably equal high volume drop, and then settle in back to whatever the market wants to do from there. Fun thing about this is that some tickers, and who the hell knows which ones, may take that initial spike upwards and keep running with it.

>> No.9126268

Fresh Bread


>> No.9126292

Thanks man