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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9116358 No.9116358 [Reply] [Original]

We are building something no one has ever done. the goal is to create something that is here for YEARS!


>> No.9116376

Already all in brother.
Stay strong and keep believing

>> No.9116403 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9116450

Ropsten will be out by next week according to the pivotal tracker. At that time we'll most likely be able to see who's going to use chainlink in the future (i.e Swift and many more)

>> No.9116459

whats that? some german festival?

>> No.9116470

ethereum testnet, for the moment they only released the alpha code that can be ran locally

>> No.9116486

sounds good. what does testnet tangibly provide though? is it just a prototype?

>> No.9116495

Someone is getting a new bmw

>> No.9116497

Made me chuckle +1

>> No.9116498

Ability to teleport which is just a better version of flying and you can charge people for them to come along with you.

>> No.9116525

how do i see on the pivotal tracker when things will be finished? im in the history tab

>> No.9116531

Supposedly we can see who tests the network

>> No.9116553

Stfu linkies its req time to shine now. Go away

>> No.9116620
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All in.

>> No.9116656

it's not hosted locally, it's hosted directly on the ethereum blockchain, so it's public, and decentralized

>> No.9116719

so you could say its the first decentralised oracle service? and its coming soon? what does the mainnet do differently?

>> No.9116768

mainnet is the production...this is just to do testing and its only on the ETH blockchain

remember that chainlink is blockchain agnostic it will run on its own d3x3ntralized networrk

>> No.9117073

Wrong. ChainLink mainnet will be on Ethereum.

>> No.9117084

wew, very weak FUD buddy

>> No.9117194

Ropsten is actually a part of Stockholm, Sweden

>> No.9117210

Is not fud if it's correct information. It will run on ethereum and it's not its own blockchain. When they say agnostic they mean it can be expanded to any blockchain

>> No.9117273

NO you fucking brainlet, you will be able to run nodes yourself on your own machine you dumb nigger.

linkpool will make it easy, but nyone could setup a node .

>> No.9117381

Haven't kept up with the project lately cause of life stuff, but I bought a fat stack of LINK during presale last September. We rose from 9 cents to 50 cents in the span of a month, and then hovered around 40 cents for a good amount of time. BTC was 4500ish or thereabouts

it's been 7 fucking months and the price is exactly the same. Periodically I check /biz/ and see the obligatory, "Tonight!" threads, or just general charting threads. Why? What the fuck are you celebrating. With the exception of the temporary bubble, this shit has been trading in the same channel for nearly a goddamn year.

And what the fuck do we have? Still no medium updates. No marketing director as promised. All of the Assblaster posts have been proven LARPs. None of the secret developments all of these Sherlock holmes autists post about have come to fruition. Not one.

Woo we get ropsten next month. You just know there will be bugs and all sorts of complications. And what about adoption? No word from SWIFT. No word from anybody. *maybe* JNT will LOOK at it. Fucking docusign? Really? Yet some of you idiots still cling to the delusion that mainnet will go live and all of these banks will be diving right in. Bull fucking shit.

and it's not even as if LINK is the chosen one anymore. Oracles are popping up left and right. This team is severely outclassed.

How fucking long are we supposed to hold for? Most of us are in our 20s. You get what, maybe 15 years more of prime living? And we've already pissed damn near 10% of that away, waiting for absolutely nothing. Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.9117618

>Most of us are in our 20s. You get what, maybe 15 years more of prime living? And we've already pissed damn near 10% of that away, waiting for absolutely nothing.

you sound like an absolute cunt. get yourself sorted out, whiny piece of shit.

>> No.9117658

The whole point of chainlink is that people cant fucking see whats being queried.
Its like having someone from /biz in a boardmeeting?

>> No.9117678
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You’re such a dumb nigger. Chainlink fulfills the blockchain’s full potential. Using Ethereum smartcontracts for cryptokitties and project tokens is one thing, but chainlink enables off chain data to essentially “use” blockchain tech. Chainlink is the bridge between NEET bux and the real world, enabling full use of the blockchain for society.

A revolution overnight. It’s the missing piece.

>> No.9117687

What? Ropsten is coming out third week of May.

>> No.9117810

Team already confirmed we will see who uses the network upon mainnet/testnet (not clear which). Keep up.

>> No.9117823

This rumour started on biz obviously, from a solidity standpoint there is no way we will see who is testing contracts. The only way you could ever know is if someone said they were using it and even then there is no proof of that.

>> No.9117834

Ropsten is Jason Parser's archnemesis. They will fight for control of shadowforks.

>> No.9117850

You sure? According to the pivotal tracker they'll deploy both chainlink, the token and the oracle contract system to the testnet on the 6th of May, which is next week.

>> No.9117879

It's pasta, newfriend

>> No.9117895

It’s not a rumour. It’s confirmed. Can’t remember where I saw it but they said we will see who uses the network upon mainnet. And with Ropsten Thomas Hodges was saying that we will see the “contracts” and they want all eyes on them but not entirely clear what that means.

>> No.9117933

They changed the velocity from 11 to 5, the dateline in the pivotaltracker is now different.
But either way it will be soon

>> No.9117965
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>> No.9117970
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Meanwhile, over 100k sold in seconds. Old biz bros exiting while fresh meat fall for larps

>> No.9117974

tfw litterarly living in ropsten

>> No.9117976

Don't try to time the market. Just hold.

>> No.9117994


>> No.9118005

You'll see Eth addresses, good luck tying them to identities. Although if anyone can, it's you guys

>> No.9118102

You'll see ETH addresses with smart contracts tied to them and by looking through the Solidity code, have a decent chance of determining who's running it.

>> No.9118127

Smart contracts on smartcontract.com clearly show who has done what contract (AXA, Sony...)

and Req test had labelled wallets on etherscan

>> No.9118141


>> No.9118235
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8k linklet reporting in.

>> No.9118290

not going to make it

>> No.9118334

weak pasta

>> No.9118338

Making it for me is like 200k

>> No.9118345

Weak fud

>> No.9118393

kek, poor linkies
every time you see a link shill thread, check the order books, you're getting dumped on in real time

>> No.9118492


Which one of this retards is right, linkies?
Fight to death.

>> No.9118615

the fuck you ON about? just posting rory response you dumb nigger

>> No.9118632

You do know that it's businesses that will buy LINK and push the price right? Speculators don't even matter when mainnet goes up.

>> No.9118683

Are you retarted?
How do those two things exclude each other?

>> No.9118763

No it hasn't ever been confirmed you fucking idiot. Go learn how to program read the GitHub and you'll understand that it's not possible to see who is doing what.

>> No.9118792

this is a fake picture

>> No.9118860
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>> No.9119175
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fuck off

>> No.9119306

no its not you fucking retard

>> No.9119424

Don’t listen to him, you’ll make it fren

>> No.9119593

>thinking you wouldn't evetually get caught by the govt and locked in a ability suppressing room where you'd be experimented on.
Just live forever and eventually get all those things.

>> No.9119602

How to cash out millions tho? Is my bank going to be like hold on where'd this come from we can't allow this anymore GTFO

>> No.9119611

Sergey likes this one.

>> No.9119768

every time you shit on the street the Lord kills a kitten.

>> No.9119885

6th of may ropsten? WHAT!! That is so exciting. I'll be gladly testing out my node!

>> No.9120139

Depends on your country but yes this will actually happen. Your account will get flagged and you will need to provide proof of how you aquired your sudden capital.