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9115036 No.9115036 [Reply] [Original]

Early adopters understand that he's Satoshi for the same reasons you bought in late

Stay woke niggers

>> No.9115058

Someone post the forged blog post that he edited 4 years later. If you believe this guy is satoshi you will never make it, and I thank you for getting into crypto so I can take your money from you.

>> No.9115076

Idc if hes satoshi or not. nChain is doing some good work and BCH is bitcoin.

>> No.9115086

Why are we still debating if he is Satoshi or not? If he doesn't have 100% proof to give us that he is Satoshi, then he isn't Satoshi. end of story
Even if he is Satoshi, why should it matter?

>> No.9115095

only retards want this guy to be satoshi. that pretentious fag is one of the worst representatives possible

>> No.9115113

The only people who don't like Craig are beta socialists who hear his capitalistic words and get scared that they won't be given free handouts.

>> No.9115123

this, but this

>> No.9115146

I'm a capitalist. any sane person would dislike craig. the only reason you tolerate him is because he shills your favorite coin

>> No.9115147

>the person who satoshi gave the btc github to says craig wright is satoshi

>> No.9115176

>giving a shit about personality
>technology and results

>> No.9115210

It’s more to his benefit to not be labeled with being Satoshi

>> No.9115213

Not surprised. Very intelligent people are naturally dicks. It's difficult for a very intelligent person to deal with other people, day-to-day.

People, such as yourself, don't like him because when he has to engage with stupid people, such as yourself, he comes across as a dick and disliked.

>> No.9115217
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>> No.9115249

cashies really are the most delusional group in crypto lmfao. BTC tech is shit, the only thing it has going for it is the brand. BCH is missing the brand name and slapped a bandaid on the shitty tech.

you have no idea how dumb you are

>> No.9115277

Why would Satoshi reveal himself to anyone at all? Hed have to realize they'd never keep it to themselves.

Bitcoin literally works like a goddamn dream. You're deluded because you've been using Core for the past year.

>> No.9116079


I already did make it nigger, but good luck catching up

>> No.9116105

>Someone post the forged blog post that he edited 4 years later. If you believe this guy is satoshi you will never make it, and I thank you for getting into crypto so I can take your money from you.
You realize Craig, and IT Security and Forensic Analysis Expert, claims he simply removed the metadata from his blog right? So it won't show up in archives even if it was on his blog. It's really easy to buy seeing as how he is a security expert. I'm not sure why every retard on here thinks that it is as easy as using a WayBackMachine to determine if he was Satoshi or not. That's not how the internet works sonny. The only thing we know about Craig is he was bankrupt around 2008, never worked another day in his life, and now is a billionaire. So he's either Satoshi or the biggest crypto hacker.

>> No.9116138

>I'm a capitalist. any sane person would dislike craig. the only reason you tolerate him is because he shills your favorite coin
Not exactly true, Craig says everything early adopters and right-wingers in this space want to hear. He's just not a basedboy faggot commie so this board and most of the space hate him. Don't get me wrong, he's a cunt, and I wish someone else were Nakamoto only because he is not the type of guy that can assume the role of business leader. But Nakamoto is almost certainly him, and his intellect is far beyond everybody else in this field. There are still almost zero people in the community that realize that Craig Wright was the only person out of thousands of academics that read the Selfish Mining paper to point out that since Bitcoin is a complete graph and not a mesh gamma is a meaningless number. The rest of the math works for Selfish Mining, but gamma never existed. Thousands of academics and only Craig found this flaw. This guy is head and shoulders above everyone else in this field. He runs circles around them.

>> No.9116159

>he simply removed the metadata from his blog
Why would that omit only a couple of lines in the post? Srs question

>> No.9116163

why are you trying to speak for early adopters op? us early adopters literally dont give a fuck about bcash, because we got thousands of it for absolutely nothing, and most of us haven't sold yet.

the fact that it's run by a couple of serial scammers isn't even a concern because at the end of the day bcash is pure profit, minus the decrease in price of bitcoin due to it's existence.

>> No.9116172

>and now is a billionaire
says who?

>> No.9116187

it wouldn't, what he's saying doesn't make any sense.

>> No.9116189

Thos of you who don't think Craig is Satoshi should check this out. This is a GQ interview where they "disprove" Craig is Satoshi. If you listen to the first minute. The people are trying to disprove Craig is Satoshi by saying that even though he has the private keys to the genesis block and the ninth block, it is possible to reverse engineer private keys from public keys (wallet addresses).

Stop and think about how stupid that sounds. Dr Nicolas Courtois literally says that if you ever spend your Bitcoin, anyone can get your private keys just by looking at the blockchain. If this were true then Bitcoin would have zero security and everyone would already have had their Bitcoin stolen since private keys could be reverse engineered. Since this obviously is not true, that means Craig definitely has the genesis block key and the ninth block's key, meaning he either is Satoshi or was the heir of Satoshi.

>> No.9116217

You’re an unlikeable douchebag with no friends, guaranteed

>> No.9116219

and this means whoever they interviewed doesn't understand public key cryptography. it doesn't in any way say that some random guy who has yet to provide any key or signature that is known to be one of sahoshi's is satoshi.

why even try to bring up the cryptographic side of it when craig himself has desperately tried to distance himself from any requests to provide the only piece of unforgeable proof?

>> No.9116225

Because he only eliminated the lines to do with BTC. Satoshi didn't reveal himself you know, that was the point of the pseudonym. Also, something that is important that most people miss. Craig didn't release the documents pointing to him being Satoshi. The documents were leaked to Wired and Gizmodo. So it all fits. Satoshi didn't want to be found so he would have removed all evidence of his involvement in Bitcoin from deep web crawlers. If Craig were Satoshi we would expect him not to release his identity, and he did not. Again, I'm not claiming this is any proof, I'm not for sure Craig is Satoshi, I just know he fits the bill.

>> No.9116233
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>Did everything in his power to prove he's SN
>Didn't provide a single cryptographical proof
>Has a huge monetary incentive to be regarded as SN by nChain
Smells like a con.

>> No.9116242

the lines were ADDED not eliminated. you really have little grasp on the actual timeline it seems.

>> No.9116269

>why even try to bring up the cryptographic side of it when craig himself has desperately tried to distance himself from any requests to provide the only piece of unforgeable proof?
I'm just saying that there are about a dozen or so people who have witnessed Craig sign using the private keys that would prove his identity. Even those who witnessed the keys and didn't believe he was Satoshi at least witnessed the keys. This means using the publicly available knowledge it seems highly likely that Craig has many of the private keys that belong to Satoshi. Again, Craig didn't come out and try to claim he was Satoshi. The information was leaked to the press. There is absolutely zero evidence that Craig has faked anything, but unless you were among the dozen or so who saw him sign, then there is also zero evidence to prove he is Satoshi. I just hate when people try and lie about Craig. He may be, or he may not, but the circumstantial evidence is massive. I believe he is, but belief is irrelevant.

>> No.9116283

That's my point you idiot. If you have lines you write in your post and then eliminate the metadata when you look it up on a deep web crawler those lines with no metadata won't exist. He basically did the digital equivalent of writing with invisible ink. That way it shows up in his records or no one elses. Or so he says at least. Again I'm not saying I had proof he did it, I'm just saying for someone with his skill set it is mind-numbingly easy.

>> No.9116293

>Did everything in his power to prove he's SN
Craig didn't out himself bucko. Other people did. And seeing as how SN was never public what makes you think the real SN would ever prove who he was? It makes more sense that SN will remain anonymous.

>> No.9116295

I just want him to deliver on Cash, I dont really care if hes satoshi. I am curious as to what satoshi plans to do with all his bitcoin.

>> No.9116305

Also heres the explanation. Remember that Craig is a business partner of Co0inGeek, so the article is slanted, but that doesn't make it inaccurate. Again, its super easy to do.

>> No.9116333

nChain only makes money if bch gets more expensive

>> No.9116342

Satoshi was most likely a conglomerate effort done hal finney, Craig wright, and nick szabo.

I dont think any one person could claim they are satoshi.

>> No.9116347

He's been delivering, he always does. But he even has enough people that hate him and censor him in the BCH community people rarely hear. This SDK he just launched will make it all but impossible for exchanges to get hacked and lose all their money. Still in beta, but all it does is split the private key into parts and you need all parts of the key in order to spend the coins. So if you have coins at an exchange, if a hacker gets ahold of the private keys at the exchange they still won't have access to any keys. Honestly this is massive, I'm not sure why its not talked about more.

>> No.9116374
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>> No.9116390

this is unironically true, but not in the sense you mean it
early bitcoin adopters who held through the meteoric rise are generally low tier people: junkies, pimps, terrorists or idiots who believe "it can rise forever" is a sound investment strategy
they started gullible, and survivorship bias compounded the dunning-kruger effect in them
some of these people back jewish infested core, some of these people back conman central cash
retards make it until they don't, roughly the same survival rate as spermatozoids on a long enough time horizon

>> No.9116426
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>> No.9116445

this has to be peak delusion

>> No.9116594

>early bitcoin adopters who held through the meteoric rise are generally low tier people
You're right, it's you late-comers that are the true geniuses. It's you who bought the peak that have all the knowledge. Tell us oh wise one. How can we early adopters be more like you?

>> No.9116696

Er no. Hal Finney, WEI DAI and Nick Szabo.

Craig Wright is a conman

>> No.9117246


What I meant was, the same people who call Craig Wright classless or scammy clearly hadn't spent time in the Bitcoin community early on. But you generally got it

>> No.9117572


>> No.9117748

didn't this guy work with other guy that later died and every btc they had is now in his hands and dead man's family is suing this guys for robbery and asking billions in cash?
Am I missing something?

>> No.9118329

Wow, I wasn't aware about that. Do you have proof?

>> No.9118341

I'm true BTC supporter (BCH) and I think this asshole should dissappear. Prove to us Craig, that you aren't just another fucking conman by your work and not stupid tweets or go fuck yourself.

>> No.9118427

you can't
that's the whole point
you're genetically unfit, and giving you the correct advice won't make you follow it
see how you cope by assuming i bought the peak, as your mind is unable to think beyond binary propositions
your only hope is luck, so whatever you do it literally doesn't matter

>> No.9118523

you don't get to claim someone is Satoshi when they won't provide the irrefutable proof that they are

>> No.9118547


David Kleiman

>> No.9118558


this thread sent me down a huge csw rabbit hole, I cant fucking believe craig wright might be satoshi. wtf

>> No.9118616

>You realize Craig, and IT Security and Forensic Analysis Expert, claims he simply removed the metadata from his blog right?
most retarded shit i've ever read

removing metadata from a blog would not add an extra line about 'i have a whitepaper coming out soon, bitcoin, etc'

pls kill yourself

>> No.9118706

satoshi is clearly American

>> No.9118719

even signing a genesis block key is not irefutable proof

>> No.9119228

emin pls

>> No.9119248

this happened to me before the fork, read literally non-stop for 4 straight days, but it is eye opening and will change your opinion on craig if u find the right info. you can find craigs old emails on cypherpunk mailing list from 1995, his heavy involvement in gambling industry , and if u check the first bitcoin github commit, youll see theres a poker lobby in the code. I was a big fan of the liberty dollar during the ron paul days, seeing the creator of it say VaughnPerling told him about satoshi in 2005 i think, before craig really told anyone about it, and craig did not know VaughnPerling then. but now he says craig was the person many years ago that came up to him at the hacker conference. He told craig, "have you heard of the cypherpunks?" and directed him to them. Craig said he never heard of it, but again you can see few diff email address of his in cypherpunk mailing list 95'. there are so many other little things that just add up too much, but you have to search deep..

Soon, we may all be staring at our computers, wondering
whether they're staring back."

>> No.9119760

During the London proof sessions, I had the opportunity to review the relevant data along three distinct lines: cryptographic, social, and technical. Based on what I witnessed, it is my firm belief that Craig Steven Wright satisfies all three categories. For cryptographic proof in my presence, Craig signed and verified a message using the private key from block #1 newly-generated coins and from block #9 newly-generated coins (the first transaction to Hal Finney). The social evidence, including his unique personality, early emails that I received, and early drafts of the Bitcoin white paper, points to Craig as the creator. I also received satisfactory explanations to my questions about registering the bitcoin.org domain and the various time-of-day postings to the BitcoinTalk forum. Additionally, Craig's technical working knowledge of public key cryptography, Bitcoin's addressing system, and proof-of-work consensus in a distributed peer-to-peer environment is very strong.

According to me, the proof is conclusive and I have no doubt that Craig Steven Wright is the person behind the Bitcoin technology, Nakamoto consensus, and the Satoshi Nakamoto name.

Jon Matonis -

Nchain announced that Matonis has joined their team as Vice President of Corporate Strategy.

>> No.9120219
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