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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9112919 No.9112919 [Reply] [Original]

feels bad.. only have 15k in market currently. Even if the whole market goes 10x, which seems unlikely short term (would be a 4trillion$ cap) I still wont make it.

>> No.9112945

I'm only 8k in man. I feel ya. But getting to 100k would be a nice dream

>> No.9112947


You are beginning to gain perspective. Congrats.

>> No.9112949

But its another stone to step on, on your way to making it desu. 1 step closer

>> No.9112955

hate to say it, but literally our only chance is hitting a lucky streak of several moon missions, and selling tops/buying bottoms..

>> No.9112956

That's why you need to buy the next big PoS coin and let it make you small returns each month

>> No.9112963


you people are retarded. shitcoins will go 0.1x while actual projects will go 1000x

>> No.9112984
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This. Making it should be a plan that you’re willing to see through. In my plan it could take 5 more years. That’s ok with me.

If you go into something needing it to be instant success you’re setting yourself up to fail.

>> No.9112994

This. You're literally complaining about a 10x moon mission.

>> No.9113013

I only have 1k in crypto, feelsbadman. I envy you all.

>> No.9113030

I started with 1k last april and was up to 65k ATH. down to fucking 15. I just dont see the opportunity the same as 2017. total market cap was so much more small. it was before the bubble started kinda

>> No.9113034

150k? Invest that into something new. There will always be new and upcoming ICOs and Stocks.

>> No.9113047

not even confident i'll get there, but id love to. what you think, 4trillion dollar cap within 2 years?

>> No.9113078

Yeah, I might make it in a few years but not anytime soon (at least I think)

>> No.9113092

Hate to say it faggot but you are right, you won’t make it and you’re going to stay poor. Let the big boys play and keep your smelling poor thousands in your bank acocount so you can pay off the loan on your Hyundai

>> No.9113102

I have have 1k anon

I know I wont make tons but im just trying to get enough fuel for the next moon mission

>> No.9113103

hey faggot, I wont stop working til i make it either way, might not be thru crypto but I WILL

>> No.9113108

15k in also right now. if i 10x thatd be great but my goal is 500k by end of next year. adding in what i make monthly and dedicating a couple hours each day.

>> No.9113112

Eh maybe not rich but you can make enough where you don’t have to live check to check. You don’t worry about having to pay your bills every month if you have like 50k in the bank. You’ll be alright famalam

>> No.9113124

I just want enough for a small house. not having to worry about mortgage payments would be huge.

>> No.9113128

Its not really luck. Just follow the money. Find catalysts a a few days out and buy in low and wait and Hope bitcoin doesn't kill you.

>> No.9113137

Or just a couple of your coins going 10x retard

>> No.9113182

Don't get meme'd by this board, 150k is A LOT to work with. You'd be lightyears ahead of people who are living paycheck to paycheck, even after taxes. At that level, if you put that into an index fund, and reinvested the dividends you received over decades, you'd retire as one well off motherfucker. Or you could day/swing trade stocks and make more in a week off that (even with 1/2% gains) that some people make in a month.

Making it isn't risking everything so that you might dive into a pool of gold like Scrooge fucking McDuck. It's gaining enough that you can start seeing significant returns via relatively passive income, and having enough stowed away to be able to handle emergencies without throwing your financial future way. It's being able to pay off debts that might've completely overshadowed any gains you made day to day, month to month. Freedom and security before excess, anon.

>> No.9113242

What the fuck you guys crying about i would literally spit on your faces i only have $400 on ColossusXT (COLX) and that's it