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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 62 KB, 700x442, Pharmaceuticals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9111133 No.9111133 [Reply] [Original]

People are desperate for low entries into AMB, so expect a lot of FUD. Faggots should have listened when I warned them at 3300 sats, and again at 4000, and again at 5500.

I'll be here for another hour answering questions about pharmaceuticals, medicine, nutrition, and blockchain. Nutrition especially, you guys don't eat enough vegetables.

>> No.9111161

Nice digits pharmafag

With all this FUD, how bullish you feeling on AMB?

>> No.9111164


Nice digits

>> No.9111176


I bought more at 7000 after hearing a few things this week... and I got in early.

>> No.9111182



What's on the menu for AMB next week? GSK? AUD SUD?

>> No.9111198

How can I naturally create similar effects as bomb ass cocaine

>> No.9111212

Who is behind this coordinated FUD? It can't just be bearfag

>> No.9111216

>Ambrosus rumoured partnership with TUV SUD
Is actually only ambrosus hiring them to audit their website. Lawsuit soon coming for putting TUV SUD logo on ambrosus website. KEK.

>Ambrosus rumoured partnership with SAP
SAP has no partnership or even plan to partner with ambrosus. Currently SAP partner with MODUM instead. KEK

>Ambrosus rumoured partnership with Deloitte
Actually only them leading a joint workshop at LogiPharma together, ONCE. No contact at all between deloitte and ambrosus after that. Deloitte partner in crypto space right now is only Stellar Foundation. KEK

>Ambrosus rumoured partnership with GSK
GSK indeed cooperate with ambrosus before but finally they decided not to continue any collaboration or partnership with Ambrosus. KEK

>Ambrosus partnership with Seafood Commons
This one is TRUE. Seafood Commons is a literal unknown new startup probably created by Versetti himself. But somehow Ambrosus deleted announcement of that partnership. Maybe because there's no PRICE ACTION because of that and they'll try again later. MEGA FUCKING KEK

Absolute deluded state of AMBLETS.

>> No.9111224

t. bearfag without a trip

>> No.9111239
File: 12 KB, 225x225, 1521149466248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put counterfeit product for shipment
>AMB sensor okays shipment because sensor only detects temperature, weight, and date
>mfw non-STEM AMBlets actually believe you can mass produce highly advanced sensors that can analyze composition of a material
>mfw non-STEM AMBlets don't know how much you have to pay professionals who own proper instrumentation for composition analysis
>mfw non-STEM AMBlets should pay a vist to an analytical chem symposium or similar to get an idea
>mfw some TGcucks actually claim to be med/STEMfags but don't know such obvious cost limitations

>> No.9111248

how to do a meth binge properly?

>> No.9111260
File: 3.04 MB, 300x360, Ass gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of food can help with hairloss in men (androgenic alopecia) or is finasteride the only answer?

Also what is the best newfag method of learning to identify future moon missions/learning TA/margin trading/ reading white pages? I know there's a lot of helpful people here, but I', worried others will deliberately screw over newfags or shill them their bags.

>> No.9111283
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>low entry into paid shillcoin

>> No.9111291


Salty Walties mostly. Some individual players who are late to the game and want a low entry.

>> No.9111371


You're not even good at this:


>> No.9111403
File: 27 KB, 249x211, 1521149466245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw shAMBlet finds out I'm actually insider at GSK, SAP, Deloitte, and Nestle
>mfw no partnerships

>> No.9111413

However, is the FUD true? Do you have any information as to what partnerships AMB has/hasnt ?

>> No.9111420

look into biotin supplements

>> No.9111443


No food will help. Best trading system is ChartGuys. Best way to find moon mission is keeping your ears to the ground.

>> No.9111460


None of the FUD circulating on biz right now is true.

>> No.9111475


Ambrosus has only announced 3 minor partnerships and has not implied partnerships with any of the above. The partnerships are the result of /biz/ autism investigating the project. E.g the lead engineer is Jean-Paul Sandoz, heir of the Sandoz/Novartia pharmaceuticals empire

>> No.9111484
File: 54 KB, 361x365, 1521306305081.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Cucksetti felt threatened by insider info leaking and sent his pharmpajeet in to ease bagholder fears

>> No.9111598

Could we reach 20k sats for AMB or will it go below / beyond? Missed VEN and WTC moons, have no idea how it was looking at such early stage as AMB currently is. Also this is my first moon ride, before I was all in only in bitcoin, so I didn't experienced any moon ride before and don't know what to expect

>> No.9111661
File: 68 KB, 295x225, jetsonss1-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>none of the supposed partnerships circulation on biz right now is true

>> No.9111702


If you missed VEN and WTC. Now is your chance.

>> No.9111730

what the fuck are you even talking about, no one is claiming to have supply chain sensors for chemical composition. If someone developed such a thing, you'd think they'd make a startup for that, not make a fucking blockchain.

>They are tracing sensors providing external parameters analysis (temperature, humidity, pressure, sunlight).
>Sensors will generate a lot of data pertaining to supply chains, stock, and distribution of food.
>Examples include enhancing operational decisions on account of sensor data visualization, measuring and monitoring productivity, data analytics tools to make supply chain management more efficient and predictive analytics that could automatically order certain products, or inform of shortages in advance, increasing compliance, compliance and allowing smooth operation of the supply chains.

quotes from the whitepaper. we're talking about supply chains buddy. You give stem a bad name when you're so insecure that you have to shove it in people's faces.

>> No.9111758
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AMB will be 4200 again 100% chance

>> No.9111938
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Literally reeks of desperation from the Ambrosus team and Amblets when they shill GSK as a legendary company when it is a fraud like themselves.

>> No.9111971

how the hell did you get a doctor to prescribe you those all at the same time?

>> No.9111983


Is 4200 Amb enough to make it?

>> No.9112014
File: 22 KB, 255x242, z364ucj76dt01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do any of that when you can just buy 0xBitcoin

>> No.9112068


Better than 0

>> No.9112096
File: 175 KB, 961x689, RIPVLADTRIFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



> Deloitte proceeds to partner with Amazon

I TOLD YOU FOR THE 99th TIME, who the fuck is ambrosus but a start up company to be granted a PARTNERSHIP?

>> No.9112107

Me have quasi terminally illness :(

>> No.9112127

what do you have

>> No.9112205
File: 106 KB, 744x967, 1524320786441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lupus + AML

I.e. Jesus calling me home

>> No.9112255

Terminal? Have you accepted it

>> No.9112270

Fuck, that blows

>> No.9112282
File: 40 KB, 504x749, 1523789327377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not very good at shilling. Trying to wave away the FUD without dismantling it is intellectually weak. But that seems to be par for course for swissfag and the AMB team.

>> No.9112327

The next five posts are ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL for ambrosus (AMB)

>> No.9112348

The FUD has no backing so it can be easily waived until proof and actual reasoning is given

>> No.9112379

How about Deloitte partnering with Amazon on IOT supply chain?

How about Deloitte being sued by the government for Fraud?

How about GSK being fined $3 billion in the midst of "partnership" announcement with amb?

>> No.9112390


Terminally ill girls are hot af, hope you're fucking your brains out while you still can.

>> No.9112407
File: 17 KB, 249x211, 1521149466246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know how to respond to "FUD" aka facts dismantling AMB
>m-muh a-actual r-reasoning
the ABSOLUTE state of shAMBlets

>> No.9112452
File: 362 KB, 500x1200, illust_68185959_20180420_072805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw ty
It not terminal /yet/ bc doctors lucky spotted AML early and me responded well. And Lupus manageable (but also terminal if not managed,)

The actual cold hard thing me had to accept is life expectancy directly tied to how much money can earn.

Me have to earn 300k+ a year if want to live over 45 kek (current treatment cost 150k yearly, me am half a million in debt )

>> No.9112480

Damn I'm sorry bro. I hope you make it and live a prosperous life.

>> No.9112491

Oh no, large companies have never had to pay fines before, this is the end.

>> No.9112532

i can only imagine how much time you spend on this fucking board. surely your life consists of something more than smirking to yourself in the dark while typing this shit out all day long

>> No.9112555

get out of the fucking usa, dude

>> No.9112595
File: 19 KB, 208x468, eh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that's almost incomprehensibly brutal. It's like your life is one of those Purge type movies where you have to pay money to the system in order to stay alive. I'd kill myself desu senpai

>> No.9112770

the "FUD" is too pathetic to acknowledge

>> No.9112816

Or you’re in denial that Deloitte partnered with amazon for iot

>> No.9112927

Is it a bad idea to live off burrito bowls for like a week? I'm talking little bit of rice, beans, corn, tomatoe, onion, lettuce, avocado and chicken breast with some seasoning and hot sauce. It sounds healthy.

Also what are some other picks you got, I've got a comfy AMB position but would like to hear some other worth looking into

>> No.9113068

What’s up with the Illuminati logo