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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 324x323, 0xBitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9108438 No.9108438 [Reply] [Original]

Do you hear that....



........ ..

They're coming.

>> No.9108459

still don't know where to buy this discord shill coin

>> No.9108484

enclaves.io but its spensive as shit because theres no supply

>> No.9108491
File: 305 KB, 2074x1022, Screen Shot 2018-04-26 at 5.06.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Not a discord shill coin (pic related)

2. Forkdelta

>> No.9108871

my comfiest hold ever top 50 literally /madeit/

>> No.9108928
File: 120 KB, 931x450, 0xBCC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey hey hey

>> No.9108931

Normies dont even know how to use forkdelta and other DEXes. Disgusting

>> No.9108952


>> No.9109027

It’s actually very easy. Here’s how most DEXs work:

1. Get meta mask.
2. Send yourself some ETH
3. Go to the DEX while logged into meta mask on your browser.
4. You then need to “deposit” ETH from your wallet to the exchange (this is done on the exchange).
5. Buy the token.
6. “Withdraw” your tokens from the DEX to your wallet.

Done, prettt easy once you do it a couple times.

>> No.9109297

Don't show these brainletts how to. Let them buy (our) bags when it hits binance or ku

>> No.9109333

Get your coins on token.store with Metamask.

>> No.9109343

I've already 5x'd on this thing, and I bought 2 days ago.

>> No.9109346

DESU its not a shill coin. It's more like Bitcoin on an Ethereum smart contract.

Imagine buying Bitcoin in 2010. That's what this is.

>> No.9109349

IDK about buying this but mining..... yep....

>> No.9109467
File: 715 KB, 4062x3054, CatofProfits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can still mine it with a low-end GPU

0xbitcoin is the most fair and trustless and autonomous implementation of Bitcoin on Ethereum that there has ever been.

0xbitcoin does not depend on any company, human, corporation or other legal entity therefore it is not possible to shutdown or stop like many other tokens/currencies.

0xbitcoin is a better currency and better trustless medium of exchange not because the tokens are issued by mining.
It's a better currency because the tokens were NOT issued by a mysterious human with unknown motives.

Bitcoin does not interact with smart contracts at all, 0xbitcoin does, such as with all Decentralized Exchanges.
This means that you will soon be able to trade Eth Tokens without changing into ETH or BTC.

0xbitcoin will have upgraded speed and bandwidth as Ethereum upgrades, Bitcoin will not.

>> No.9109476
File: 4 KB, 250x140, 1517923107964s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck my life, I'm buying it

>> No.9109494

Who is dev

>> No.9109509
File: 2.17 MB, 2592x4608, IMG-20180426-WA0026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No stay away from my FUCK ing token

>> No.9109658
File: 183 KB, 640x320, strongsupportfor0xbtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't keep Vitalik away from it

>> No.9109698

waso waso waso waso waSOOOOOOO

>> No.9109711

I mined over 10000 and sold down to 1000.

I literally always mess up my crypto plays. UGH

>> No.9109743

Seriously, focus on the utility. This is a decentralized game-changer. The miner-friendliness is off the charts. Not an ICO, no pre-mine. The one and only true people's-coin.

>> No.9109756
File: 43 KB, 629x454, pooinit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coordinated shill from your shitty Discord group, no one is buying your shitbags

>> No.9109813

This doesn't seem feasible no matter how you look at it, it cannot remain more profitable than eth mining. If it does what's stopping regular eth miners switching to mining this token and tanking the security of the network for profits?

>> No.9109823

You're right, because no one is selling their shit bags, and you're too poor to afford it now. Die poor, black guy.

>> No.9109830

Eth is inevitably switching to PoS, and Casper is only a few months away.

>> No.9109926

somehow it seems retarded
pow, mining ... are becoming things of the past
mineable erc20 token does not make any sense seriously

>> No.9109971

So bitcoins condom broke and he knocked up eth? Fuck it, all in on mulatto coin.

>> No.9110132

0xBTC mining is only for distribution, the transactions happen via ethereum network. It's secured by the ETH network. A 51% attack on 0xBTC requires the hash power for a 51% attack on ETH.

>> No.9110149

Mining is the Goat for fair distribution. Do you think Bitcoin would be so successful is Bitcoin started with an ICO or an airdrop?

>> No.9110187


You don't get it. It's about the decentralized nature. Not pre-mined by early devs, not ICO'd to line some cuck's pockets. truly decentralized and fair.

>> No.9110230



What is it like to be THIS new?

>> No.9110245

>only a few months
Actually the testnet is only a few months away. Would expect launching in winter.

>> No.9110269
File: 51 KB, 450x800, SKY14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're coming.

Coming for me??

>> No.9110280


>> No.9110294

Which is my point exactly. If the ETH network is weakened by eth PoW miners switching hash to 0xbtc exclusively, a 51% attack on ethereum becomes plausible if taken to a large scale shift of hash.
As was mentioned this would be mitigated by a switch to PoS, but if it's months in coming... well, crypto markets move fast, and miners keep up with price shifts.

>> No.9110315

possible in theory, but this could leave the galaxy without that happening.

>> No.9110369

OP here. In the 2 hours since I made this post, 0xBTC has once again doubled, and is doing so with strong volume and demand. This isn't some faggot R2D2 whale pump.

>> No.9110396

>>$1 > $1.26

come on man I got a big green boner for this one too, but lets be real here it didn't double

>> No.9110418

Yes, I'm not disputing the fact that all this shilling and overall hype can cause the price to skyrocket. Long term though I don't see the project managing its aim at becoming a secure store of value/currency token without either possibly severely damaging the network in its growing stage, staying low key enough to avoid from that happening until the PoS shift, or having somewhat benevolent large players suppress prices in an effort to prevent that until PoS.

>> No.9110490

Honestly, before this massive volume, most of us in the discord weren't keen to go "shilling" this coin.

We were nervous about people spamming this board and making it LOOK LIKE a pump n dump. Oh well, too late now, and still there are hardly any tokens to buy because everyone that's been with this project since the start can see this for it's potential, and it's actual future utility, and not just as short-term get-rich-quick coin.

>> No.9110511

You do realize that most of biz realizes that this is a long term hold

>> No.9110819

I was .6 I thought. Can't even keep track my man.

>> No.9111226

Shill coins that are on their infancy and can be mined with cpu, fuck this board, rats.