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9099805 No.9099805 [Reply] [Original]

If a child fails at life, is it the child's fault or the parent's?

>> No.9099811

Nobody's fault. Free will does not exist.

>> No.9099927

Unless his parents injected drugs into him as a baby - it's his fault.

>> No.9099931

both a bit

t. parent

>> No.9099941


>> No.9100013

child obviously.

parent's job is only to maintain allostasis in child's brain/body in the first few years when it otherwise cannot regulate itself. after that it's all the child.

>> No.9100021

Depends on the circumstances. You just can't put blame on either the child or the parents without knowing the full background or story.

>> No.9100038


depends on what the parents did, and only the child can help themselves in most cases after the damage is done

>> No.9100058

Is it the parents' fault that their parents raised them to be shitty parents? Where does the line end?

>> No.9100089

A child is literally an empty slate. Up till a certain age (20ish) it's almost completely the fault of the parents.

>> No.9100101


true, but cause and effect still happens. Fault does not have to be fault through decision making. You could say a parent is a piece of shit and therefore the end product was a shitty kid, therefore the parents fault. Even though they had no real control over what they were to begin with or the outcome.

>> No.9100247

When people accept their parents mistakes and learn from them

>> No.9100252

Parenta fault. Child is but a reflection of parents influence.

>> No.9100262

mistakes is actually too light of a word, its more like when people accept their parents wrongdoings and make sure the next generation isn't exposed to them.

Basically the child can only fuck up if he doesn't fix what his parents fucked up for the next generation

>> No.9100309

you are missing the point he is making; he is saying that you can't blame anyone for anything because their actions are a consequence of the laws of the universe - I don't know why he thinks he's qualified to discern whether that is true or not, but if you assume it is (I don't), his argument is sound

>> No.9100464
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Genetics play a huge role. For example many black people have the "warrior gene" which makes them more aggressive and less empathetic. Incidentally I also have this gene though I am white (took the ancestry DNA test) which is likely why I am expressing the truth so bluntly here.
This is an absurdly high hill to try to "train out"
It is something inbuilt to the child, just like a dog which is bred for fighting tends to exhibit fighting behaviors.
So, if the child is intelligent, sociable, good at baseball, or in any way adapted or mal-adapted to the current society it lives in, this is in significant amount determined by genes from birth. In this sense it is the child fault because that is what the child IS thanks to his parents legacy.
It's also the dogs fault in the sense that it is what the dog is. That why we ban certain breeds of dog in the civilized world.
You wouldn't expect a literal wolf-pup to grow into a tame a friendly house pet, not without extreme and arduous training that would consume a human trainers entire life. And even then you would want to be on guard lest the wolf snap and revert to hunter-killer instinct.
So basically if the child has poor breeding then it is largely doomed from birth, unfortunately.

>> No.9100482

What the fuck does it even mean to "fail at life"?

>> No.9100518

like in the /biz/ sense
imagine two doctorate parents with solid 6 figure income
and then an unemployed drop out child

>> No.9100569

>I am expressing the truth so bluntly here
you are absolutely not qualified to conclude the proportion genetics play in behaviour and how hard it is to overcome

>> No.9100589
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mostly parents but of course past 20-25 mostly the childs although a lot of things they usually struggle with are because parent did not/could not account for things when raising their child. For example if given too much freedom a child will grow up lazy and ineffective/unmotivated, or if they are too harsh he will be insecure and ~~unstable.
stupid, a child acquires a sens of self as a being distinct from others only at 5-7 and learns to recognise and account for other people's emotions at like 14-15.
>tfw me_irl
oh well I got another 30 yrs to get there so it's ok