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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9098232 No.9098232 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9098260

I am your father and I am having gay affair with our mail man.

>> No.9098275

after that thread about ass bleeding a couple days ago, I noticed I was starting to experience constipation

>> No.9098280

I regularly masturbate to incest fantasies

>> No.9098288

Id prefer you used the high res coinfess guy.

>> No.9098294

I have been fudding PHR for months now. And ever since the recent pick-up in the market, I’ve been going even harder.

>> No.9098326

>tfw been fudding WAN in every thread despite it being my biggest holding

>> No.9098659

I make blockfolio threads that show me having 150,000 LINK just so the newfriends here buy in.

I do not own any LINK.

>> No.9098673

I fomo'd in yesterday even though I had months to buy when the price was lower

>> No.9098776

My 'genius' plan to make crypto money is to keep investing in ICOs for promising well-researched crypto exchanges that have their own tokens (for dividends, reduced fees, etc.), then wait for the exchange to open and the price to at least 5x after a few months before trading back to BTC/ETH and re-investing the 5x amount in another similar new ICO
Lather, rinse, repeat until I'm loaded

>> No.9098789

sold omg just before the pump

>> No.9098790

i tethered up 9k
i almost fomo back on 9.2k

>> No.9098869

Getting rich off crypto is my only shot at life. I'm failing out of school and have no actual skills + I'm not that smart.

Also been going through a lot lately and sorta depressed, I'll get through it though. Sorry for the blog.

>> No.9098911

>Getting rich off crypto is my only shot at life.
You and me both, anon.

>> No.9098940

I bought 40 ETH worth of Origami Network, and have no intention of selling until it hits a 100M marketcap, so I can retire in Japan.

>> No.9098953

shorted yesterday on the b wave. got stopped out. shorted again. got stopped out. went long thinking b wave gonna go higher. nope. closed position at a loss and shorted again. right now around breakeven. i'm such a fucking retard.

>> No.9098982

Also FAP to invest porn... Family is all dead. What's wrong with me?

>> No.9099007

i bought 1eth of some random shitcoin like 3 months ago and completely forgot about it until today when i noticed it like 15x'd

>> No.9099014

My country just stated cryptos are "foreign currency" subject to capital gains taxes, even if the wallet is privately managed it has to be declared (in a few weeks we will have to make our tax declarations).


I'm living with family and not taking jobs because tax reasons. If I declare my assets (about ~2.1 BTC) my family will be outside the "lower tax area".


I'd like to keep it under the radar but I can't risk being wrecked because Hurr Durr Money Launderer OMG

>> No.9099046

i bought long at 9.5k and im getting liquidated at 8k (im all in)

>> No.9099059

I went all in on ADA

>> No.9099076
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I own 20,000 Digibytes

>> No.9099078

you done fucked up, but don't kill yourself when you get liquidated

>> No.9099088



>> No.9099090

You should be buying PFR instead of whatever crap youre holding. Their mainnet comes out on April 30th. Do you realize that Localbitcoins now has KYC? Do you understand that once PFR is out, people will all jump ship to avoid having to upload documents? People kept doubting the project but these guys deliver. Do you want to be poor forever.

>> No.9099099

I didn't FOMO into the OmiseGO pump n' dump.

>> No.9099231
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I was planning to buy FB 170 4/27 calls yesterday and slept through the entire trading day. Going big on BIDU today so hopefully I'll make up for it.

>> No.9099233

I've been recovering as of late, pursuing a medical degree but i'm already in my mid twenties and still have 3 years to go.

How am i ever going to get a girlfriend/wife knowing that since i'm so much behind leaves so many red flags?

I got in crypto early but couldn't invest much since i'm broke. Currently sitting on a 9k stack never having cashed out anything. I'm hoping for 100k with my half a dozen sub 200 mil cap coins so i can buy an apartment for myself and undo the years i've spend not studying/wageslaving.

>> No.9099274

What kind of country do you live in where assets rather than income affect your taxes?

>> No.9099286
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I unironically believed the recovery was real this time.

>> No.9099418
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>buy 0.2 btc in february last year
>briefly touch every moon mission (pivx, ark, antshares, dgb, omg, xvg, the list goes on) but get out with measly 10-20% gains before the real moon
>still make it to 1 btc finally
>put 0.5 into the exscudo ICO scam
>lose 0.2 on a pump and dump
>cash out at 8k because I think that's the crash
>refuse to buy back until it crashes to 12k from 20k
>now have 0.2
>trade up to 0.3 again on binance
>btc keeps going down
>stop trading and checking prices
>few days ago see 9300
>check charts, it's extremely overbought and went up too fast
>decide to short it with x20 leverage at around 9270
>liq price is 9733
>it fucking goes to 9760 before crashing

>> No.9099447

Didn't buy ELEC and AST. ELEC and AST are on my top 10 coin list but I only diversify to 4 coins. I'm so jelly of gains made by ELEC and AST.

>> No.9099462
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Not even God can help you now.

>> No.9099473

Diabolical kek

>> No.9099474

I chased knc and omg pumps and bought high, sold low, lost 20%

>> No.9099549

I convinced someone who has helped me financially in the past to sell their coin the day before the dump started. And it was hard because he was convinced it will just keep climbing. Took my time and made a strong case.
The poor guy is so thankful. Thinks I am some TA god now .

>> No.9099552

It is. Recovery does not mean infinite green candles forever. We are entering a period of healthy growth.

>> No.9099626

there is no wrong way to get through life anons. Hope you all make it

>> No.9100036
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I daytraded my way from 7,000 VEN in January down to 5,000 AMB now. Im actually thinking about ending it I'm so fucken dumb.

>> No.9100062

I tethered up last night for the first time through all this fucking shit at the low... held through Jan to now and fuck up.

>> No.9100067

My guy dont do it. If you made it once then you can make it again.

>> No.9100275
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I collect AMB memes

>> No.9100330


Sold 290k of ZIL for 3.5x first time it listed on Huobi. Got a decimal wrong and thought it was 35x. JUST.

>> No.9100376
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>> No.9101363

TRX AT 630
XVG AT 800 (BOUGHT AT 500)


>> No.9101375

(bought storm at sub 300, trx at 450)

>> No.9101447
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I thought it was going back to 10K so I charged up my credit cards in order to buy more BTC thinking there could be no way it was another bull trap. Law of averages right? it had to actually be a reversal eventually.

>> No.9101723


I hate this board and 4chan in general. But here it goes. I started the Ohni cryptocurrency. I gave away a lot on here. I never should have taken such a incompetent team members or got too sucked in, I ended up having a nervous breakdown. But I was a massive dick and should have just followed to market with the idea quick enough back in August. I would have been worth tens of millions.

>> No.9102142
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>> No.9102166

Stop posting about this then and actually follow through. You gonna let the state fuck with your shit?

>> No.9102381

I started my own coin, built a community out of it and then proceeded to dump the massive premine on everyone in the community. I abandoned my discord with over 10,000 members last week and I am currently working on making a new coin so I can do it all over again.

>> No.9102498

hope you die in sleep

>> No.9102917
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>> No.9103498

I hold verge

>> No.9103681

same. i haven't told anyone and i never will. I wonder how common it is...

>> No.9103693

i have set up my suicide for this week

>> No.9103854

are you me?

>> No.9103857
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I worship Chadsetti

>> No.9103893

I raw dogged your mom in the butt last night even though she had an active herpes outbreak. will I be ok doc?

>> No.9103930
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What coins you own ?
Hope you make it !

>> No.9104026

just do what everyone else does and rebrand it

>> No.9104065

The first altcoin I bought was 200$ worth of SRN