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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 400x400, normies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9095945 No.9095945 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Biz,

It's me : >>9070998

Did you buy 0xBitcoin yet?

You've no doubt seen more threads about it, huh.

Let me tell you how this is going to go down.

- Biz is going to FUD this while this 0009 buy wall is up, and mine / accumulate. That's likely exactly why this ground-floor person put up this wall in the first place. If it falls, he'll likely put up another at 001 or likely a bit higher since he made his money back ten-fold already.

- People are going to say "Shitcoin! It doesn't make sense! Enjoy getting illiquiraped!" ... and many other things. Ignore this.

- It's going to hit Coin Market Cap in the next week or two due to high volume. It will take another week or so for the market-cap to kick in, likely around 2 million at that time.

- Shilling will intensify, whether you like it or not, around that time. Then, it will be around a 3-4 million cap, or higher.

- Many of you will sell WAY too early.

Then the first real boom happens. It will go onward to a 10, 20, 30 million market cap.

When Ethereum grows, so does this, due to higher transaction times. Currently, it's around 60 seconds, but will be faster, later.

Biz will have missed another boat.

$25-50 EOY. Calling it now.

Stay poor.

>> No.9095986

Also, I unironically brought you DAN, which played out to a T exactly how I said it would, so.

Listen to me, or literally stay poor.

If I were you, I'd be buying the fuck out of that 09 wall.

Most people on this board do not have your best interest at heart.

I do. Again (as I said in the DAN thread) whether you choose to believe me or not, is up to you.


>> No.9096180

*total silence*

*buy walls getting picked at*

Good job, anons.

1.2M cap now. Don't fuck this up.

>> No.9096218

You fucking pajeet retard, this is a clear pump and dump coin. the next TRTL. kill yourself.
The fact you need to bump your own thread TWICE illustrates that no one gives a fuck about your scam coin. You're a fucking idiot for buying into it.

>> No.9096240

You are retarded if you think this is true, and cannot look at facts objectively. If you look at the order books, they're slowly eating the 09 wall, as you should.

Discord do not pump and dump 1.2M cap coins, brainlet.

Biz, I am telling you, guys like ^^^^ are going to hate themselves later.

"It's a clear Discord Pump and Dump" is going to be the most common thing you hear. Don't fall for it.


>> No.9096251

Also, Discord pump groups have NO ACCESS to this coin at a volume in which to pump and dump it.

Stay poor, dude. As always, I am only trying to help. You will remember this thread later, I am sure, when people gloat about getting in before $1.

>> No.9096262
File: 66 KB, 480x649, DbftEQxUwAA8qA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got 100k on tradesatoshi, i hope it pumps, cant wait to drive my lambo

>> No.9096274

Seriously? What did you pay? It will pump. Absolute garbage shitcoins have a 20M cap. This will get there, and well beyond. Period.

Don't sell before $20.

>> No.9096300

It's not on tradesatoshi..

>> No.9096306

I see that.

>> No.9096321

All it takes is one big dick to drop $100K to clear the reasonable side of the order book at 09 and get us on CMC.

Hell, it's only a few grand away from the 100K limit.

>> No.9096442

Followed your advice and got in at $.22

We're on a moon mission.

>> No.9096494

Good job, man. Don't fuck up and sell at $1. When it hits $1 is right when things will start to get very, very interesting.

Volume just hit CMC levels.

It's on.

>> No.9096586
File: 109 KB, 480x640, 1389216884328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would I buy anything in this market?
there's more money to be made from shorting with >10x leverage and then buying in after the inevitable dump
the same thing happens with projects like this every time, the price does a 3-4x, people fomo and start shilling at the start or top of the spike then everyone remembers that BTC dictates the market and you get raped on the way back down to early prices
happened with HST, TRTL, and pretty much every lowcap coin in existence

it's a good pick OP but I'll wait

>> No.9096679

I disagree.

This is not your run of the mill shitcoin. It's hyper unique, and only going to grow because it's still a 1.4M cap and liquidity is fairly low. Not being on CMC, and relatively unshilled on Reddit and other circles is also huge.

This is still the ground floor.

You will see.

"I'll wait" < classic biz.

>> No.9096711

Literally just FOMO'd to get a top 100 wallet. You're right this is the ground floor of a fucking nuclear explosion.

>> No.9096775

Good work.

Biz like to think they can time this and "make more money" elsewhere (or get liquidated) but in reality it's just a matter of weeks until this 5X's and beyond.

>> No.9096820

You should be buying PFR instead of whatever crap youre holding. Their mainnet comes out on April 30th. Do you realize that Localbitcoins now has KYC? Do you understand that once PFR is out, people will all jump ship to avoid having to upload documents? People kept doubting the project but these guys deliver. Do you want to be poor forever..

>> No.9096880

Is 11k enough to make it op?

>> No.9096888

>Not being on CMC, and relatively unshilled on Reddit and other circles is also huge.
as is the case with masari, but just watch as it comes back down again after the initial frenzy dies
I'm not going to risk getting dumped on
no matter how good this project is, there will be early miners who want a quick profit, that is undeniable

seriously can you please fuck off, PFR is nowhere near comparable to this
t. PFR holder since $.03

>> No.9096997
File: 307 KB, 360x288, youknowwhatimean.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is such an understatement, if ETH is ATH this summer 0xBitcoin is 40$. This is minimum x40, get in if you want some profit

>> No.9097031


Where do buy sir? Is good coin sir?

>> No.9097044

enclaves.io is the best DEX aggregator
this is just the beginning, you should mine it if you have at least a low-end GPU

>> No.9097055
File: 94 KB, 488x367, 0xBTC_Cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>already accumulated
>normies will love this shitcoin
>its so easy to make money, you anon are just dumb
>let the shill beginn

>> No.9097064

It's literally another discord pump and dump, look at the fucking chart you retards. every positive comment in this thread is a shill.

It did a 4x because of thin sell walls, then you idiots got dumped on so you need to shill your worthless bags. do i need to post the chart?

>> No.9097086

ah hello my reddit newfag
>didn't made it in 2017
>heavy bags on iota and other high mc shitcoins
>will FUD anything and will never make it

>> No.9097121

>projecting this hard
nah I just like fucking with pajeets who are trying to dump worthless bags on fellow anons, sorry you bought into yet another pnd scam.

>> No.9097166

Damn, keep this quiet for a while. Need more time to accumulate and mine.

>> No.9097186

no problem, i gonna sell you my 10x bags when you fomo buy in, in 4 weeks.

>> No.9097199

Absolutely, if you have iron hands to hold to $50.

>> No.9097206

Sure, but the "quick profit" will soon be 0.001-0.002, and you will have missed out on 50-100%. This is a 1M cap.

>> No.9097207


>> No.9097229
File: 15 KB, 251x242, ahahahaahahaahaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You discord pump and dump faggots always use the same canned lines, every time.
>You'll fomo in at 10x *DUMPS*
>Shhh i'm accumulating *DUMPS*
>Is x enough to make it *DUMPS*
>Listen to me, or stay poor *DUMPS*
broke pajeets stay pathetic.

>> No.9097230

Get the fuck out of here faggot. Reddit is that way.

>> No.9097239
File: 311 KB, 736x511, wha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was no ICO, everything sold was mined. I will suppose that you talk about what's on your short-term memory. Get to know what this project is about:

0xbitcoin is the most fair and trustless and autonomous implementation of Bitcoin on Ethereum that there has ever been.

0xbitcoin does not depend on any company, human, corporation or other legal entity therefore it is not possible to shutdown or stop like many other tokens/currencies.

0xbitcoin is a better currency and better trustless medium of exchange not because the tokens are issued by mining.
It's a better currency because the tokens were NOT issued by a mysterious human with unknown motives.

Bitcoin does not interact with smart contracts at all, 0xbitcoin does, such as with all Decentralized Exchanges.
This means that you will soon be able to trade Eth Tokens without changing into ETH or BTC.

0xbitcoin will have upgraded speed and bandwidth as Ethereum upgrades, Bitcoin will not.

I could go on about the advantages, but there is no point in arguing when everything is already in the smart contract.

>> No.9097256

Thank you, please keep FUDing. Everyone here keep this under wraps. We don't want this to get pumped into oblivion and dumped to zero. Allow the steady growth and time to accumulate.

>> No.9097260

Where do I buy this shitcoin?

>> No.9097264


Zilliqa is the most fair and trustless and autonomous implementation of Bitcoin on Ethereum that there has ever been.

Zilliqa does not depend on any company, human, corporation or other legal entity therefore it is not possible to shutdown or stop like many other tokens/currencies.

Zilliqa is a better currency and better trustless medium of exchange not because the tokens are issued by mining.
It's a better currency because the tokens were NOT issued by a mysterious human with unknown motives.

Bitcoin does not interact with smart contracts at all, Zilliqa does, such as with all Decentralized Exchanges.
This means that you will soon be able to trade Eth Tokens without changing into ETH or BTC.

Zilliqa will have upgraded speed and bandwidth as Ethereum upgrades, Bitcoin will not.

I could go on about the advantages, but there is no point in arguing when everything is already in the smart contract.

>> No.9097272


>Told you so at 0.25$
Can reach from 40$ to ETH's current price
At least x40

>> No.9097286
File: 6 KB, 238x177, Untitled1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Discord pump and dump
>litarally someone broke the sell wall worth 100+ ETH

You will be sorry when it moons and you miss out

>> No.9097474
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green id for confirmation

>> No.9097683

Was it you that broke the 100 ETH wall?

>> No.9097724
File: 41 KB, 426x640, tumblr_nxk76cJlbD1qzn5r6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, but i think we should thank whoever did it with some ass since now we're getting on cmc

>> No.9097744
File: 26 KB, 451x248, 0xbtc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>me just put 1% of my portfolio into this token ~ 100ETH

>> No.9097786
File: 475 KB, 500x277, likethis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right, he deserves it

>> No.9097851
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>> No.9097864

With 6x1070Ti’s I can currently take in $125~ per day mining 0xBTC. I don’t want more people to know about this, I like the difficulty now. Maybe that’s why this coin is under the radar now, that and it is fairly new. I hope this coin goes big, does anyone have any predictions on the price? I know it has a 21,000,000 supply so $50 would even be possible in a year or two, I guess no one truly knows, but what does everyone predict the price to be? Thanks and have a good day to all!

>> No.9097911

This is from reddit not me. Prepare to get dumped soon

>> No.9097948

It's all true, except that it will be 40$ this summer.

>> No.9097981

Shitcoin with literally no value.

The mining doesn't do anything but let you redeem tokens from a smart contract. It still uses ethereum's PoW to secure itself, and its own work does literally nothing.

>> No.9098048

By admitting that it allows mining, you're admitting it to being superior to ICOs which just redistribute them in a shady way, with a buy-in scam.

>> No.9098141

ICO's are for completely a completely different type of token.
This is clearly meant to be a bitcoin implementation on Eth, so it's nothing but a store of value with no utility.

The problem with this coin is twofold:

- Creating a token that is mineable is not unique nor difficult. One of the VERY first Solidity tutorials details how to create a token which is created through PoW, and it's solely meant to demonstrate the flexibility of the platform.

- The mining doesn't do anything. It's literally wasted hashpower as it doesn't actually make the network harder to attack. 0xBitcoin could have 100x the hashing power of Bitcoin and 10000x the hashing power of Eth, but it wouldn't matter. All someone would have to do is 51% Eth and the coin is worthless. No matter how much hash power 0xBitcoin gets, the network is only as strong as Ethereum is.

>> No.9098834
File: 303 KB, 1238x870, vfv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's with all these little transactions

>> No.9098885

People getting ready to sell 25 0xBitcoin for $50 a piece in due time.

>> No.9098904

Also. This is OP. How's your "I'll wait to buy until better exchanges" working out for you, anons?

Classic biz. Never change.

>> No.9098957

Since 0xBitcoin is mined like Bitcoin, it acts just like a commodity and as such its value has a relationship to the difficulty of ‘mining’ it using computation power. This is analogous to gold having a value related to the difficulty of finding and smelting gold ore. The current state of the Ethereum ICO market with its demonstrable failure rate leaves investors vulnerable to holding pseudo-value backed only by speculation. 0xBitcoin mitigates this problem by providing the Ethereum network with a decentralized bitcoin-like asset which is able to fill the role of a multitude of centralized tokens in a more invulnerable and trustless format.

>> No.9099360

Let me accumulating more

>> No.9099591

This shit is gonna explode

>> No.9099598

Also pls delete this thread

Not finished accumulating

Biz does not deserve this.

>> No.9099624

thanks for this
just bought 100k

>> No.9100442
File: 86 KB, 723x757, 0xbtc_50dollars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50$ in 2 months

>> No.9100500

What the fuck is this

>> No.9100575

Mineable bitcoin designed in a smart contract on Ethereum.

>> No.9100721
File: 457 KB, 600x450, shiggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Buying "Bitcoin" shitcoins in 2018

>> No.9100778


Yeah boy.

Still zero exposure on twitter and next to zero on reddit.

>> No.9100792

It's so weird seeing something I got in early with get shilled on /biz/. Ironically, I learned about 0xBTC from /biz/ back in early March, yet nobody seemed to care. And now the shilling starts once it's already done a 10x? Lmao

>> No.9100841
File: 29 KB, 635x357, F161225YS23-635x357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i knew about this coin before it was mainstream xD!!!

>> No.9100903

Are you mad because I've already made mad money ;)

>> No.9100970

>unironically compares this shitcoin to goldmining
Nice copy pasta shill text.
I can also pay 10 pajeets to shit on the street, but that doesn't make the giant pile of shit worth what I paid the pajeets.

>> No.9100975

>u mad xD!!!
Keep digging that hole further down.

Plus, why would I be mad about anybody making money.

>> No.9101050
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>> No.9101187

The pump is real, you could place sell orders below the current "pump" price and it would never sell because there were no real buyers. Verified this myself by listing a sizable amount below the current price that was getting 'bought' a bunch. Price above mine continued to be purchased over and over, only people in the pump group were buying and amongst themselves obviously. Dumped out of it.

>> No.9101213

might want to look again, anon.

>> No.9101219

Poor guy. You're probably going to hate yourself later.

>> No.9101238

We'll see, I plan on buying back in for double the tokens when it crashes down.

>> No.9101247

lol used 0.05 ETH to cpu mine and now my stash is worth like 1 ETH

>> No.9101254

Holy shit! You did that! Amazing. Good job. You are now a 0xBTC whale.

>> No.9101268

I mean...I've got more funds at the ready too, but I am not holding my breath one bit. It's only 4X, yet a 1.5M cap, nobody is selling, it's NOT on CMC (yet)....but we broke the volume threshold. We're about to see some real shit.

>> No.9101310

It's more just personal strategy for myself, I've been burned too many times for not taking profits so I'm starting to make sure I do it more often is all. Lost like 100k for not taking some profits in stocks and still feeling the burn.

>> No.9101337

I hear you.


>> No.9101516

where is the best place to buy?

>> No.9101532

Forkdelta and Enclaves

>> No.9101600

cheapest is 0015 now. rip too late

>> No.9101647

Mooning again, still under 2 million cap

>> No.9101656

that was me. fuck it's at a dollar now. hope anon is right and this shit will go beyond $5

>> No.9101671

We are running out of sell orders now kek

>> No.9101691

yeah every fucking day you come here with this stale shit pasta
fuck off nigger, eth is PoS by eoy, your shittoken is literally on a lifesupport

>> No.9101703
File: 17 KB, 453x149, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon just look at charts and not trades

>> No.9101722

Ther's no fucking volume on forkdelta, where cna I get this?

>> No.9101746

No idea.

>> No.9101749

Ah, I’ve fallen for something like that before haha.

>> No.9101805

>everybody holding this premium coin
just put a buy order for 0.002eth and hope somebody is stupid enough to sell for this low price

>> No.9101908

You fegs better not pajeet me, god is watching.

>> No.9102323


>> No.9103455
File: 99 KB, 820x1024, 1524379329827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if people are actually buying into this i seriously worry about the intellect of my fellow /bizjews

>> No.9104463
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>> No.9104506


>> No.9104523




>> No.9104671
File: 140 KB, 660x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too much of a brainlet to use MetaMask
It's easy, install the extension, create an account, import an existing ETH address you own the private key, go to enclave and buy.

>> No.9105064
File: 367 KB, 550x363, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be like me.

HODL until you're a millionaire.

>> No.9105225

thank anon

>> No.9105238

>literally best chance to make a 100x
>biz fud on it
>you don't deserve it

>> No.9105300
File: 5 KB, 136x133, logo_0x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's our plan, fud the coin, so we can get in, and dump later on fucking reddit

>> No.9105354

Reddit had its chance, but they just don't seem to get it without appeals to authority.

>> No.9105385

$1 eoy maximum
i pass

>> No.9105432

If this is truly the Daneel guy, thank you for the tip. I sadly don't have any liquidity to put into this right now

>> No.9105483

Nog it's a $1 already

>> No.9105536

screenshot this and cry eoy!

>> No.9105564

kys yourself deluded fag

>> No.9105601
File: 28 KB, 400x400, whenyourealise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will never make it

>> No.9105684

Shit is getting real. 02 up next. Goddamn.

>> No.9105735
File: 48 KB, 191x189, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related it's (you)

>> No.9105839

>make it with a shitcoin

>> No.9105858

Ya'll are gonna be SALTY AS FUCK when this hits $10 after Coin Market Cap and is still only a 15M cap.

>> No.9105882


>> No.9105884





>> No.9105969

yes! im also fudding it.

>> No.9105983


>> No.9105995

accumulator spotted

>> No.9106682

In 5 years, 0xbtc will be traded 1:1 with bitcoin. You'd be an absolute fool not to get in now.

>> No.9106856

>0xbtc will be traded 1:1 with bitcoin
Man I really wish. I'd be so fucking rich it's ridiculous.

>> No.9106878

come on, that wont happen. Be happy when it reaches to 300 dollars :)

>> No.9106920

price eoy? realistically pls

>> No.9106935

The most retarded advice I've ever read on this board.

Sell at a profit or else your shit will go down to 0 tomorrow

>> No.9106975

20-40 dollars. depends on market sentiment and bullrun on bitcoin/ethereum

>> No.9107187

I don't think it will be higher than 30$.
But if it is that means it exploded in value and I honestly think it will be nearly or slightly passing the 1000$ mark.

>> No.9107214

buy buy buy good coin sir 50$ end of the week yes good

>> No.9107326

oh shit
it has potential to reach $1000?

>> No.9107448

Has potential to reach $10,000.

It is Ethereum's Bitcoin.