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[ERROR] No.9095588 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best state to move to for a /biz/iness man out of these? Excluding Florida becuase of the shitty humid, hot weather.

>> No.9095597

new hampshire and alaska are the only acceptable choices

>> No.9095599

New Hampshire has no personal income tax either. But don't come here.

>> No.9095612

also this

>> No.9095624

Alaska real estate might be too expensive for what you really get, I'm looking at NH, though.

Why shouldn't I?

>> No.9095636

Everything costs too much in Alaska.

>> No.9095637

cause he doesn't want people moving to his state obv

>> No.9095643

Wyoming, if it's an online business. It's so fucking easy to incorporate in Wyoming and you do not dox yourself in the process.


Not to shill but really this is a great company.

>> No.9095645

I only say alaska because it's far away from this shithole

>> No.9095671

Nevada is ok.

>> No.9095682

another thing about new hampshire OP is that they do tax on capital gains where as the other states listed do not

>> No.9095694

wyoming. easiest choice. hardly any one lives there, cost of living is extremely low, very pretty nature and shit.

build comfy home and you're set

>> No.9095834

Yeah Wyoming for sure, live in Cheyenne you’re 1.5 hours from Denver if you want a day in the city and 1.5 hours from pretty much any nature thing related plus outside of the wind the weather is amazing for 7 months a year

>> No.9095860


Can personally vouch for NV (i moved to vegas 5 years ago)

Love it here, even though its being flooded with californians now

>> No.9095864

Washington. It's why Jeff Bezos moved there to start Amazon.

>> No.9095904

No, fuck off. It sucks. It's full of junkies and pajeets.

>> No.9095906

Non-burger here, how the fuck does your system even work?

For example, can one live in a WA border town (no personal income tax) and do all the shopping in an adjacent OR town (no sales tax)?

>> No.9095922

Yeah. That's pretty much why people live in Vancouver, WA.

>> No.9095946

This. Its the best of both worlds.

>> No.9095951

Hmmm I always considered SW Colorado as a country setting to move to if I made it. Thought about Wyoming but still wanted to be near a somewhat big city within a 1-2 hour drive. Never really realized Cheyenne was so close to Denver. Good looking out.

>> No.9095960

second this. CT here, am looking to move to NH.

>> No.9096139

Yeah man Cheyenne really isn’t that bad just windy as hell some days and flat, but downtown is cool some good restaurants and people are friendly but yeah Denver is super convinient but you’re only like a 5 mile drive down the highway to co anyways you can be in foco or Loveland in 25 minutes which are both really nice areas of these choices I think Wyoming is the best bet plus their lenient laws on crypto are awesome

>> No.9096153

What do you mean by lenient laws regarding crypto?

>> No.9096165

Seattle is pretty shit but there's other nice places in western WA

>> No.9096172

Im coming bitch

>> No.9096181

Northern Nevada is much more comfortable, with the gorgeous varied nature and better climate. Unless you’re a party animal and vegas is your thing, Vegas is also cheaper

>> No.9096185

nh has the most brutal winters and is basically third-world in terms of amenities. Still, it's quaint.

>> No.9096186

No taxes

>> No.9096303

They all suck. Stay far away.

>> No.9096318

bumping this thread with interest

should add to it property taxes

>> No.9096341

Ayyy 360 my niggas what up

>> No.9096353

no sate has property taxes brainlet

>> No.9096354

Yea, I left Colorado two years ago. Taxes were getting to be a bit much and I was tired of califags.

>> No.9096363


>> No.9096378
File: 247 KB, 1224x1445, 1521607787433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no sate has property taxes brainlet
you mean that the piece of paper i've been getting every year that says my property taxes and the parcel it is talking about for the past 8 years has been a lie?

>> No.9096388

It doesn't go to the state you fucking retard.

>> No.9096405

fucking highschoolers I swear

property is taxed at the county and municipality level. it'd be tough to make that map.

>> No.9096418
File: 111 KB, 1027x731, 1522101514437.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9096420

Oh wow so I did some digging and indeed Wyoming has made crypto exempt from property taxes. Can someone explain the significance of that? I only understand property taxes to mean taxes paid on your house/land. If crypto is expempt from property tax does that mean you don’t get taxed when cashing out or making trades? Would that only then apply at a state level and you’d still have to pay your federal taxes?

>> No.9096478

>still doesn't realize that property taxes vary widely from county to county within a state

>> No.9096495

you are seriously a fucking idiot, where do you think those taxes go.. the county just collects them you humongous faggot, just because you own a little bit of link doesn't mean you know shit about real life kid

>> No.9096521

no bro you don't have to pay federal income taxes on money you paid for crypto you had while you were in wyoming

>buy btc
>take trip to wymoing
>cash out

boom 0 income taxes and the IRS can do NOTHING

>> No.9096555

I"m saying it's fucking impossible to make a map about property taxes because every single town has different taxes rates

yes NJ is high on average but if you live in rural NJ you will pay lower property taxes than urban NJ. Yes Alabama has low property taxes but tuscaloosa has higher poperty taxes. A rural plot of land in vermont might have lower proeprty taxes than some random town in Mississippi you absolute cretin.

>> No.9096618

dont you have to live there for at least 6 months?
also, isn't wyoming a shithole? is there anything fun there?

>> No.9096632

Well that’s absolutely fucking awesome and more states should jump on board. Figured Wyoming would be the leader seeing as there aren’t as many of (((them))) over there than in other fucked states. Are there any stipulations to this law that you know of as far as the “when and where”? I obviously don’t live in Wyoming so would I have to reside there in order for this law to apply to me? Would it matter that I made all my trades in another state years ago?

>> No.9096636

I get what you are saying, but not understanding how it can be averaged out and has been before as expressed in the link i provided because in the end it goes to the state shouldn't be hard to comprehend. Just by doing the highs and lows in that link would be a enough to add to the map(maybe some stripes?) imo, but hey, i guess you gotta splerg out on a simple imput to the thread because you are a fucking loser faggot. you should probably just kys because it's pretty obvious you have no friends irl and don't plan on having any by the way you come off like as if everyone else is a complete idiot and you are the one and all knowing forever alone douche

>> No.9096680

averaging it is still fucking retarded because of the variation from town to town and county to county/

I'm 33 and married I don't care about having friends fucko got 5 backhand tubreides today what the fuck have you done with your life huh?

>> No.9096681

Yea obviously it’s desolate and not everyone’s cup of tea. But if you really make it (millions or more), just have a small residence there for tax purposes then live however/wherever you were going to live otherwise. I for one wouldn’t mind living there because I like the country and skiing in particular which is great out there and the surrounding states. Hell if I really make millions it would only be a plus

>> No.9096741 [DELETED] 

>what the fuck have you done with your life huh?
worked my ass off in my teenage years and bought rental properties so now i own 3 rental properties, have an investment business on the side with a partner that started with 10k and is now over 500k it deals with conv notes and conv. prefs. I day trade stocks and crypto to kill my free time when i'm not traveling around. right now i am currently in mexico for a week enjoying my life. I'm 27 and retired.. seriously faggot that link i provided is enough to add to the map imo. Enjoy your miserable pathetic life and stop taking it out on people on an korean finger painting forum you faggot.

>I'm 33 and married
think i found the root of your shit attitude

>> No.9096747

Peurto Rico has no federal personal income tax :^)

>> No.9096756

lmao this turned into /larp/ general pretty quick

>> No.9096776

>Alaska is expensive as shit, especially for what you get
>Wyoming, SD, and NV(sans Vegas) straight up suck to live in

I would go Texas like Houston or Austin
Or Tennessee(Nashville is super nice and growing like crazy)
Or Washington if you don't mind paying a little extra and stay out of Seattle which is getting too expensive to live

>> No.9096805

>got 5 backhand tubreides today what the fuck have you done with your life huh?
that is actually probably one of the funniest things i read all day lol

>> No.9096816

florida is by far the best of all these options just stick with south beach miami where there are shit loads of hot dumb women with big asses trust me OP

>> No.9097009

Ok now I get you, lol

>> No.9097037

oh yeah nothing like a bunch of hattians to hang out with

yeah the waves were sick today it's so nice not to have to wagecuck and go surf whenever I want

>> No.9097054

oh are the mountains out there dope? Nice, i'd live out there for a few days a year if it meant no taxes

>> No.9097084

i don't wage cuck, i'm 27 and retired, i travel alot and do what i want most of the time. I am from california and i understand the surfing mentality, i'm more of a snowboarder and dirtbike rider though. i am currently in mexico chillin for a week sailing and fishing

>> No.9097098

that's good m8 are you having a good time?

>> No.9097132

>Going to mexico
not going to make it.

>> No.9097182

>Cheyenne is 1.5 hours from Denver
No fucking way. I don't believe it

>> No.9097226

yes, always man

is really nice in some areas.. don't let the media full you

>> No.9097243

If true just convert to USDT when you want to “cash out” to keep your investment safe and wait it out

>> No.9097553

The same people who pushed for this legislation in Wyoming are now doing so in Colorado, so it won't be necessary to live there for the crypto benefits IF they can pass it here. Denver honestly is not bad, too many homeless people for my taste by a long shot but you can be 10-20mins outside the city in some very lovely towns which is the best of both worlds.

>> No.9097749

Well that would be great too, as I stated earlier SW Colorado is one of my dreams. But I still haven’t figured out if you need to be a resident of a state like that for some time. And does it matter when the trades were made? Say I didn’t report any crypto trades or earnings from 2017+ because I never cashed out, but I also lived in another state at the time...would I be good down the road in 2020/21 (as an example) if I lived in Wyoming or Colorado and i wanted to cash out?

>> No.9098044

I think most of us holding today will be best off holding for the next few years. Less than 1% of the world owns any crypto. I can't really answer the technical aspects of your questions.

As far as SW CO is concerned, if you want secluded land bunkered by rolling foothills, it is a good place. I spent three months down there living in a tent, working on a farm. It is easy to romanticize living an hour from the nearest town and that town being a truck stop, but the reality is really not that great. I would find a place where you like the people, because without other people there is nothing in this world.

>> No.9098375

>without other people there is nothing in this world
Well put anon.