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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 722 KB, 852x480, linkmecca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9094610 No.9094610 [Reply] [Original]

Ok here is the thread I promised.

>> No.9094624

Aw, you fucking troll faggot, I knew it was bullshit.

>> No.9094627

It's bed time. Wheres it at?

>> No.9094629
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>> No.9094636

Anon pls tell me you didn't hand-draw that wobbly cube

>> No.9094638

Ok my copy and paste was too long so got to break it up.


Basically Jonny, founder of Linkpool.io, provides a great deal of evidence that Microsoft Cryplets is an SDK which uses Chainlink. If all the evidence wasn't enough here is a video of Sergey stating that he is helping create Cryplets. https://youtu.be/ytv8U0bejPA?t=46m2s

Ok. Here we have proof Sergey and team has helped create Cryplets and the damning evidence of cryplets utilizing the Chainlink network. Now, here is the newer stuff. Microsoft has another name for cryplets, Enterprise Smart Contracts.


Here you can see the readme states - enterprise smart contracts (a.k.a. cryptlets) Coming soon, ESC Test Drive and cryptlet sdk preview...Now realize they are going to open source their code but have not made any new progress publicly for months. Marley Gray is the main contributor and Principle architect for project Bletchley at Microsoft. He has shared a meetup with Sergey in the past. He recently was interviewed in January found here.


listen from 5:00 min on, he is basically selling Chainlink. I would pull some quotes but hopefully some of you can pull the interesting stuff.

Now an even better interview from last month can be found here -
with a rough transcript here - https://softwareengineeringdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/SED550-Enterprise-Blockchains.pdf

>> No.9094641

shill me this pls

>> No.9094643

im losing hope frens someone re-shill me

>> No.9094649

you should've posted this as the original thread you brainlet

>> No.9094650
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well anon? we're waiting...

>> No.9094651

23 min on - Now this may take some time for you to finish but I highly suggest listening to it as he is basically explaining Chainlink and how much demand it actually has.

There is so much info in this interview that I can't go over all, maybe I'll make additional posts below but some interesting things are cryptlets will include fees for the node operators which are link nodes, Cryplets were made because many companies are not familiar with solidity but now will be able to use common languages to communicate with Chainlink,

Well the investments are pretty intensive from a use case.

before you see goldman sachs deploying a futures contract

"that work is happening now" "both customers building out what would a futures contract look like" "they can't wait for the techonology to be fully baked before they try to understand the new business model" "it is going to change business at the dna level"

>> No.9094652

why wouldnt you start with this part as your OP....nevertheless good shit

>> No.9094665


"the business executives, the business people that saw this and they are the ones that are driving this. And they just happen to be the ones that write checks and they have the budgets and a lot of
these enterprises their IT department is a cost center, rather than a revenue generator and now you have the revenue generators throwing money at this thing saying, “We’ve got to figure this stuff out now because if we get it wrong we could go away,” you know? “We might be out of business” and so we have that whole fear and greed on that side really driving this."

"And that’s what we’re seeing now is people are starting to build apps for the consortium network is even finished and starting to build these solutions and doing them on parallel again because a lot of these businesses are really pushing the gaps here to get something done."
Long story short - Microsoft Enterprise Smart Contracts are SDKs that will use Chainlink and Microsoft is letting us know that executives can't wait for this and itis going to change businesses at the dna level!

>> No.9094680

Thanks. Going to bed.

You're totally not gay today OP. I hope you have a comfy rest tonight too.

>> No.9094693

Go to bed with the interview playing. You will be on binance before its done buying more linkies 100%

>> No.9094710
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You're all right OP

>> No.9094738

>So this is the power of autism.

Seriously though, good shit anon. Just went to the interview and he's pretty much repeating chainlink talking points.

Holy shit.

>> No.9094739
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>> No.9094751
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>> No.9094754

this all sounds more serious than i imagined.

>> No.9094760
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nigger you have no fucking clue

>> No.9094787
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Smart contracts are the future confirmed (as if it wasn’t already known). We gonna be rich fellas!!!!

>> No.9094797
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hot damn ya did good op

>> No.9094801
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Sergey knew all along he'd bring us along for the ride. its the reason why he always kept so quiet.

>> No.9094812

This guys is so fucking bullish on this technology. He is basically saying that the corporate big wigs are racing to use this technology first and are scrambling to create their smart contracts before the network is live. This is most likely where Sergey is focusing.

>> No.9094820

Good shit.
Good shit
Good shit.
Good shit.
Good shit.

>> No.9094827
File: 16 KB, 474x337, mfw-eoy1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be IT stoner in 2008
>get btc redpill
>ignore -> btc is for buying cp and viagra
Made first crypto purchase ever today fellas 80% LINK, 20% still as ETH. We is gon' be rich.

>> No.9094832

Another thing to thing about guys. This basically shows you that Chainlink will be more of a feature offered on others services. Many will be using Chainlink and even paying link nodes without knowing.

>> No.9094851

chainlink will be so fucking massive yet so discreet underneath all these protocol layers that many enterprises and individuals will not know what they are running biz on. the beauty is owning part of this integral part of the new decentralized smart contract network. it is like owning a stake of a new kind of oil field.

>> No.9094857

Chainlink is set to be the defacto middle ware between not only external data to smart contracts but blockchains as well.

>> No.9094882

May Sergey bless your soul OP

>> No.9094886

Just how I want it. I dont even want people to understand how I make money.

>> No.9094890 [DELETED] 

just make sure you buy enough anons. your future self will thank you. passive income is one of the keys to creating generational wealth.

>> No.9094907

I needed this thread.

The fud has been getting strong lately.

>> No.9094908


I fucking died laughing thinking this was a troll thread. Specially with the first reply

>> No.9094912
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thanks marine I needed the morale boost

>> No.9094914

just make sure you buy enough LINK to stake anons. passive income is one of the keys to creating multi generational wealth. your future self and family will thank you for it.

>> No.9094953
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Love it. We gon make it, just a matter of what time this year.

>> No.9094954

How much is enough?

>> No.9094958
File: 122 KB, 634x517, 1524693706310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome Brother

>> No.9094965

Good shit..

>> No.9094987

Guys, another thing is I am very close to hopefully breaking something else wide open but I will not post until I have some more proof. Most of this info is new to me and there is a lot I probably missed. This guy is very important in the chainlink picture an I think the IC3 connection w/ Town Crier, Microsoft, and others is bigger than we think.

>> No.9094988
File: 104 KB, 468x835, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as much as you can. you still have time but again it depends on what kind of return you'd like to generate. market demand will definitely be there for enterprises.

>> No.9094999
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Thanks anon, only have 9.6k stinkies, but your post has me cozy af, we're gonna make it brother

>> No.9095005

looking forward to it anon. please let us know if we can help you dig further.

>> No.9095006

can you drop a name?

>> No.9095049
File: 142 KB, 602x800, 9E3D7B00-DCEA-4061-8511-5BE111B8050C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is so based the gay way chased away. $1000 LINK is weak FUD.

>> No.9095050

fuuuuuuck. checked, fren. we're making it.

>> No.9095070
File: 709 KB, 1365x2048, 1523670869084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another "lets dump walls of text and interviews and claim they are chainlink related" thread
7 months of bagholding. I am surprising myself with my own patience.

>> No.9095079
File: 48 KB, 1000x800, 2ABFF830-98B6-4866-879A-120F3835F11B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don’t say anything until you have it confirmed. The last thing we need is more fud and people screaming larp. Then again who gives a fuck, if people aren’t already in, especially with all these threads, they deserve to be poor.

>> No.9095111

SERGEY owns cryptlets.com or cryptlet without the s maybe. I found a site a couple months ago that listed all of sergeys domain names. He uses name.com for all of them it seems. He basically registered cryptlets months before Microsoft even announced them

>> No.9095126

>He basically registered cryptlets months before Microsoft even announced them

Holy shit.

>> No.9095139
File: 693 KB, 900x1200, IMG_0488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are "people" on biz right now that aren't all in link
>there are """people""" on biz right now that have a portfolio that isn't mostly link
>there are """"""""""""""people"""""""""""""" on biz right now that don't own ANY link

>> No.9095141

Most likely he proposed the idea of Cryptlets so he could ensure that LINK would get used

>> No.9095155
File: 191 KB, 804x922, fatsergeylink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry my dude. Linkies are nice and cheap today.
And also it's fun.
Btw swiftref is an API. You know, the thing chainlink needs to function?

>> No.9095160
File: 197 KB, 677x507, 1523674525199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant wait to never have to work again. Im currently in college and hoping by the time I'm out I'll be able to just retire.

>> No.9095176
File: 64 KB, 479x346, 20180225_102130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best place to buy link? Exchanging through coinbase or adding funds to coinbase is pain.

>> No.9095181
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oh fu-

>> No.9095190

drop out now and put your tuition in to link

>> No.9095198

if you have a hardware wallet and own eth already, use kyber network.


LINK is available on here. instant exchange

>> No.9095218
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>> No.9095219


>> No.9095225

Dude I’m I the same f’n boat as you, not trying to be stoned again and miss this ride

>> No.9095230

>Parents paying for college and rent

>> No.9095233

>he provides sources that you can verify yourself

You're a brainlet

>> No.9095244

Anyone with twitter can see that ic3 follows Ari...

>> No.9095249
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>> No.9095254
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Remember this Biz in a few years. Archived : )

>> No.9095260

Upped my stack to 18k just a few hours ago. This is the best feeling in the world Anons

>> No.9095284

just an fyi. the guy who was interviewed in the OP has worked for Microsoft since 2000 and serves on the board of directors for the enterprise ethereum alliance

>> No.9095304
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>> No.9095308

lol. Sold my stack at $0.52, login and see it's at $0.45. Have fun with more of those "riddles" anons

>> No.9095309
File: 160 KB, 731x1297, BA859185-6CC4-4643-B50D-69CDFCD23426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this quick on my phone. I know he owns cryptlets.com as well

>> No.9095314

checked.. can anyone confirm

>> No.9095327

Why is it .in

>> No.9095332

"They have to be in there figuring out the business model because if they don’t, they are
going to end up like Blockbuster and they don’t want to do that."

>> No.9095345

i-is.. he a pajeet?

>> No.9095350

Anyone remember the larp that said Chainlink would be a feature. I think he was right. I don't think we are going to see many "Chainlink" partnerships. What we are more likely to see is Chainlink being the backbone to the smart contract economy.

>> No.9095359

9 trillion is pretty deluded desu.

>> No.9095365
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>he thinks Sergey didn't just buy the domain in 2015 from whoever original rinky dink law firm started it.

>> No.9095378
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>> No.9095384
File: 98 KB, 750x1334, 4CCB86F1-D044-4350-8B48-B5A135CA3FB2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cryptlets.com was registered on the same fucking date as the “.in” domains he registered publically. 6-16-2016 Cryptlets.com is PRIVATE. Why would he do that?

>> No.9095387

Is he a fucking alien?!?!?+

>> No.9095395

by 2020 the total market cap will be 20 trillion. nasdaq already wants a piece of the pie by acting as a crypto exchange. 9 trillion is an understatement.

>> No.9095405

Good autism today guys, we goin deep

>> No.9095425

Autism at its best

>> No.9095432

I don't post often anymore, because of all of the LARPers.
Wanted to say thanks for this thread and for all the digging you've done. I know it took a few hours of your life, so thanks for sharing it here.
I agree that it will operate at a transparent level.
An example that comes to mind is from a friend-of-a-friend that I have. He worked at a middleware company that provided data for what items in various games (WoW and other Blizzard shit) we're bought based on various pricing and timing strategies. The players of the game were oblivious to the middleware that was/is used to gather these analytics.
The company is worth a fuck load.
He recently (~4years ago) branched off to start his own company, and is flush ay eff with cash. Fucker still drives a clapped out Honda Civic.

Anyway; thanks again for your effort. I'm gonna hold off on the addition to my house and buy more of this token.
Good luck to you in your current and future endeavors.

>> No.9095452

Another thing to realize with this info provided today. When you see a conference or event look out for Microsoft's Cryplets or Enterprise Smart Contracts which is basically business friendly Chainlink.

Also, we need to keep tabs on Marley as he is providing some of the most info on actual demand for Chainlink.

>> No.9095492


guys check it out. Marley Gray at Devcon. listening now and even though its a little technical it basically sounds like he's taken into account LINK just like what OP is saying.

>> No.9095510
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This thread is amazing. Cheers to you OP.

>> No.9095512
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>> No.9095516

Good find. Another thing I was going to mention is if you search Marley Gray on youtube there are a bunch of vids I have not viewed yet. I expect there to be more information in these vids. I have only scratched the surface but was blown away with what I found so I decided to share.

>> No.9095529

>Sergey D Nazarov
What is Sergey’s middle name?

>> No.9095542
File: 734 KB, 1000x1000, EC734327-F124-4E91-A621-968472705182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when pixelhits meme? Or are LINK memes now going to be known as pixelhits from this day forward?

>> No.9095549


>> No.9095550

huh? Bitcoin is great. LN-settlement-ONLY-coin is shit.

Reminder that LN would work better on BCH.

>> No.9095557


>> No.9095559

wrong thread pajeet.

>> No.9095582


Sergey w/ Marley

>> No.9095583

He’s going to upload all the chainlink memes of himself to pixelhits

>> No.9095594

get out of our safespace smallbrain

>> No.9095603

microsoft tells swift they want a drink but they dont have any money, swift tells microsoft its has money for drinks but it doesnt know whats available , sergey intervenes and offers to take everyone out for big macs...the end

>> No.9095608

Probably some slav stuff like Dimitrivanovich

>> No.9095618


>> No.9095623


>> No.9095621
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>> No.9095632


>> No.9095652

Wow what a meaningful life anon...
It just starts and you want to fucking quit.

>> No.9095657

Here he is talking with the Hyperledger dude that was at the hearing sucking the 'permissioned' IBM blockchain dick.
Gray is a good guy.
Nicely done finding his connection(s)

>> No.9095662

Sergey has never discussed the nature of the relationship with Microsoft other than that one presentation where he mentions it offhand, and when Jonny presented his theory in the slack rory just said, "Thanks, Jonny."

I don't think jonny pointed this out, but the last commit to the azure blockchain repository was:

"+Coming soon, ESC Test Drive and cryptlet sdk preview... "


>> No.9095670


>> No.9095681

I have other shit to do, Im a jewelry maker and Id honestly just fund my jewelry studio and crush out artwork (at a higher rate than I am now) if I made it. Doing nothing would fucking suck, I guess it did come off as me wanting to become a potato though.

>> No.9095683

kek. the day the mainnet rolls out will be Rorys greatest day. he can finally stop fucking blue balling us and it will be the end of the brainlet questions he has to deal with on an hourly basis.

>> No.9095696

80 iq here. That's good right?

>> No.9095710

Here he talks about off-chain, private data that is computer in a non-public manner which, once consensus is reached, is published to public blockchain

>> No.9095725

just hold your stack bro

>> No.9095729

Are you that anon that was gonna make us LINK bling?

>> No.9095744

Check out 12:10 on this video.
He fucking mentions oracles.
This shit is real.

>> No.9095767
File: 69 KB, 800x600, chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carefully consider the person on the attached photo.
Can you imagine how this man cries and gathers the trembling fingers of the phone of some kind of slutty whore to tell about his feelings for her? Can you imagine that he misses a fat mamma in the queue with a squeak on his hands? And the fact that he works six months, handing out flyers to buy himself an iPhone? Do you see in him a man who is embarrassed to tell his parents that on his twenty-fourth birthday he wants to drink with friends?

Now look at him again. Do you see stylish branded things on it? Can it be covered with swollen muscles and thick veins? Does he have the appearance of a movie actor or a male model? Behind him is an expensive car?

Look again at this man and ask yourself, what's wrong with him? Why is iron in his gaze, steel in his bearing, and lead instead of skin?

>> No.9095769

I am indeed. Very excited to supply the ice for my stinky frens

>> No.9095773

"Only have 9.6k"
Dude you're just gonna have to use $100 notes to wipe your tears away when you look at your 9.6k million dollars (probably more at this point) in the bank. I feel for you.

>> No.9095794
File: 155 KB, 680x566, E136319E-B252-43E7-B7CD-8FE6E5C00261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just have to say that the autism on display in this thread is truly remarkable. I’m just proud to be posting in this epic bread.

>> No.9095830
File: 1.39 MB, 2508x3284, shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey is that nigga. Plain and simple. He is a man on a mission. When LINK moons, he will be firmly etched into the chan history books.

>> No.9095846

Kek. Wtf is that domain for anyway. Maybe he invisioned the memes all along and wanted to make a home for them after singularity.

>> No.9095847

Fuck off im taking my 10 million and running. Have fun staking your linkies next to other stinkies. I want nothing to do with any of you.

>> No.9095870

go ahead pal. see how easy it is to sell when the price just keeps fucking mooning like no other crypto.. no one is stopping you.

>> No.9095873

Good catches in this bread

>> No.9095894

how's the liquidity?

>> No.9095899

I love you autists. Posting in epic bread so I can look back in two years.

>> No.9095902

Nothing is bigger than I think. I unironically think LINK will exceed all of our expectations.

>> No.9095911

Literally nothing will happen with chain link. Been w them since day 1 and it’s all literally bullshit. All of it.

>> No.9095921

EXACTLY! I don't know why the fuck any of you are talking about. But that one LARP who said chainlink wouldn't have "partnerships" made absolute sense. In that it would be the backbone to whatever the fuck is going on with all this smart contract API shit that I don't understand at all

>> No.9095933
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>> No.9095940

You autists have given me hope again, and for that I thank you

>> No.9095952
File: 36 KB, 821x869, 1514580290559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sh-should I sell everything anon?

>> No.9095956

its been pretty good anon. reminds me of shapeshift but everything is fucking seamless. no need to enter addresses and shit. they are doing erc20 to erc20 tokens and other blockchain swap exchanges soon so be sure to keep an eye on it.

>> No.9095968

Where are you a jewelry maker? When we hit singularity I'll want you to fit me for a 24k gold ring that will fit perfectly on my indexed finger sized cock.

>> No.9095973

Unironically bought more link against my better nature because of this thread. Thanks faggot

>> No.9095981
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>> No.9095989

I was ready to go all in for 40k linkies. But your post is making me keep 25% in EOS

>> No.9096000
File: 90 KB, 474x711, 1523140542507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah man. that was some really good fud he wrote. its over for LINK.

>> No.9096008
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>> No.9096018


>> No.9096033
File: 5 KB, 166x250, 1522714886160s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOS is going to blow up first. keep it in EOS and flip it later if you want

>> No.9096039

Dude... what you don't understand is the dollar is dying. You guys are just worried about chainlink mooning or not. I'm concerned with chainlink mooning BEFORE the dollar crisis.

When I make a million or 10 off link I'm going straight into gold where you really will make it.

You dunbasses think that she's just gonna go swimmingly for the next 50 years like the last 50 years.

"Oh yeah... once I make my 10 million from Link and stake for an extra 500k things will all be swell"

You people are fucking deluded. You have no concept of interest rates, fiat money, debt, inflation. All this shit is coming to a head pretty soon.

>> No.9096043
File: 717 KB, 964x912, F83F89DE-63DC-4E94-8F7E-4BA5DD2BBDF4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw there will come a day when one of us selling our stack will send shockwaves throughout global markets.

>> No.9096047

Self employed with my own business. Not sure if I'd be able to make a size 2 ring tho, thats awfully small..

>> No.9096062

Yes, look at bond interest rates. Not looking good

>> No.9096064



>> No.9096066

lol what made you think im selling into fiat dumb dumb? also I already have PM. so thanks.

>> No.9096076

I have 100k tron. 14k Link and 300 EOS

Do I axe tron or EOS to push me up to around 20k for Link.

Tron and EOS look like they are both going to fuck shit up in may

>> No.9096077
File: 2 KB, 125x117, 1522712142914s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one main concern of mine is that, if all of these people are working with chainlink like microsoft, swift, etc. then why haven't insiders already bought up a lot of link? there should be demand, and I don't see as much as we'd expect if companies were really going to use link

am i wrong to think like this?

>> No.9096082

sell your tron right before Mainnet and swap it for link. just dont get dumped on by those trx whales

>> No.9096089

link is a long term hold man, if anything you should sell LINK for EOS

>> No.9096091

Sergey is based as fuck. My new god.

think about how to use our newfound wealth, fellow marines.

>> No.9096097

it's hung out in the top 100 for months with objectively very little social media numbers compared to tokens in it's market cap range.

>> No.9096099

look at the volume of LINK since mid march. heavy accumulation pattern vol bars. they also prob bought OTC or were given LINK by sergey. walletautism anon has shown proof of that in previous threads.

>> No.9096102

good suggestion

>> No.9096104

how long before should I sell? LIKE 2 hours before maiinnet or like 2 days?

>> No.9096114

Yeah but how long before? Like the day of before it officially launches or lime 2 days before or a day before?

Also I have 100k tron and 300 EOS. Should I just maintain each of those how they are not or move my EOS all into tron?

>> No.9096115
File: 592 KB, 520x1232, EEAC5E96-470B-49C8-89E6-3CA0AE6670C2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m holding 103k at nearly half my portfolio. I wanna sell other shit to buy more Link but my brain is telling me to hold off as a hedge. But the only reason I got to where I am now is by going all in on ETH then all in on ANS. Not sure if I should just lay off or follow my gut and buy more Link. Will pic related actually happen?

>> No.9096117

i see

>> No.9096118

how do you measure demand based on a couple ching chong exchanges when that's not how it is actually distributed?

>> No.9096119
File: 155 KB, 853x640, 1519697888079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks just market sold 100k

>> No.9096124

fuck me where can i buy that shirt

>> No.9096129

Isn't that because sergey has like 650 million reserved for them?

>> No.9096132

I will make it with 23k stinkies r-right guys?

>> No.9096143

im same boat as u. only u know ur risk tolerance. but if link moons youre gonna be sitting pretty with that stack. im using other moons to buy more link. ie. WAN

>> No.9096144

Seems like it. I'm comfy with 14k I could have 39k if I sold my other 2 coins

>> No.9096149

Depends. Do you have Hands of steel?

>> No.9096158

Get $10k on Tuesday and was going to take out a $19k personal loan for more JNT, but this thread makes me want to get more link instead. FUCK

>> No.9096160

103k link is enough dude. Keep your hedges just in case. If link goes where we think it's going you have more than enough

>> No.9096169

Good find, was worried I wouldn’t get my bedtime story tonight.

>> No.9096182

Going by circulating supply, that's like 2.3k ETH. Would you feel comfy with that? ETH went over $1k.

>> No.9096184

>buying the JNT pump.
>not gonna make it

>> No.9096198

you forgot
>taking out a loan
>to buy the jnt pump

>> No.9096204

Wait, have the bedtime story threads actually had legit discussion? I never read them because I thought they were just memes, like ChainLink.

>> No.9096214

its funny, i got into eth early too. and got to where i am. i sold eth because it didnt make sense to hold anymore because of % terms of gain.

>> No.9096225

my 70k link stash is the only thing that keeps me from suicide.

>> No.9096248


>> No.9096284

>selling your chainlink in 2020
>selling your link ever

The staking fee from 1k link will be enough pass income to retire on this year. The staking fee for 1k Link in 2023 will be more than a lambo per month.

You will be sorry if you sell your LInk for gold.

>> No.9096293

make a bunch of money on LINK, cash out, wait for the collapse. crypto will go down as it is a speculative bubble. when we reach the bottom and governments don't know what to do to get the economy going again, you buy the fucking dip and go all in on crypto. there will be another cyprus-type incident that will send Bitcoin skyrocketing as people try to protect their wealth, imo. the entire world is on the verge of an economic JUSTing

>> No.9096305

doom and gloom rebecca. boring.

>> No.9096315

What are you gonna sell it to? What is PM?

>> No.9096317

>420 joobilation anon detected.

>> No.9096324

I'm guessing by using my context clues that he's talking about Precious Metals

>> No.9096327

lol crypto is the reset button idiot. gov needs it to survive other wise we all literally turn into wojaks. anyway keep the thread on topic and post something about LINK if you can

>> No.9096328

I guarantee you he'll 5x that loan before summer is over. LINK is a safe bet as well. I'm really tempted to take out 50k to put into link.

>> No.9096335

You idiot.. LINK will still be incredibly valuable no matter what happens to the dollar

>> No.9096364
File: 24 KB, 312x161, 98767F9F-54C4-4C77-A66E-63C3BBDFDE84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9096367

No I agree, but I think it will take a hit at first, as bubbles tend to collapse when the economy goes down. The State will start taking any measure it can to keep itself going. Much of the modern economy is centered around the State. Crypto will be the end of this state of affairs, but it won't happen right away.

>> No.9096407

Pretty similar boat DESU senpai

>> No.9096449

dude, I can't believe I'm gonna have 100 million...I wouldn't even know how to feel or what to do. Honestly, anything above 20 million would put me into another dimension. Am I retarded in thinking this will never happen because it's too good to be true?

>> No.9096489

The linkpool guy's argue that the coin wouldn't be economical outside of a $1 range give or take. Someone posted the article and the thread got pruned.

Not sure if it's true though, only skimmed through it

>> No.9096499

You're not the only one anon
I'm just waiting for how token economics will work out. I have 10.5k link right now and I can add maybe 15k usd savings into link around mid May...
I'm estimating ~4% return on my 40k stack if price stays 50cents. So that's 1600 usd a month which I'm okay with.

>> No.9096500


>> No.9096520
File: 106 KB, 706x692, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this look like a dream to you? this was in blockchain for dummies. smartcontracts.com will be a household name soon. its just a matter of waiting.

>> No.9096527

Exactly. Human greed is and always will be a factor. I simply cannot believe some of us (hundreds at least) who have 50k , 100k or more link won't just sell a fuckload of them once we hit 50$ or more. There would have to be some incredible buying volume for us not to crash the price back to 5$ or whatever.

>> No.9096554

Hey anons, I'm the anon with a DocuSign contact. They had an all hands meeting recently, in which blockchain was touched on. During this meeting, Tom Gonser explained smart contracts, stating "smart contracts are the evolution of the contract, is typically talked about in the blockchain context". All speculation, but I think it's good that the founder of DocuSign is beginning to educate his employees on what smart contracts are..

>> No.9096559

People saying this do not understand ChainLink. you want the token to be expensive to incentives nodes to deliver good data. You can break it up into decimals you dont have to use 1 whole token.

>> No.9096565

That’s just retarded. You get paid for correct responses and likewise penalized in the same manner for bad data. It makes more sense for it to be extremely costly to provide bad data. Th more expensive the Link, the more trustworthy the data by implication. I don’t know why I seem to be the only one who sees this or at least I haven’t seen anyone voice this before. Just sick of this meme.

>> No.9096584

Thank you for coming to ththe same conclusion anon. About time someone does.

>> No.9096588
File: 27 KB, 712x706, 1524546787048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9096598

To add on this, my contact said "We have something like that right now just called "Payments" so we're already dabbling in areas where DocuSign can send invoices to a customer for them to then make payment on and the sender to receive after signature is made from the recipient"

If that doesn't sound like LINK.. I don't know what does.

>> No.9096606

Saying it can only be in a $1 range is just as much a speculative statement as saying it will be in the $1000 range. You can't really take either of them seriously, because we simply don't know what's going to happen.

In my opinion, this shit is either going to bust, or boom REAL fucking hard. There ain't going to be no $1 middle ground.

>> No.9096609

You must be new around here.

>> No.9096627

Its very simple I dont understand the confusion. Since each token can be decimals you could charge 0.00001 Link for your node to operate for whatever contract your servicing. but contracts needing critical data points that CANNOT be false can state a penalty of a higher amount. The LINK token being expensive is the ONLY way the network will be reputable.

>> No.9096650

This is some next level retarded logic.

>> No.9096659


>> No.9096737

im going in for 1.2k more link at this low point, then im just focusing on other coins

>> No.9096742

You don't know what you are going to do with 100 milly?

I know what I'm going to do exactly. Going to start threads on here for suicidal non linkers where I do treasure hunts around the country and map out where I stashed 5k so poor anons who didn't get into link will be driving around trying to find the 5k I hide in certain place around the country.

That's what will keep me going. 5k will be nothing if you have 100 million. Will be funny to know that poor anons are scrambling for scraps that I leave for them while I get blowjobs from hookers

>> No.9096767

Daily reminder that Sergey himself has stated that the token price needs to be as high as possible

>> No.9096787
File: 464 KB, 480x238, E88BA2D0-B398-4FFB-BD97-51DE8A9B37A6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly inspirational

>> No.9096815
File: 1.05 MB, 500x250, chainlink vs bitcoin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to say, I've tried making memes in the past, and I've never seen people re-post my shit. Not until link. Even if link ends up a scam, at least I'll have that.
Thanks anon.

>> No.9096817


>> No.9096819

>inherit parents money

>> No.9096832
File: 1.34 MB, 350x216, 1520604224295.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favorite one, and the one I worked the hardest on, and it gets re-posted the least. Go figure.

>> No.9096837

Appreciate it. Ill probably do that for at least a year before I even think about buying a house or a lambo.

>> No.9096846
File: 453 KB, 477x360, DeepLink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do a couple more and then I'm going to bed.

>> No.9096849
File: 272 KB, 648x800, links.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gayer than all the butthole AIDS in africa you bug chasing faggot

>> No.9096860
File: 974 KB, 480x360, spitlinks2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was fun to make. So you're wrong, on multiple levels.

>> No.9096874
File: 535 KB, 450x280, link bag hodlers irl .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9096878

Giving to the poor is honorable anon, but you should be able to do better than hookers desu. It’s your money though.

>> No.9096892
File: 306 KB, 700x700, ducklink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I think I'm done. This thread made me super bullish though. I might buy more link.

>> No.9096916

sad kid

>> No.9097035

I love these! Thx for this anon

>> No.9097046
File: 1.57 MB, 320x240, 9DD73883-9247-4CBE-B8D1-29883E414839.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have so many Link memes saved. There was one day that a whole string of them got posted, both the duck and Aladdin ones were in that group. I’ve had both saved and occasionally post them. Great to see the creator pop up, keep doing the good work, Sergey would be proud.

>> No.9097069
File: 40 KB, 560x560, 1CD9CCAC-B66D-40FC-973E-C3B27D9C3F38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone add LINK to my peendaffy please?

>> No.9097070

Holy shit thank you for this. This thread has it all.

>> No.9097097


>> No.9097103


...proof you nigger

>> No.9097111


proof you nigger

>> No.9097143
File: 218 KB, 634x425, 1519975910816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you guys hear at the end of this video


he literally drops the name. SmartContract.com is the company. Chain Link is the network. He says "persist the truth to any ledger underneath, whether its running CoCo, or not running CoCo it could work on ethereum, or fabric, or CHAIN, or, uhm, all the important blockchains underneath."

>> No.9097255
File: 8 KB, 509x619, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i only have 271 link
>i get paid on friday


>> No.9097301
File: 20 KB, 247x204, C3F248CA-E9E9-49BF-9D50-3206D7D624A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother of god. I really hope that was an accidental drop of Link and not just referencing blockchain in general.

>> No.9097326


Not going to spoonfeed you
Honestly, you losing faith in chainlink serves me well, I’ll buy your bags

>> No.9097333

hahahah you know i was going to post this exact thing.
But then i figured id rather accumulate more then shill the fuck out of it.

>> No.9097348

No. Actually you're likely to get it cheaper than today. Link is the accumulator's dream.

>> No.9097441

was thinking the same thing as well anon.. Who knows. Why does he always dance around Chainlink and never mention it is what I always wonder.

>> No.9097475

thats my oc
Glad i can put a smile on fellow linkies faces

>> No.9097506


>> No.9097511
File: 59 KB, 750x331, 5BCE602A-FA47-4DB5-97EA-E01E37C8C066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There just HAS to be some truth to the whole “keep it low key, no hype, possible nda” theory. Everyone shits on this product for it only being known on biz, but perhaps that’s the whole point. Either they don’t want it known or there is a reason for it. Sergey already stated they’re more worried about product than marketing, all the clues keep pointing to this and more.

>> No.9097540

Sergey himself has said that your mother is a whore.

>> No.9097564

chainlink doesn't really make sense in the context tho sadly

>> No.9097585


What gets me honestly, is when he starts to say "Chain".. he didnt start with block chain, or off chain, or onchain..
he simply said chain, dragged it out, stopped him self, corrects to "allll the uhmm", breaks eye contact, looks down, plays with his hands, and the continues
Its just that slip of the tongue and body language that gives hint, he didn't mean to say what he said right there.

Its that slip of the tounge and body languge that makes me think this shit it intentionally kept low key as fuck and they are under NDA's to not outright say anything about link as we know it. >>9097511 , what this dude said.

>> No.9097598

He deffo said CHAIN. Not Chainlink

>> No.9097659


He slipped, he 100% slipped up and caught himself... Theres no doubt in my mind.
I don't know about you NEETS but i leave the basement and deal with people all the time.
My main human resorc guy spots this shit in a second when people are lying, or slip up.

he 100% didnt mean to say "chain". But did. its evident.
The dudes a speaker, he does that shit for a living he clearly did this interview well up until that point.

>> No.9097661
File: 124 KB, 640x640, LINKK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night stinkies7777777

>> No.9097722


i want to believe this so bad, but could he be referring to the company called Chain?: http://www.businessinsider.com/ceo-blockchain-chain-adam-ludwin-tech-merging-cryptos-database-2018-1

they offer ledger solutions as well... not sure if it's the same thing or not bc i'm not super tech savvy. but what's making me iffy on this is when he says "chain" he immediately says "or" without a stutter or pause like someone would do if they caught themselves fucking up, he instead continues like he's gonna list more things. didn't get close to pronouncing an "L" sound for "link", unless "chain" is like the industry shorthand term for it

>> No.9097728

I'm with you on this. He's talking about "the truth layer". It hits too much shit.

In one universe it never goes past $1. In the other singularity.

>> No.9097794

I dunno man, it sounds like a good theory and I hope it’s true but it didn’t sound too much like he slipped when saying it.

This anon kinda nailed it. It sounded like he didn’t slip and was just listing things because he went right to the next one. If the people involved are just calling it “Chain” for short then maybe there’s something to this

>> No.9097814

the video freezes when he mentions chain when i watch it :s

>> No.9097818

I swear ChainLink has the coolest things.
I am still in love with the post on reddit responding to all the "when mainnet" questions:
"We have one bullet. We cannot afford to waste it. "

>> No.9097835

And now just rewatching it he doesn’t even list another blockchain after he says “chain”, so he may have slipped up, but his transition also felt natural for the way he speaks. Who knows

>> No.9098231

he was hella about to drop chain link. holy shit

>> No.9098366

No u

>> No.9098500


>> No.9098516
File: 82 KB, 378x433, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.9098568

i DoNt gEt iT

>> No.9098642
File: 60 KB, 1920x964, IMG_20171019_184356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polyglyphs are linkies and it leads to the singularity. The will of D.

>> No.9098670

>original thread
The brainlet here is you. The correct term would be "post" not "thread".

>> No.9098739

This has to be bait

>> No.9098856
File: 65 KB, 1024x577, 1521742035741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for sharing this info OP.

>> No.9099065
File: 40 KB, 900x474, 1517905090940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you are fucking with me surely........

>> No.9099241


you're all quite dumb. Within the logic of what he's saying, chainlink doesn't make sense. He's talking about Chain. I even belief cryptlets is, or was, a chainlink implementation, but this particular point demonstrates how retarded the average linkholder has become.

>> No.9099270
File: 51 KB, 452x495, chain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9099370

Oh fuck off.
That is too far fetched.

>> No.9099419
File: 36 KB, 657x527, 1511095733786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are driving me crazy with this bullshit shills threads. im bagholding these fucking linkies while pajeets are making money in OMG. fuck you. i hate you all

>> No.9099509

It's like owning a part of http/https and getting a small fee for every request.

>> No.9099521

hearty kek

>> No.9099535

What are you listening too? Can you link interview pls?

>> No.9099537


I love these threads so much. See a bunch of retards scramble and think all the biggest companies on earth are secretly trying to use ChainLink.

“Did you see that interview by Tim Cook? He mentioned blockchain TWICE. SO FUCKING BULLISH FOR LINK.”

“Holy fuck, they said “smart contracts!” We made it!”

This really is some sort of super interesting psychological state of willful delusion.

>> No.9099560
File: 1.72 MB, 888x1025, 1500987748276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same feels here brah. I made the legendary stinky link fork and I feel good seeing it every thread

>> No.9099566

And to confirm this wasn't a larp just good researching connecting dots?

>> No.9099661

But how does this mean we’re gonna get rich? I don’t understand. There will be no normie FOMO if there’s no hype and no marketing of the “partnerships” (clients)....

>> No.9099683

The marketing happens at closed doors, meeting with important people

>> No.9099706

he didn't claim he's an insider or some shit, he's literally just sharing information. what's there to brag about? we can see for ourselves if the info he shared is absolute shit. he even shared sources so we don't have to dig through shit. what the fuck are you even trying to ask? you didn't even read anything posted

>> No.9099809

Stinky linkys btfo once again undeniably proving their immutable delusion.

>> No.9099825

Checked PS

>> No.9099834

the fucking absolutist state of biz holy shit.

>> No.9099870
File: 17 KB, 312x258, Screenshot from 2018-03-06 15-25-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9099955

LINK 1000$ EOY check em

>> No.9099968

Check my memetic power - LINK 1000$ EOY - best quints here

>> No.9099979

1000$ EOY is FUD.

>> No.9100003

1000$ EOY

>> No.9100018


>> No.9100097

No coin has ever mooned without normie FOMO

>> No.9100499

ChainLink almost sold out in the presale. Everyone was extremely pissed at the time because there were supposed to be 50% of that LINK available for the crowdsale and a lot of people missed out.
Rory then said that he'll reveal some of the big investors during the next couple of weeks but he just kept silent after that and everyone forgot about it.

He definitely said Chain which actually makes more sense than ChainLink. Because he's explaining what ChainLink nodes will compute and THEN persist that data to whatever blockchain (Chainlink is not a blockchain) it is connected to (ETH, BTC, Chain, whatever).

>> No.9100612

Technically it's Physical Metal, which means you have it in hand

>> No.9100729
File: 495 KB, 350x350, 1519244836390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rory then said that he'll reveal some of the big investors during the next couple of weeks but he just kept silent after that and everyone forgot about it.
This seems like a pretty big deal....

I'm still not entirely convinced that Microsoft Cryptlets is chainlink. How would it work? Would microsoft buy chainlink tokens but never tell anyone they were using them as part of their system? What if smartcontract.com is working with Cryptlets but they aren't implementing chainlink?

>> No.9100741

Maybe it is jointly owned with a "partner" and they wanted it kept quiet/confidential. I think this find could be huge. Pretty big coincidence they were both recorded on the same date, right?

>> No.9100789

SMARTcontract.com is the company, Chainlink is a system. Most companies have contracts with systems to facilitate their business. That is the future of Chainlink.

>> No.9100868

>What if smartcontract.com is working with Cryptlets but they aren't implementing chainlink?
Then how would they take advantage of the secure oracle network? Wasn't that the entire point? Chainlink seems to be the result/next step of the collaborations with the likes of Microsoft and SWIFT.

>Would microsoft buy chainlink tokens but never tell anyone they were using them as part of their system?
The way I see this could work is that Microsoft customers are paying for their service in fiat directly to MS just like any other service, but a part of that fee goes to buying the actual tokens that customer doesn't need to care about.

>> No.9100870

Better question is how would IBM researchers miss the connection between cryptlets and chainlink, instead analyzing them as two seperate solutions?

This thread is the epitome of Link delusion, the result of a sick mind. Loosely related extrapolations passed off as some kind of "proof" that the content of the information is "secretly" referring to Chainlink. This mental illness is the result of months of collective delusion, believing that billion dollar companies are under strict NDA's, believing in the "insider" LARP's, believing that randomly generated numbers on a Somalian LGBTQ Support Group BBS are literal "magick". The fact is the only confirmed partners are a few small projects, and the confirmation of these partnerships is still dubious at best.

It will take at least a few years for the mainnet to mature and work out the bugs. You will all have nothing to look forward to but an empty network and a slow trickle of fixes coming in for the bug bounty period. 99% of you have no experience or insight into software development, much less the ins and outs of development in the Blockchain space. Most of you couldn't explain in simple terms what a Blockchain is, what bitcoin is, what ethereum is, or what an "immutable decentralized network" is(tip, it doesn't exist as of this writing).

You are invested in technology you don't understand, holding out for a mathematically impossible return on that investment, and your primary source of information is anons with giant bags who are going to dump on you for their own amusement. $1.50 EOY is a bullish prediction. $10-$20 per link by 2021 is a bullish prediction. You will deserve the fate you are dealt if you continue to steep in these deep delusions.

>> No.9100942
File: 207 KB, 750x1334, CA2C07F1-27DA-47D1-8139-3ADD5E18612B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9100962

Poasted 2hrs ago

>> No.9100968
File: 53 KB, 500x500, 151584577037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 80x
wtf I hate crypto now

>> No.9100991

Last 25 seconds of video.


What did he mean by it can run on chain? Was he meaning ChainLink? What the hell...

>> No.9101011

You are late. Look above

>> No.9101013

the more chainlink threads i see the more i want to sell it. It really does feel like a piece of shit to me now

>> No.9101039

Then why does Sergey own cryptlets website and say they’re working with cryptlets in that presentation then faggot?

>> No.9101058
File: 211 KB, 750x1334, 976014E6-0894-4836-B8D8-E53B55631013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9101069

Sounds like you don't understand what hyperledger and the hyperledger foundation are, friendo

>> No.9101073

>Better question is how would IBM researchers miss the connection between cryptlets and chainlink, instead analyzing them as two seperate solutions?
>This thread is the epitome of Link delusion, the result of a sick mind. Loosely related extrapolations passed off as some kind of "proof" that the content of the information is "secretly" referring to Chainlink. This mental illness is the result of months of collective delusion, believing that billion dollar companies are under strict NDA's, believing in the "insider" LARP's, believing that randomly generated numbers on a Somalian LGBTQ Support Group BBS are literal "magick". The fact is the only confirmed partners are a few small projects, and the confirmation of these partnerships is still dubious at best.

>It will take at least a few years for the mainnet to mature and work out the bugs. You will all have nothing to look forward to but an empty network and a slow trickle of fixes coming in for the bug bounty period. 99% of you have no experience or insight into software development, much less the ins and outs of development in the Blockchain space. Most of you couldn't explain in simple terms what a Blockchain is, what bitcoin is, what ethereum is, or what an "immutable decentralized network" is(tip, it doesn't exist as of this writing).

>You are invested in technology you don't understand, holding out for a mathematically impossible return on that investment, and your primary source of information is anons with giant bags who are going to dump on you for their own amusement. $1.50 EOY is a bullish prediction. $10-$20 per link by 2021 is a bullish prediction. You will deserve the fate you are dealt if you continue to steep in these deep delusions.

>> No.9101092

Is this a new one? I like it! Worth saving pasta.

>> No.9101099

Does Nissan tell people they contract out work to Aisin and THK?

>> No.9101130
File: 50 KB, 1025x507, TC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Better question is how would IBM researchers miss the connection between cryptlets and chainlink, instead analyzing them as two seperate solutions?
The same way they also listed Town Crier as a separate solution while we all know that it's literally an SGX implementation of Chainlink that will run on the same network.

And you're just going to pretend like you didn't see these posts?
Where Sergey said they're working on their Bletchley offering, how Jonny provided his theory on this and Rory said thanks.

>> No.9101141


I have 300K LINK and I still feel like this. Could hit around 500K

>> No.9101174

48:15 "Praise Jesus"

>> No.9101195

100$ per ETH in 2017 and 100$ per ANT was a bullish prediction too lol. GTFO

>> No.9101203
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>> No.9101243

>The same way they also listed Town Crier as a separate solution while we all know that it's literally an SGX implementation of Chainlink that will run on the same network.
good point. The hyperledger foundation seemed to be pretty unware of a lot of stuff with regards to the oracles, or at least whoever wrote up that email so i'm not surprised at all they don't know about sergey and cryptlets, which is not even speculation.
>Where Sergey said they're working on their Bletchley offering, how Jonny provided his theory on this and Rory said thanks.

This is way back in the slack. i tried searching for it but it's far enough back it didn't show up, you may have to scroll way up. it'd be nice to get a screenshot if you do.

>> No.9101256

>The same way they also listed Town Crier as a separate solution while we all know that it's literally an SGX implementation of Chainlink that will run on the same network
That’s not true, Town Crier doesn’t even work with chainlink right now. If you go on their website it clearly states that you can implement town crier right now as a STAND ALONE oracle or you can use the (unfinished) smartxontract.com version which can ONLY provide market data right now (presumably meaning that in future it will function as a general oracle on chainlink as it already does now but standalone). Try googling “SGX oracles” and you’ll see at least 3 whitepapers that outline use of towncrier WITHOUT chainlink. One example is LendingBlock.

>> No.9101289

Compare the market caps dumb ass. Link is not going to $100.

Town Crier and Cryplets don't rely on Chainlink. News of the former does not imply the latter. It will be a painful lesson for you all to learn.

>> No.9101327
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Sheeeit. Witnessed.

>> No.9101365

lol is anyone really this dumb. You're literally just intentionally misinterpretig the words of someone who doesn't really know what they're talking about, but you're implication is completely wrong. Ari Juels literally wrote the white paper, Rory literally confirmed this week they're heavily involved with Town Crier and IC3, Thomas said last month that none of that is speculation, etc. His characterization was wrong, but what you're trying to say is just dumb fud.

>> No.9101380

>This is way back in the slack. i tried searching for it but it's far enough back it didn't show up, you may have to scroll way up. it'd be nice to get a screenshot if you do.
Yeah I know, I was there in slack when he wrote it.

>Town Crier doesn’t even work with chainlink right now.
Yes because the picture I posted goes way back to the centralized version of the smart oracle. Of course it doesn't work with Chainlink right now, nothing works with Chainlink right now because Chainlink is still in development
You can also use "Chainlink" STAND ALONE right now.
Rory confirmed that they're still working actively working with TC. I wonder why would they do that if they never plan to implement with Chainlink core.

>> No.9101391

and no shit it doesn't work with chainlink yet. The chainlink network doesn't exist but when it does it will be able to use towncrier. No towncrier isn't exclusive to chainlink but they've literally partnered to implement it on the network. None of the other shit projects you're talking about have done that.

>> No.9101401

he still couldnt give a basic roadmap tho

>> No.9101423

Who the fuck cares. It's literally all in pivotal tracker. You can see exactly what they're working on and when they expect to complete it.

>> No.9101438

so when mainnet?

>> No.9101442

plus the white paper and sergey in previous posts discuss the short and long term goals. Sorry they didn't waste money on a graphic designer to give each step a name and a fancy map graphic like the project all the pajeets love, req

>> No.9101453

6k Linkie here. I-I am gonna make it guys???

>> No.9101490

It's true that they could've done a medium post and summarized it into something more readable with approximate ETA for testnet and mainet.

But still, PivotalTracker provides you with so much insight and you can see things being done in real time so it's like having the entire roadmap in detail, just without long term deadlines (cuz they only add tasks for the short term, now we see that testnet could be relatively close).

>> No.9101501

Before this 404s remember Aleksy Klintesevich (wrong spelling i know) in Github

Microsoft dev who has contributed a lot to the repository. I know he's not necessarily working on it in a professional capacity and we tend to speculate too much in that regard, but so far his contributions have been a lot more substantial than just regular community members contributing for fun, his interactions with the team seem different and a lot more like he's working in some sort of an official capacity, and he did have access to it before it was public. And he's so far not been confirmed by Rory as an official part of the team. Something to look into.

>> No.9101528

You can use town crier without chainlink. It’s a stand-alone product. Chainlink will borrow town crier in future but no one has to use chainlink to use town crier.

>> No.9101536


mike mew lmao

>> No.9101548

>no one has to use chainlink to use town crier.
no one has ever said that. It's open source software, of course anyone can use it, but not everyone is officially partnered with it and has the director as a coauthor of their white paper and an official advisor...

>> No.9101613

In conclusion this should make everyone more bullish than ever. Rereading the project bletchley cryptlets documentation and looking at the schemas it's painfully obvious cryptlets is an implementation of chainlink. Combine that with Towncrier and IC3, not to mention SWIFT, Sergey's utter lack of concern with pleasing anyone in the public, and the legit developers and progress being made in the repository and you'd literally have to have brain damage to sincerely believe 99% of the dumb fud. Nothing is guaranteed in this life, but this is the project with literally the most going on behind the scenes that crypto has ever scene. Fuck the fudders.

>> No.9101642
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> But many fewer people
truly understand the trajectory.
Some of them are on this board.

>> No.9101657

Yeah except none of these things matters for token price because they’re all invisible. It needs to be visible on social media and on reddit in order to trigger normie FOMO. THAT Is what drives token price rises in a singularity type event like raiblocks or nano.

>> No.9101667

Are we going to repeat this forever?
I know that you can use it as a stand alone product. But taking into account that they're actively working with them and having Ari as an advisor and WP co-author, it's safe to assume they're going to implement with them to use SGX on user's demand (for CL team to take advantage of their SGX development) and for TC team to take advantage of the decentralized Chainlink network. It's like the best of both worlds.

This is at least how I see it, if you have any ideas on what else could these 2 teams possibly be collaborating on then please share.

>> No.9101696

The whole point ot link is to save costs by redirecting and verifying data without third party being involved. How is it going to be cost effective if 1 link costs $1000 you autismos?

>> No.9101701

Not really, but then I can tell you are an idiot so I won't hold it against you. I can tell you can wrap your mind around nano so I'll use that example: Name one major event or marketing effort that caused nano to moon. I'll wait.

>> No.9101713
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>a lot of these businesses are really pushing the gaps here to get something done
When ChainLINK takes off it's going to be the biggest rollercoaster of our lives.

>> No.9101721
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>> No.9101739
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You are so fucking stupid.

>> No.9101780
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There will come a day when oracles will be the next big thing (and it's going to be sooner than later, 2019 will be huge). I don't see LINK as a good short-term hold. Normie FOMO will come IF Chainlink becomes everything it's supposed to become (what we're discussing in this thread). It's going to become the Ethereum of Oracles - a highly modular protocol for any real world data for any kind of blockchain.

I predict that LINK will follow a similar price action to early Ethereum days.

>> No.9101860

I guarantee some dApp on XLM or EOS or even ETH is going to eat Sergey's lunch big time. Most likely multiple other solutions will eat Link's lunch, long before the network is useful.
>we have one bullet

>> No.9101895

is there anyone more pathetic than the EOS shills. Goddamn get a life nigga

>> No.9101915
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>> No.9101924

Someone archive this please

>> No.9101938

For now, there is no competition that we know of, unless someone is working in on something in secret so that even IBM doesn't know about it.

The next reason is the connections that the team has, they've been in this business before Ethereum went live. Working with Microsoft, working with SWIFT, etc. This company will not just disappear over night and nobody will also make better connections than them over night.
There seems to be no dApp in sight that can kill Chainlink, only those fintech giants they're involved with can kill it.

>> No.9101957

checking in and doing my duty as a link marine to keep this thread alive for all of /biz to see

>> No.9101973

if you were holding eos instead of shitlink you would be a lot better off right now scrub

>> No.9101998

How do I save this thread? Asking for frens

>> No.9102036

Reached bump limit

>> No.9102047

>but you're implication
no, you're implication

>> No.9102089


>this is one fo the few times when people really need them

>> No.9102133

He doesn't need a trip you black asshole. Sources provide legitimacy, that's it.

>> No.9102218
