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File: 17 KB, 250x250, chainlinklogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.9092661 [Reply] [Original]

honest discussion. should have sold at $0.5. going back to $0.2 until mainnet which will be delayed.

>> No.9092680

just dont touch for 2 years u faggot.

>> No.9092731

im buying more of this and holding for a couple of years. listen to advice above.

>> No.9092741
File: 60 KB, 1241x585, mobiusnetwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better, faster, cheaper. buy Mobi or die poor

>> No.9092747

Price eoy 2020?

>> No.9092773


>> No.9092785

nice fud

>> No.9092895

>until mainnet which will be delayed.
but theyre literally months ahead of schedule?

>> No.9092994

Go for 10x on shitcoin and put your returns on LINK.
Timing is everything. Dont carry the bag for nothing anon. You still have lot of time for Chainlink. Dont fall into singularity and 1000k eoy meme.

>> No.9093040


>> No.9093067
File: 386 KB, 857x600, chainlink thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably around 3000 dollars, maybe more.

>> No.9093099
File: 283 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can barely get this out...swift created own oracle....smartcontract.com helped them (((assuming))) ChainLink left out to dry. . . . . fuuucck

>> No.9093116

It's literally a permissioned link network.
Thanks sergey I don't feel bad about the walrus memes any more.

>> No.9093131

Just bought 100k more links

>> No.9093159


>> No.9093854

So link is dead? Even assblaster fucked off

>> No.9093871

Hello there mr whales,

I was just wondering, how does it feel to know that you only have 2 months left to shake out the weak hands? How does it feel to accumulate a project with so many iron hands that it takes you this long to even gain only this little market share.
Don’t you get bored playing with yourself the whole day setting sell orders and buy orders and filling it yourself only to accumulate 100-200 linkies everytime?

Your time is ticking and I sincerely hope you enjoy the last two months, shaking out the weakhands is what I want you to do as well.

Be sure to do a test pump first to shake out swing traders before the real pump to singularity.


General Link marine

>> No.9093898

This buy Mobi sirs very good coin many moons incoming sir