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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 62 KB, 698x694, Screen Shot 2018-04-25 at 5.08.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.9090315 [Reply] [Original]

The Chainlink Pivotal Tracker just pulled forward the completion date for Ropsten by over a week. Estimated completion now 5/20 instead of 5/29.

At this rate we're looking at Ropsten release mid-May. Three weeks.


>> No.9090350

Bump.... why is nobody replying to this.

>> No.9090360

Because everyone knows how shit it is

>> No.9090361
File: 466 KB, 1602x1840, Screen Shot 2018-04-25 at 8.07.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its too late anon.

Join the chinese link marines

>> No.9090367

Why are black chicks so ugly compared to white chicks?

Why do often see black men with ghetto fat white chicks?

>> No.9090369
File: 109 KB, 769x697, 1523392269118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm growing nervous guys

>> No.9090370

wow they only made a few of the shadowforks so far. Imagine how many more there are.

stinkies stay poor lol

>> No.9090391

looking good, but they could theretically add new tasks, I guess we'll see in 3 weeks

>> No.9090404
File: 68 KB, 751x712, 1523567728731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The CL team is filled with beautiful stallions.
Gods among men.

>> No.9090408

So ropsten goes live- then what? We see the contracts? Something tells me they'll just be running test contracts, nothing big dick. It might be some time after mainnet before we see the real good shit. I just want to start making $ with my links, even if its only 1% a month.

>> No.9090413

kill yourselves you fucking losers you are nothing but ghosts of a shit meme

>> No.9090429

test contracts? ur gonna see names of actually enterprise clients....remember what thomas said in slack. we need all eyes on them....

>> No.9090435
File: 13 KB, 392x255, stank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9090460

I think he meant to review/audit them. But who knows. I personally dont think we'll see the real stuff until mainnet

>> No.9090491
File: 148 KB, 1518x392, Screen Shot 2018-04-25 at 5.20.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They'll be running test contracts but anyone else can add whatever contracts they'd like. I would suspect that customers will be testing their own contracts if they plan on using it but who knows.

>> No.9090508

absolutely huge, ty for posting

>> No.9090648
File: 453 KB, 1385x967, accounting niggas are in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9090682
File: 76 KB, 900x900, pepe_baller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's our Sergey. Under budget and ahead of schedule is his motto. Hold on tight, mah LINKstas, and don't let some silly dip scare you.

>> No.9090797

Where do you conclude they are under budget.. Nice post regardless.

>> No.9090943


it's a meme from the trump campaign

>> No.9090966
File: 34 KB, 657x527, 1514944426070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost time... Things are better than you realize.


>Explains the volume spike feb12-13, 18-20
>be ready

>> No.9090971
File: 151 KB, 913x1023, chaaiinlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9090987

Thank you anon, meme flew over my head on that one.

>> No.9090990
File: 76 KB, 1383x1072, this_kills_the_chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9091010


>> No.9091120

I bought 100 LINK for my son today. I will give it to him on his 18th birthday (he's 2 now)

>> No.9091141

1% a month is 12% a year..... I'd be more than happy with 12% annual return

>> No.9091161

well done. You’ve set him up for life

>> No.9091186
File: 126 KB, 634x517, CB780C14-0770-46FA-9F31-AE42CAFF7A75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True if huge

>> No.9091193
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x1547, rare sergey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. when pasta has evolved into only a single sentence. what a time to be alive

>> No.9091234
File: 42 KB, 337x439, 1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just hold on linkbros

>> No.9091305

If you guys want a real chainlink drop be around in 4 hours

>> No.9091328

i was thinking about going outside, but if you're sure?

>> No.9091361

1% a month is 12.68% a year

>> No.9091390

Linkpool will take a 25% cut too

>> No.9091398

Haven't kept up with the project lately cause of life stuff, but I bought a fat stack of LINK during presale last September. We rose from 9 cents to 50 cents in the span of a month, and then hovered around 40 cents for a good amount of time. BTC was 4500ish or thereabouts

it's been 7 fucking months and the price is exactly the same. Periodically I check /biz/ and see the obligatory, "Tonight!" threads, or just general charting threads. Why? What the fuck are you celebrating. With the exception of the temporary bubble, this shit has been trading in the same channel for nearly a goddamn year.

And what the fuck do we have? Still no medium updates. No marketing director as promised. All of the Assblaster posts have been proven LARPs. None of the secret developments all of these Sherlock holmes autists post about have come to fruition. Not one.

Woo we get ropsten next month. You just know there will be bugs and all sorts of complications. And what about adoption? No word from SWIFT. No word from anybody. *maybe* JNT will LOOK at it. Fucking docusign? Really? Yet some of you idiots still cling to the delusion that mainnet will go live and all of these banks will be diving right in. Bull fucking shit.

and it's not even as if LINK is the chosen one anymore. Oracles are popping up left and right. This team is severely outclassed.

How fucking long are we supposed to hold for? Most of us are in our 20s. You get what, maybe 15 years more of prime living? And we've already pissed damn near 10% of that away, waiting for absolutely nothing. Jesus fucking christ

>> No.9091401

read: buy now, sell in 3h30m

>> No.9091428

9% annual return is honestly still really good

>> No.9091492

I have read that I need at least 20K Links to start monetizing. Is that true?

>> No.9091543

But don't forget it will be 9% of the total number of links staked. So it will still be dependent on the price per link... if you want to live off staking link

>> No.9091559

I have no idea, crypto is a bubble XD

im not even sure about that number anymore, wtf

Its (1+1.01/12)^12 ?

>> No.9091623

True. Better number is 50k but I can't get there. I'm at 40k and planning on staking 20k. Also learning how to set up a node too because for something to do.

>> No.9091650

what do you mean by this?

>> No.9091780
File: 7 KB, 200x200, 16011601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to know bros

after the dip today im exactly at my starting point with my acb

should i sell or not and wait 2 days

>> No.9091802

you should diversify against link with safer bets

>> No.9091820


>> No.9091836

We're sick of being PnD'd.
Bcash all last week and now this shitheap.

>> No.9091849

idk what else to buy, maybe AMB im still learning

i dont want to diversify cuz i only have 1.5k invested

>> No.9091926

We’ll make it
be sure to look into apex

>> No.9091929

Someone post the meme with the frog hugging an iPhone after seeing Sergey

>> No.9091953

Haven't kept up with the project lately cause of life stuff, but I bought a fat stack of LINK during presale last September. We rose from 9 cents to 50 cents in the span of a month, and then hovered around 40 cents for a good amount of time. BTC was 4500ish or thereabouts

it's been 7 fucking months and the price is exactly the same. Periodically I check /biz/ and see the obligatory, "Tonight!" threads, or just general charting threads. Why? What the fuck are you celebrating. With the exception of the temporary bubble, this shit has been trading in the same channel for nearly a goddamn year.

And what the fuck do we have? Still no medium updates. No marketing director as promised. All of the Assblaster posts have been proven LARPs. None of the secret developments all of these Sherlock holmes autists post about have come to fruition. Not one.

Woo we get ropsten next month. You just know there will be bugs and all sorts of complications. And what about adoption? No word from SWIFT. No word from anybody. *maybe* JNT will LOOK at it. Fucking docusign? Really? Yet some of you idiots still cling to the delusion that mainnet will go live and all of these banks will be diving right in. Bull fucking shit.

and it's not even as if LINK is the chosen one anymore. Oracles are popping up left and right. This team is severely outclassed.

How fucking long are we supposed to hold for? Most of us are in our 20s. You get what, maybe 15 years more of prime living? And we've already pissed damn near 10% of that away, waiting for absolutely nothing. Jesus fucking christ

>> No.9092000

Haven't kept up with the project lately cause of life stuff, but I bought a fat stack of LINK during presale last September. We rose from 9 cents to 50 cents in the span of a month, and then hovered around 40 cents for a good amount of time. BTC was 4500ish or thereabouts

it's been 7 fucking months and the price is exactly the same. Periodically I check /biz/ and see the obligatory, "Tonight!" threads, or just general charting threads. Why? What the fuck are you celebrating. With the exception of the temporary bubble, this shit has been trading in the same channel for nearly a goddamn year.

And what the fuck do we have? Still no medium updates. No marketing director as promised. All of the Assblaster posts have been proven LARPs. None of the secret developments all of these Sherlock holmes autists post about have come to fruition. Not one.

Woo we get ropsten next month. You just know there will be bugs and all sorts of complications. And what about adoption? No word from SWIFT. No word from anybody. *maybe* JNT will LOOK at it. Fucking docusign? Really? Yet some of you idiots still cling to the delusion that mainnet will go live and all of these banks will be diving right in. Bull fucking shit.

and it's not even as if LINK is the chosen one anymore. Oracles are popping up left and right. This team is severely outclassed.

How fucking long are we supposed to hold for? Most of us are in our 20s. You get what, maybe 15 years more of prime living? And we've already pissed damn near 10% of that away, waiting for absolutely nothing. Jesus fucking christ

>> No.9092019

Haven't kept up with the project lately cause of life stuff, but I bought a fat stack of LINK during presale last September. We rose from 9 cents to 50 cents in the span of a month, and then hovered around 40 cents for a good amount of time. BTC was 4500ish or thereabouts

it's been 7 fucking months and the price is exactly the same. Periodically I check /biz/ and see the obligatory, "Tonight!" threads, or just general charting threads. Why? What the fuck are you celebrating. With the exception of the temporary bubble, this shit has been trading in the same channel for nearly a goddamn year.

And what the fuck do we have? Still no medium updates. No marketing director as promised. All of the Assblaster posts have been proven LARPs. None of the secret developments all of these Sherlock holmes autists post about have come to fruition. Not one.

Woo we get ropsten next month. You just know there will be bugs and all sorts of complications. And what about adoption? No word from SWIFT. No word from anybody. *maybe* JNT will LOOK at it. Fucking docusign? Really? Yet some of you idiots still cling to the delusion that mainnet will go live and all of these banks will be diving right in. Bull fucking shit.

and it's not even as if LINK is the chosen one anymore. Oracles are popping up left and right. This team is severely outclassed.

How fucking long are we supposed to hold for? Most of us are in our 20s. You get what, maybe 15 years more of prime living? And we've already pissed damn near 10% of that away, waiting for absolutely nothing. Jesus fucking christ

>> No.9092068


>> No.9092093

Are you retarded? Buy him gold. The dollar will be long gone by his 18th birthday.

>> No.9092120

Because nobody likes the /pol/ migration to /biz/ during bullruns. Can you guys atleast shut the fuck up and lurk some more instead of making your useless threads and shitting up the board?

>> No.9092129
File: 460 KB, 249x898, 1524129442054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9092157

being anti immigration is /pol/ you hypocritical roastie.

>> No.9092160

Why shouldn't sell LINK and buy back later?

If rop isn't until mid May, and THEN we'll have at least a month of the test net. Why should I keep holding it right now?

We all know LINK barely moves.

>> No.9092194

please sell so I can buy more.

>> No.9092285


>> No.9092294

Woah ayyyyy ooooo aaaa. Big fuckin nuttin. $1000 EOY link

>> No.9092319

LINK 1k by eoy so in 16 years it will be 16k

>> No.9092364

Haven't kept up with the project lately cause of life stuff, but I bought a fat stack of LINK during presale last September. We rose from 9 cents to 50 cents in the span of a month, and then hovered around 40 cents for a good amount of time. BTC was 4500ish or thereabouts

it's been 7 fucking months and the price is exactly the same. Periodically I check /biz/ and see the obligatory, "Tonight!" threads, or just general charting threads. Why? What the fuck are you celebrating. With the exception of the temporary bubble, this shit has been trading in the same channel for nearly a goddamn year.

And what the fuck do we have? Still no medium updates. No marketing director as promised. All of the Assblaster posts have been proven LARPs. None of the secret developments all of these Sherlock holmes autists post about have come to fruition. Not one.

Woo we get ropsten next month. You just know there will be bugs and all sorts of complications. And what about adoption? No word from SWIFT. No word from anybody. *maybe* JNT will LOOK at it. Fucking docusign? Really? Yet some of you idiots still cling to the delusion that mainnet will go live and all of these banks will be diving right in. Bull fucking shit.

and it's not even as if LINK is the chosen one anymore. Oracles are popping up left and right. This team is severely outclassed.

How fucking long are we supposed to hold for? Most of us are in our 20s. You get what, maybe 15 years more of prime living? And we've already pissed damn near 10% of that away, waiting for absolutely nothing. Jesus fucking christ

>> No.9092390

Haven't kept up with the project lately cause of life stuff, but I bought a fat stack of LINK during presale last September. We rose from 9 cents to 50 cents in the span of a month, and then hovered around 40 cents for a good amount of time. BTC was 4500ish or thereabouts

it's been 7 fucking months and the price is exactly the same. Periodically I check /biz/ and see the obligatory, "Tonight!" threads, or just general charting threads. Why? What the fuck are you celebrating. With the exception of the temporary bubble, this shit has been trading in the same channel for nearly a goddamn year.

And what the fuck do we have? Still no medium updates. No marketing director as promised. All of the Assblaster posts have been proven LARPs. None of the secret developments all of these Sherlock holmes autists post about have come to fruition. Not one.

Woo we get ropsten next month. You just know there will be bugs and all sorts of complications. And what about adoption? No word from SWIFT. No word from anybody. *maybe* JNT will LOOK at it. Fucking docusign? Really? Yet some of you idiots still cling to the delusion that mainnet will go live and all of these banks will be diving right in. Bull fucking shit.

and it's not even as if LINK is the chosen one anymore. Oracles are popping up left and right. This team is severely outclassed.

How fucking long are we supposed to hold for? Most of us are in our 20s. You get what, maybe 15 years more of prime living? And we've already pissed damn near 10% of that away, waiting for absolutely nothing. Jesus fucking christ

>> No.9092432

Haven't kept up with the project lately cause of life stuff, but I bought a fat stack of LINK during presale last September. We rose from 9 cents to 50 cents in the span of a month, and then hovered around 40 cents for a good amount of time. BTC was 4500ish or thereabouts

it's been 7 fucking months and the price is exactly the same. Periodically I check /biz/ and see the obligatory, "Tonight!" threads, or just general charting threads. Why? What the fuck are you celebrating. With the exception of the temporary bubble, this shit has been trading in the same channel for nearly a goddamn year.

And what the fuck do we have? Still no medium updates. No marketing director as promised. All of the Assblaster posts have been proven LARPs. None of the secret developments all of these Sherlock holmes autists post about have come to fruition. Not one.

Woo we get ropsten next month. You just know there will be bugs and all sorts of complications. And what about adoption? No word from SWIFT. No word from anybody. *maybe* JNT will LOOK at it. Fucking docusign? Really? Yet some of you idiots still cling to the delusion that mainnet will go live and all of these banks will be diving right in. Bull fucking shit.

and it's not even as if LINK is the chosen one anymore. Oracles are popping up left and right. This team is severely outclassed.

How fucking long are we supposed to hold for? Most of us are in our 20s. You get what, maybe 15 years more of prime living? And we've already pissed damn near 10% of that away, waiting for absolutely nothing. Jesus fucking christ

>> No.9092469

Haven't kept up with the project lately cause of life stuff, but I bought a fat stack of LINK during presale last September. We rose from 9 cents to 50 cents in the span of a month, and then hovered around 40 cents for a good amount of time. BTC was 4500ish or thereabouts

it's been 7 fucking months and the price is exactly the same. Periodically I check /biz/ and see the obligatory, "Tonight!" threads, or just general charting threads. Why? What the fuck are you celebrating. With the exception of the temporary bubble, this shit has been trading in the same channel for nearly a goddamn year.

And what the fuck do we have? Still no medium updates. No marketing director as promised. All of the Assblaster posts have been proven LARPs. None of the secret developments all of these Sherlock holmes autists post about have come to fruition. Not one.

Woo we get ropsten next month. You just know there will be bugs and all sorts of complications. And what about adoption? No word from SWIFT. No word from anybody. *maybe* JNT will LOOK at it. Fucking docusign? Really? Yet some of you idiots still cling to the delusion that mainnet will go live and all of these banks will be diving right in. Bull fucking shit.

and it's not even as if LINK is the chosen one anymore. Oracles are popping up left and right. This team is severely outclassed.

How fucking long are we supposed to hold for? Most of us are in our 20s. You get what, maybe 15 years more of prime living? And we've already pissed damn near 10% of that away, waiting for absolutely nothing. Jesus fucking christ

>> No.9092474

Keep your link and get a dayjob so you can buy more shit. Diversification beyond 2 or 3 projects is a waste of time if you have less than a ~$20k portfolio. The more coins you hold, the more time you spend researching and staying up to date on your investments, the lower your return per hour spent.

>> No.9092517

Haven't kept up with the project lately cause of life stuff, but I bought a fat stack of LINK during presale last September. We rose from 9 cents to 50 cents in the span of a month, and then hovered around 40 cents for a good amount of time. BTC was 4500ish or thereabouts

it's been 7 fucking months and the price is exactly the same. Periodically I check /biz/ and see the obligatory, "Tonight!" threads, or just general charting threads. Why? What the fuck are you celebrating. With the exception of the temporary bubble, this shit has been trading in the same channel for nearly a goddamn year.

And what the fuck do we have? Still no medium updates. No marketing director as promised. All of the Assblaster posts have been proven LARPs. None of the secret developments all of these Sherlock holmes autists post about have come to fruition. Not one.

Woo we get ropsten next month. You just know there will be bugs and all sorts of complications. And what about adoption? No word from SWIFT. No word from anybody. *maybe* JNT will LOOK at it. Fucking docusign? Really? Yet some of you idiots still cling to the delusion that mainnet will go live and all of these banks will be diving right in. Bull fucking shit.

and it's not even as if LINK is the chosen one anymore. Oracles are popping up left and right. This team is severely outclassed.

How fucking long are we supposed to hold for? Most of us are in our 20s. You get what, maybe 15 years more of prime living? And we've already pissed damn near 10% of that away, waiting for absolutely nothing. Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.9092519

Thread theme

>> No.9092595

But these digits! And this optimism!
Like the smell of rain. We're all gonna make it Bros

>> No.9092609

What the fuck did you just fucking say about ChainLink, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my crypto economics class, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret pump and dumps on BitBean, and I have over 300% confirmed gains. I am trained in gorilla fudding and I’m the top Link bagholder on etherscan. You are nothing to ChainLink but just another shitcoin. I will wipe your tokens the fuck out with losses the likes of which has never been seen before in these markets, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about Linkies over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Pajeets and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, no-linker. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your wallet. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can hack your private keys in over seven hundred ways. Not only am I extensively trained in memetics, but I have access to the entire hashpower of the blockchain and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little street shitter. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn brainlet. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.9092653

you know when ropsten is live we'll be able to publicly see all its users right?
so if any large company is interested at all they'll be testing and everyone'll see it

>> No.9092668

what makes you think companies wouldn't obfuscate their presence?

>> No.9092674

What the fuck did you just fucking say about ChainLink, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my crypto economics class, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret pump and dumps on BitBean, and I have over 300% confirmed gains. I am trained in gorilla fudding and I’m the top Link bagholder on etherscan. You are nothing to ChainLink but just another shitcoin. I will wipe your tokens the fuck out with losses the likes of which has never been seen before in these markets, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about Linkies over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Pajeets and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, no-linker. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your wallet. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can hack your private keys in over seven hundred ways. Not only am I extensively trained in memetics, but I have access to the entire hashpower of the blockchain and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little street shitter. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn brainlet. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.9092705

there's nothing behind those eyes. definitely has a touch of down syndrome

>> No.9092802
File: 152 KB, 910x608, 1512226615879 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't kept up with the project lately cause of life stuff, but I bought a fat stack of LINK during presale last September. We rose from 9 cents to 50 cents in the span of a month, and then hovered around 40 cents for a good amount of time. BTC was 4500ish or thereabouts

it's been 7 fucking months and the price is exactly the same. Periodically I check /biz/ and see the obligatory, "Tonight!" threads, or just general charting threads. Why? What the fuck are you celebrating. With the exception of the temporary bubble, this shit has been trading in the same channel for nearly a goddamn year.

And what the fuck do we have? Still no medium updates. No marketing director as promised. All of the Assblaster posts have been proven LARPs. None of the secret developments all of these Sherlock holmes autists post about have come to fruition. Not one.

Woo we get ropsten next month. You just know there will be bugs and all sorts of complications. And what about adoption? No word from SWIFT. No word from anybody. *maybe* JNT will LOOK at it. Fucking docusign? Really? Yet some of you idiots still cling to the delusion that mainnet will go live and all of these banks will be diving right in. Bull fucking shit.

and it's not even as if LINK is the chosen one anymore. Oracles are popping up left and right. This team is severely outclassed.

How fucking long are we supposed to hold for? Most of us are in our 20s. You get what, maybe 15 years more of prime living? And we've already pissed damn near 10% of that away, waiting for absolutely nothing. Jesus fucking christ

>> No.9092929

Haven't kept up with the project lately cause of life stuff, but I bought a fat stack of LINK during presale last September. We rose from 9 cents to 50 cents in the span of a month, and then hovered around 40 cents for a good amount of time. BTC was 4500ish or thereabouts

it's been 7 fucking months and the price is exactly the same. Periodically I check /biz/ and see the obligatory, "Tonight!" threads, or just general charting threads. Why? What the fuck are you celebrating. With the exception of the temporary bubble, this shit has been trading in the same channel for nearly a goddamn year.

And what the fuck do we have? Still no medium updates. No marketing director as promised. All of the Assblaster posts have been proven LARPs. None of the secret developments all of these Sherlock holmes autists post about have come to fruition. Not one.

Woo we get ropsten next month. You just know there will be bugs and all sorts of complications. And what about adoption? No word from SWIFT. No word from anybody. *maybe* JNT will LOOK at it. Fucking docusign? Really? Yet some of you idiots still cling to the delusion that mainnet will go live and all of these banks will be diving right in. Bull fucking shit.

and it's not even as if LINK is the chosen one anymore. Oracles are popping up left and right. This team is severely outclassed.

How fucking long are we supposed to hold for? Most of us are in our 20s. You get what, maybe 15 years more of prime living? And we've already pissed damn near 10% of that away, waiting for absolutely nothing. Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.9092995
File: 283 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SWIFT created their own oracle....

>> No.9093049

Uh oh, pissed stinkers incoming....

>> No.9093107

What the Fuck. I want to sell right now, so SWIFT is not going to use LINK???

>> No.9093153

Nice samefag

>> No.9093211

That's not what an oracle is.

>> No.9093280

>our team cross references data
not an oracle

>> No.9093327

No they didn't lol

>> No.9093792

Helllo there mr whales,

I was just wondering, how does it feel to know that you only have 2 months left to shake out the weak hands? How does it feel to accumulate a project with so many iron hands that it takes you this long to even gain only this little market share.
Don’t you get bored playing with yourself the whole day setting sell orders and buy orders and filling it yourself only to accumulate 100-200 linkies everytime?

Your time is ticking and I sincerely hope you enjoy the last two months, shaking out the weakhands is what I want you to do as well.

Be sure to do a test pump first to shake out swing traders before the real pump to singularity.


General Link marine

>> No.9094911

Haven't kept up with the project lately cause of life stuff, but I bought a fat stack of LINK during presale last September. We rose from 9 cents to 50 cents in the span of a month, and then hovered around 40 cents for a good amount of time. BTC was 4500ish or thereabouts

it's been 7 fucking months and the price is exactly the same. Periodically I check /biz/ and see the obligatory, "Tonight!" threads, or just general charting threads. Why? What the fuck are you celebrating. With the exception of the temporary bubble, this shit has been trading in the same channel for nearly a goddamn year.

And what the fuck do we have? Still no medium updates. No marketing director as promised. All of the Assblaster posts have been proven LARPs. None of the secret developments all of these Sherlock holmes autists post about have come to fruition. Not one.

Woo we get ropsten next month. You just know there will be bugs and all sorts of complications. And what about adoption? No word from SWIFT. No word from anybody. *maybe* JNT will LOOK at it. Fucking docusign? Really? Yet some of you idiots still cling to the delusion that mainnet will go live and all of these banks will be diving right in. Bull fucking shit.

and it's not even as if LINK is the chosen one anymore. Oracles are popping up left and right. This team is severely outclassed.

How fucking long are we supposed to hold for? Most of us are in our 20s. You get what, maybe 15 years more of prime living? And we've already pissed damn near 10% of that away, waiting for absolutely nothing. Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.9095095

Get in here boys

>> No.9095246
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>> No.9095877

Missing a zero there, buddy.