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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9087853 No.9087853 [Reply] [Original]

How do you motivate yourself to keep going to work every day? I've just made my monthly salary in 2 days of risk-free trading, with very mild swings, which didn't depend on the bullrun. I don't wanna work anymore. I'd have so much free time if I quit. Should I?

>> No.9087899

I started living in my car.
I make 3k a month and I put almost all of it into crypto.

I do it for potential future gains.

>> No.9087903

Share with us your trades Anon.

>> No.9087920

>risk-free trading
lmao yeah go ahead and quit

>> No.9087929

I just bought the dips and sold the peaks. Half of it with BTCUSDT, the other half with ETHUSDT. The later made much better profit, because eth holders tend to panicsell during crashes and then fomoing during recovery.

>> No.9087958

The risk wasn't hire than being hit by a bus on the way to work.

>> No.9088281

I feel you OP. I could be a comfy NEET right now. I had $900K in December 2017 and didn't cash out one fucking cent because I wanted to hit $1MM. I could have easily cashed out a chunk of that, quit my job for 2018 and bought a nice dip and made even more money.

Once I hit a certain threshold again in this current market I'm going to cash out around $30-40K and free myself from my job this year. It's not a particularly hard job and I have a lot of downtime, but I'm tired of feeling trapped here, waking up early, and fighting traffic every morning. I want to live.