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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9087655 No.9087655 [Reply] [Original]

Was it a scam?

>> No.9087666

It still is

>> No.9087683

Thanks for the heads up Satan.

>> No.9087684

Yes, sell quickly sir.

>> No.9087687

Still at 35c, I bought at 17c so I'm cool as long as it stays around here.

>> No.9087715

Yeah, scam scam. Sell all. Now. Fast. Hurry up. Big scam. Exit scam and sandniggered. No jCash, No SEED group. Scam scam.

>> No.9087748


>> No.9087774

Nobody wants your worthless gas token.

>> No.9087807

Say one more word about my Jibbies and I'll cunt punch your momma's piss flaps

>> No.9087871

>Delay of the delayed jwallet Beta
>Delay of the 2B exchanges into "we don't big exchanges"
>Delay of the imminent SEED group partnership Details
>Changing the whole nature of the project because they are too dumb to run simulations
>We promised a new website, but even our russian front end developers are too busy with the SEED group Meetings
>A detailed roadmap? Yeah we promised that, but you know...delayed, we will clarify everything in a medium post
>Medium post? Yeah sorry about the confusion, we changed some things.
>jBond will be completly different from jCash. Why? No answer

Should i continue?

>> No.9087916

That's it, her piss flaps are gonna look like an Arby's double stack by the time I get done with it rrreeeeeeeeeee

>> No.9087925

Was? It still is

>> No.9088055

Very fair points.

>> No.9088141

its almost like having a 27 year old kid run the company was a bad idea?

>> No.9088248

He has taken pictures with people and he looks good in them. Isn't that what crypto is really about? Wearing a nice suit and hoping people throw money at your face.

>> No.9088713

They haven't done anything so far in terms of developing

>> No.9088845

But Talal looks good in a suit though. Do you REALLY need progress?

>> No.9088924

9 am wallets yesterday 7233
9 am wallets today 7330, so an increase of 97 wallets which is large but we saw a lot of movement yesterday so it is to be expected.
I was pushed UP 9 spots in the ranking, which means bunch of you fuckas sold yesterday. Congrats if you did, hope you make bank wherever you go but fuck you at the same time.
Bibox wallet
yesterday 5,810,605
same wallet today 5,513,876 a net loss of 296,729
they are moving about 300k for the last few days and again this wallet will run out soon and we should see a major bump once that happens, unless JNT will send them more, even if they do, it doesnt matter this will be pump hard in the next couple of weeks, just basic supply and demand
Yesterday pump was insane, hopefully most of you anons are at a break even or in the green and can breath easy now. Nothing changed, this will reach a dollar at some point not too far from now. As always hodl the fuck up, lets all get rich

>> No.9088982

Nah. You are right. I want more sheikh pictures and more meetings in the SEED group office

>> No.9089012

I never understand what the fuck you are trying to say.

>> No.9089013


>> No.9089069

Not trying to say anything, just stating facts