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File: 75 KB, 1148x664, chainlink-did-a-11x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9086185 No.9086185 [Reply] [Original]

But I am afraid that I got in too early. You know what I mean? This is not a FUD thread btw. It's just to share
Sure there was a time when ETH did cost $3 each but WTF I could have joined when it was $9 and still do a assload of money from it and the raise up to $100 would have been shorter.
Jeah I know, math-jerks will say "at $3 you would have gained 3x more" but hey, I don't want to wait forever to make it happen and struggle along the way. I want to catch a running train that is in movement.
What if we discovered an oilfield but there are no cars or planes or anything out there that need to be fuled because they havent been invented yet?! Your grand grand grand children will be happy about your investment but, thats not what I live for! When will the ideal point of enterance for chainlink be?
Guesses and predictions are appreciated

>> No.9086203

$20-$50 would be a decent entry point depending on gains up to that stage on other bets.

>> No.9086215

Why are you talking like an idiot? If you want some LINK, buy. If you want to buy lower, wait, if you don’t know what’s a good entry, DCA your way in over fixed intervals, that way you can’t get mad at yourself.

What’s with the fucking narrative? LINK is dope, but it absolutely carries risks.

>> No.9086243

unironically this
there's a 99.9999% chance link is a vaporware scam, so if it ever gets to $20 this means meme magic disturbed the fabric of reality and a run up to $1k becomes possible

>> No.9086261


And that was your peak, look at the price you'r sitting right now. There will be no price action till Q3 earliest. 2 dollars max eoy.

>> No.9086362

$50 eoy

>> No.9086387

Whats the webpage

>> No.9086392
File: 100 KB, 370x269, 1390228862286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were so sure $50 was an entry point, you'd buy NOW, even at small quantities to hold long.

This thread is literally brainlet tier

>> No.9086419

can you share your math on that one

>> No.9086668
File: 164 KB, 600x722, 1524612889749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you putting your money that's so important you want to nitpick over waaaa I only made 4000x instead of 3000x :'c To get the equivalent sum is much cheaper now than if you wait until $900 to buy. If it's a problem you can give some away to hit your desired percentages. It's even tax free for the recipient if you give 14 or less in December. Per person. I bite my tongue every time I buy groceries or fill up in gas and calculate how many thousands the opportunity cost is. This would be a good way to give back to those like me who aren't so autistic in the requirements for points. 1.4k will allow me a comfy life, but it's not quite fuck the world I wipe my ass with $100 bills rich. I'm still accumulating.

>> No.9086728

I could not work for a year and get an education. Not bad!

>> No.9087013

Divide the amount of github entries by Sergey’s Big Mac consumption, then round to the nearest decimal.

>> No.9087339

What is trend confirmation

>> No.9087373


You're a fucking moron. Are you so impatient to be rich you can't wait a few more months? Pathetic.

>> No.9087399

>a few more months
what did he mean by this?

link won't be established and used by companies for ages

there's no set time for the mainnet

>> No.9087405

>What is trend confirmation
Buying high and selling low.

>> No.9087506

>Investing in oilfields before cars
Ah I see you know your assblaster well

>> No.9087527

The link network will not be mature enough to warrant any significant value increase for at least 2-3 years. Meanwhile thousands of redditors are going to get rich off of shitcoins and they will be laughing at you.

The majority of the "partners" are not partners, just theoretical customers used for presentation slides. Many such cases. Sorry guys I hold 24k but this is the truth.

>> No.9087566

Nice concern trolling faggot. Can i ask you.. what makes you so confident that legit shit coins all around us will moon making everyone else but link holders rich while link which has the potential to change everything wont do anything for several years??

>> No.9087572

>$20-$50 would be a decent entry point
No way. That would make most bizraelis half-millionaires. It will settle around $3-10 before exploding towards the singularity.

>> No.9087584

Ethereum was 1000 even when there was no dapps on it, adoption doesn't mean jack, speculation of the future does. And when people see how much money finance companies can save by using link and smart contracts it will moon. This is the truth. Don't believe the FUD boys

>> No.9087623

this 100%, IF link survives that long. There is no reason to be invested now, no pressure to buy. Put all ur $ in shit pnd stuff, take back ur initial investment, put profits in Link. Repeat for 2 years.

>> No.9087702

Ethereum has a legit use case though, it trades shit coins

>> No.9087727

>adoption doesn't mean jack, speculation of the future does
bullshit. People don't buy trx with "speculation of the future", they buy it because it gets pumped and they fomo in.
Link could literally have active connections with every major financial institution in the world and it would make zero difference. Crypto is 100% hype and pnd insta rich ponzi shit atm. Nobody is thinking long-term or speculation but linkies. Even btc futures are bs just for shorting normies.

>> No.9087948

ETH was over 3 dollars for the first time 8th of Feb 2016 and after a month later it was over 9. It broke 100 on may 20th. So OP would rather have 11x in two months than 33x in three months. Figures.

>> No.9087988

From $0.50 to $20 is 40x
From $20 to $800 is 40x

Both 40x but it's easier to go from 0.50 to 20 than 20 to 800.

>> No.9088761

Main problem for me is that I am in since post SIBOS that enabeled me to catch a pretty nice sum of LINK but I never thought I have to hold that long so now I am running out of money and bills/rent has to be payed. I knew I am not in this for the get rich quick shit but damn -I thought it would go faster.

My limit is 09/2018 with the hope of at least $3 so I can sell a little portion for rent and all the other bills....after that. I don't think LINK will below $3 EOY.


I am not impatient but running out of money.

AB had some impact on all of us.

>> No.9088763
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, 1511950906666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Waiting for a crypto to do a 100x before buying in
Never change, /biz/.

>> No.9088855

Bullshit... No reason as main net and users are made obvious later this year that Link doesn't move to $15 to $20 per.

>> No.9088918

You fucking dumb fuck. This is the reason why most of us have normies who are getting in now for a quick buck. What part of investing what you can afford did you not understand??? Jesus fucking christ

>> No.9088937

Do me a favor and dump ur bags because u don't deserve to make it if you can't be patient and learn the fucking basic fundamentals about risk management, sizing your position.

>> No.9088955

buy high sell low

>> No.9088962

You know what OP, I think you got some valid points but I am afraid that I got in too early. You know what I mean? This is not a FUD thread btw. It's just to share
Sure there was a time when ETH did cost $3 each but WTF I could have joined when it was $9 and still do a assload of money from it and the raise up to $100 would have been shorter.
Jeah I know, math-jerks will say "at $3 you would have gained 3x more" but hey, I don't want to wait forever to make it happen and struggle along the way. I want to catch a running train that is in movement.
What if we discovered an oilfield but there are no cars or planes or anything out there that need to be fuled because they havent been invented yet?! Your grand grand grand children will be happy about your investment but, thats not what I live for! When will the ideal point of enterance for chainlink be?
Guesses and predictions are appreciated