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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9085056 No.9085056 [Reply] [Original]

I am rich, and my life is empty.
What the fuck do you do all day when you have more money than all your peers combined?

Be me:

> Wake up at 6-7 AM
> Watch Youtube, browse the internet
> Spend 2 hours at the library with my laptop (now here)
> Have breakfast at some decent restaurant
> Head home, smoke weed., browse the internet
> Go lift some heavy weights
> Go home, sleep for an hour
> Go eat dinner in some fancy restaurant (sometimes with friends)
> Hope some friends aren't too exhausted from wagecucking so they can hang out.
> If I am lucky, hang out 2 hours, talk over the most boring bullshit.
> Go to sauna or have a massage if nobody is willing to hang out.
> Watch Netflix until I am too bored, jack off 3 times or so
> Sleep

Then do the same shit again, haven't skipped a day in a year or so.
I even got a second apartment now, so I have some variance and can do this shit in another city.

I mean, I like this money but when does it become less like groundhog day?

>> No.9085074


how u get rich?

>> No.9085090

There's more to life than a millionaire guy who does sit ups all day and has a few friends

Full Happiness is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.
The purpose of life is to find your purpose.

The purpose of Elon Musk is to build an electric car, go to mars, enable space travel.

What is yours?

>> No.9085105

Move country. My life is like yours with a few key differences:

-Live in japan
-Fuck a new 7-10/10 hot girl with age varying from 18-34 depending on my current mood every other day or so.
-visit random and fun places when bored.

There is literally no down sides. All my friends back home are wage cucking and married to ugly ugly women with awful children.

>> No.9085109

I watch hentai

>> No.9085118

yeah i get what you're going through. you need to find a passion, something you can do daily and improve in. be it something in business, creatively or altruistic.

>> No.9085119

It cant be that easy, are you rich

>> No.9085128

True patrician tbqh

>> No.9085136

Nice, how much do I need cashed out to do this.

>> No.9085146

Get a hobby that is really fulfilling for you and strive to perfect it.

>> No.9085148

Just bought 100k yen

>> No.9085149

Some ideas:
Own a business you enjoy
Become a celebrity or make Youtube Videos
Go into politics.
Have sex with girls.
Have a family and kids.

>> No.9085150

>tfw manage to save up a grand
Hey son we cant make ends meet this month well pay you back asap. Family businesses and being a poorfag sucks. So Gratz on making it m8s.

>> No.9085189

Never. Normalfags aren't really meant to have the freedom money affords them. Most of the population is meant to be ruled, they can't find meaning unless it is granted from an external force. Why do you think the findom fetish is so popular? Without struggle, simple minds go crazy.

>> No.9085204

I cashed out half of my total. Paid enough tax to secure the money for an investment visa here and alot of cash in localbitcoins. Teamed up with an old local friend who had a good idea for a business. He does that, I get a monthly cut and to sit about. Ended up working out very well. I was planning to do freelance for something to do but its surprising how much fun it is to be shallow.

I'm average to fair looking, will probably move to Thailand or some paradise beach and do it over again when I get too old to play with Japanese girls. I can't see that happening anytime soon though, they don't care much.

>> No.9085247
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Fug, I was there on vacation and really enjoyed it. If I can 10x my current stack I want to go back for longer vacations or consider relocating for a bit.

>> No.9085250


Inheritance + investing a large amount of it in Crypto, stocks and gold


Trying to find a hobby or passion is pretty hard when there is no incentive. Feels like I have tried so much. Somewhere I am starting to understand how millionaires end up living the "millionaire" lifestyle, because there seems to be little else to do when you truly have a huge amount of money to just play with.


It's sad really. Most people don't know that I am rich, so I am still around that wagecuck talk when I am around friends. I never realized how much of a slave the general population was.

>> No.9085393
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Instead of slacking around, spend all that time to improve yourself.

Use pic related as map of guidance for your research and apply the stuff you find. I can promise you, there is nearly an infinite amount of things for you yet to discover.

You really do not know yet, what the application of modern science can achieve.

Then also start a business or a charity, you need some purpose to fill your time and there is so much evil in this world.

>> No.9085420
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Also look at Spiral Dynamics model by Prof. Clare W. Graves, there really is some sort of a natural progression ladder for the human condition.

>> No.9085448

Where are you from, OP?

>> No.9085451


Thanks, seems worthwhile to look into.

>> No.9085481

Have you considered travelling?

>> No.9085483

I find it absolutely unbelievable that you could live like this. Wtf is wrong with you? When I finally make it, I know I’ll be living my best life. If I were you I would go backpacking and stay in hostels all around the world. You can meet lots of people and make friends that way. I can’t ubderstand just sitting at home watching tv all day, sounds boring as fuck when you could be exploring coral reefs, deserts, rainforests and the great cities of the world. I’m glad I’m not like you.

>> No.9085506

Just start building a robot army or something idk

>> No.9085507

I recently flew to Moscow, took a rickety train through russia to mongolia and china. Chilled a few weeks on thailand. It was pretty valuable for me to step out of my comfort zone and interact with people from a different culture. Oh and chinese people want to take your photo all the time

>> No.9085524

You should try combining hobby with business. There must be some thing you actually enjoy doing, rock climbing, gaming, anything really.

Since you find it sort of meaningless to just engage in these to engage, if you turn it into a business you can engage in these to achieve. You have money but you don't have power.

There's a lot of joy in exercising power. Lets say you enjoy rock climbing, you could start a competitive rock climbing tournament. Since you have capital, there's room for error, room for mistakes to learn, this should let you fail until you succeed. Eventually, you will have a truly successful rock climbing event that people want to attend, at this point you have power. Since you have capital, you can outsource the boring minutae to managing directors and only do the fun stuff, like firing bad employees or making it a condition that hot rock climbing chicks suck your donger before they get to enter the contest.

Utilizing power is the only truly enjoyable thing there is.

>> No.9085530


A couple of years ago I would have found it unbelievable as well. But I doubt that most people understand the (both positive and negative) emotional and mental impact of suddenly getting so much money. I am still trying to come to terms with it, things have been feeling quite surreal ever since I became rich.


Yeah I definitely should travel more. But I don't really enjoy traveling alone that much, I just end up holed in a hotel doing the same shit I already do. So who do I take along?

>> No.9085535
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>transhuman concepts

>> No.9085543

This. I always preach to never achieve all your goals because you're lost as fuck after you do.

>> No.9085554

>when does it become less like groundhog day?

it doesn't

welcome to the realisation that life is pointless.

>> No.9085558

Hostels are your friend, don't stay in hotels. You can start in SEA, hop from hostel to hostel. Unless you have issues communicating with people you'll find people who want to travel with you. There are quite some folks out there that travel around and decide last minute where they fly to next.

>> No.9085581

why is everyone into traveling, specifically abroad? I can meet people and fuck around in my city/country, why the fuck would I do it with some pajeets.
It may be nice for a getaway with someone but that's it.
Explain this travel fags

>> No.9085583

Do you speak Japanese? If so what level of fluency and how did you learn it? I'm interested in doing this too

>> No.9085594

become a serial killer

>> No.9085611

because it's fun to walk on the chinese wall, travel to thailand and fuck a 20 year old norwegian backpacker slut.

>> No.9085620

How the fuck am i meant to read this? Why are there two triangles but only one set of headings?

>> No.9085621

Sorry to say but you sound like a lonely person. I was having fun before I made money and I'm having 100x more fun after. The only thing it enabled me to do was to actually go where I want and do what I want. Are you telling me there aren't things you want to do in this world? if so thats fucking sad.

The sooner you realise that other peoples (AKA the media) hangups and justifications for doing the same boring mundane shit they do all their life don't matter to you the better.

>> No.9085635

Nigga your day seems so dull, it's no surprise at all that you have nothing to talk about with your friends.

Start a business that changes the world even a little bit (for the better, obv).

Maybe then your life will be fuller and the research/journey up until you make that business profitable will be the best part anyway.

You enjoy surfing the intrawebs? Then make something out of it.

Having this great resource and using it just for mental masturbation is the biggest sin of our time.

>> No.9085646

If you like nature documentaries or pretty pictures of landscapes you see on your computer then travelling to enjoy different ecosystems is awesome. Fucking shut ins, I hate you all. I can understand not caring about meeting people in hostels or whatever but how can you not appreciate the wind on your skin, the warm sea, the view from the top of a mountain?

>> No.9085672

being out of your comfort zone does something to your brain. you'll meet and hang out for someone for a day or two and still think about them years later. small cultural gap also obsificates NEETdom for those who want a fresh start

>> No.9085682

> Are you telling me there aren't things you want to do in this world? if so thats fucking sad.

Pretty much, yes. Sad indeed. It's like I am floating in limbo, at least I am not depressed. I didn't have much aspirations before I got into money. I did want to make money. But now that I have more than I can reasonably spend I kind of blasted through my only goal.

> Maybe then your life will be fuller and the research/journey up until you make that business profitable will be the best part anyway.
> You enjoy surfing the intrawebs? Then make something out of it.

Thanks anon, actually. You just gave me something to think about.

>> No.9085700

fucking this, i'm a shut in with few friends and a small social circle but i take good care of myself. when i travel abroad everybody thinks i'm a chad

pretty sad desu

>> No.9085701

To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.

Find a goal OP, work and suffer to attain that goal, improve yourself everyday to be closer to your goal, only then will life have meaning.

>> No.9085719

I guess if you are into sightseeing and historical shit it can be fun but I'm not into it that much and my country has some stuff like that. In addition, I also have hot foreign sluts in my city all the time, so I guess it isn't for me
I have good landscapes in my town so I'm kind of used to it/gets old quickly. Meeting people is definitely fun but there are sluts from all over the world in a nearby city so it seems to much work to travel for it

>> No.9085722

I also travel alone everywhere and the trick to having fun is to plan things to do when you're in the country or just have a friend in that location who knows what to do. You don't need to have a strict plan, just do some research of what is happening while you're over there or what is fun to do other than the big things. I found i had the most fun when i was in a place where people were just chilling in seemingly mundane places with a slight twist Eg a cool 2nd hand clothes shop and a cafe that had something to do other than just drink coffee or eat food.

>> No.9085737

In regards to finding a hobby or passion you just need to pick something and persue it relentlessly. After a reasonable amount of time you can ask yourself if you actually enjoy it or not. Your money gives you the luxury to pick anything and change as much as you like. Use it!

I personally have enough family money to do nothing and live very comfortably. But doing nothing is boring. I love my 'wage slave' job. Im a surgeon in training. Shit is cash and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

>> No.9085751

Read the biggest book in the world, THE INTERNET, buy a ticket to anywhere in the world explore the culture, realise that consumerism isn't everything and then rinse repeat

>> No.9085756

I agree, it's awesome meeting new people randomly and fucking around but I feel like can do that in my city, foreign or not. I've had that feeling you're describing and never traveled anywhere

>> No.9085774

>I have good landscapes in my town so I'm kind of used to it/gets old quickly.
Jesus Christ, do you have the Sahara desert in your town? Do you have the Great Barrier Reef? Do you have the Swiss alps? I don’t think so. If you think the whole world is exactly the same as your shitty pointless town full of nobodies then I don’t know what to say.

>> No.9085793

Yo can you please reply to my other post? I was just in Japan recently and I liked the girls there but I don't speak Japanese. Do you speak it? If so what fluency level and how did you learn it? I'm keen to do what you're doing now for a bit desu

>> No.9085811

Start up a drone business. Delivery, precision ag, private investigation. Thinking of this myself.

>> No.9085812


>> No.9085885

Don’t donate to charity, donate to individual people. A charity won’t remember your donation for maybe more than a few years. An individual person will remember it for a lifetime.

I might be biased considering I’m dealing with the impending loss of my cat, but fuck, if a random Anon donated to me for her surgery, I’d fucking break out crying of gratefulness.

>> No.9085926


Yeah, transhumanism is best humanism.

When coupled with some meaningful philosophy like Eudaimonism (derived from Aristotle) - not the meaningless kike transhumanism with muh AI brain upload.

>> No.9085949 [DELETED] 

If you have more than what you can do with, help me to teach fulltime and worldwide the importance of being and compassionate to all of life

>> No.9086076

I don't speak much japanese. I dabbled in a language course but have no interest in actually learning it for anything other than communication with some early twenties females who are too shy / dumb to speak english. My business partner is japanese and fluent in English.

>> No.9086098

I wish i was rich like you man. I would be so happy being a neet vaping weed and eating kratom while playing video games all day.

>> No.9086106

Ty for replying. So how do you communicate with the Jap chicks? In English? Or are they not Japs?

>> No.9086181

get a hobby you boring fuck

>> No.9086286

Help other people. Thats what most seriously rich people do atleast.

>> No.9086418

You are also a slave.

>> No.9086444

find a hobby and start working out. Travel to some other country and just explore. You will meet new people.

>> No.9086462

some people just arent happy no matter what their circumstance. even if you had what you wanted youd just find something else to bother you. its endless.

>> No.9086485

you're literally asking the question of how do I /life/

everyone human is trying to work it out but the question gets obfuscated by the need to work to earn money to survive. you're in a purer position to figure it out than most people.

>> No.9086503

It is frustrating to read these kind of things.

Don't get me wrong. You seem like a nice guy, it is just that you have no motivation to improve, or at least do something else. If I were you, I'd start travelling, meeting new people, developing my hobbies... Instead of that here I am, in a small rented house, trying to not be a homeless, and putting my hopes in the $1k I have in crypto, and dreaming with a better future for my parents (I could transform this is in a beggar thread, but I think you deserve better).

You have the tools to be happy, start using them properly.

>> No.9086505

Its a reason why multi millionaires and billionaires have jobs. Because all that free time gets old fast. And humans often become neurotic (anxiety, depression) when they don't have anything to do

Either start a business or join one for the social aspect

>> No.9086537

Like >>9085105 I moved to Japan and bought a nice traditional house in Tokyo to live in.

I work 18 hours a week for the sake of my visa. I also work on dream projects - I have a PhD, a recording contract and a 3-book publishing deal. (This makes me pretty identifiable but I doubt anybody cares enough.)

In my spare time I trade crypto, play video games and go to tourist attractions. Sometimes I go to the movies. Working on my novels takes a lot of time. I'm also in a 10-year relationship.

I really don't see how you can be bored. There's so much to see and do in the world.

>> No.9086609

Maybe if you weren't literally the most boring fucker I've ever heard of then you could enjoy your life of luxury. But no, you're still on here complaining. Here's an idea: Kill yourself and give me all your life savings, I'll actually put them to good use instead of being some useless faggot.

>> No.9086613

How much did you pay for the investor visa?

>> No.9086628

>I work 18 hours a week for the sake of my visa
What kind of easy jobs like this are there for foreigners?

>> No.9086874

I write English exam papers and proofread for a financial institution. Teaching English is also a very easy option anyone can do.

>> No.9086890

>> Hope some friends aren't too exhausted from wagecucking so they can hang out.

Find a way to make their lifes a little better. Maybe they have dreams and visions - for a business - and you can help it gets true.

btw Stop pott (for at least 6 weeks)

>> No.9086896

>talk over the most boring shit

Shows you're Dutch

>> No.9086946

Why aren't you fucking whores 6 days a week? What is the point of having money if it's not to buy women? You could buy 10 Apartments, but if you're not using them to fuck women in, then what's the point? you buy cars to put women inside. you buy homes to put women inside. you buy boats to put women inside. does anyone really give a fuck about eating good food? There's literally nothing that matters in life except pussy.

>> No.9087022
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you could help a man whos trying to get his shitty life fixed and spend some btc..

>> No.9087038

Mentor your friends into also having higher money so you can do things together. Start a business with them. Go kayaking. Idfk.

But tell us how you got rich first.

>> No.9087049

A man works not just for a living.
But for living.

>> No.9087075

It's the 9 circles of hell

>> No.9087196

>Start a business with them
I don't know if this is a good idea. Friendship and money are not concepts that work well together.

>> No.9087236

start painting trains

>> No.9087267

if there is a professional "manager" between them, then it is not impossible.
Let a friend work for you, you will always have trouble. The same goes with people who suddenly have to much power/responsibility.

>> No.9087403

Thanks for the info, how much should you have to sustain this lifestyle? 500k?

>> No.9087439 [DELETED] 

i'm also a millionaire op ($3.5m+).
only 'made it' about 6 months ago.
also have no real friends/connections.

maybe we could help each other come up with something worthwhile to do?

hit me up: bizionaire@outlook.com

>> No.9087458

i'm also a millionaire op ($3.5m+).
only 'made it' about 6 months ago.
also have no real friends/connections.

maybe we could help each other come up with something worthwhile to do?

hit me up: bizionaire@outlook.com

>> No.9087483

how do you nail the japanese girls?
the average japanese doesn't speak english at all, no? how do you hit on them?

>> No.9087605


Your problem is that you don't have a fucking mission. Stop being a consumist NPC.

>> No.9087613
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Start using harder drugs.

>> No.9087621

That would likely do it. The most important part is buying a house mortgage-free. Living in Japan without paying rent is very affordable.

>> No.9087703

I would just draw, paint and learn piano, things that I always wanted to do but cannot because wageslaving takes up most of my time.

Just sucks, if I don't make it im just gonna kms

You should consider yourelf lucky.

>> No.9087820

Spend time cultvating yourself i.e.
>Hire private tutor for learning an instrument
>Go explore new hobby's; Rock climbing?
>Go to musicals and Opera's
etc etc

Start doing something is what I'm saying.

>> No.9087906


An idea for OP, what about investing/researching life extension that might actually do interesting things with their lifes? You're clearly not going to leave a mark, but you could allow for the people that might leave a (good) mark on this world to live longer in order to be productive for a longer time.

Get on it!

>> No.9087921


>> No.9088057
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I would buy a piece of land and start growing my own food. Between that and cooking it there wont be much time for uselessness

>> No.9088066

Setup some non-profit to help homeless people. You lack purpose, helping others truly in need will provide meaning to your life.

>> No.9088750

that peasant quiet life. Remember to pay tributes to your king.

>> No.9088919
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Start using some cool drugs
Just don't do opioids or opiates, only use benzos to be able to sleep after stimulants or psychedelics or rather don't use them at all, don't mix them with alcohol
You can start with 2c-b or mdma
Later try lsd or the legal variants 1p-lsd or ald-52 (only use psychedelics if you don't have mental illness in your family)
You can ask me anything about drugs

>> No.9088991

Head to /out/ and learn how to have an adventure.

Also stop saying you're rich, never show your powerlevel.

>> No.9089211

You still there? I know virtually nothing but want to do some of easy to obtain hallucinogenic drugs to do in a field/woods. Basically my question, what plants/seeds can anyone buy that are legal and are relatively easy to turn into drugs? Doesn't even have to be hallucinations, just feel amazing or whatever

>> No.9089744

Use your wealth to dabble in people's lives like other rich people.

>> No.9089884

Where do you live?
You can buy grow kits (shrooms) from zamnesia.nl or truffles from magic-truffels.nl if you live in europe
Otherwise I'd recommend research chemicals, you can buy from lysergi.com if you're in america and eurochems.net in europe (they also send to the US but customs is a thing)
If you're going for RC's I recommend ALD-52, it tends to be easier to handle than LSD and 1P-LSD

>> No.9090160


Make life about going to the gym and working out to max potential. Regardless of money, everything else will fall into place over time. And stop smoking weed when you're in such a shitty mind set.

>> No.9090311

I went to Korea, banged trannies and a Russian girl. When I wasn't having sex, I was drinking and partying.

It cost me $3000 for a month of sex and partying.