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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 36 KB, 800x1035, muhresume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
90840 No.90840[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>would you hire me?
>resume critiques
>help a neet out thread

Post your anonymous resumes and let us bash it down so you'll land that fucking job and stop being a neet

>> No.90907

put education on top and get rid of the objective

>> No.90914
File: 7 KB, 194x259, le trash man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90928

I will second the getting rid of objective. You really don't need to say that shit

>> No.90929


>> No.90984

also, more colour, that design looks really boring, and you won't get noticed at all.

>> No.90989


Into the trash it goes

>> No.91007

Don't forget to change the font to comic sans, too

>> No.91002

I'd keep the objective, but move the education higher.

The summary of experience is too long and too general. You saw hundreds of patients? That's bullshit, you should see hundreds in less than five workdays. Talk about how prestigious your workplace was and how lucky they will to have you.

>bilingual and can code webpages
The bilingual is impressive the webwork is not so much. If you can show how these skills either helped at the last job (korean patients) or managing a webpage then its good.

Its unfocused and general. You literally wrote that you can chew bubblegum and wipe your ass. You can meet your minimum requirements but are you actually a rockstar?

>> No.91013
File: 32 KB, 638x873, m8uwot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91040

lel get back to morrisons pleb
your shift manager needs his nappy changed

>> No.91043

>smart motivated responsible
Overused buzzwords for something that is already the minimum.

Margret Thacher said that if you have to tell people you're a lady, you aren't. If you have to tell somebody you're smart, motivated and responsible...figure it out.

>> No.91080

trash can

what would you say you actually...do... here?

>> No.91095

>having interests other than golfing
Utter failure

>> No.91103

> smart
> gets a D in art
> only one A

>> No.91123
File: 207 KB, 1411x912, 1392928525833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw shit gpa
tfw no related work experience
tfw no research
tfw no references
tfw into the trash it goes

>> No.91216

Disagree. Objective it always a must. And whether or not to have education or work experience first depends on which one is more current and relevant.

>> No.91296

No its redundant. The employer already knows what position youre applying for. Plus the objective is already in the CV.

objective is only helpful if you were at like a career fair handing resumes out to everyone and not applying to any specific position.

>> No.91301

When you hand a resume to an employer, your objective in doing so is perfectly fucking clear. If you want to put in 'life objective' then be my guest, but putting in "I WANT THE JOB YOU'RE OFFERING" just makes you look like a mouthbreathing retard

>> No.91336


I'd hire you as a janitor.

>> No.91339

Ok, I see the confusion because I didn't read OP's CV thoroughly. Objective/summary is important at the top. However, in the OP's post it's poorly written. It shouldn't be "I want to apply for you because xxx". A good CV starts with an objective/summary of about 1-2 lines saying who you are, what you can do, and what you want to do in the future.

>> No.91368

lolz terrible grades

>> No.91371
File: 56 KB, 800x900, this is your home now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HTML, CSS, Javascript

>> No.91390

Does anyone have a good resume? These are seriously weak as shit

>> No.91432

Mine is pretty nice, but I would have to blank out a lot of it for privacy reasons, so what would remain wouldn't be helpful unfortunately...

>> No.91429
File: 214 KB, 612x792, 5435143636_292c8ae082_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.91444

blank it out and post it, change stuff around like

>> No.91572
File: 69 KB, 375x523, 1388506584736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I suppose to put on this resume if I have no prior work experience?

I got no skills either.

Plus I never volunteered for anything.....at all.

All I can really put down is that I went to x high school and currently attending y college. Just how fucked am I? Any ideas on how I can bullshit this to make it look halfway decent?

>> No.91584


Easy - Lie. Just lie trivially enough they won't waste their time verifying.

>> No.91589

post your resume and put your class projects like finals and whatnot if it's big and legit

>> No.91599



>> No.91607


>> No.91630

That doesn't really work though. I have a good looking resume because:

* I went to a top name school
* I took a prestigious internship at an extremely well-regarded company
* My on-campus work is impressive because of what I do and the specific program I do it with
* The results my side projects have generated

I sure as shit wouldn't want to be identified as posting on 4chan. In order to anonymize my resume I would have to gut it of all the things which make it good.

>> No.91666

Pretty much mine as well is like that. Most things on it are pretty specific.

>> No.91658


If I'm a male, should I include that I'm a feminist in my resume?

Wouldn't this tell employers I've an instinctual sense for justice, equality and will always do the right thing.

I'm a freelance ruby engineer but im looking for PM positions

>> No.91669

cocky much?

>> No.91687


If its a predominantly female company or female lead you might want to tell then you're sexually submissive too so they know they've an obedient beta around the office

>> No.91688

Have you seen the resumes that have been posted so far? Seems like we're setting a pretty low bar here.

>> No.91700

>putting grades for individual classes

>> No.91712

haha, i was just being jelly. you prob earned your accomplishments rightfully, congrats.

unless youre daddy helped you with everything, then fuck you

>> No.91787

>all those grades

Dude, if the company really gave a shit about your grades then you ought to bring them, or they'll get your signature for your approval to retrieve them.

It's just a waste of space for real resume shit.

>> No.91836

The ability to manufacture water at neither a profit nor loss.

But a profit would be nice.

You would win so many prizes and entitlements for this.

>> No.91867

>these resumes

Well, at least now I can feel much better about myself.

>> No.91885

>being made because people are born into middle/upper class and they're parents pay for they're university

>> No.91897
File: 91 KB, 818x958, resume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine. I improved it after the thread yesterday.

>> No.91954

i got a full scholarship to my uni,so i dont need mommy and daddy to help

>> No.91968
File: 37 KB, 500x2000, 1392933030403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate may resume. I have gotten into several lucrative positions with it.

>> No.92142

how can i improve mine? theres tons of chem e here so any help/bashing would be aprreciated

>> No.92164

Resume should never be more than one page. Are you writing a CV or resume?

>> No.92184

the first page is a cover letter

>> No.92210

>Those grades
Man, if I were in a fucking coffin in a graveyard I'd probably still be hired over you and I have 0 work experience apart from some part time job/freelancing experiences.

>> No.92214

I've never sent in a resume/CV. All good places to work have online application forms.

>> No.92337

>Personal skills
= you're a MMO playing nerd

>> No.93119

looks kinda boring/generic with the white spaces on the left
it would get lost in the electronic pile though

see the format here:

>> No.94668

Where would you put things like fraternity involvement or marching band?

>> No.94677
File: 2.01 MB, 211x158, 1Hheq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw people actually believe this

>> No.94685

>worrying about a resume

Step 1: Get shitty job.
Step 2: Be very fucking productive.
Step 3: Get better shitty job.
Step 4: Repeat until death.

>> No.94687

>good goyim

>> No.94693

Fill up employment gaps with volunteer experience even if it's made up. Shit, you don't even need a gap to do that.

>> No.94714


It works for me. I don't want to be a manager, and I don't ever want to work more than 40 hours a week. I've never been fired and I've never been poor. I've also never been stressed about work. It's easier (and better, IMO) to start making money outside of work than to try to get an elite job.

>> No.94721

My overall GPA is less than ideal. If I only write my in-major GPA will employers know in hiding something?

>> No.94730

Don't put your GPA on unless you did really well. If it's not important to the job, it won't matter if you have a high one (and a low one will hurt you) and if it is important then they will ask you and you can tell them.

>> No.94735

Don't put your gpa at all.

>> No.94770

>Easy - Lie.

Do not do this under any circumstances when applying for government jobs. They will check and verify everything you put down on your resume.

>> No.96285
File: 48 KB, 800x1035, muhgenericmecheresume2014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.96302


Where'd this template come from? I've used it and gotten shit loads of job offers but I kind of want the original.

My resume includes a bunch of programming in a specific niche so it doesn't matter if it looks like shit. Recruiters on DICE mine that shit hard.

>> No.96357

Why would you put a GPA on your resume if it wasn't really good? It's not like an obligation to put it on there, most people don't AFAIK

>> No.96377

I do but it wouldn't make much sense with my personal information removed so I can't post it

people in this thread should learn InDesign or at least basic formatting, these all look like trash. at least that would distract from the content

also everyone already knows what your objective is and no one cares about irrelevant work experience, irrelevant hobbies or your shitty GPA

>> No.96556

Bump, someone post some decent resumes so I can shamelessly steal your ideas

>> No.96652

none of you list years you worked for companies performing certain duties

none of you have letters of recommendation

none of you have real work experience outside of your shitty for profit school

>> No.96655


This is the only one I cared to open.


Congrats, you got the job.

>> No.96659

I'm in deep
Anyone have books they recommand on job search?
Also how to hide the fact I haven't work in 2 years?

>> No.96669

why would you put a letter of rec in a resume

>> No.96684
File: 295 KB, 811x1049, jVEWav5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck are you guys doing? Get your shit together.

>> No.96711
File: 5 KB, 225x225, xx2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.96717

I'm currently working at Google. By all means, keep posting, your tears are delicious.

>> No.96724
File: 23 KB, 300x400, trashman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not proficient in BSD, Hurd, Solaris
>scheme/lisp not listed
I hope you know where this resume is going.

>> No.96741
File: 24 KB, 262x332, 1346903610028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>works at google
>getting mad at 4chan

You have a serious inferiority complex, good god.

>> No.96739

>working at Google
Keep deluding yourself friend.

>> No.96745
File: 26 KB, 300x265, nørds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.96753

keep it in one page fag

>> No.96762
File: 129 KB, 549x659, 1392966621992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about me guys

>> No.96766

>GPA/SAT scores listed
Straight into the trash




>> No.96794
File: 162 KB, 1391x890, resume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please be gentle :DDD

>> No.96800


you jelly bro

>> No.96801

I would have never expected shitposting and resumes to go hand in hand.

>> No.96822

Just wanted to get your thoughts on a matter for resume - I graduated last year B.Eng, and uni gives honours based off an average over 12 subjects / 32.

First class / upper second / lower second / third class. so my average marks (sorts like gpa) were .07 off first class honours, which is 1 / 1200 marks away from highest honours. Is there anyway i can get away with saying this without being awkward. At the moment i just have B.Eng (with upper second class honours). Thoughts?

>> No.96835

>work experience
>no pointless objective or interests no one cares about

This niggas got it figured out.

>> No.96836

No, objective makes you sound like a kid.

>> No.96837

way, way too dense

>> No.96839

>High school 2006-2008
>1 Certificate (Computer Networking) 2009
>2009-2014 NEET
>Age 20

Gib any job pls

>> No.96846

Calling bullshit.

>> No.96851

Say you took 2 gap years / stayed at home to take care of sick mom

>> No.96864

Good placement of content, but I'd try to fix up the formatting. Like the line-spacing in the Skills & Awards section, and the line-spacing between company names and descriptions.

Would also add more numbers to your job descriptions. For some reason employers love that shit.

>> No.96878

Probably not? If it's feasible (and depending on the standard in your region, it may not be), leave off mention of honors, just put the raw score. Let that get brought up during interviews.

If you have to leave second-class honors in, then bite the bullet and do it. Live up to your grade, and again, bring it up in interviews. You'll get screened out for some jobs, but at least you'll be a stellar candidate for those that you get interviews for.

>> No.96880

>lists a 2280 SAT
Unless you got a 2400 no one gives a shit.

>> No.96888

Great ibanking resume, but WTF is going on with your margins? Add a bit more room in there.

Also, try using formatting other than a simple unordered list. The fact that you're using so many nested lists is hurting your resume.

>> No.96900

>>>All core courses
>Calculus 1-3 not core courses
>DLD not core course
>Electronics not core courses
>LS not core course
>Circuits not core courses
>ODEs not core course
>"Discrete math" not core course

What shit hole college do you go to?

Also a 16bit ALU in verilog is not impressive and delete GNU from Make

>> No.96904

- No work experience? Club activities?
- Just call it "Project Experience", no one wants to read the long title
- IMO shift the bullet points in
- Break up technical skills into Office Suite (or Productivity) and actual tech skills (all the other programs)
- No point showing off "PowerPoint" in resume

>> No.96905
File: 82 KB, 500x546, 1391921590551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

objective bullshit is only good if you are giving your resume to a school, and the resume is very specific
other than that is completely unessesary

>> No.96908
File: 324 KB, 640x828, ku-xlarge[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be to hard on me. I'm fragile.

>> No.96914

Get a standard format like everyone else. Employers hate atypical formats.

>> No.96916

>No foreign language or programming skills

into the trash

>> No.96926

>this guy got an internship at ibm while I'm a homeless NEET
Kill me.

>> No.96931

Should you actually list languages you know? I'm fluent in 12 languages, should I list them all?

>> No.96935

- Overall great layout/content, but layered bullet points is a big no-no.
- You basically do nothing but IBD. Even IF you're interviewing for IBD, you will have nothing else to talk about. Put some damned club activities in there, shorten your IBD descriptions.
- Fix up tenses under Service Experience. Even if it's " - Present", put it in past tense. It makes no sense, but it's more pleasing to the eye.

>> No.96941 [DELETED] 
File: 394 KB, 778x1018, jillette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Into the trash! XD XD XD

>> No.96949

Just make that name an autoban.

>> No.96946


i think his second section is about building schools and shit in foreign countries

>> No.96952

Then he should spend more time talking about that. As it is, it's 75% IBD, with some footnotes about service.

Ideally you want a variety of things to talk about.

>> No.96953

Too tightly packed together

>> No.96960

it's a cover letter dumbass

>> No.96964

>All this lack of experience

No wonder you guys are neets

>> No.96970

>Can't get experience without a job

>> No.96972 [DELETED] 
File: 277 KB, 1200x2400, 1392927209868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try to keep up ɛ( º ͜ఎº)ɜ

>> No.96979 [DELETED] 

into the trash! XD XD XD XD XD

>> No.97190

I was the valedictorian from my high school but haven't done anything in the 2 years since I graduated, how can I best market myself to an employer?

>> No.97205

epic post sir :^)

>> No.100126

i had one hearty lol at this m8

>> No.100147
File: 99 KB, 400x386, 1354825513807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't get experience without a job
>can't get a job without experience
What do, /biz/?

>> No.100161

If not in school, go back to school.

Get job in school.

>> No.100184

are you actually able to use matlab?

>> No.100200

>applying to universities
>decide to go into co-op program since I don't have any work experience (for when I get a "real" job after graduating)
>accepted into electrical engineering, end up near the top of my class
>can't get a co-op job

>> No.100241

Get connections and get a job from your connections.

>> No.100231

Someone to refer you really helps.
They also let you know when openings might be coming up.
I only got my first job through a connection.

>> No.100346

>Junior without any experience or internships
>Resume is just my school info and basic descriptions of the stuff I've done in my classes

Welp, Im fucked

>> No.100467

Fucking alche
Currently doing research on algae to biofuel tech and their website is such a fucking piece of trash

>> No.100506

To be fair, it can be considered a clever move. This is a resume any HR person would NEVER forget. And his skills are good.

Creativity > formalism

>> No.100549


>IT literate

Say IT "proficient"

>> No.100560
File: 43 KB, 423x477, yupisadedeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I worked at Target during college
>tfw pretty easy job with decent pay
>tfw most of the girls that worked and shopped there were hot
>tfw Target offered me an executive position once I graduated
>tfw making $60,000 a year doing a job that is easier and less stressful then the job I had when I started at Target
>tfw when I majored in English

While you losers were studying like faggots for engineering classes I was busy getting laid. Now I have a decent job and you faggots are tying to make resumes but you have no job experience so no one wants to hire you. Maybe if you losers had friends and connections you could get a job. You losers also have to compete with Indians and Chinese that are willing to work for a whole lot less. Moral of the story is work smarter not harder.

>> No.100686

I did that for fours years after university then I happened to get a job somehow by pure luck after barely leaving my house for years, in the meantime.

>What do, /biz/?
Watch chinese cartoons, drink heavily and masturbate.

>> No.100779

this is actually pretty cool, and would probably impress employers.

>> No.100996
File: 1016 KB, 350x250, 1392844856788.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>this guy got an internship at ibm
Are you fucking serious?
As a janitor, right?

>> No.101014
File: 42 KB, 672x868, lame resume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My resume is shit and does more harm than good and I know it

>only work experience and references are worthless
>volunteer experience is barely relevant
>GPA isn't worth noting

At least I still have 2 years of college to make connections and have my name slapped on some big projects. At the time being I can't even get a simple job to pay rent.

>> No.101022

Oh, it's in the descriptions, I was just reading "pony stats".
Wow fuck me, this faggot god damn. But he's done some worthwhile stuff so I guess he can get away with something like this.

>> No.101031



>> No.101562
File: 238 KB, 722x911, neetresume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-updated resume format, less tight and much easier to read
-hide the 2.8 gpa, although a recruiter once said to show your gpa if it's less than 3 otherwise the think it's worst than my 2.8
-emphasis my class projects since i have no work experiences to show up for it

will this warrant an interview at least?

>> No.102064

- Take out objective, make "Projects" a separate section from "Education". Put relevant coursework under Education.
- Shift skills to bottom
- More spacing/clearer formatting under Volunteer Activities.

I'd also make the formatting between "Projects" and "Volunteer Activities" more consistent.

>> No.104177
File: 144 KB, 740x941, biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a phone call, interview and offer for internship on the same day with this just today. I'm fucking ecstatic.


>> No.104307

Grats looks like that layout is a winner


>> No.104729

Good for you! What line of work?

>> No.104901

Haven't done anything as in total NEET? What type of job are we talking here?

>> No.104975

Way too vague. You've got a lot of bullets on that, but no details. Things like "organized" and "analyzed" don't really mean much.

For example:
>Prepared, conducted, and analyzed data collected from clinical studies

Would be better written if you said something like "Prepared clinical data using X software/tool and analyzed to discover/compare Y data."

I don't exactly work in HR, but from my experiences, hiring managers are usually looking for specific examples of things you've done.

>> No.105021

Thanks, anon. It's a CPA firm.

>> No.105042

Thanks anons

>> No.106873

Sherjan pls go

>> No.106963

"Objective" shouldn't be "I want to work for company X". Instead, it should be what kind of work you want and what your future plans are. Such as "I am looking to work in an environment in field X where I can learn about Y and become proficient at Z" or something like that.

>> No.106975

First, separate education and work experience sections. Then, organize them by most recent first. And out of work experience/education, most the more relevant first. In your case, it could be either, depending on what kind of position you are applying for.

>> No.107029

Never post your GPA, test score, or any of that shit on your resume. It screams douchebaggery behavior. Unless they ask, which 99% do not ask, then do not mention it EVER. If they say minimum 3.0 gpa, but never specified, put major gpa. Bitch slap them with their vagueness. Most companies won't bother checking your transcripts, because it will cost some dinero. Make up some activities for your resume, or volunteer experience. The only places that will thoroughly check you, is the government. Specifically the intelligence community, they will know your fapping habits, who you talked to you, and what you said in the past 10 years. Elite tier investment banks also check a lot of things, but not at the level the gov't does it for the IC.

>> No.107057

Depends on the job you're applying to.

If you're applying to a CPA firm, you goddamn better put your GPA on there or it goes into the trash instantly.

>> No.107071

Depending on the position, not enough experience. All of your experience comes from one job. Also your objective is too short and would be better placed in a cover letter. Or removed, again, depends on the job.
>sense of humor
no. Also I don't feel good about references on request. Have at least one there so they can call right away and ask about you without letting on they are interested. Lie about your failing grades, or omit them. Change your interest in 'computing' to something smarter, eg. information technology.
This one is good. Probably remove objective since you have a cover letter.
Short and lacking work experience but otherwise not bad, sure are a lot of chem engineers in here.
you're hired.
Not bad, not great either. I'd look at shortening some bits (no one wants to read in HR), getting some references, talking about your personal benefits apart from your degree (work ethic). Also print it on 24ct gold leaf just because.
Including your skype is stupid. Using your university email is elementary, don't do it. Your unusual availability almost immediately strikes you out. Otherwise, you have decent experience and not bad, although the fact that you started, and apparently failed, in a small business setting could look bad in some management positions that you apply for, if anyone cared about that kind of thing.
Remove all your brackets, remove sports fan and anything personal, shorten your long winded parts of work experience and also are those work experiences real because they seem a little bit 2fake5me but maybe i'm just being too judgmental, after all IB isn't exactly my field. Otherwise needs some formatting fixed up and definitely needs some extra space in there, remove the bulk.
Fairly decent for an unqualified position, would probably hire.
Simple, short. Pretty good. You're lacking a lot of experience and your jobs have so far been <1 year.

>> No.107083

Accounting is a special field with lots of applicants. Most places don't even bother, because they need bodies.

>> No.107087

In IB it's actually very important to have one line of personal hobbies. Just have the usual inoffensive stuff like sports you are into.

>> No.107191

where do you get this layout or template link pls?

>> No.107209


>> No.107248

most people will give you plebeian resume feedback.

Stick to sherjans template for IB

>> No.107349
File: 72 KB, 810x1609, resume_example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lel, this got me my new job making mad dosh.

>> No.107355

>skills: computer literacy

>> No.107357

you lied?

>> No.107363

Computers are a basic part of the finance and banking world nowadays. If you pretend like you're good with them, it makes employers ooh and aah.

No? I stuck this shit in MSpaint and took out most of my info.

>> No.107386

>credit analyst
Seems like a good job that pays really well for early 20s. I am assuming your degree made you stand out.

>> No.107400

What I mean is that when you list "computer literacy" as a skill, that looks kind of desperate. It's kind of assumed you have it. Instead, you should have a section called "computer skills" where you list what programs/programming languages you are familiar with.

>> No.107412

That's not a very good resume, I'm afraid. It's not structured. You shouldn't list more than 5 or so lines per job. Also, always have your most recent job first, not the other way around.

Good thing it still got you the job. What's "mad dosh" to you?

>> No.107458

It was a pretty good job, but BoA doesn't pay as well as most other banks. I started in the low 40s and crawled my way to mid 50s. But I guess that's more than most my age.

I couldn't fit my entire resume in one picture. Like I said, I just put chunks of mine into MSpaint. Don't want to get doxed.

It's probably a third of my resume, and is just copypasta'd pieces of my actual resume.

>What's "mad dosh" to you?

Well, it doesn't seem like a lot but 67k starting. Job is in credit securities and loan risk.

>> No.107527

how old are you? just curious

>> No.107532

25 this october

>> No.107539


shorter straight to the point cover letter
cut all that job description by 90%
add to skills.. project management, computer networking
and add an interests... golf, computer engineering and general health & fitness

obviously have a current address phone number and email

also have the number of a referee on there

>> No.107565

Top kek @ putting interests on a resume.

You probably work for your dad or are still in college.

>> No.107574

To me, your resume is tl;dr . Especially if you say there's lots more. You shouldn't have 20+ lines per job, only 5 at maximum.

It's quite normal to have one line for interests, actually. You probably are still in high school, not knowing about the real world.

>> No.107587

>golf, computer engineering
how would you add this to a resume without an interest section

and it's CV or curriculum vitae you yank faggots

>> No.107628

>You probably are still in high school, not knowing about the real world.

I graduated college in 2012 and have held two different professional jobs. Neither of my employers have ever inquired about what sports I like to play or what I do on my free time.

Like I said, in the world of finance it's different. Maybe in engineering they want a few lines, but my employers liked having a long list of all of the skills and traits I gained from each job.

>> No.107685

>I graduated college in 2012 and have held two different professional jobs. Neither of my employers have ever inquired about what sports I like to play or what I do on my free time.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.107713
File: 122 KB, 715x981, killme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no real world experience
>tfw it took a year to land a fast food job

>> No.107734

I'm in finance. And I wouldn't want to glance at a resume that's listing 20+ entries per job, especially from someone as junior as you. Usually in America, the max length is 1 page, in Europe 2. Maybe it's different in retail banking, but my employers always wanted it short and to the point, while also listing all the different sections (objective, experience, education, skills, languages, interests).

>> No.108945

in the trash

>> No.108951

BoA means you workf or the commercial bank or Merril?

I a Credit analyst friends at Goldman and they make more than that.

>> No.108964

>computer experience
C'mon nigger, list specifically your "experience"
Ie: "installed and maintain software X to serve function Y as additional info Z"

- Build a custom Windows 8 appliance to playback 3-D visual softwares including BF4, SC2, and LoL
- Installed Gentoo to serve my autistic needs and shitpost on /g/

>> No.108987

Why are you going into detail about what dairy products you stocked? That is hilarious.

>> No.109026

>you live in Mars PA

>> No.109043


No, because you are not a chef and you don't live anywhere near my place of business.

>> No.109061

Did you know you said "study" 11 times? Three sentences have it twice. Be careful of that op, makes it a wall of text.

>> No.110295

is moot accepting janitor resume?????

>> No.110314


>> No.110383

Not having GPA listed is a one-way ticket to the trash.

I did this before, and it was the first thing recruiters asked. I put it back on there once it was above a 3.0.

>> No.110427

GPA is only relevant for your first jobs. After you have some work experience, nobody cares. At least, that's how it is here in Europe because everyone knows grades depend on the school.

>> No.110602
File: 168 KB, 693x669, practice for the trashman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No jobs or experience
>All I have is school stuff

I listed out everything in the "Skills" part because of how the internship I'm applying for selects applicants. Also left off a list of random classes at the bottom

>> No.110644

>nothing between 2010 and 2012
>nothing between 2013 to present
>10+ lines describing your one job you had for like a year

fix gaps

your description of your one job you had for one year is TLDR status and makes you sound like an asshole

>> No.110728
File: 32 KB, 606x856, hopelessly bad at resumes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in b4 edgy
just tell me it's bad and why it's bad.

>> No.110743
File: 28 KB, 500x270, Trashman (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 jobs
>in less than 2 years

Thats even worse to me than someone with no exp. It says that 2 different places gave you a chance and you failed miserably both times.

>> No.110773

Least you can do is run a spell check

>> No.110774
File: 51 KB, 500x374, fuckoffneet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel go away neet

>> No.110900

spelling has been corrected, thank you. (word pad's spell check is even more useless than Google chrome's, that says something) but I don't feel sufficiently stupid yet.

>> No.112037

>All these plebs with 1 week school experience
Nigga before I even left highschool I had well over 300 hours of volunteer time. Upper-middle class white male with no disabilities, I got into the top university in my country by walking in the fucking door.
>Not volunteering every day

>> No.112046

No one cares about your grades, btw.

>> No.112097

>graduated college
>lists his mediocre GPA and SAT score (SAT stops being relevant a year after highschool)

see >>112041

>> No.112116

Skills should always be the first thing they see after your name.

>> No.112127

Looks like a generic college overachiever from a wealthy background.

>listing SAT (lel)
>listing coursework for finance positions
>no real work experience, just summer internships at investment banks
>rich-kid "volunteer" work in foreign countries
>student government

Wouldn't throw it in the trash but it looks generic and uninspiring.

>> No.112170
File: 305 KB, 831x1071, resumev3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

final update before i submit this to moot's application

thanks all

>> No.112188

You know a lot of HR resume-parsing software strips the background colors, your resume will look like shit without those gray lines in there.

>> No.112206

Why do you people list your courses out like morons? Nobody wants to see that.

>> No.112220

Why aren't you using Word or LibreOffice Writer?

>> No.112242

It's a US thing, I think. But I agree, haven't seen a single CV listing coursework in Germany.

>> No.112271
File: 49 KB, 673x871, resume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls no dox

>> No.112276

I live in the United States. Nobody tells you to list your grades and SAT scores and all this bullshit. I can understand major projects which are closer to actual work in the field but absolutely no employer gives a fuck that you took an Environmental Chemistry class.

>> No.112286

Sorry, I just assumed since the only resumes who did it I've seen on 4chan.

So where are the coursework listers coming from?

>> No.112295

>putting your GPA on a resume
Enjoy you're homeless.

>> No.112302


anyone else have better luck on linked in anyway? All I do is join accounting groups on linked in and then recruiters friend you and set stuff up

>> No.112306

Its college kids with little work experience trying to make their resume look less empty. Same goes for people who put irrelevant shit like SAT scores or college clubs.

>> No.112313

They're probably in the US and think that someone, anyone, is going to read that droll ass list of classes.
Get rid of the secret clubs and the deans list, change APO to a volunteer field and list out what you actually did.
Overall, be more specific.

>> No.112310

If you have little work experience, course work is important especially for the first few internships to show you actually cover something related to the actual job

not that guy but if you're doing anything related to finance, you better fucking put your gpa when you're starting out

>> No.112314

linkedin is useless

>> No.112315

thx for heads up, i cut and pasted it into notepad and it reads fine so far

>> No.112331

My resume was complete shit coming out of college. I'm working for a huge company, doing something I enjoy, and doing quite well now. Interviewing well and being persistent is 95% of landing a job IMO. Good luck to you guys looking for jobs.

>> No.112341

Joining LinkedIn is a good idea, it's how I got my current job. If nothing else it helps you remember people.

Recruiters do help a lot but you should find one who actively works with you. The number one mistake people make is not letting recruiters know you're still looking. Basically, if you're not checking in at least weekly, you've wasted them as a resource.

>> No.112345
File: 44 KB, 660x895, babbies first ever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just feels so empty compared to the others on here.

>> No.112351

Interview skill gets you the job but a decent resume is what gets you the interview.

>> No.112353

damn weekly seems excessive. Thats a good idea to keep the recruiters on tap. Does anyone here have good experience with recruiters?

Like how do they operate? If I'm friends with a recruiter from my previous company, how valuable would they be to help me find a job if I left there on good terms?

>> No.112357
File: 217 KB, 801x939, 1389116950349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>college clubs listed
>one semester of deans list
>vague as fuck job descriptions, verb phrases mixed in with noun phrases
>skills listed in random order with no organization
>google drive and google apps editor as a skill
>listing of software and 2 programming languages with no further information makes me think you're not actually proficient in any of them

C'mon anon.

>> No.112368

I've never been in a position where I've needed to write a CV (I grew up a poorfag, but all the jobs I could get were shelf-stacking jobs which I couldn't do due to spergish clumsiness). I'm gonna get to writing mine soon, just to have it handy for the internships that are gonna spring up for me next year. What should I have in it?

i'm looking to go into IB, probably Global Corporate Banking or M&A

>Education (Undergrad+ degrees fo'sure, but what about A-levels and so on?)
>Work experience (or dancing around lack thereof)
>Skills (what're overused skills which you should avoid citing, what are companies looking for, etc)
>Activities/hobbies (and what to say if you're a genetically inferior whelp who's shit at competitive sports who can only cite "reading" as a respectable one)

general advice would be great, really

>> No.112374

That resume is so soft dude. You don't say shit like "formally taught graphic design", you say shit like "Proficient in .. oh god, never mind. I'm reading the rest, there is too much to correct. Seek help at your local university.

>> No.112379

I was offered a job interview after constantly keeping in contact with the hiring manager. After my 3rd email they asked me what my best time would be to meet face to face. I had a 2.73 GPA and literally no experience outside of my education.

>> No.112390

I'm horrible at detailing my descriptions. Should probably improve that

thanks for the motivation

>> No.112384

Biology-related research should be listed first in skills, and should be seperated out in different lines

Nobody cares about CPR certification or lifeguard stuff, take it out unless you really can't figure out how to fill that space

Education should be separate from activities and should be listed at the top if you're a current student

Get rid of that line for high school, nobody cares

Your job descriptions for the student research are bad

>> No.112397

Well, keeping in contact itself shows that you wanted the job rather than people who send off their resume and never check back. That was a smart play.

>> No.112399

what kind of job and what your degree, i kinda need some motivation myself

>> No.112412

is having a shit salary/no job not motivation enough?

>> No.112415

>tfw i originally made my resume in Tex then exported to PDF
>increasing feels when nobody accepted a PDF resume
>even more when the document exported resume has a lot of spacing issues

>> No.112435

I'll be honest, that's shit and would go straight into the trash.

>> No.112433


>> No.112439

The recruiters themselves have told me this. I work in software, and most of my jobs I've gotten through recruiters. Essentially you work for them, officially. They're paid by the company to go out and interview, etc and pay you. Usually you'll interview with the recruiter, they'll send resumes to the company's HR, and they'll stay in contact with HR and let you know if they want to interview you.

>> No.112449

unfortunately it wasn't lel at all

>> No.112451

I'm a consumer scientist. I got my BS in Food Science last May.

>> No.112478

how did you get in contact with the hiring manager in the first place?

>> No.112474

hows everyone's linked in pic. Minds kinda bleh, need to improve it

>> No.112497
File: 17 KB, 300x100, 123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel at the banner

>> No.112518


I listed the high school because it's fairly prestigious. (Top 10 in nation) Should I still omit it?

How could I better describe my student research? Should I separate the different periods into different jobs?

>> No.112527

What kind of resume do I need to write if I'm going for a fast food job?

I went to college for two years before withdrawing, and the only real claim I have is that I've done freelance art so I've handled dealing with real people and real money and delivered what I promised I would on time. I'm going to see if handing them a resume works this time because I feel like I'm close to getting a job in one of these fucking joints that are within walking distances, but they always hire minorities. That's not to be a dick, but seriously, the Arby's, the McDonald's, Steak 'n' Shake, Little Caesar's, Dairy Queen, and Imo's Pizza, all filled with non-whites. I saw just two white workers at Subway.

I've told all these guys over and over again, with confidence and dressing well, that I'm willing to work nights, weekends, and holidays, I'm within walking distance, and can be an easy person to take on for a shift if someone calls in sick. I tried to sell myself in a way that reminded them of the benefits they'd be getting, and not in a way that made me sound desperate because I lived extremely close to where they operated and it would be convenient. And yet, after the interviews, no calls, no e-mails, no nothing.

I've also read their mission statements and their websites, which is like no big deal at all, but I'm trying to give them every clue I can that I care and that I'm willing to work. I get this run around every two months.

I need help.

>> No.112535

>Should I still omit it?

>Should I separate the different periods into different jobs?
Yes. Don't include dates in the job description. Also there needs to be more parallel structure, try starting each description line with a verb.

Also paid/unpaid doesn't mean anything, take it out.

>> No.112550

Her name was listed on linkedin when I was applying, if I remember right.

>> No.112576

I worked for a fast-food chain for a while doing HR work for the franchisees. The biggest issue for fast-food restaurants is the amount of employee turnover. The college education you have is a red flag and suggests that you're going to move on as soon as you can. Past experience suggesting that you've worked other low-skilled jobs for long periods of time is a bug plus.

>> No.112570
File: 53 KB, 738x601, yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck all this resume shit, im my own boss

i run my own food truck making $94k pre taxed last year
im looking to expand into a stand alone so that we can serve alcohol and what not

i got 8000 likes on my fb fanpage in the past 2 years since i started lel

>> No.112574

>including your address

Do you think they're going to fucking snail mail you a response? Your address has no place on a resume in 2014.

>> No.112600

Sometime I look up applicants' address to determine their income and home value. Especially useful for recruiting kids straight out of college.

>> No.112601

That is fantastic, I'm genuinely proud of your entrepreneurial spirit.

>> No.112625


Yeah, so you can figure out who you can negotiate down during salary discussion. No thanks.

>> No.112639

I always figured it was just a formality, like dressing to impress and going up to the employer in person when we have the technology to email our resume and cover letter, and then do an online chat session for the job interview, all in our underpants.

maybe if you are closer to work, that shows them you are more reliable, and less likely to get fucked over by traffic disasters.

>> No.112651

I honestly wish they would do this more often. The only video interview I've ever had was with a fucking HR company for some shitty ass retail job.

>> No.112661


Yeah there could be some value in letting them know you live neaby. In that case I would just say "Blank City Resident".

>> No.112663


Okay, so no higher education listed on the resume, got it. I could have sworn fast food stuff was like entry level, though. I should also ask this.

I'm 21, closer to 22 now, and I've never had a job before. It's because I was nearly 20 when I got out of college and I've been job searching since. Is my age a red flag as well? Also we can rule out me asking for more than the minimum wage, because I've never requested a penny more than that on my applications.

>> No.112673

because Word wants money and I didn't know LibreOffice was a thing until just now (thanks bro)

>> No.112681

Nah, rich kids are significantly more likely to leave and cause turnover issues. Coming from a poorer zip code is a benefit.

>> No.112729

Your age by itself is meaningless. But the fact that you haven't held a job before is huge and is probably the main reason why nobody's hiring you.

Fast food jobs are actually surprisingly competitive, probably because everyone knows the jobs are available so there are always people applying. Have you considered government jobs like library assistant, bus driver, etc.? They are usually easier to get because the positions are never advertised. Alternatively you could look for manual labor jobs like construction or maintenance, where experience doesn't matter as much as health.

>> No.112759

How would you succesfully integrate a yearlong high school exchange year into your resume?
It actually is relevant for my field (international relations)

>> No.112780

Seperate line in your education section, under college. Don't include your high school name or anything, just the name of the travel program.

>> No.112797


Shit, I'd LOVE manual labor for a job, I have no issue picking shit up and moving it around or doing whatever else I'd need to do with it. I really should look again and see if anything's close.

>> No.112865


but srsly wtf is up with the grades

>> No.112881

>non engineer work

>> No.112893

Pls go, this is a business board for the grown-ups to talk.

>> No.112991

>putting your grades on your resume
If they want your grades, they'll ask for a copy of your transcript. Besides, with what you have, I'd order it like so:

Only really put classes that actually matter to the job you're applying for. Assuming you're going for something in IT, I don't think they'll care that you took fucking art and design (much less that you got a D in it)

>Work Experience
What you have is weak. Not that it's not enough or long enough, but you should say what you did or what you got out of it. Not just "I got experience in it." Of course you got experience in it, but WHAT experience did you get from it?

>Personal Skills
I dunno, fucking whatever. Some of it should be shown in your work experience section.

No. Just no.

Add some references at the bottom, too. References that would actually help you in the field you're looking to work in. Between two and three I'd say is good. Professors (again, in your field) are a good one.

>> No.113007


Yup, people still don't give a shit.

>> No.113027


You're hired.

>> No.113077

I did a lot of things in high school and I have great ability in arguing and political knowledge.

I was a captain of my schools debate team in high school too.

Is there any way to write that in? I have decent electronical skill, and I'm great in arguing or explaining things verbally. or making and giving speeches, for that matter. I don't know how to formulate that or whether it put it though.

>> No.113106

Don't put that in your resume. "Arguing and political knowledge" is a negative work trait in the real world.

>> No.113153

only 5 more hours until moot accept these resumes

good luck for those who are applying for the janitor position

>> No.113179

Resumes are required on top of the Skype interview for an unpaid 4chan position being a dog to the mods? Why?

>> No.113187

>find a job doing something you love
being a neet and 4chan...even if it's unpaid

>> No.113200

This is a resume that was put together in high school, and while I was originally adding shit like that, the instructor "suggested" otherwise; That's what led to what you see before you.

Not far off.

>> No.113210

Not only is it unpaid, by you can't even include it on a resume. Moot exploiting NEETs for free labor.

>> No.113598

how come so many of you guys do have a bachelor degree; in my country master is a standart :o

>> No.113635

bullet points how pleb.

descriptions of what you did on each job are generic and non descriptive. give us results/accomplishments/statistics on what your actions did.

entrepreneur here id never hire you unless you had real people skills or a good work ethic

>> No.114755

What's the best way to include a link to ones online portfolio on their resume?

>> No.115543

at the top near your name

>> No.118677

God, I would call you just to tell you how faggot you are

>> No.118859

because its vague as fuck and if you were proficient at those skills you would have a portfolio showing off your code.

javascript has a shitton of libraries that do a variety of things Node.js, Backbone.js, Three.js are all separate functions that handle different stuff, also if you don't have any mysql or apache then you are pretty much saying you have zero backend experience.

>> No.119035
File: 14 KB, 742x117, ilovum00tplzhavemercy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.119064 [DELETED] 

a link to my resume

>> No.119074

a link to my unusually large resume

>> No.119104

What about php?

>> No.119106

Yeah this is true... It really sucks because I'm a good fit for intelligence and aced their tests but they hated how many speeding tickets I had (lol).

I was only doing it out of a sense of honour for my country... I'd already been offered a higher paying job elsewhere, but I guess they just don't trust criminal scum that speed.

>> No.119125

How do you prepare for a job interview, /biz/?

>> No.119157

before going to the job interview, make sure you do not poop. Save your poop, you'll need it for the interview if it does not go well. In the event that it does not go well, make everything go well by taking a dump on the conference table in front of the interviewer. This lets them know that you are not a dog, but a human being, and if they think you are nothing but a dog, you will show them by taking a dump where you please. At this point in time, the interviewer is wondering what to do... call the police? scream and yell? hurry out of the conference room? But you've got the balls to step onto the conference table and take a dump in front of the interviewer on the table, so you're in control. Do not let them pass by you to get to the door. Aim your butthole at the interviewer if they attempt to make their way to the door. If they try screaming, aim your butt hole for their mouth, they will immediately shut up. Look at them in the eyes, grab your dick, and aim it at their face, in case they decide to start talking shit. Tell them: I want the fucking job you stupid fucker, give me the job or I'll make your day shitty. You will get the job.

>> No.119187


well... this works too

>> No.119292

Any Hiring manager at a serious company would put this shit in the trash immediately. Use a classic and professional looking format.

>> No.119310

Get it on to one page. Never have your resume go beyond 1 page.

>> No.119678

m8, "highschool" should be two words, "high school". pls fix, tks

>> No.119705

don't use "&" on your resume, it makes you look lazy. Write the word "and" out

>> No.119991

First, know the company you are applying for. Read their website, know what they stand for. Then you can throw things like "I see you say xxx is very important to your company, can you elaborate? Because I'm interested in yyy and that's closely related."

Second tip is, first apply for the jobs you don't want. Try to score interviews. Use those interviews as practice. After a few interviews, you will be better prepared and practiced. Then, apply for the companies you actually want to work for.

>> No.121867

If I have absolutely no relevant work experience and I'm studying Computer Science how do I get an edge over others in getting a part time tech job? I'm sick of working my ass off in a supermarket where the management openly resents everyone who isn't doomed to work there for the rest of their lives.

Overly exaggerating the worth of my coursework and projects is all I can think of

>> No.121880

Make a useful program, upload it and let others download. Congrats you have something in your portfolio.