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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9083847 No.9083847 [Reply] [Original]

>just graduated with business degree
>doing insurance sales
>$15 an hour

I am thinking about getting my insurance license so I can actually sell insurance myself... Is this a good idea?

Or is tech a better direction to go?

Or should I go get a job at a corporation?

Or I also have a business idea for right-wing entertainment with some interesting people who want to back it... afraid of getting myself blacklisted from the job market though.

Any fags with life experience here?

>> No.9083873

Which of these do you like the most? Then pick it and try to make it, anon. Better to spend your time doing something you enjoy that makes some money than living miserably, waiting for the two days of the week you don't have to work.

>> No.9083893

Find the real money making idea while you accumulate from your decent tier money maker you currently have. Then once youve retired at 30 you can do everything you want.

>> No.9083913

why do people keep posting this mongoloid

>> No.9083920

thats a dude

>> No.9083923
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She's a goddess, anon.

>> No.9083941
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she's so cute

Well I have this idea to create a right-wing arts organization, and I've gotten some interest from some big names when I approached them about it.

I kind of want to go for it, but I also don't want to perma-fuck myself like so many people who do political-ish stuff do. I also don't know how profitable I could make it.

I'm a classical musician if that makes any difference, as well. But I don't make much money doing that.

Like the post above, I want to try out my idea...

But if I had to pick something that seemed financially stable, I'd probably go get my insurance license. I don't mind sales and from what I've read, it looks profitable

>> No.9083959

Insurance is a scam, do you feel good scamming people?

>> No.9083960

>this thread
Has /pol/ just completely taken over /biz/ at this point?

>> No.9083984

she's ugly

>> No.9083990

>Has /pol/ just completely taken over /biz/ at this point?
How is this /pol/-tier? It's about money and careers.

Also yes, /pol/ has influenced every board

People need insurance though

>> No.9084001
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nah she's fertile

>> No.9084004
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>> No.9084020
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>> No.9084030

>>just graduated with business degree
>>doing insurance sales
nigga what?
I was offered that job while I was in school for a biotech degree LOL, find another fucking job that uses your degree

>> No.9084031

You made this thread purely as an excuse to shit up this board with cancerous e-celeb faggotry.

>> No.9084067
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lol, OP is a nigga who got a business degree but didn't learn anything about business.

Maybe he can become a middle-management wagecuck by the time he is 30 years old if he gives his boss a wristie in the corporate bathroom.

>> No.9084097

Yeah? What do you do?

>> No.9084139
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yknow butters, life goes by pretty fast. If you dont stop every once in a while, and do whatever you want, all the time, you might miss it

>> No.9084201

Yup. I feel like everyone realized they wasted so much time shitposting in 2016, that they might as well try to be productive and came to /biz/

>> No.9084285

Semi-old fag here: I've failed at everything I've ever tried, so remember that my advice is more 'this is what I didn't do, and should have' less than 'this is what I did do'.

Firstly - make your top priority to learn how to manage people and learning how to be a salesman. These are the only two skills you can take into any industry, in short you need to learn either (or preferably both) - A. how to identify and get the best out of the right talent/employees, B. how to persuade people to make commitments, especially financial ones.
These two skills must be part of anything you chose, if you chose to work at a corporation: make sure it's in a managerial or non-script based sales job.

Secondly - for this right wing entertainment thing, don't do it, not because it's right wing, but because you haven't got any market information. If you don't know how profitable it will be, if all you have is "some interest when I approached them" then this doesn't sound like a winner to me. If, however, you do some more research, find a revenue model, identify your customer funnel, and work out your expenses and decide it will be profitable: HAVE AN EXIT PLAN. Have something you can jump ship too in case it goes tits up. If only for your sanity, because when a major project or company you've founded hits the bricks, the worst part is figure out what you're gonna do with your life and starting from scratch. Have a part time job, a side hustle, anything that will keep you in a productive rhythm.

Thirdly - all your questions are vague
>Or is tech a better direction to go?
I dunno, maybe. Are you talking about being a freelance software, selling routers, creating an app, a social network, going into fintech, crypto platforms? How much do you think you'd be earning in insurance, 10 years from now is that what you want to be doing? What's a realistic amount of savings you could have (then halve it)?

The solution to the third is: figure out What life you want, then figure out WHY u wantit

>> No.9084321

>Well I have this idea to create a right-wing arts organization
People with money and friends in the right-wing tried and failed miserably.

>> No.9084427
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>> No.9084489

I got one too but even without any big degree at all, especially nothing business related. Declned however because salary was too pleb.
Earn a lot more blue collaring

>> No.9084645

>was 19
>end of highschool
>chose not to continue to uni
>friends all went to uni
>got a job
>4 years later, promoted to boss
>earn more then my new-grad friends without any debt
I'm not sure if I'm doing it right though - will I need any of that knowledge?
I'm 26 now and I'm contemplating just saving up a few stacks til' I'm 28 and go study debt free.

>> No.9085193
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>People with money and friends in the right-wing tried and failed miserably.
Who? I've never seen anybody try this

I have no idea how profitable it would be. I would keep my sales job while I was working on it.

I would just have a store where right-wingers can sell their material and I would take a piece of it, and I would also promote right-wing music/art/literature and that sort of thing. Eventually do events and stuff like that.

I just had this idea because I'm a performing musician and literally every step in the process involves sucking up to some s()yboy male feminist or 56% muttface dyke with a buzzcut. Seems like there's a demand for this sort of thing to me.

Sounds good to me.

>> No.9085654

I only gave a shit about getting trump in because I knew it would be good for my crypto holdings

>> No.9085736

how much money do make doing whatever music stuff you do?

>> No.9085984

I make very little in music and make most of my money off of insurance sales.

I make like $200 per performance and teach lessons here and there. Probably spend more money recording my music than I make selling it. I only perform sometimes too... so yeah.

>> No.9086212

You should be buying PFR instead of whatever crap youre holding. Their mainnet comes out on April 30th. Do you realize that Localbitcoins now has KYC? Do you understand that once PFR is out, people will all jump ship to avoid having to upload documents? People kept doubting the project but these guys deliver. Do you want to be poor forever...

>> No.9086250

Stop posting this ugly mixedbreed. She's worse than that smug bondage jew.

>> No.9086337

>I just had this idea because I'm a performing musician and literally every step in the process involves sucking up to some s()yboy male feminist or 56% muttface dyke with a buzzcut. Seems like there's a demand for this sort of thing to me.
"Seems like there's demand" ain't good enough - you got to actually find out for sure. Better to waste some of your time doing research than to go ballsdeep into something and realize it was doomed from day 1.
Do your homework. Find out what is going to make these artists come to your store instead of using another format. Find out what advantages you can have over these 'muttface dykes'

I want you to be able to tell me confidently:
-Roughly how much it would cost to set up
-How many artists you could get selling on this platform by 1 month, 3 months, 12 months
-What the average income per-artist would be and what your slice of that would be
-Your biggest competitors, who they are, why you're competing against them, what they do worse than you, what they will probably do better than you

If you can't tell me that, then you shouldn't do it.

>I make like $200 per performance
You need to get better at marketing, remember what I said about sales. Salesmanship is the most important skill you can have, at the very least save your pennies and invest it in a tour or a viral video or something to promote your music.

>> No.9086415
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>> No.9086504


>> No.9086642
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He's a big guy.