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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 117 KB, 1200x676, 7E4D8383-ED06-413D-B374-74FB778F5DC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9083579 No.9083579 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9083704
File: 13 KB, 340x230, buttcoin_reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9083705

Bought large bags at 6k. I'm good for now. I hope you bought at 6k to and didn't waste your time circle jerking a bunch of no coiners.

>> No.9083794

That must hurt.

>> No.9083806

Had those losers bought back in 2011 they'd be rich and wouldn't have to spend their days on fucking Reddit.

>> No.9083821

>i bought the exact bottom believe me guys

>> No.9083895

i heard that unlike real money you can use bitcoins to buy drugs and child pornography.............. absolutely disgusting, makes me glad i never put money into it back in 2011

>> No.9083904
File: 85 KB, 883x712, buttcoinwasright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9083909
File: 33 KB, 582x600, 1516421601814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9084039

I didn't exactly buy the bottom you faggot. I've been buying every week since February. The mkre it dipped. The more I was able to accumulate. You have to be a fucking retard to not have taken advantage of the bear market.

>> No.9084107

just buy below the average. spread your buys if you want to be safe. nobody "catches" the bottom, they just buy near it.

>> No.9084149
File: 2 KB, 221x250, P1em5sv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, seriously. Can you imagine the situation of the creators of this? I mean, many of us only knew about cryptocurrency or bitcoin in the few last years (or even in the last months). But these guys... they had the privilege to discover this in the early times. Few people on this world had the privilege these guys had. They could have used it to research, and even if they did not agree with the bitcoin and the technology behind it, they could have easily even mined it to see how it works. These guys could be probably millionaires (or even billionaires) today.
Instead, they prefered to spend all these years trying to FUD it. It's sad. It's tragic. It's inhuman. I wouldn't even be able to live knowing that I wasted possibly the biggest opportunity of my financial life.

>> No.9084162

This. Nobody fucking bought the exact bottom. But all of us accumulating religiously were pretty close. Hell, I'm about to get my paycheck this week and I will still buy more just in case the bull run starts again.

>> No.9084175

>born on twitter may 2011
Imagine actually knowing about Bitcoin in 2011 but instead of buying it you laugh at it.

>> No.9084185

they justify it as being on some moral highground. and all bitcoin buyers "scam" people out of their money. its very, very sad.

>> No.9084190

Whats the point of being rich if you can't use your wealth to torture people with less money than you??? The ultimate biz dream is to one day become a whale to join in on the fun

>> No.9084199

>they justify it as being on some moral highground.
Let's call it what it is: cope.

>> No.9084208

I was waiting until 5k to buy in (T_T)

Oh well, still have by bags of LINK to take me to the moon.

>> No.9084212

slave morality describes it pretty well.

>> No.9084218
File: 35 KB, 786x618, 8AE057CE-4E46-4025-881C-38F1491287D4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit LMAO

>> No.9084277

Fuck morality. I would rape orphans if jt meant I would become rich. Money is the only shit that matters on this plane of existence.

>> No.9084290

>i heard that unlike real money you can use bitcoins to buy drugs and child pornography.
>i heard that unlike real money you can use
>unlike real money

>> No.9084315

money backed by jews vs. money backed by math

hmm.....it must really suck to be as stupid as you

>> No.9084335

>created by [deleted]

You think he killed himself?

>> No.9084388

Probably hid in shame forever.

>> No.9084430

they are needed cogs in the machine...
fact is, we need people as stupid as this...
who literally will throw their future out of the window just for the self-defined (but, in the end, mostly pop-culturally sponged up) ethical, moral high ground...
it's all about appearances for them, after all...

they "appear" to be smart in their buttcoin circle jerk
they "appear" to be morally/ethically sound and "responsible" in a financial sense, from a systemic current point of view and in said circle jerk
they "appear" non-threatening to dumb roastie feminists, since they oppose the "violent, patriarchal" EVIL!!! capitalistic system, that, ironically (there, i used it, too) even enabled them to bitch and moan for all the opportunities and all the freedoms that they will throw out of the windows at the first opportunity just to "look goodt to their peers

if you have trouble identifying:
just imagine trying to follow einsteins thought patterns while he came up with the theory of relativity and recreate it in your own, most likely average brain... and while you hear your brain creaking and breaking remember:
this is how the normie feels each and every day...
in every situation that is above him, which includes 95% of everything in their lives...
imagine the helplessness... the frustration
the feeling of smallness...
nope... i do not envy them, anymore...
i haven't in a long time...

and if you idiots would stop concentrating on the bad stuff, you'd see it all a little more brighter, as well... just like me...
fuck normie life...
fuck normies
fuck their world
fuck their "utopian societies"
fuck their inability to grasp the simplest things
and fuck them all for fucking up our collective future...
sheeps to the slaughter...
get out of the way or you're done


>> No.9084684

I was thinking of that too, yeah.

>> No.9084707
File: 108 KB, 725x483, 725_aHR0cDovL2NvaW50ZWxlZ3JhcGguY29tL3N0b3JhZ2UvdXBsb2Fkcy92aWV3LzY3MDliNTQzMGUzMDE2YzgxYTlkYTY2NzZjODliZTJhLmpwZw==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey NEETs, we are here, we are still laughing at you
We dont care if your internet imaginary money hits 1M, its still the same piece of garbage, pedo/drug enabler it was 10 years ago
No real use case, nothing
Just manipulation and jobless people buying in hoping it goes up in value in the future so they can be rich, cash out to FIAT, and then hope BTC crashes and burns.

>> No.9084739
File: 123 KB, 265x396, 1509343663012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knew about bitcoin from silk road shit back in like 2013
>never researched it more until summer 2017
If was as a degenerate into drugs and shit i could unironically be rich right now

>> No.9085243

That's my only regret to be honest. Never having bought drugs with bitcoin. I wanted to in 2012...