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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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908350 No.908350 [Reply] [Original]

If you don't recognize more than 5 of these please leave /biz/

>> No.908353

know only top 2 but still don't give a fuck
because one is to know market other to make money out of it

>Marx was good economist :D

>> No.908355

I literally don't know how you can't know Friedman or Keynes, even Hayek.

I only know Ricardio, Keynes, Friedman, Hayek, Adam Smith and Marx myself. (from the image, may know the people but not what they look like)

>> No.908356

Image searched them, also know Stiglitz and Mises, just not what they looked like.

are you an austrianfag op

>> No.908357

Smith, Marx, ?, ?, Keynes, Hayek, (maybe?) Ricardo, Friedmen, Mill, Mises

>> No.908360

Is this the guy from Breaking Bad?

>> No.908366

Smith, Marx, Hayek, Keynes, Mises, Mill, Friedman. I don't know who the other two modern day guys are. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess the bottom left is Ricardo.

>> No.908437


Whew... close one. I almost had to leave this shit board.

>> No.909584

>are you an austrianfag op

>> No.909630

>Recognizing faces implies any sort of familiarity with their work.

And why is Marx even on here? He wrote one economic piece and its key conclusion was unilaterally wrong.

>> No.909632

>Voodoo economics

At least be a Chicago boy, OP.

>> No.909633

10 faces of meth abuse over 8 months

>> No.909658

>adam smith
>John Keynes
>milton Friedman?

Don't recognise the rest. But seriously, who recognises famous economists of old by their faces?

>> No.909660


laplace, marx,
sheckler, nye sr, morgan, godel
rousseau, bernanke sr, adams, ford

how'd I do

>> No.909684

Adm smith, Marx, Stiglitz (don't even know why he is here and not some other idiot more relevant like Krugman), John Kenneth (didn't know him), Keynes, Hayek, David Ricardo, Milton Friedman, Stuart Mill, Mises.

>> No.909687

i dont know any of those cunts haha

>> No.909692

people who are proud of ignorance usually do pretty bad in life.

>> No.909693

please tell me about your success in life

>> No.909710

im waiting mr big shot

>> No.909712

are you cucking each other?

>> No.909720

Go back to /b, this board is for adults.

>> No.909731
File: 418 KB, 720x432, You're what's wrong in this world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.909806

beethoven, santa, steve jobs, john f. kennedy, karl marx

fuck off OP

>> No.909853


Smith | Marx
Stiglitz | Kenneth | Keynes | Hayek
Ricardo | Rothbard | Mill | Von Mises

>econ major

>> No.909879

adam smith, karl marx, keynes, hayek, milton friedman, john stuart mill

only just made it

>> No.909881

Which of these which I have never heard of would most help with my stock market research?

>> No.910122

mises and hayek to undestand how the markets work, but probably would be better some new generation of Austrian like Huerta del Soto because the times are changing.

>> No.910189

Abraham Lincoln, Santa Claus, Alan Sugar, Leonard Nimoy, Neville Chamberlain, Heinrich Himmler, King George V, Danny Devito, Albert Einstein, Adolf Hitler.


>> No.910234

They should be mug shots.

>> No.910251 [DELETED] 

Krugman < all

>> No.910285

The instructions were more than 5. Get out.

>> No.910306

>Please leave this board

you realise this board title and function is business and that if economists ran all the businesses in the world only thing that the businesses selling would be the business ?

>> No.910312

You can make $1 million cleaning fucking toilets you don't need to know anything about economic schools of thought just how to make money

>> No.910338

>Stephen Hawking
>Black Science Guy

God damn normies.

>> No.910345

I think Hawking is pretty influential but yeah, Black science guy felt like he's just riding on the popularity train.

>> No.910348

First guy is George Washington.
Last guy is Hitler, I'd recognize that mustache anywhere.

In all seriousness though, why would I want to or need to know what a bunch old white dead guys faces look like anyway?
I'm never going to be walking down the street and pass by them, and it's not like they're famous for their looks either.

OP, I gotta say, you must be really gay if you stare at each one of these guys faces enough to recognize them by name.

>> No.910420

Lol cuck

>> No.910496

marx and smith are the only ones that you trully need you twat.

>> No.910503

Hawking is pretty overrated. It's not like he didn't contribute to physics, but his contribution has been minimal and he's primarily served to explain science to normies a la Sagan.

>> No.910857



>steve jobs
>henry kissinger
>charlie chaplin
>kevin spacey
>Christian Dior
>Marlon Brando

>> No.910869

If it wasn't for "old white dead guys" like John Stuart Mill, minorities and women still wouldn't have any rights.

>> No.910872

>needing to know Marx
>Implying Marx is relevant to economics at all

>> No.910875

I know 5 and recognize one more.... can I stay?

>> No.911704

>old white dead guys
Are you a brown young shitposter?

>> No.911714

smith, marx, stiglitz, kenneth-galbraith, keynes, hayek, ricardo, friedman, stuart-mill, von mises

>> No.911721


Marx critisism is relevant because he makes some good points, his suggestions are literally plebtier though.

>> No.911795

Sigumund fraud
Joseph Stalin
Looks like zinoviev but Im not sure

>> No.911809

Mozart, an hobo, Torvalt, Bill Nye, Ford, Josef Mengele, Beethoven, Hugh Hefner, Edgar Allan Poe, Hitler

>> No.911840

Marx was a poor ass nigger that begged his entire life and was generally a parasite.

>> No.911868
File: 11 KB, 300x300, ayn rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Engels financed Marxs literary works, he didn't need to beg anyone for financing. He lived in retaliative poverty because he turned down any opportunity to work in academia because it would have constrained his research because of its controversial nature. This is basic stuff any biography on Marx should tell you: https://archive.org/details/karlmarxmanandfi029120mbp

Ayn Rand on the other hand was a welfare queen who lived on state handouts in her later days

>> No.911878

>Marx critisism is relevant because he makes some good points
But he doesn't. The entire conclusion of Das Kapital is that capitalism is inherently unable to sustain itself because the only way firms can stay competitive is by limiting how much they pay their employees. He completely ignored innovation in efficiency. Perhaps later Marxists had/have good criticisms, but Marx's premise was faulty as fuck.

Rand is also a retard and it saddens me that her ideals have found a home in American right-wing politics.

>> No.911892

How is Rand more of a retard than you?

>> No.911896

Well she knew absolutely nothing about economics, and I know absolutely nothing +1 about economics so I win.

>> No.911897

she paid more in taxes than she took out

>> No.911899
File: 125 KB, 800x616, golly gee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh? You're wrong on this, I'm not an expert on Marixan economics but you're talking about what Marx called the rate of exploitation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rate_of_exploitation

Marx never thought this to be the key contradiction of capitalism just a feature. The key contradiction of capitalism to Marx from my understanding was the tendency of the rate of profit to fall: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tendency_of_the_rate_of_profit_to_fall

Marx was well aware of innovation and it played a big role in his system. He was much more aware of its importance then the other classical economists, he coined the idea of Creative Destruction BEFORE Schumpeter or any modern economist: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_destruction

>> No.911901

I'll take your word on it. My professor taught me wrong, I suppose.

>> No.911907

The level of understanding of Marx in this thread is absolute shit.

Even by 4chan standards. Also nobody has correctly identified the names of all of them:

Smith - Marx
Stiglitz - Galbraith - Keynes - Hayek
Ricardo - Friedman - Mill - Mises

Only economists from that list worth reading are Smith and Marx. To a lesser extent Ricardo and Mill. The rest are completely dogshit.

>> No.912135

>Implying Friedman wasn't right about everything he said

>> No.912149
File: 240 KB, 764x988, rothbardsmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No love for rothbard?

>> No.912158

Sometimes I think people give Marx a hard time just because of the Communists. That said, it's hard to find actual solutions in the Marxists, but then again it's because everyone is afraid of being labelled a Marxist.

>> No.912179

>And why is Marx even on here? He wrote one economic piece and its key conclusion was unilaterally wrong.

>> No.912420

Neither intro to macro or micro involves Marxian economics.

>> No.912564


Engels is a person you idiot. He had to beg engels... and his family for money constantly.

>> No.912566


Did marx even stop to talk to a capitalist? No, he just had his agenda and pushed it all his sad, hypocritical life.

>> No.912581
File: 28 KB, 300x336, 4529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Everyone knows Marx
>father of communism
>failed to solve The Social Question
>everyone knows him

>pic related lived at the same time as Marx
>solved The Social Question
>nobody knows about him


>> No.912612

>black science guy
>up there with Newton, Tesla, Hawking and Einstein

>> No.912745

>We should care about some antiquated concept because some anon learned about it in a class he took one time.

>Up there with Newton and Einstein
His most important theory on black holes was disproved.

>> No.913384
File: 16 KB, 220x318, 220px-MurrayBW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you based Rothbard

>> No.913865

have read 8/10.

the 3rd and last one have really got me. People keep saying Mises (at a guess, last one?) John Kenneth?? What was his contribution?

>> No.913867

> you must be really gay if you stare at each one of these guys faces enough to recognize them by name.

When you look at your father and recognize him, does he call you a faggot?

>In all seriousness though, why would I want to or need to know what a bunch old white dead guys faces look like anyway?

You don't. It's their work or influence which you should care or know about

>> No.913868
File: 70 KB, 674x685, rothbard libertarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no this is a thread for economists with credibility not shills who steal political words for personal gain

>> No.913871

Why are there so many commies on a business board?

Shouldnt you be busy sacrificing to the poor? Worshipping your failed morality of altruism? I guess altruism and autism go hand in hand

>> No.914030

George Washington, Karl Marx,
Santa, Bill Nye, John Oliver, Heinrich Himmler
Napoleon Bonaparte, Larry Davis, a goat, Hitler

>> No.914890

>claims to be econ major
>doesn't know Friedman
krugman is dat u shitposting on /biz again?

>> No.914891
File: 53 KB, 480x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know any of these faggot ass old white men

>black master race reporting in

>> No.914900

Well, seem by the colour of this pics I suppose I was not alive when these people were. I can't recognize someone I've never seem in my life.

>> No.914925

The Social Question is a matter of politics and goverments, not some phylosophical bullshit. It's just how to attend needs of the population. You can resolve that in various ways, some are better than others thanks to things like economics, though there are plenty of other forms of rule outside of democratic capitalism that have "worked".
I agree it's not precisely /biz/ (not even him) but still somewhat relevant and an interesting read nonetheless, people have interesting thoughs on how to work out the social question.

>> No.914929


>> No.915486

Everyone in the Germanosphere knows the Krupp dynasty

>> No.915951

I remember their faces and forgot there names

>> No.916014

He never hated capitalism. He saw it as a necessary step. He just believed that the next step in development was Communism.

>> No.916044

You don't need a philosophical answer to things like that. Pluralism resolves itself, and leaders that do have sway should simply pursue policy which maximizes hte utility of the nation as a whole.

>> No.916047

This is the funniest part of communism. Marx thought capitalism would naturally evolve to a mystical system called socialism. It got better when he said the more capitalist a country was, the faster it would become communist but it didn't work anything like he said. Instead the backwards countries like russia and china went communist and advanced countries like america stayed capitalist. The disparity between the 2 systems became more apparent as time went on and nothing happened like he said.