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9081614 No.9081614 [Reply] [Original]

>that 30 year old boomer who invests in cryptos

>> No.9081640
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>that 30 year old boomer who is going to finally make it this year

>> No.9081644

>20 year old "80s kid" mocking my investments

>> No.9081656

Stop making this thread dumbass. Everyone is in their 30's who has money to invest. And we are gen-x. Our parents were boomers.
What a dumb child

>> No.9081672

30 year olds are millennials.

>> No.9081678
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>tfw my mom says I'm almost 30 but I just turned 27

>> No.9081705

>30 year old boomer

KYS op

>> No.9081718
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>tfw 40

>> No.9081740
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>turn 28 in August
>30 looming around the corner

Please let me be retired by then I beg you God, I don't want to work anymore

>> No.9081743


im an alabama nigger and i wanna be free

>> No.9081765

>tfw when I'm already in my 30s
>tfw I'll never "make it" and be forced to wage slave while 22 year olds who bought 3 years ago while I pussyfooted around like a "responsible" adult and resisted the "bubble" are driving lambos

>> No.9081769

37 and technically a millennial.

Likes trap music, memes and crypto but doesn't understand xanax, fortnite and $200 sneakers.

>> No.9081820

get fucked grandpa

>> No.9082122


>> No.9082196

29 now. Been in since 2012

Thanks for buying my bags at the top basedkid.

>> No.9082223

>30 year old boomer

>> No.9082231

34. Boomers are our parents, go hunt pokemen.

>> No.9082271

millenials' parents were boomers. gen x was between the two.

>> No.9082301
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>30 year old boomer

>> No.9082316

Gen x ends in the early 80s

>> No.9082346

You were in your 20s when Air Jordans were happening.

>> No.9082354
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>tfw I have money to invest because I'm 30 and have made 200k

>> No.9082360

I don't understand fortnite either, shit boring fucking game.

>> No.9082373

fortnite is gen-z

>> No.9082401

Yeah, league of legends is Gen Y

>> No.9082410

I got a pair and skated in them. They sucked.

Boring AF. GenZ loves it.

>> No.9082506
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>tfw 18 year old depressed KHV dateless friendless in HS, 20K USD in crypto 55% OMG 20% ETH 25% NEO, 6k in stocks, 1k in savings, no expenses, will have zero student loans if I go to college.

How am I doing for my age, oldfags? Any advice for me?

>> No.9082512
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can confirm

am 22 and have never played Fortnite or even seen what it looks like. all the normie freshmen seem to be into it though

>> No.9082533

Girls are a meme, your sex drive declines as you age. They are for the most part interchangeable.

>> No.9082907
File: 268 KB, 1200x900, 01397eeab81fd523e3c99634b72259f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

31 year old NEET university dropout here. I bought BTC and LTC back in 2014. Crypto is my salvation.

I am going to tour Europe this summer if there isn't a major war. Thinking about going to Japan in the fall. I've never been able to travel before because I could never afford it, so it's going to be exciting. I could buy a Lambo, but I think I'd enjoy that money way more as trips, spa days, etc.

That's been the best thing so far about crypto for me... I can afford for someone to work on me all day. I feel kind of like a reigning monarch when these hot Asian cougars in these Vietnamese nail salons or whatever they are are all over me and rubbing up against me. It makes me feel like a rich man. I can afford to just lay there and have someone else make their living tending to me.

Feels bretty gud, man. Meme magic is real.

>> No.9083018

I can vouch that this is a good way to spend your money. Cars aren’t worth it unless they’re turbo 80s/90s sports cars because price/reward ratio increases dramatically.

>> No.9083043

30 year old is millennial, this is a troll right?

>> No.9083279

Back to Minecraft for you, child.

>> No.9083938

So I played this fortnite game today because biz shilled it to me
can confirm, I don't understand it
>t.77 yr old aka the greatest generation

>> No.9084029
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>that 15 year old boy who posts the same thread every night

>> No.9084066

Oh bullshit, you were in like 6th grade when the air shoes came out that let you pump air into them. Everyone wanted those.

>> No.9084126

I'm not a boomer you fat cunt

>> No.9084215

30yo right now are litterally millenials... look it up
boomers would be 50-70 right now...
the term stems from "baby boomer" btw; in the hopes some of you retards actually google it and stop throwing the term around at everybody who's 2 months older than you
it's a historical term to address a certain gen in the 20th century, not the latest buzzword, you cocksucking faggots.
if you feel offended by this post, go fuck yourself, you ignoramus.

>> No.9084262

>generationFaggot calling millennials boomers

>> No.9084281

what is this from
i havent almost gotten a dick twitch from a cartoon since i was a kid

>> No.9084282
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>> No.9084530

yeah you right, I bought in then (with the pumps) and bought sneakers like crazy in college.

>> No.9084909

it's just sad to see anyone miss out on Ethereum and 0xBitcoin.

Y'all already missed out on Bitcoin.

>> No.9085162
File: 227 KB, 1080x1350, 0383050d-8202-4075-bc33-e0d29ab2d87a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not alone fren