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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 82 KB, 569x712, jazz-jennings-00.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9080960 No.9080960 [Reply] [Original]

> tfw just finished my statistics degree
> any job I want
> 300k starting

enjoy trading your chuk e cheese token fags

>> No.9080980
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Anon, I...uh...

>> No.9080986

She's cute, what's her name?

>> No.9080999
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 1514955049955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> 300k starting

>> No.9081001


la creatura.......

>> No.9081007

OP, calculate the statistics of people who give a fuck.

>> No.9081021

That's not a girl anon...

>> No.9081028
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>her name
>>>H E R

>> No.9081058



>> No.9081175

dios mio....

>> No.9081182
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>> No.9081269

I'd let it suck my dick.

>> No.9081279

Literally a fat mexican boy with tits and a one inch dick.

>> No.9081309

Damn i'd pound the latinas boipussy desu

>> No.9081310

Close your damn mouth when you eat you heathen.

>> No.9081455

>Proud of wagecucking.

Anon.....you do understand that we PAY you to do shit we don't want to do right? You're the help? If you were to use that 300k to make it though.....now that'd be respectable.

>> No.9081492

>skylar chopped it off

Why the fuck do so many cute traps cut off their dicks? My dream of her cute feminine half inch penis flailing around as I penetrate her boipucci is FUCKING DEAD

>> No.9081535

Don't worry. There are plenty of little boys out there getting loaded up on hormone blockers, and I'm sure a good percent of them will not get the "bottom surgery". In a few years there will be far more traps with baby dicks than there are now.

>> No.9081618

I know right post-op pussy is one of the biggest abominations in existence

>> No.9081724

I want to look down in that bitches eyes while it’s on its knees sucking my dick, with my dirty thoughts thinking of how weak a man could be to be a female for another man and how it’s a failure to all of its forefathers because their bloodline bore a bitch-sissy

>> No.9081736
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>This Thread

>> No.9082320
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>My dream of her cute feminine half inch penis flailing around as I penetrate her boipucci is FUCKING DEAD

I know. It's a fucking shame.

>> No.9082391

300k with a statistics degree

my fucking ass anon

>> No.9082554

I'm a quant

>> No.9082576
File: 1.14 MB, 500x280, awoo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you are writing the algorithms that are going to replace you within a few years?

>> No.9082619

stats degree is the easiest math degree out there. easier than computer science, engineering, biology and the other natural sciences. stats degree earns you like 50k starting if you're lucky.

>> No.9082652

300k must be a trollerino i know that you dont actually believe that

>> No.9082656

more like you're a larp lmao

>> No.9082717

Yes, a (((Mexican)))

>> No.9082789


I've worked/currently work at 2 of the top 10 hedge funds in the world and quants don't start anywhere near 300k unless you're a SVP or managing director.

>> No.9082831

what degree should I get

>> No.9082848
File: 1.36 MB, 800x800, 1516838316788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon I have some good news for you...

you have the gay

>> No.9082856

I have no idea what you're interested in lol... is your sole purpose to make money or are you a little bit interested in something specific? These places have EVERYTHING from massage therapists to mailroom people to IT to research to admin (for doing building maintenance)

>> No.9083087
File: 208 KB, 490x330, Screenshot_11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

v e r y i n t e r e s t i n g

>> No.9083549
File: 456 KB, 595x597, Screenshot from 2018-04-24 22-24-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd have to be gay to not wanna smash.

>> No.9083569
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>> No.9083784

Why are there so many fags in 4chin wanting to fuck traps?

>> No.9083803

back to plebbit with you, retard

>> No.9083841

I'd fuck that latina boipussy while wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat

>> No.9084037

That's Will Smith's son, Jazz or whatever

>> No.9084093
File: 41 KB, 441x412, 1483392325867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I hate when traps slice their dicks and have that fucking gaping hole it's a fucking turn off. I wanted to fuck a girl I'd fuck a girl.

>> No.9084251

300k what ? rupee ?

>> No.9084531


4chin is full of losers who can't even get an asian chick. That's why they go after mentally ill boys who dress like girl so these /biz/tards don't have to fuck a wall.

>> No.9084661

Hey it's Jazz.. i watch that with my wife

>> No.9084780

AMEN nigger
Im into traps and women equally, but as soon as one slices its dick off fucking hell. No one wants that shit. Its gross.