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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9079383 No.9079383 [Reply] [Original]

*wakey wakey little brainy*



We 11c now.

>> No.9079433
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new update: https://medium.com/@deepbrainchain_74263/deepbrain-chain-weekly-report-8-71ce779b99f



>> No.9079460
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>DeepBrain Chain and the New Website

If you are one of the DBC followers on Twitter, you have had a chance to see the announcement about the launching of the new website on April 8th, when the DBC team has officially announced it.

After the past announcement that DBC is going to buy off 40 million of DBC units form the existing investors, it was more than obvious that the team behind this AI currency is preparing for rebranding. That is how they have implemented some novelties into their brand by launching a new website and calling out to all users, holders, and investors to sign up in their new official site, which is actually the first version of the planned rebranding.

That means that the current website that has become available for users as of April 8th, is v1.0 while the team is still working on the official version of the website that will be released as DBC’s official v2.0.

For now, they are testing the new interface and the newly implemented reward system as well as checking for how well is rebranding passing among users and holders, as well as whether the rebranded version of the site will attract new users and potential investors. That is how DBPoints reward system comes into the spotlight.

The team is looking forward to getting feedback from the users of the new site, calling out to all testers to provide feedback by sending their thoughts and observation directly to the digital address they have provided in their original tweet about the new website. That way, the team will be able to improve v2.0 of the website before they go on with launching it.

>> No.9080356

Im still holding these bags. When moon?

>> No.9080426
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soon brain marine,

DBC CEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3WPB0qhPQg

>> No.9080473
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It's creeping into the top100 slowly. Highest marketcap NEO DAPP

TKY will be 2nd once it matures and goes parabolic in Q3/Q4 of this year.

Never go against the brain anons.

>> No.9080507

I hope you make it Deep Brain bro

>> No.9081198

You do realize the product comes out as late as 2019 Q1? In Q3 they launch testnet and try this shit on DeepBrain. Before 2019 Q1 the price is pure speculation and we don't even know if they can deliver the product or not. They have a competent team, though. If this shit moons like it did in January, I'm gonna sell this shit and buy low again later this year.

>> No.9081329
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5$ by then, we aim for 1$ now

>> No.9081353
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^ _ ^

Mickey Mouse toy, AI Farm Facility, backed by NEO council, backed by China, Binance listing soon, Masternodes, backed by Xi, partnerships, Dev Coin buyback, Huobi Competition, backed by Stephen Hawking, briefly before he died on his deathchair, his last words were "I must now enter into my final form, the Deep Brain Chain Neural Network". Then he dropped his bags and passed away peacefully. Hawking is now officially part of DBC.