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File: 6 KB, 200x200, xmr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9078628 No.9078628 [Reply] [Original]

shit/memecoins aside, is Monero the only one that actually has the potential to become the future of currency?

>> No.9078770

This is shit is unironically the best coin in crypto it can literally achieve bitcoins price

>> No.9078783

Monero is over, CloakCoin is the future.

>> No.9078822

he holds "privacy" coins

>> No.9078836
File: 46 KB, 1133x484, 1510441933109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what other yellow line looks like this? none. monero is the future.

>> No.9078858

If you're not holding 100 XMR you'll never make it

>> No.9078879

I am thinking abour spending a shit ton of cash in this. If anyone knows how to buy it anonymously please aware me.

>> No.9078886

This trip is an African American his hand was showing in a reflection of a pic related he posted. That's why I'm not calling him a "nigger" because I don't usually say it to their face.

>> No.9078889

Yeah pretty much.

>> No.9078903

usually people provide proof of the shit that they're trying to say

>> No.9078949

I would be nervous about GRIN, that's about it.

>> No.9079013

If you don't hold any of any privacy coin I'd say you're going to be missing out. Buy ZEN.

>> No.9079036

eos ma nigga

>> No.9079045

Yes. Pretty much anyone that denies that Monero is the best transactional cryptocurrency is either trying to sell you something or is a total moron. Most people out there fall into the second category but I don't fault them too much because there are just so many literal newfags getting into crypto that they don't know what they don't know.

It's going to take a few years but I firmly believe Monero will be standing on top when it's all said and done.

>> No.9079091



>> No.9079651

All the exchanges are done through SEPA (at least in Europe) so still not anonymous. If you know some other way please share. I have been thinking about doing it through PaySafeCard but I have had no luck. Thank you anyway.

>> No.9079753

No local meet in person ads in your area I guess?

>> No.9079806

Yeah, I wish...I have found someone selling it with Cash Deposits but I guess I can't do it anonymously in Europe. The fucking EU is worst than a Communist State I can't wait for it to fall.

>> No.9079830

anyone use the cake wallet for iOS? I imagine this completely eliminates the privacy aspect since you have to download the app thru your account on the appp store

>> No.9079863

Maybe buy BTC anonymously and then exchange for XMR?

>> No.9079876

burner phone number at a btc atm
anon btc wallet to a new binance account with a fake private email
exchange btc for xmr and withdrawal

>> No.9079880

If you can load up a debit card with that cash you should be able to buy bitcoin at least from someone. Send it to a foreign exchange and buy Monero. Not that hard.

>> No.9079898

xhv has a better use case and is an xmr fork

>> No.9079908

Still has the best used use case in crypto so far

>> No.9079968


How can I do it? They ask for my ID at local bitcoins. It's such a pain in the ass I swear.

>> No.9079970

The Cake wallet went open source a few months ago so I assume it's safe to use but I'm not a coder myself. I've just used the PC GUI wallet.

>> No.9079982


>> No.9079988

I do know it’s safe, just worried that since apple sees that you download it, you just lost anonymity

>> No.9079991

The problem is loading up a debit card...I need my ID for that.

>> No.9080022

Well yeah you fucking retard of course you did
Do you want to be anonymous?
Follow my instructions, then TAILS, TOR, and go buy all the drugs you want

>> No.9080029

Yeah I just saw it thanks to both. But I still don't undestand how am I going to keep anonymous if they require my ID. I mean they ask for my identity document and I have to upload it.

>> No.9080030

Why so paranoid about ID?
Unless the jews make holding monero itself a crime theres no way to know you have some or bought something with monero.

>> No.9080043

Also lower supply than BTC until around 2050

>> No.9080064

I don't want the government to know that I have bought Monero. We all know how the EU works. You can't trust that cunts.

>> No.9080080

>Why so paranoid about ID?
Isnt obvious? His money, his fucking business. Government fuck off.

>> No.9080115

Unless Apple has more backdoors than I'm imagining in their phones (could be possible) then they still can't see what you're doing on the Monero blockchain because Monero will still work like Monero regardless of what wallet you're using. It's not illegal to own Monero. If you're that paranoid though, do what >>9080022 says. Mobile wallets are still really new to Monero.

If you won't even do that then your only option is a cash/bitcoin (or even better, cash/monero) exchange in person with a willing seller. Bring backup, obviously.

>> No.9080190

Monero is stable enough for short term users to cash in/cash out as needed, plus it has much better support. XHV is worth keeping an eye on but until it has proven itself with sufficient liquidity it's not worth the risk, especially if you were trying to move around a significant amount of money.

>> No.9080213

>Bring backup, obviously.
Lol wut?

>> No.9080350

If you're doing a cash deal with someone you don't know, don't go alone.

>> No.9080465

Just meet in a public place. It's not a drug deal, anon.

>> No.9080864

I own 300 XMR. will I make it?

>> No.9080888

doubt it

>> No.9080967

You should treat anyone that wants to sell you Monero for cash on the street with some degree of suspicion. I say this as a huge proponent of Monero.

>> No.9081010

Yea i mean thats a lot. Idk, it depends how much money u define as "making it".

>> No.9081043
File: 52 KB, 521x475, CarloRossi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am white you shitstain

>> No.9081734

Cant get the new Monero GUI to sync up. This shit is pissing me off. Might have to sell 100K

>> No.9081785

If you downloaded the new GUI after you tried to sync on the old chain (on the same PC) then your downloaded blockchain is fucked up. You need to delete back to the fork height and sync from there. Instructions are over on plebbit.

>> No.9081828

fat ginger is the least desirable white

>> No.9081834

fuuuuuuuuuck that sucks. thanks tho

>> No.9081865
File: 145 KB, 646x700, 1505401026364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is certainly a very real and obvious need for something like Monero and Monero fills that role currently quite nicely. I really hope you bought some when it was under $200 here recently. Man..

>> No.9081904


>> No.9082000

> Take the EOS blockchain.
> Develop a privacy dapp and coin on the EOS blockchain.
> Privacy dapp can be a special lottery system. Where anyone who contributes a small amount has a chance to win.
> Airdrop the privacy coin to all EOS holders.

> IRS : Where did all this money come from?
> EOS privacy dapp coins were air dropped and I turned on the lottery function for special coin wallet.

Purchase EOS with monero for extra bonus points. Now literally every person on the EOS blockchain can just pull money from thin air for eternity with a plausible excuse. And the people who used monero to buy EOS coins wont even have traceable records of them buying EOS in the first place.

Its an infinite kek machine and IRS BTFO

>> No.9082048
File: 95 KB, 1000x1000, 1523709930033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every Monero transaction generates a unique transaction key that, along with the unique transaction ID generated and address where the money was sent to, can be used to check whether the transaction actually happened on the blockchain. So you can prove to a third party that funds were sent. In this way, Monero is optionally public.


>> No.9082654

>literally sold almost 350 Monero two years ago
>tfw have less than 30 now
>tfw if Monero ever hits $10k, I will have missed out on being a millionaire


>> No.9082752
File: 299 KB, 600x496, 372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, sucks but all you can do is hold now. Last time I sold Monero was at $50 and I've learned my lesson.

>> No.9083128

this. look at actual tech and not just holder shilling, cloak is a better buy

>> No.9083245
File: 5 KB, 200x200, monero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. stop asking this. Everyone knows XMR is far superior to everything else.

>> No.9083283

>why is it taking people so long to adopt

I love Monero, but they really need to work on their user friendliness.

>> No.9083298
File: 54 KB, 637x445, 1518561291655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9083311

>used monero to buy EOS
How? Also more coins need pairings. Tired of btcs shit.

>> No.9083537
File: 1.20 MB, 200x136, leturbochad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made $30 shorting xmr today
basedboy meme fag get raped.

>> No.9083565
File: 87 KB, 1600x900, 1524293874844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being proud of $30 profit on a crypto trade.

>> No.9083589

Why is it superior?

>> No.9083681

It's the only privacy coin that matters. Not really compatible with the important infrastructure being built, unfortunately. So devs will have to flock to it and build infra around it. Not gonna happen.

>> No.9084294

>Implying your shitcoins aren't going to be worth $0 EOY

>> No.9084351
File: 62 KB, 250x250, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing more needs to be said.

>> No.9084375

Monero is one of the coins that will eventually be banned because of money laundering issues. Sure ((they)) can't actually prevent people from using it, but however ((they)) can make all exchanges delist it

>> No.9084544
File: 36 KB, 511x509, 1520276561521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's another "he doesn't know about decentralized exchanges" episode

>> No.9084587

Privacy dapps and privacy coins + decentralized exchanges make it literally impossible to control or track peoples money without basically destroying the internet.

>> No.9084614

Thats why I said "bonus points" as in if it were possible it would be really amazing.

>> No.9084655

lol monero is flawed privacy peddled on the DarkNet by feds

>> No.9084722
File: 371 KB, 2000x2000, F762AB58-692E-451E-868C-4CD8D9799A77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only bought a small amount of monero because this pic made me laugh