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File: 14 KB, 200x200, xvg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9078614 No.9078614 [Reply] [Original]

WTF is wrong with this. I`m well aware its an absolute shitcoin, but even absolute shitcoins are going up atm, while this fucking nasty garbage only goes down.

I bought a bag at 740 thinking it was the bottom but this shit keeps sinking. So, what goes?

>> No.9078761

Bump, any vergens here?

>> No.9078771
File: 82 KB, 1500x1065, verge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9078814

You asking busy fappers ?

>> No.9078837

pasta from verge plebbit

>Any good promotional AV material out there besides Tech analysis videos and the Verge released material?
Thinking music videos. Beatles "I want to hold your coin" with the logo all over the place and some pornhub sexual innuendo.

>On the pornhub note, anybody get any good pornhub/verge main screen screenshots while both were there? Thinking along the lines of some ad below it talking about "gains" in three days or something.

do you understand now OP?

>> No.9078849

>but even absolute shitcoins are going up atm
You haven't take a look at PRL lately didn't you? There's your worst performer of the bull run. It's not Verge.

>> No.9078993

I only deal with binance shitcoins, small caps scare me.

>> No.9078994
File: 106 KB, 579x784, DbAcpEYVMAAPPFc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have faith and some patience anon XVG 3$ EOY

>> No.9079024

Fuck eoy nigga, I`m looking for a measly 10% so I can dump these bags.

>> No.9079056

also fuck all you late fags.
I used to love XVG when every single satoshi it rises your portfolio goes up by $90...

glad I sold at 1800sats.

>> No.9079207

XVG fanboy here. Sucks, I know, it's absolutely tanking right now.

But it'll rocket again, she always does

Leave whatever you have in XVG and just put new money into other projects to play with until your trade triggers

Trust me , in this market: it's pumping again, end of story.

if you sell at a loss you're an idiot

my 2c

>> No.9079367

Everytime somethign good happens to them the price falls. I know about catching falling knives already but this shit isn't adding up. At this point Trump could go on tv and say he's replacing the USD with XVG and it would -50% within minutes. Maybe it is opposite day rules and we just need some bad news for it to moon.

>> No.9079443

I bought a bit at 726, because I thought there was no way the bullish divergence on the 1h could be invalidated.

However, when it sank below 690, the bullish divergence disappeared, so I dumped at a small loss. That was really unfortunate, but I'll wait for the next chance at a dead cat bounce.

>> No.9079488

who the fuck is manipulating this shit down? It's obviously being forced down by someone cant tell who

>> No.9079516
File: 3 KB, 124x114, 1523442922422s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who the fuck is manipulating this shit down?
Guess (((who)))

>> No.9079564

Fuck I went in at 740, I guess I`ll wait for this garbage do something

>> No.9079626
File: 51 KB, 415x392, 1521390504724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. sold at 690

>> No.9079647

Pornhub wants this cheap so more retards could buy their premium accounts

>> No.9079653

by show of hands who remembers the October Larry&Joe/Sunerok noshow shitshow?

>> No.9079659
File: 23 KB, 240x250, 1488610234513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you bought at 700 and not 900+ like some people

>> No.9079701
File: 7 KB, 248x383, FFFFFFFFFFFFFf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9079708

I sold at 691. Maybe I should've let it bounce up a bit, but oh well.

I was hoping for a dead cat bounce, but it went too low, and made the bounce unlikely.

>> No.9079710

verge isnt staying under 700 sats...all the alts will start flowing intoverge. verge is on the verge of a return to previous week high. get in

>> No.9079718


> the new years wraith arc

was some funny shit

oh wait no ones here anymore

>> No.9079746

just give my something to send you some XVG at the END OF 2018.

No joke, if this is true you get some % of my 2018gains

>> No.9079776

I member wraith release countdown on Halloween.
except sunerok got btfo'd by the hurricane so had to delay.

>> No.9079778

Nobody except the people manipulating this shitcoin can tell you where the price will go. Don't buy into false hope

>> No.9079797

Looks like I'll be averaging down my buy at 650. absolute fucking pajeet fucking cunt garbage shitcoin. fucking pornhub partnership would pump any other coin, not this hash attacked piece of fuckmeat

>> No.9079822

It turned bearish on 4/10 which wasn't that long ago. All you're going to get from this coin is dead cat bounces for a while.

Unless you're a bear market specialist, I wouldn't even think of trading this for the next few weeks.

>> No.9079833

Apparently someone close to the team is dumping hard, that's why it's pierced through the support

>> No.9079871

sauce on this nefarious news?

>> No.9079890
File: 20 KB, 453x500, 1522755512101 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the alts will start flowing intoverge
>all the alts
>will start flowing
do you even understand what you just wrote?

>> No.9079896

some /biz/ larper, yeah I know, but this wouldn't surprise me considering the shitcoin

>> No.9079913

and then we'll see a big dildo on the charts

>> No.9079937

Im off in 7mins. Go ahead, I need something to save