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9078465 No.9078465 [Reply] [Original]

>Been sitting on a stack of tether for a while on binance
>Decide to cash it out to pay for rent
>Buy bitcoin with it
>Send my bitcoin to coinbase
>It starts going down in value while my transaction processes

>> No.9079032
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>Transaction still hasn't arrived
>It's dipping further

>> No.9079083

Explain senpai?

>> No.9079094

btc is up %5 today what are you whinging about

>> No.9079123

It doesn't matter if it's up today over all, I bought in 45 minutes ago so I could cash out my tether, it's dropping like a rock.

>> No.9079158

you're in a situation where you have to cash out your crypto to pay rent?

isn't that the definition of 'more than you can afford to lose'?

>> No.9079211

Fucking tired of the don't invest more than you can afford to lose meme. Low risk fuckers won't make it if you never try. Of all the shit people can shill or shitpost about, the don't invest more than you can afford to lose meme is the most annoying fucking shit here.

>> No.9079274


Use kraken, just sending USDT and selling directly for USD. Plus the daily limit is higher, $25k/d I think for the same level of verification.

>> No.9079275
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It's not a meme. Sure take a gamble and dump a decent chunk of your income into crypto, but at least leave enough for a roof over your head and food in the belly. If you go 100% and have to withdraw eom to buy rent something is wrong.

>> No.9079305

People who aren't retarded don't want to risk landing on the street and having to suck dick for a quarter because they gambled all their money away.

>> No.9079331

When you're on the street no one will feel sorry for you.

>> No.9079533

>Not working while investing in crypto. It's called having a job dumb fuck
It's called having a job jesus christ
Everyone on this board is probably in college right now or something. Holy fuck

>> No.9079639

Wut? Are you implying that having a job means you are unemployed? Fine, go ahead and try putting everything you make into crypto. Hell, take out a loan from the banks and local mafia so you can put even more in. When they come to collect just tell them you would withdraw but first you have to deposit the $0.46 you found and buy some more XVG.

>> No.9079731

What the fuck are you even going on about? It was a mistype.
It's called having a job dumb fuck.

>> No.9079820

That still doesn't make sense, what was a mistype? So if a person has a job, they don't have a job? I'm not sure wtf you're doing but I can guarantee that you are doing it wrong.

>> No.9079849

lmao did you seriously not lock the price in with your trezor? brainlet

>> No.9079857

Fuck it, lol. Anonymous board it doesn't even matter. I'm saying as long as a person works, I don't see anything wrong with investing decent chunks into bitcoin.

>> No.9079869

Isn't Tether a Bitfinex product? Why would Kraken redeem them for a dollar? Do they then sell them to Bitfinex in mass or something?

>> No.9079889

It's not

>> No.9080050

I see now, backpedaling. That is what we in the industry call it. There is a difference between a decent chunk and 100%.

I put about 80% of my check into crypto and ETFs. I run a zerosum budget so as to make the best use of what comes my way. I mean having a budget instead of just visiting a check advance each week and going all in on random shitcoins. I keep $5k in checking to cover any small hits like car repairs and then another $20k in a safety net that's tied up in 3:2 Stocks:Bonds funds that can be made liquid in about a week should the $5k not cover it. It sounds like we are not so dissimilar after all, putting a decent chunk in, but still remembering to pay rent and car insurance.

>> No.9080441

that's what you get for using this faggot wojack

also btcp is the bch killer.

>> No.9080624
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>Still hasn't accepted nujack as the trujack