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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9076506 No.9076506 [Reply] [Original]

LINK bros don't let the FUD blind you, maybe sell some of your stack for this TRX pump but test net is so close. The singularity can happen just on the fact that the team owns the domain smartcontract.com. IMO there is no better investment in the oracle space than LINK maybe hedge with ripple because of interledger.

>> No.9076513

Guys I don't think I can take it anymore a Linkmarine

Haven't kept up with the project lately cause of life stuff, but I bought a fat stack of LINK during presale last September. We rose from 9 cents to 50 cents in the span of a month, and then hovered around 40 cents for a good amount of time. BTC was 4500ish or thereabouts

it's been 7 fucking months and the price is exactly the same. Periodically I check /biz/ and see the obligatory, "Tonight!" threads, or just general charting threads. Why? What the fuck are you celebrating. With the exception of the temporary bubble, this shit has been trading in the same channel for nearly a goddamn year.

And what the fuck do we have? Still no medium updates. No marketing director as promised. All of the Assblaster posts have been proven LARPs. None of the secret developments all of these Sherlock holmes autists post about have come to fruition. Not one.

Woo we get ropsten next month. You just know there will be bugs and all sorts of complications. And what about adoption? No word from SWIFT. No word from anybody. *maybe* JNT will LOOK at it. Fucking docusign? Really? Yet some of you idiots still cling to the delusion that mainnet will go live and all of these banks will be diving right in. Bull fucking shit.

and it's not even as if LINK is the chosen one anymore. Oracles are popping up left and right. This team is severely outclassed.

How fucking long are we supposed to hold for? Most of us are in our 20s. You get what, maybe 15 years more of prime living? And we've already pissed damn near 10% of that away, waiting for absolutely nothing. Jesus fucking christ

>> No.9076954

shit tier FUD

>> No.9076956

kek i remember when you nerds would bash me for going all in on tron instead of link. keep away from my gains stinky linkies

>> No.9076979

>buys TRX and XRP
proof that chainlink is a low IQ shitcoin

>> No.9077497

The LINK dream is over. The promises of LINK are too broad to succeed, and the virtue of being in development for 8 months proves the difficulty of the project. It is these large promises that make it so attractive. To be blockchain agnostic, ChainLink will have to be both succinct yet compatible. Imagine an outlet adapter for every country in the world, including outlets developed in the 20th century and for other forms of fuel, even fuel that hasn’t been developed yet.
If the LINK code was capable of adapting to any blockchain it would have to be very long, and the longer it is the more bugs, contradictions, and inefficiencies it would have. VeChain’s goals of having a specific oracle per enterprise is doable; but LINK promises one general oracle for every use case possible. The LINK code would have to be very complex or very general, which I assume is what the team is trying to find.
LINK would also require building new template library for future contracts. Imagine creating the libraries of math.c or time.c used in C, which includes thousands of functions. LINK would have to anticipate and create the building blocks of the SmartContracts built on LINK, a job that took hundreds of employees over years of time to build for each library the coding languages and continue to build. Once LINK is launched on the main net, it would require that all of these necessary templates are found.

>> No.9077532

This is not even including the token economics of LINK. Sure, Sergey has set aside 650,000 LINK for corporations, but what about future enterprises? How can the small company acquire LINK? Let’s say LINK is $1,000 EOY. if a future firm would like to save $60,000 in having a lawyer write up a contract or negotiate discrepancies, they could buy in $60,000 worth of LINK. This gives them the power of 60 LINK. How can this handful of LINK have enough reputation be chosen as a node to make back the investment costs? In fact, this node would have to buy more LINK. let’s say the firm would like 10 nodes to verify each contract. Each time a contract or oracle data needs to be verified, it incurs extra costs.
The perfect price of LINK would be the maxima between the >costs of hiring a lawyer to draft the contract, a coder to build and maintain their own oracle
>the costs of buying enough LINK to stake to gather enough reputation and earn enough LINK that the company’s node is self sustaining.
If LINK was $1, the new company can buy 60,000 LINK instead, which will earn passive LINK tokens for the company to use when it would like to get data from its own oracles. This is what they mean by LINK being over the price of a Big Mac defeats the purpose.

>> No.9077603
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excuse me niggers. real oracle coming through

>> No.9077717
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They FUD because they are afraid. We are going to make it.

>> No.9077819

I know the feels. i got emotionally attached to this coin thanks to biz. worst decision ever

>> No.9077877

I have been posting, and posting, and posting for the last 3 months that this is no longer a promising investment. The point of investing in small cap coins/tokens is the greater chance of growth. This token is the same price as December

>> No.9077957

It seems to me that Mobius and ChainLINK are working on different ecosystems.
Mobius is working on a way to have less fees for purchases online,
Chainlink is working on a way to have less fees for any transaction and reading of data. ChainLINK is larger in scope that Mobius. Mobius is enticing the users to join because "the more that join, the cheaper it will be to use Mobius."

>> No.9078017
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>political science on team vs philosophy major

>> No.9078074

Guys, this is fucked up, but hear me out.
I just spoke with the new marketing director of Chainlink and he had some pretty interesting things to tell.
We all know that Sergey has gotten kind of big lately, but the last months it has sprialed out of control. He is now so morbidly obese that he cannot support his own weight. Apparently he used a large chunk of the ICO money to install a huge aquarium in his house. He, and I kid you not, spends 22 houres a day in it to release the strain on his knees and back. According to the MD of Chainlink, he has switched to eating fish food. He says it has the optimal balance of minerals an positive vibrations. But the most fucked up thing is that he is supposedly mating with a clown fish. I don't know if the fish consent or not, but with Sergeys current size I don't think he have a say in the matter. Also, once a day he is hoisted out of the tank and onto a couch so that he can watch his favorite TV show Dr. Phil.
I don't know what to think anymore /biz/. I'm not a professional investor, but I don't think link is a good investment if all of this is true?

>> No.9078117
File: 89 KB, 1112x571, sorrylinkies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mobius is cornering the oracle market, it's happening. chainlink has a shit team and nothing to show for themselves other than biz cult autists shilling the coin

>> No.9078134


8 months = 4% of 15 years you colossal dumb fuck. That's a huge difference between 4% and 10%.

>> No.9078160


This is some good fud tbqh

>> No.9078172
File: 41 KB, 688x142, chinkbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newest hire, has nothing to do with programming unlike unqualified sergey. she has excellent experience and finance connections.
pic related stay stinky and poor pajeet BTFO!

>> No.9078198

Getting desperate aint we

>> No.9078209

I read the whitepaper and I don't approve of the mobius' business model. They're basically saying they want a new type of online itunes app store / google play/ or paying online for apps. I hate purchasing things as it is, and now I have to buy things from a blockchain that secretly takes my money?
I do find the token economics pretty interesting, it'll be interesting to see which model wins out:
>stake mobi in for jobs, lose portions of your stake for bad data, you owe mobi to the requester, stake grows smaller and smaller
>stake LINK in for jobs, lose reputation for bad data, you get referred less and less jobs, but you keep all your LINK.
I like the idea of keeping all my LINK better bc if I don't get enough jobs, i'll just sell all my LINK. It'll be interesting to see which incentive plays out better in the long run.

>> No.9078271

the blockchain doesn't secretly take your money. it tells you what the fee is, and it's way less than a cent. also, the prices for everything will be cheaper by default because companies don't get raped for listing on the store.

>> No.9078334

Nigga have you seen Sergey's god-tier connections
>two years straight at SIBOS
chinkbitch has ONE connection - Credit Karma
I might make a list later of Sergey connections.

>> No.9078543

Credit Karma:
>3.5B value
>SWIFT handles about $5 trillion per day, about $1.25 quadrillion dollars a year.

>> No.9078664
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quit getting baited you fucking newfag jesus christ

>> No.9078703
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>> No.9078711

You think its tough now? Wait until LINK is over $100 and your bitch ass gets nervous and sells, and then it climbs to over $1000