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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 365 KB, 773x424, jibrel2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9076481 No.9076481 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9076520

pump and dump

>> No.9076549


>> No.9076581

I actually did tell you to sell if it was the thread where like 8 people in a row told you to sell.
Thank you.

>> No.9076775

I was there. Thread got 404'd unfortunately.


>> No.9077048

Feels so fucking good man. 91k stack doing well.

>> No.9077057
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I will never trust biz again.

>> No.9077091
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>thinking this coin wouldn't recover
you deserve to lose

>> No.9077094

Does /biz/ really do this to eachother? I thought this was the one place I can hide from the jews

>> No.9077172

Its not too late to get back on.
They are about to roll out jbonds/jcash. AMA, website and wallet around the corner.

>> No.9077440

Nope, the Jews are everywhere. They're definitely here. Once I realized this, I stopped coming here as often. Now it's like once a month.

>> No.9077534

Fuck.... where do you get legit advice on crypto?

>> No.9077608
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>coming back after +45,87%

>> No.9077621

Reddit. It might not be good advice but at least they don't try to deliberately fuck you over.

>> No.9077629

Guys, can we please acknowledge that there were people on biz selling at 40k gwei at a 50%+ loss and were actually PROUD of it?
They would literally laugh at the people who kept holding, they were telling people it felt so good to take the loss. Who are these people? What were they thinking? Are these guys unironcally and literally cucks? They get a kick off losing money and watching others gain money off their loss? Quo vadis, bottomsellers? Genuinely intrigued.

>> No.9077702

They're lying.

>> No.9077704

Reddit is trash. Nothing but baseless shilling. At least people here don't have a problem calling out a shitcoin. On Reddit, you will be downvoted into oblivion just for posting a neutral outlook.

>> No.9077721

I want to start laughing at them but I just know it's going to dump. Not to 17 cents like they sold at though.... AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.9077740

The whitepaper flat out says it is nothing more than a gas token. I don't care if the price rises, you would have to be an idiot to buy this.

>> No.9077742

No way dude, there have been people selling constantly during the past 3 weeks. The despair was very real. I know, because I've been picking up their market dumps with 15%+ slippage. The only people on this coin were biztards. I know these faggots weren't larping. Show yourselves, retards.

>> No.9077762

>bought at 50c
>still at a loss
It's okay though. At least i'm not bankrupt anymore. Anyone know if it's wise to sell now before the correction? looks like a good ass play right now.

>> No.9077771

This guy: >>9077740

Proves my point. Retards are still here. Kek

>> No.9077837

There faggots sold at a massive lose and in return were given a blue and white Jibrel chastity cage, to remind them of how the JNT hodler bulls will have forever cucked them and their ancestors.

>> No.9077838
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Talal met today with the South Korean ambassador to jordan.The connections these guys have!!

>> No.9077849

dumb faggot nigger jBonds plus utility

>> No.9077889

Someone please photoshop this so they are subtly holding hands

>> No.9078002

Blatant P&D to cash in on the (justified) FUD recently

Wouldn't touch this coin with a bargepole

>> No.9078038

I would never fuck you over anon. go all in JNT. it is good coin. $1000 eoy anon. it is good buy for you.

>> No.9078486

you're a newfag, all of us learned the hard way. now buy back in and learn how to read between the lines pajeet

>> No.9078490
File: 438 KB, 1565x424, JoshNetwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is still Josh Network for me. Nothing has changed. All coins pump. You niggers better sell before they dump on you in less than a week

>> No.9078505

Stfu newfag

>> No.9078623
File: 154 KB, 751x600, 2DBF1469-DB4D-4D16-A691-23FABBE20923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m up 40% since buying in. Comfy as all hell

>> No.9078651

nope. they are retarded, though.

>i don't care about making money i'm not buying because i'm emotionally attached to fudding the coin! everyone else is just wrong!!
my fucking sides

you can do better than that anon

>> No.9078670
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>all coins pump

>> No.9078766

I sold a big chunk of my stack last week. Trade it for link at a roughly 2:1 JNT:link ratio. Most the trades were last night before going to bed.

I wanted to make sure I didn't miss out on link, and figured I could rebuy the JNT when I get paid next week lol

Wanted to make sure I had a ticket to both moon missions, and I do now, so that's alright, but dude... If I had waited one more day, I'd have either way more JNT or way more LINK. Either one would be great.

>> No.9078804


>> No.9078895

I bought in at 0.50 MOON FOR ME.

>> No.9078915

don't really care if it dumps or not, didn't buy this to make a crappy 2x. holding to zero or binance at least. swing trading on bibox is awful

>> No.9078977

im tethering right now, shit's scary though we have no idea what this thing will do.

>> No.9079022

It's like noone read the medium articles. jBonds and jCash are rolling out next month.

>> No.9079063

This. Not selling until Binance. If anything I feel like this shit is mooning because insiders know good news is on the horizon or because they're starting to buy up JNT for jBonds

>> No.9079183

i actually made 2k ona 3k stack swing trading bibox, I was making like 95% trades positive, I only started in dec/january but I've gotten really good at swinging

>> No.9079255

Bro nobody was fucking selling. Everyone just took the opportunity to FUD the everloving shit out of this coin when that medium article came out.

Jbonds/jcash debacle is still kinda shit news but there is still crazy room to moon even if jibrel never accomplishes anything. I bought into to this project and I'm smarter than 99% of people on /r/cryptocurrency.

>> No.9079258

nice job, i just find their lack of order types and volume very difficult. maybe more tolerable with a 3k stack, easier to move a high percentage of it in and out.

>> No.9079326

When the price started dropping the bots stopped trading and the volume went down but for a while it was really easy to just sell the bumps and buy lower because the volume was crazy.

>> No.9079343

kek in that case i made a better order at 33 cents kinda ballsy but im sick of being in the red

>> No.9079792
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alts are getting massacred in sats but not JNT

>> No.9079925

Textbook P&D, look at the buy wall on bibox

>> No.9080218


>I-it's gonna dump lower than 42k gwei, r-right guys?

>> No.9080299

I mean probably. There was no reason for this pump and the volume is still low.

>> No.9080362

Babbies first undervalued project

>> No.9080619

Something can be undervalued and still pump and dump.

>> No.9080773

Well my guess is that JNT tipped off the big players and they're buying and they're going to drop the news to us plebs later this week. It's kinda fucked that insider trading is legal in crypto kek. But we all kind of suspected this would happen.

>> No.9080785

Everything pumped today.The projects that were most undervalued and the projects people didnt want to miss the boat on mooned the most.It isnt rocket science.See Wan for another example.

>> No.9080804

Glad to be able to get rid of my remaining ico bags at a better price than I expected

>> No.9080824
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>> No.9080834

Kek. Fucking idiot

>> No.9080848

First he says he wouldn't touch this project with a pole then he says he just dumped his bags from ICO. God I hate stupid lying pajeet faggots. Hope he gets AIDS.

>> No.9080902

We're literally headed to a dollar. God dam this is easy money. People have been saying for weeks that the devs will probably tip off their institutional buyers and then this shit would moon hard. And now people are all what's going on?

>> No.9080973

It's possible but I don't think this will be a sustained pump as I think BTC is going to drop 1K or 2K again and take everything with it for a while.

And that is crazy. It went up when the market got it's confidence back. There is no insider talk going on.

>> No.9080993

this, one doesnt simply do an AMA for such a project unless things are going to blow up anyway. its not even dumping in sats after the btc moon, compared to eth/bch/xlm etc taking super dumps.

>> No.9081079

There is probably insider talk going on. Hell lots of the people who work for and with JNT are wealthy. Why wouldn't they start buying after they hear some good news?
Yeah it's definitely good news. They're going to announce something big. I'm sure of it.

>> No.9081179

I'm sure there is insider trading going on but this didn't happen when the market was down. It happened as the market recovered and it rose with everything else.

While it is a good sign it doesn't mean there is some mega announcement on the horizon. It just means people are probably rebuying their positions.

>> No.9081445

Yeah I don't think so. I'm going to try to buy a couple more eth worth before I go to bed. We're hitting 1 dollar by the end of the month.

>> No.9081579

Think what you will. I just don't put much stock in this sudden rise as being anything more than a reflection of the market as a whole.

>> No.9081647

you tethered then I assume?

>> No.9081709

I don't really trade anymore. I just buy positions and hold. I bought it around .40 and am only recently breaking even and I held through it hitting the .15 to 18 cent range and through the medium article.

I just don't think this is indicative of anything about JNT itself.

>> No.9081775

I was just bullshitting. I just got my sell order filled. This coin is a shitcoin and I'm glad to have finally gotten rid of it and sold at a profit too.

>> No.9082112

We will miss your 870 jnt, bro.God speed.

>> No.9082666

>14f + cLIT
fucking poetry, so long you literal pussy

>> No.9082694
File: 7 KB, 197x250, 1514787642096s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek check these satan trips clitboy

>> No.9082706


>> No.9082893

Kek I was just playing. This token is easily a top 100 token and has been underperforming compared to shitty vapor wave crap. I hope you liked that green dildo today because you'll have to get used to it.

>> No.9082913

sold last night at 40c, when should i buy back?

>> No.9082916

seems your a man of one mind huh

>> No.9082931

i put a buy order at 33c because it's the age of jesus, looking like it will go even further down now by the way things move

>> No.9082957

Yeah and my mind loves JNT. More than the stars in the sky.

>> No.9082979

do you love thick hairy muslim cock? that's a prerequisite for liking the jibs.

>> No.9083009

I love how the best FUD people can think of is hurr Arabs are bad.

>> No.9083514
File: 62 KB, 610x612, 1522814563581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>urnghh ayrab make bad netcash

>> No.9083879

I'm just cynical and realistic. For all we know they're funded by ISIS. But I guess even after 9/11 you millennial kiddos will will never learn.

>> No.9083898

You realize that Islamic extremists are the largest emerging market right?

>> No.9083947

In the sense of weapons and sunscreen, yes. But not when it comes to crypto, for all we know they think computers are magical demons made by satanic infidels (i'm exaggerating but you catch my drift.) Specially ISIS, I don't think they'd bring in a lot of trading volume.

>> No.9084006

What you gotta understand is ISIS didn't do 9/11. That was Al Qaeda. Isis they're in Syria. There's mosquitos is Syria that are bigger terrorists than ISIS.

>> No.9084110

Have fun with your illegal terrorist money then. Just remember that you're directly funding ISIS and Al Qaeda with every jBond you own.

>> No.9084210

you are the most smooth brained fucker on this board

>> No.9084266


>> No.9084268

If this coin was used exclusively to fund Podesta's child rape parties I wouldn't care as long as I profitted. Most people here share the sentiment.

>> No.9084956

Sold a big chunk of my JNT, but still holding 270k. Comfy gains in the last few days

>> No.9084976

if you're too retarded to see through the shilling / fudding you should go to reddit, yes. please.